21 resultados para POLYSULFONE


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Nanocomposite membranes containing polysulfone (PSI) and sodium montmorillonite from Wyoming (MMT) were prepared by a combination of solution dispersion and the immersion step of the wet-phase inversion method. The purpose was to study the MMT addition with contents of 0.5 and 3.0 mass% MMT in the preparation of nanocomposite membranes by means of morphology, thermal, mechanical and hydrophilic properties of nanocomposite membranes and to compare these properties to the pure PSf membrane ones. Small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of intercalated clay mineral layers in the PSf matrix and TEM images also presented an exfoliated structure. A good dispersion of the clay mineral particles was detected by SEM images. Tensile tests showed that both elongation at break and tensile strength of the nanocomposites were improved in comparison to the pristine PSf. The thermal stability of the nanocomposite membranes, evaluated by onset and final temperatures of degradation, was also enhanced. The hydrophilicity of the nanocomposite membranes, determined by water contact angle measurements, was higher; therefore, the MMT addition was useful to produce more hydrophilic membranes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The majority of severe hypersensitivity reactions in hemodialysis patients have occurred due to sensitization to ethylene oxide or to nonbiocompatible membrane dialyzers. The use of polysulfone dialyzers rarely causes hypersensitivity reactions. In the present study, we describe a case of severe life-threatening reactions induced by polysulfone dialyzers (from different manufacturers subjected to a variety of sterilization methods), which occurred after 9 sessions of hemodialysis with the same prescription, exemplifying the complexity of such reactions.


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Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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As it is known, a huge part of all commercially available membranes are prepared by immersion precipitation. This way is the primary way to get flat membranes. The advantages of immersion precipitation are: wide field of the polymers, which can be used (polymer must be soluble in a solvent or a solvent mixture) and ease of performing. The literature part of this work deals with phase inversion membrane preparation methods and casting parameters affecting membrane performance. Also some membrane types and materials are discussed. In the experimental part of this work 73 membrane samples were made with different casting parameters (polymer concentration in the casting solution and precipitation time) and tested for the retention and permeability. The results of these experiments are collected and combined into the figures and tables which are presented in this thesis. This work showed and confirmed connection between membrane performance and casting parameters (concentration of polymer in the casting solution and precipitation time).


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Measurements of molecular weights, soluble fractions and examination of NMR spectra of bisphenol-A polysulfone, after gamma irradiation in vacuum at 150 degrees C were used to elucidate the mechanism of crosslinking. Excellent agreement was obtained between G(S) and G(X) determined from measurements above and below the gel dose when a Y-linking mechanism was assumed, whereas poor agreement was obtained when an H-link mechanism was assumed, which is the mechanism normally believed to be responsible for crosslinking. New resonances were observed in the C-13 NMX spectra of the irradiated polymer which were consistent with the formation of Y-links involving phenylene units in the backbone chain. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química, especialidade Engenharia da Reacção Química, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method for measuring concentrations of antimicrobials in blood. This technique requires careful sample preparation. Protocols using organic solvents and/or solid extraction phases are time consuming and entail several manipulations, which can lead to partial loss of the determined compound and increased analytical variability. Moreover, to obtain sufficient material for analysis, at least 1 ml of plasma is required. This constraint makes it difficult to determine drug levels when blood sample volumes are limited. However, drugs with low plasma-protein binding can be reliably extracted from plasma by ultra-filtration with a minimal loss due to the protein-bound fraction. This study validated a single-step ultra-filtration method for extracting fluconazole (FLC), a first-line antifungal agent with a weak plasma-protein binding, from plasma to determine its concentration by HPLC. Spiked FLC standards and unknowns were prepared in human and rat plasma. Samples (240 microl) were transferred into disposable microtube filtration units containing cellulose or polysulfone filters with a 5 kDa cut-off. After centrifugation for 60 min at 15000g, FLC concentrations were measured by direct injection of the filtrate into the HPLC. Using cellulose filters, low molecular weight proteins were eluted early in the chromatogram and well separated from FLC that eluted at 8.40 min as a sharp single peak. In contrast, with polysulfone filters several additional peaks interfering with the FLC peak were observed. Moreover, the FLC recovery using cellulose filters compared to polysulfone filters was higher and had a better reproducibility. Cellulose filters were therefore used for the subsequent validation procedure. The quantification limit was 0.195 mgl(-1). Standard curves with a quadratic regression coefficient > or = 0.9999 were obtained in the concentration range of 0.195-100 mgl(-1). The inter and intra-run accuracies and precisions over the clinically relevant concentration range, 1.875-60 mgl(-1), fell well within the +/-15% variation recommended by the current guidelines for the validation of analytical methods. Furthermore, no analytical interference was observed with commonly used antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and immunosuppressive agents. Ultra-filtration of plasma with cellulose filters permits the extraction of FLC from small volumes (240 microl). The determination of FLC concentrations by HPLC after this single-step procedure is selective, precise and accurate.


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Clinical experience and experimental data suggest that intradialytic hemodynamic profiles could be influenced by the characteristics of the dialysis membranes. Even within the worldwide used polysulfone family, intolerance to specific membranes was occasionally evoked. The aim of this study was to compare hemodynamically some of the commonly used polysulfone dialyzers in Switzerland. We performed an open-label, randomized, cross-over trial, including 25 hemodialysis patients. Four polysulfone dialyzers, A (Revaclear high-flux, Gambro, Stockholm, Sweden), B (Helixone high-flux, Fresenius), C (Xevonta high-flux, BBraun, Melsungen, Germany), and D (Helixone low-flux, Fresenius, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany), were compared. The hemodynamic profile was assessed and patients were asked to provide tolerance feedback. The mean score (±SD) subjectively assigned to dialysis quality on a 1-10 scale was A 8.4 ± 1.3, B 8.6 ± 1.3, C 8.5 ± 1.6, D 8.5 ± 1.5. Kt/V was A 1.58 ± 0.30, B 1.67 ± 0.33, C 1.62 ± 0.32, D 1.45 ± 0.31. The low- compared with the high-flux membranes, correlated to higher systolic (128.1 ± 13.1 vs. 125.6 ± 12.1 mmHg, P < 0.01) and diastolic (76.8 ± 8.7 vs. 75.3 ± 9.0 mmHg; P < 0.05) pressures, higher peripheral resistance (1.44 ± 0.19 vs. 1.40 ± 0.18 s × mmHg/mL; P < 0.05) and lower cardiac output (3.76 ± 0.62 vs. 3.82 ± 0.59 L/min; P < 0.05). Hypotension events (decrease in systolic blood pressure by >20 mmHg) were 70 with A, 87 with B, 73 with C, and 75 with D (P < 0.01 B vs. A, 0.05 B vs. C and 0.07 B vs. D). The low-flux membrane correlated to higher blood pressure levels compared with the high-flux ones. The Helixone high-flux membrane ensured the best efficiency. Unfortunately, the very same dialyzer correlated to a higher incidence of hypotensive episodes.


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Les membranes de dialyse à haut flux et à faible flux pourraient être liées à différents profils hemodynamiques pendant les séances de dialyse. Cette étude visait à comparer le profil hémodynamique des certains filtres de dialyse polysulfone couramment utilisés en Suisse. Nous avons réalisé une étude ouverte, cross-over, avec 25 pazients en hémodialyse On a comparés entre eux 4 filtres de polysulfone de la surface de 1 8 m2 A (Revaclear HF, Gambro), B (Helixone HF, Fresenius), C (Xevonta HF, BBraun) et D (Helixone LF Fresenius). Le profil hémodynamique a été mesuré en utilisant une technique non invasive et au patient a été demandé de fournir une opinion sur la tolérance à la seance de dialyse. La même membrane était utilisée pour 3 séances de suites Chaque semaine la membrane de dialyse était modifiée conformément à la séquence de randomisation. Pour chaque patient on a recueillie les données de 12 séances de dialyse. L'étude a été réalisé sur trois mois à compter de novembre 2012. Les analyses ont encore une fois montré la supériorité des filtres à haut débit comparés aux filtres à faible débit, et ne tendance à la supériorité du filtre Helixone (haut debit) comparé aux deux autres membranes. Les filtres à faible débit par rapport a ceux a haut debit sont associés ä une pression systolique et diastolique plus élevées a des résistances périphériques plus hautes et à un débit cardiaque plus faible L incidence d'épisodes d'hypotension en dialyse était la suivante: Revaclear HF (A) 70 Helixone HF (B) 87 Xevonta HF 73 (C), Helixone LF (D) 75. Le nombre d'épisodes d hypotension associée au filtre B était supérieure, de manière significative. La membrane à faible flux était associée à une pression artérielle supérieure à celles des membranes de haut flux. La membrane à haut flux Helixone garantie la meilleure efficacité de dialyse. Malheureusement, la même membrane est associée à une augmentation de l'incidence des épisodes d'hypotension, probablement due à un déséquilibré hé à l'efficacité de la dialyse. Malgré ces résultats, la tolérance subjective pour les différents filtres était comparable.


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Main objective of this research was to find suitable polymeric ultrafiltration membranes with high retentions, good capacities and low fouling tendencies for the E2- and EP-effluent ultrafiltration. Purpose was to treat alkaline bleaching effluents with ultrafiltration in a way that permeates of the filtrations could be recycled back to process and the consumption of fresh water in the pulp mill could be reduced significantly. In the theoretical part of this work the challenges set by the pulp and paper indus-try processes for membranes were examined. An overview of the membrane tech-nology in the pulp industry was also provided. In addition process conditions in the chemical pulp bleaching and properties of bleaching effluents were discussed in literature study. In experimental part the E2- and EP-stage bleaching effluents from Stora Enso Imatra kraft pulp mill were ultrafiltered with CR250- and CR200-filters. Suitable membranes for ultrafiltration were chosen after screening experiments. Concentra-tion experiment was made for the E2-effluent in order to estimate water saving potential. The E2-effluent was finally ultrafiltered in the pulp mill in order to test the feasibility of ultrafiltration in a real industrial environment. Good membrane for the EP-effluent ultrafiltration based on the EP-screening ex-periments was polyethersulfone membrane UP020 with cut-off value of 20 000 Da. Polysulfone membrane UFX05 with cut-off value of 5 000 Da was promising membrane for the ultrafiltration of the E2-effluent. Based on the concentration filtration of the E2-effluent with UFX05 membrane the water saving potential could be 2.2 m3/Adt for the industrial scale ultrafiltration process. Retention re-sults, such as average COD retention of 60 %, from the trial filtration at the pulp mill with UFX05 membrane were modest compared to the screening experiments, where average COD retention was 75 %. Therefore tighter ultrafiltration mem-branes should be tested for the ultrafiltration of the E2-effluent. The UP020 mem-brane seemed to be suitable for the ultrafiltration of the EP-effluent however con-centration and pilot scale ultrafiltration experiments are needed to verify this.


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Mikrohuokoisia membraaneja käytetään monissa suodatussovelluksissa kuten vedenpuhdistuksessa. Tämän työn tavoite oli pinnoittaa suodatinkankaita mikrohuokoisella membraanilla. Membraanimateriaalin ja suodatuskankaan yhdistelmällä tavoiteltiin komposiittimateriaalia, jolla on membraanin selektiivinen erotuskyky ja kankaan mekaaniset ominaisuudet. Tämän työn kirjallisuusosa käsittelee membraanin valmistusta faasi-inversiomenetelmällä, pinnoitteeksi soveltuvia membraanimateriaaleja sekä pinnoitteen lujittamista. Kokeellisessa osassa suodatuskankaalle kehitettiin sopivaa pinnoitusmenetelmää. Pinnoitemateriaaleina käytettiin akryylidispersioainetta, polyamidia ja polysulfonia. Tuloksista huomattiin, ettei akryylidispersioaine soveltunut pinnoitemateriaaliksi. Kangasta onnistuttiin pinnoittamaan polyamidilla ja pinnoitusolosuhteita kontrolloimalla saatiin aikaiseksi pinnoite, joka pysyi kankaassa kiinni ja jonka rakenne koostui noin 12 μm huokosista. Polymeeriliuoksen pitoisuuden huomattiin vaikuttavan pinnoitteen rakenteeseen, mutta siihen jäi edelleen suuria avoimia huokosia. Suuret yksittäiset huokoset laskivat kuplapistepainetta ja tekivät huokoskokojakaumasta leveämmän. Polyamidipitoisuudella 14 ja 16 m–% pinnoite oli tunkeutunut kankaan sisään ja sen rakenne oli huokoinen, mutta pintakerrokseen muodostunut tiivis ihokerros tukki materiaalia. Tulosten perusteella kankaiden pinnoittaminen membraanikerroksella on mahdollista mutta pinnoitusprosessia täytyy edelleen kehittää, jotta päästään pienempään huokoskokoon ja kapeampaan huokoskokojakaumaan pinnoitteessa.


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West Indian cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) and pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Meer)juice clarification by cross-flow UF, using polysulphone hollow fiber and ceramic tubular membranes with, respectively, nominal molecular weight cut off values of 100kDaltons and average pore diameters of 0.01mm, were studied. The influence of enzymatic treatment using enzyme concentrations of 20, 100 and 300mg/L, a time of 90min and a temperature of 40ºC for depectinization was verified. The juices were then clarified in a laboratory scale filtration unit, with an effective filtration area of 0.12m² for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane and of 0.005m² for the ceramic tubular membranes. The influence of enzymatic treatment on viscosity, turbidity and total pectin of the juice, before ultrafiltration, is reported. Membrane performance was evaluated in terms of flow rate and clarity of the permeate. The permeate flow rate of depectinized pineapple juice was higher (30 - 60%) for both membranes. Depectinized West Indian cherry juice presented a lower permeate flow rate for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane. The increase in permeate flow rate, with the use of the 300mg/L and 100mg/L enzyme concentration was not significant, so it is economically advantageous to ultrafilter depectinized juice, treated with an enzyme concentration of 20mg/L.


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The nanostructured materials over the last decade have been increasing the variety of studies and research applications in many industries. From the understanding and manipulation of nanoscale is possible to obtain high-performance materials. One method, which has been very effective in obtaining of nanostructured composites, is the electrospinning, a technique that uses electrostatic forces to produce fibers from a polymer solution. By understanding and controlling of process conditions, such as solution viscosity, working distance, the velocity of the collector, applied voltage and others conditions, it is possible to obtain fibers in many different morphologies. This work aims to obtain nanostructured composites from polysulfone (PSU) a thermoplastic polymer with high oxidation resistance and good mechanical strength at high temperatures and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that are excellent reinforcements for polymer materials, their mechanical resistance is greater than that of all known materials; using the electrospinning process via polymer solution. Were used polysulfone solutions, n,n-ndimetil acetamide (PSU / DMAc) and this same solution added of CNTs in order to obtain the nanofibers. In both cases were analyzed the effectiveness of the process from the analysis of fiber diameters, rheological behavior and infrared spectroscopy. The results obtained confirmed the efficiency of the electrospinning process to obtain polymeric fibers


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In this work, the effect of various casting solution salt dopants with similar cations, but different anions: (NaPO3)(6), Na2SO4, Na2CO3, NaCl, and NaF, on the morphology and performance of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes was evaluated. The phase inversion process was used to produce all membranes using an 18% polyethersulfone in n-methylpyrrolidone casting solution and water as the non-solvent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the membrane cross-section and surface pores were used to determine the specific anion effects on membrane morphology. The SEM images depicted significant changes to the membrane internal structure and pore size with respect to the type and concentration of the casting solution anion dopant. Membrane permeability, molecular weight cut-off, alginate retention, and susceptibility to fouling were evaluated using ultrapure water dead-end and ultrapure water, aqueous polyethylene glycol, aqueous sodium alginate, and natural surface water cross-flow filtration tests. Among the anions evaluated, hexametaphosphate doped at 1% w/w to the polymer resulted in the membrane with highest dead-end permeability at 490 LMH-bar (2- to 3-fold greater than the control), greatest alginate retention at 96.5%, and lowest susceptibility to fouling. The significant increase in membrane performance indicates that the hexametaphosphate anion has great potential to be used as a membrane casting solution dopant. It was also clearly demonstrated that membrane pore morphological characteristics can be effectively used to predict drinking water treatment performance. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanofiltration (NF) is a pressure-driven membrane process, intermediate between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. Commercially available polymeric membranes have been used in a wide range of applications, such as drinking, process industry and waste water treatment. For all the applications requiring high stability and harsh washing procedures inorganic membranes are preferred due to their high chemical inertia. Typically, γ – Al2O3 as well as TiO2 and ZrO2 selective layers are used; the latter show higher chemical stability in a wide range of pH and temperatures. In this work the experimental characterization of two different type of membrane has been performed in order to investigate permeation properties, separation performance and efficiency with aqueous solutions containing strong inorganic electrolytes. The influence of salt concentration and feed pH as well as the role of concentration polarization and electrolyte type on the membrane behavior are investigated. Experimentation was performed testing a multi–layer structured NF membrane in α-Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2, and a polymeric membrane, in polyamide supported on polysulfone, with binary aqueous solutions containing NaCl, Na2SO4 or CaCl2; the effect of salt composition and pH in the feed side was studied both on flux and salt rejection. All the NF experimental data available for the two membranes were used to evaluate the volumetric membrane charge (X) corresponding to each operative conditions investigated, through the Donnan Steric Pore Model and Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM&DE). The results obtained allow to understand which are the main phenomena at the basis of the different behaviors observed.