986 resultados para POPOSAURUS-GRACILIS


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Crown group Archosauria, which includes birds, dinosaurs, crocodylomorphs, and several extinct Mesozoic groups, is a primary division of the vertebrate tree of life. However, the higher-level phylogenetic relationships within Archosauria are poorly resolved and controversial, despite years of study. The phylogeny of crocodile-line archosaurs (Crurotarsi) is particularly contentious, and has been plagued by problematic taxon and character sampling. Recent discoveries and renewed focus on archosaur anatomy enable the compilation of a new dataset, which assimilates and standardizes character data pertinent to higher-level archosaur phylogeny, and is scored across the largest group of taxa yet analysed. This dataset includes 47 new characters (25% of total) and eight taxa that have yet to be included in an analysis, and total taxonomic sampling is more than twice that of any previous study. This analysis produces a well-resolved phylogeny, which recovers mostly traditional relationships within Avemetatarsalia, places Phytosauria as a basal crurotarsan clade, finds a close relationship between Aetosauria and Crocodylomorpha, and recovers a monophyletic Rauisuchia comprised of two major subclades. Support values are low, suggesting rampant homoplasy and missing data within Archosauria, but the phylogeny is highly congruent with stratigraphy. Comparison with alternative analyses identifies numerous scoring differences, but indicates that character sampling is the main source of incongruence. The phylogeny implies major missing lineages in the Early Triassic and may support a Carnian-Norian extinction event.


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This study assessed the quadriceps and hamstring strength before and 6 months after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery using the hamstrings and related the findings to functional performance. Six months after surgery is a critical time for assessment as this is when players are returning to sport. Maximum isokinetic strength of 31 patients with complete unilateral ACL ruptures was measured at speeds of 60 degrees and 120 degrees per second. Functional assessment included the single hop, the triple hop, the shuttle run, side-step and carioca tests. All patients underwent a controlled quadriceps emphasized home-based physiotherapy program both before and after surgery. Results show that before surgery there was a 7.3% quadriceps strength deficit at 60 degrees per second compared to the uninjured leg but no hamstring strength deficit. After surgery there was a statistically significant but relatively small loss of muscle strength. The quadriceps strength deficit had increased to 12% and there was a 10% hamstring deficit. Post-operatively there was an 11% and 6.3% improvement in the hop tests, a 9% (P < 0.01) improvement in the shuttle run, a 15% (P < 0.001) improvement in the side step and a 24% (P < 0.001) improvement in the carioca tests (P < 0.001) despite the loss of muscle strength. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The gracilis free flap is a workhorse in plastic surgery. We present a modified technique that relies on a single horizontal thigh-lift-type approach, which (1) gives wide pedicle exposure, (2) provides material for skin grafting, and (3) allows for distal flap transection without an additional incision. Eighteen gracilis free flaps were performed from 2007 to 2009 for lower extremity reconstruction. Complete flap survival was observed in 17 patients with one partial necrosis distally. Our approach allowed access to divide the distal gracilis tendon without a second incision in all cases. The mean scar length was 16 ± 3 cm and no hypertrophic scars were observed. In 15 patients, no visible scar was observed in the upright position, and in three patients, the scar was visible dorsally (2 ± 1 cm). No sensory deficits were observed 6 months postoperatively. In addition, the split-thickness skin graft harvested from the skin paddle was sufficient to cover all defects.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxic effect of Cu2 + in the physiological development of E. gracilis. The results showed that E. gracilis had an effect on the dose-dependent growth to the concentration of metal. The exposure of E. gracilis metal at doses of 0.8 and 1.6 mM of Cu2+ showed a significant negative effect on the stability of DNA and photosynthetic pigments involved in capturing light in the antenna complex after 144 h of exposure to the metal.


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In order to evaluate the effects of environmental factors on the content of secondary metabolites, the chemical profiles of infusions from leaves of seven genotypes of Lippia gracilis Schauer, sourced from two locations (Sergipe and Bahia state) and collected during different seasons: summer (with and without irrigation) and winter, were determined by HPLC-DAD. The fingerprint chromatograms were analyzed by PCA to evaluate similarities and differences among the samples. Results revealed differences among genotypes collected and cultivated under the same conditions, suggesting that three genotypes have greater resistance to drought conditions.


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Essential oils of Lippia sidoides, Lippia gracilis and their main chemical components were investigated for in vitro control of Thielaviopsis paradoxa. Mycelial growth and a number of pathogen conidia were inhibited by the essential oil of L. sidoides at all concentrations tested (0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 3.0 µL mL-1). L. sidoides oil contained 42.33% thymol and 4.56% carvacrol, while L. gracilis oil contained 10% thymol and 41.7% carvacrol. Mycelial growth and conidial production of T. paradoxa were completely inhibited by thymol at a 0.3 µL m-1 concentration. The results suggest that thymol could potentially be used for controlling coconut stem bleeding.


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Esta revisão apresenta um estudo sobre os principais constituintes químicos e aspectos biológicos de espécies do gênero Lippia enfatizando a Lippia gracilis Schauer. O gênero Lippia (Verbenaceae) possui aproximadamente 200 espécies de ervas, arbustos e pequenas árvores, cujos maiores centros de dispersão se encontram em países das Américas do Sul e Central, como também em territórios da África tropical. Inúmeras espécies de Lippia são usadas na medicina popular para o tratamento de resfriados, gripes, bronquites e tosse. As pesquisas referentes à composição química das espécies de Lippia evidenciam, principalmente, os constituintes voláteis. Entretanto, outras substâncias como alcalóides, taninos, flavonóides, iridóides e naftoquinonas também são citados. Sobre a espécie Lippia gracilis Schauer, existem vários estudos dos constituintes voláteis, apresentando como principais compostos o timol e carvacrol, que tem forte atividade antimicrobiana contra fungos e bactérias. No entanto, as pesquisas sobre os constituintes fixos são poucos, evidenciando a grande necessidade de trabalhos que enfoquem outras classes de compostos.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a eficácia de óleos essenciais de Lippia gracilis, no crescimento in vitro de Xcv. Foram utilizados oito óleos extraídos de L. gracilis, obtidos de diferentes manejos de cultivo, em três dosagens diferentes (200; 250 e 300 µL.L-1), testemunha com o oxicloreto de cobre (controle padrão) e a testemunha absoluta. A suscetibilidade do isolado Xcv3 aos óleos testados foi avaliada na primeira etapa pela presença e ausência do crescimento bacteriano e, na segunda etapa, pela porcentagem de inibição do crescimento bacteriano. A análise da composição química dos óleos essenciais extraídos de L. gracilis, mostrou, o carvacrol (73,9 a 77%) como composto majoritário e o timol (4,9 a 10,3%). Os óleos referentes aos tratamentos 01, 06 e 07 foram os que proporcionaram maiores porcentagens de inibição no crescimento bacteriano de Xcv: 94,75%, 96,50% e 94,02%, respectivamente, sendo superiores ao oxicloreto de cobre (49,6%).


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Alecrim da Chapada (Lippia gracilis Schauer) é considerada uma planta rica em óleo essencial e possui atividade antimicrobiana comprovada, devido aos monoterpenos fenólicos carvacrol e timol. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito in vitro do óleo essencial e dos extratos etanólicos de raízes e folhas de L. gracilis no controle do fungo Monosporasccus cannonballus, causador do colapso do meloeiro. O extratos foram testados nas concentrações de 2500, 5000 e 7500 ppm e o óleo essencial de L. gracilis foi avaliado nas concentrações 255, 340 e 425 ppm tendo também um controle positivo com o fungicida comercial Captan(r) e um negativo apenas com meio BDA (batata, dextrose, ágar). Discos de micélio com 3 mm de diâmetro foram inoculados no centro de placas de Petri e as medições do crescimento micelial do fungo foram realizadas 48 horas após a montagem do experimento. Verificou-se que o óleo essencial de L. gracilis nas três concentrações testadas foi eficiente para o controle do fungo, com percentuais de inibição de 100%, em comparação ao tratamento com o controle negativo (0%) que não apresentou inibição. O extrato radicular, nas concentrações de 5000 e 7500 ppm e o extrato foliar na concentração de 7500 ppm também proporcionaram um percentual de inibição de 100%.


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This paper describes the development and application of an RP HPLC method using a C(18) monolithic stationary phase for the separation and quantification of extra- and intracellular amino acids in a batch cultivation of the marine alga Tetraselmis gracilis. Fluorimetric detection was made after separation of the o-phthaldialdehyde 2-mercaptoethanol (OPA-2MCE) derivatives using a binary gradient elution. Separation of 19 amino acids was achieved with resolution >1.5 in about 39 min at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. RSD of analyses in seawater medium ranged from 0.36% for Orn (0.50 mu mol/L) to 12% for Ile (0.10 mu mol/L). The main constituents of the intracellular dissolved free amino acids (DFAAs) in the exponential growth phase were arginine (Arg), asparagine (Asn), alanine (Ala), aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), serine (Ser), glycine (Gly), glutamine (Gln), and leucine (Leu). The major amino acids excreted to the media were valine (Val), Ala, Ser, and Gly. The monolithic phase facilitates the analysis by shortening the separation time and saving solvents and instrumentation costs (indeed conventional HPLC instrumentation can be used, running at lower pressures than those ones used with packed particle columns).


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The concept of sequential injection chromatography (SIC) was exploited to automate the fluorimetric determination of amino acids after pre-column derivatization with ophthaldialdehyde (OPA) in presence of 2-mercaptoethanol (2MCE) using a reverse phase monolithic C(18) stationary phase. The method is low-priced and based on five steps of isocratic elutions. The first step employs the mixture methanol: tetrahydrofuran: 10 mmol L(-1) phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) at the volumetric ratio of 8:1:91; the other steps use methanol: 10 mmol L-1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) at volumetric ratios of 20:80, 35:65, SO:SO and 65:35. At a flow rate of 10 mu L s(-1) a 25 mm long-column was able to separate aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), asparagine (Asn), serine (Ser), glutamine (Gln), glycine (Gly), threonine (Thr), citruline (Ctr), arginine (Arg), alanine (Ala), tyrosine (Tyr), phenylalanine (Phe), ornithine (Orn) and lysine (Lys) with resolution >1.2 as well as methionine (Met) and valine (Val) with resolution of 0.6. Under these conditions isoleucine (Ile) and leucine (Leu) co-eluted. The entire cycle of amino acids derivatization, chromatographic separation and column conditioning at the end of separation lasted 25 min. At a flow rate of 40 mu L s(-1) such time was reduced to 10 min at the cost of resolution worsening for the pairs Ctr/Arg and Orn/Lys. The detection limits varied from 0.092 mu mol L(-1) for Tyr to 0.51 mu mol L(-1) for Orn. The method was successfully applied to the determination of intracellular free amino acids in the green alga Tetraselmis gracilis during a period of seven days of cultivation. Samples spiked with known amounts of amino acids resulted in recoveries between 94 and 112%. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two different culture media, namely CHU12 and inorganic fertilizer NPK (20-5-20) associated with macrophyte (Eichhornia crassipes) extract, were used to evaluate the development of A. gracilis. Growth rate, development, nutritional value and medium water quality were analyzed. A. gracilis in macrophyte+NPK medium had mean cell density (333x10(5) cells/mL) higher than medium CHU12 (302x10(5) cells/mL). Protein rate (12.52% PS), dry weight (397x10(7) pg/cell) and ashes (4.08x10(7) pg/cell) in A. gracilis was higher (p<0.05) than medium macrophyte+NPK. on the other hand, lipids, carbohydrates and fibers had the same rate (p>0.05) in both media. When hydrological variables in the culture medium of A. gracilis are taken into account, dissolved oxygen and free CO2 alone failed to have any significant difference (p>0.05) between the media employed. A. gracilis in the macrophyte+NPK medium had the same nutritional rate as the commercial medium CHU12, with excellent results for alga growth. Macrophyte medium may be used for large scale alga culture in the feed of fish larvae.


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During knee ligament reconstruction, the tendon graft is tensioned to prevent the occurrence of excessive graft elongation during the postoperative period. Tensioning may be achieved by applying a cyclic or static load to the graft during fixation. Although this procedure is part of the surgery, there is no consensus in international literature regarding ideal tension levels to be used in this procedure. This study was conducted on 10 tendons of the human gracilis muscle and 10 tendons of semitendinosus muscle removed from five male cadavers whose mean age was 20.8 years. These tendons underwent 10 in vitro strain cycles at three levels of deformation (2.5, 3, and 4%) and the value of the deforming load used for each cycle was recorded. The statistical analysis demonstrated that in order to attain the same level of deformation during the 10 cycles there was a reduction in the value of strain applied to the graft, observed at the three levels of deformation. It was concluded that the semitendinosus tendon presents a more uniform mechanical behavior and that there is a need for new graft tensioning protocols that consider the force associated with deformation.