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Die phylogenetische Position der Mollusken innerhalb der Trochozoa sowie die interne Evolution der Klassen der Mollusca sind weitgehend unbekannt und wurden in meiner Arbeit anhand molekularer Merkmale untersucht. Phylogenomische Analysen zeigten in der Vergangenheit eine gute Auflösung für ursprüngliche Speziationsereignisse. Daher wurden hier drei neue EST Datensätze generiert: für Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula), Barentsia elongata (Kamptozoa) und Lepidochitona cinerea, (Polyplacophora, Mollusca). Zusätzlich wurden gezielt Gene verschiedener Mollusken mittels RT-PCR amplifiziert. rnSowohl Kamptozoen als auch Sipunculiden wurden aufgrund morphologischer Kriterien bisher als mögliche Schwestergruppe der Mollusken gehandelt, aber die hier erzielten Ergebnisse zur Evolution der Hämerythrine, Gen-Anordnungen der mitochondrialen Genome und phylogenetische Analysen der ribosomalen und der mitochondriellen Proteine stützen diese Hypothese nicht. Die Position der Kamptozoa erwies sich hier generell als unbeständig; phylogenomische Analysen deuten eine Nähe zu den Bryozoen an, aber diese Position wird stark durch die Auswahl der Taxa beeinflusst. Dagegen weisen meine Analysen klar auf eine nähere Beziehung zwischen Annelida und Sipuncula hin. Die ribosomalen Proteine zeigen Sipuncula (und Echiura) sogar als Subtaxa der Anneliden. Wie den Mollusken fehlt den Sipunculiden jegliche Segmentierung und meine Ergebnisse legen hier die Möglichkeit des Verlusts dieses Merkmals innerhalb der Anneliden bei den Sipunculiden nahe. Innerhalb der Mollusken wurden die Solenogastren bereits als Schwestergruppe aller rezenten Mollusken vorgeschlagen. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit wurden von drei verschiedenen Solenogastren-Arten die ersten zuverlässigen 18S rRNA-Sequenzen ermittelt, und es zeigte sich, dass alle bisher veröffentlichten 18S-Sequenzen dieser Molluskenklasse höchst unvollständig oder fehlerhaft sind. rnRibosomale Proteine sind gute phylogenetische Marker und hier wurden die Auswahl und Anzahl dieser Gene für phylogenetische Analysen optimiert. Über Sonden-basierte Detektion wurde eine sampling-Strategie getestet, die im Vergleich mit standard-phylogenomischen Ansätzen zukünftige molekulare Stammbaumrekonstruktionen mit größerem Taxonsampling ermöglicht.rn


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Biases in preservation shape the fossil record, and therefore impact on our reconstructions of past environments and biodiversity. Given the intensive recent research in the general fields of taphonomy and exceptional preservation, surprisingly, fundamental questions remain unanswered about species-level variation in skeletal preservation potential at low taxonomic levels (e.g. between genera from the same family, or between taxa from related families) across myriad groups with multi-element skeletons. Polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons sensu lato) are known from the late Cambrian to Recent, and possess a distinctive articulated scleritome consisting of eight overlapping calcareous valves. The apparent uniformity of living chitons presents an ideal model to test the potential for taphonomic biases at the alpha-taxon level. The vast majority of fossil chitons are preserved as single valves; few exhibit body preservation or even an articulated shell series. An experimental taphonomic programme was conducted using the Recent polyplacophorans Lepidochitona cinerea and Tonicella marmorea (suborder Chitonina) and Acanthochitona crinita (Acanthochitonina). Experiments in a rock tumbler on disarticulated valves found differential resistance to abrasion between taxa; in one experiment 53.8-61.5% of Lepidochitona valves were recovered but 92% of those from Tonicella and 100% of elements from Acanthochitona. Chiton valves and even partly decayed carcasses are more resistant to transportation than their limited fossil record implies. Different species of living chitons have distinctly different preservation potential. This, problematically, does not correlate with obvious differences in gross valve morphology; some, but not all, of the differences correlate with phylogeny. Decay alone is sufficient to exacerbate differences in preservation potential of multi-element skeletons; some, but not all, of the variation that results is due to specimen size and the fidelity of the fossil record will thus vary intra-specifically (e.g. between ontogenetic stages) as well as inter-specifically. 


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Spawning behavior and external features of the larval development were studied in the chitons Mopalia muscosa and M. lignosa during the months of April-June, 1974, at Pacific Grove, California. ... The sequence of events in the development of the two species in the same, though some differences in timing exist.


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Epibiotic foraminifers selectively settle on the most food-rich area of the host substrate, even when the species acts as a facultative ectoparasite in later life stages. In 398 specimens examined of the deep-sea chiton Leptochiton arcticus from Iceland, 46% show evidence of infestation by foraminifers, with many showing extensive shell damage from present and past bioeroding epibionts. Disturbances to the inner layer of the host shell are indicative of parasitism, as evidenced both by wound healing calcification and protrusions of the foraminiferan tubules. The epibionts employ different feeding strategies at different stages of their life cycle, taking advantage of nutrient availability from the posterior respiration currents and excrement of the chitons as juveniles, and feeding parasitically as adults. Epibiont persistence on individual hosts-through successive generations, or long-term continuous bioerosion by epibionts-allow larger adult parasitic foraminifers of Hyrrokkin sarcophaga to penetrate the thick tail valve of a chiton and feed parasitically on the host tissue. The proportion of chitons infested increases with host size, indicating that epibionts are accumulated through a chiton's life, seemingly without major detriment to host survivorship.


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This study investigated the taxonomy and distribution of the deep-sea polyplacophoran mollusc Nierstraszella Sirenko, 1992 in the Indo-West Pacific, based on a collection of 516 specimens collected in the Philippines and Solomon Islands. Although seven species names have historically been proposed in this group of chitons, all have been considered as synonyms of the monotypic N. lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905). Morphological examination of this new material reveals the presence of two species. N. lineata is distinct from N. andamanica (Smith, 1906), based on morphological characters given in the original species description and very distinctly different morphology of aesthete pores in the shell surface. Furthermore, populations of N. andamanica in the Philippines and Solomon Islands are locally colonized with the epibiotic (ectoparasitic) bryozoan Pseudobathyalozoon profundum d'Hondt, 2006. These bryozoans attach ventrally to the girdle of the host chiton and the erect zooids feed within the pallial cavity, among the chiton's gills.


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Lepidopleurida is the earliest diverged group of living polyplacophoran molluscs. They are found predominantly in the deep sea, including sunken wood, cold seeps, other abyssal habitats, and a few species are found in shallow water. The group is morphologically identified by anatomical features of their gills, sensory aesthetes, and gametes. Their shell features closely resemble the oldest fossils that can be identified as modern polyplacophorans. We present the first molecular phylogenetic study of this group, and also the first combined phylogenetic analysis for any chiton, including three gene regions and 69 morphological characters. The results show that Lepidopleurida is unambiguously monophyletic, and the nine genera fall into five distinct clades, which partly support the current view of polyplacophoran taxonomy. The genus Hanleyella Sirenko, 1973 is included in the family Protochitonidae, and Ferreiraellidae constitutes another distinct clade. The large cosmopolitan genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847 is not monophyletic; Leptochiton and Leptochitonidae sensu stricto are restricted to North Atlantic and Mediterranean taxa. Leptochitonidae s. str. is sister to Protochitonidae. The results also suggest two separate clades independently inhabiting sunken wood substrates in the south-west Pacific. Antarctic and other chemosynthetic-dwelling species may be derived from wood-living species. Substantial taxonomic revision remains to be done to resolve lepidopleuran classification, but the phylogeny presented here is a dramatic step forward in clarifying the relationships within this interesting group.


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Natural deposits of sunken wood provide an important habitat for deep-sea invertebrates. Deep-sea chitons in the primitive order Lepidopleurida are typically collected rarely and as single specimens. However, these animals have been recovered in large densities associated with sunken wood in the tropical West Pacific, in groups of up to 50 individuals. Four deep- sea expeditions in the West Pacific, to the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, recovered a large number of poly- placophorans. We have examined the morphology as well as the range and distribution of these species, based on the larg- est collection ever examined (more than 1300 individuals). These species show potentially adapted characters associated with exploitation of sunken wood as habitat, such as protruding caps on sensory shell pores (aesthetes) and large interseg- mental bristles with potential sensory function. In this study we investigated the twenty-two species recovered, including seven newly described here (Leptochiton consimilis n. sp., L. angustidens n. sp., L. dykei n. sp., L. samadiae n. sp., L. longisetosus n. sp., L. clarki n. sp., L. schwabei n. sp.), and provide the first identification key to the 34 lepidopleuran chitons known from sunken wood worldwide.


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Polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons) are phylogenetically ancient and morphologically constrained, yet multiple living species are often found co-occurring within widely overlapping ecological niches. This study used two sets of experiments to compare interspecific variation among co-occurring species in the North Atlantic (Ireland) and separately in the North Pacific (British Columbia, Canada) chiton faunas. A complementary review of historical literature on polyplacophoran physiology provides an overview of the high level of metabolic variability in this group of 'living fossils'. Species examined in de novo experiments showed significant variation in oxygen consumption both under air-saturated water conditions (normoxia), and in response to decreasing oxygen availability (hypoxia). Some species demonstrate an ability to maintain constant oxygen uptake rates despite hypoxia (oxyregulators), while others oxyconform, with uptake rate dependent on ambient oxygen tension. These organisms are often amalgamated in studies of benthic communities, yet show obvious physiological difference that may impact their response or tolerance to environmental change.


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The dispersal capabilities of intertidal organisms may represent a key factor to their survival in the face of global warming, as species that cannot adapt to the various effects of climate change will have to migrate to track suitable habitat. Although species with pelagic larval phases might be expected to have a greater capacity for dispersal than those with benthic larvae, interspecies comparisons have shown that this is not always the case. Consequently, population genetic approaches are being increasingly used to gain insights into dispersal through studying patterns of gene flow. In the present study, we used nuclear single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing to elucidate fine-scale patterns of genetic variation between populations of the Black Katy Chiton, Katharina tunicata, separated by 15-150 km in south-west Vancouver Island. Both the nuclear and mitochondrial data sets revealed no genetic differentiation between the populations studied, and an isolation-with-migration analysis indicated extensive local-scale gene flow, suggesting an absence of barriers to dispersal. Population demographic analysis also revealed long-term population stability through previous periods of climate change associated with the Pleistocene glaciations. Together, the findings of the present study suggest that this high potential for dispersal may allow K. tunicata to respond to current global warming by tracking suitable habitat, consistent with its long-term demographic stability through previous changes in the Earth's climate. (C) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106, 589597.


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Published records, original data from recent field work on all of the islands of the Azores (NE Atlantic), and a revision of the entire mollusc collection deposited in the Department of Biology of the University of the Azores (DBUA) were used to compile a checklist of the shallow-water Polyplacophora of the Azores. Lepidochitona cf. canariensis and Tonicella rubra are reported for the first time for this archipelago, increasing the recorded Azorean fauna to seven species.


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Shallow marine chitons (Mollusca:Polyplacophora:Chitonida) are widespread and well described from established morphoanatomical characters, yet key aspects of polyplacophoran phylogeny have remained unresolved. Several species, including Hemiarthrum setulosum Carpenter in Dall, 1876, and especially the rare and enigmatic Choriplax grayi (Adams & Angas, 1864), defy systematic placement. Choriplax is known from only a handful of specimens and its morphology is a mosaic of key taxonomic features from two different clades. Here, new molecular evidence provides robust support for its correct association with a third different clade: Choriplax is placed in the superfamily Mopalioidea. Hemiarthrum is included in Cryptoplacoidea, as predicted from morphological evidence. Our multigene analysis of standard nuclear and mitochondrial markers demonstrates that the topology of the order Chitonida is divided into four clades, which have also been recovered in previous studies: Mopalioidea is sister to Cryptoplacoidea, forming a clade Acanthochitonina. The family Callochitonidae is sister to Acanthochitonina. Chitonoidea is resolved as the earliest diverging group within Chitonida. Consideration of this unexpected result for Choriplax and our well-supported phylogeny has revealed differing patterns of shell reduction separating the two superfamilies within Acanthochitonina. As in many molluscs, shell reduction as well as the de novo development of key shell features has occurred using different mechanisms, in multiple lineages of chitons.


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Molluscs are a diverse animal phylum with a formidable fossil record. Although there is little doubt about the monophyly of the eight extant classes, relationships between these groups are controversial.We analysed a comprehensive multilocus molecular data set for molluscs, the first to include multiple species from all classes, including five monoplacophorans in both extant families. Our analyses of fivemarkers resolve two major clades: the first includes gastropods and bivalves sister to Serialia (monoplacophorans and chitons), and the second comprises scaphopods sister to aplacophorans and cephalopods. Traditional groupings such as Testaria, Aculifera, and Conchifera are rejected by our data with significant Approximately Unbiased (AU) test values. A new molecular clock indicates that molluscs had a terminal Precambrian origin with rapid divergence of all eight extant classes in the Cambrian. Therecovery of Serialia as a derived, Late Cambrian clade is potentially in line with the stratigraphic chronology of morphologically heterogeneous early mollusc fossils. Serialia is in conflict with traditional molluscan classifications and recent phylogenomic data. Yet our hypothesis, as others from molecular data, implies frequent molluscan shell and body transformations by heterochronic shifts in development and multiple convergent adaptations, leading to the variable shells and body plans in extant lineages.


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Chitons (class Polyplacophora) are benthic grazing molluscs with an eight-part aragonitic shell armature. The radula, a serial tooth ribbon that extends internally more than half the length of the body, is mineralised on the active feeding teeth with iron magnetite apparently as an adaptation to constant grazing on rocky substrates. As the anterior feeding teeth are eroded they are shed and replaced with a new row. The efficient mineralisation and function of the radula could hypothetically be affected by changing oceans in two ways: changes in seawater chemistry (pH and pCO(2)) may impact the biomineralisation pathway, potentially leading to a weaker or altered density of the feeding teeth; rising temperatures could increase activity levels in these ectothermic animals, and higher feeding rates could increase wear on the feeding teeth beyond the animals' ability to synthesise, mineralise, and replace radular rows. We therefore examined the effects of pH and temperature on growth and integrity in the radula of the chiton Leptochiton asellus. Our experiment implemented three temperature (similar to 10, 15, 20 degrees C) and two pCO(2) treatments (similar to 400 mu atm, pH 8.0; similar to 2000 mu atm, pH 7.5) for six treatment groups. Animals (n = 50) were acclimated to the treatment conditions for a period of 4 weeks. This is sufficient time for growth of ca. 7-9 new tooth rows or 20% turnover of the mineralised portion. There was no significant difference in the number of new (non-mineralised) teeth or total tooth row count in any treatment. Examination of the radulae via SEM revealed no differences in microwear or breakage on the feeding cusps correlating to treatment groups. The shell valves also showed no signs of dissolution. As a lineage, chitons have survived repeated shifts in Earth's climate through geological time, and at least their radulae may be robust to future perturbations.


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The discovery of a sensory organ, the Schwabe organ, was recently reported as a unifying feature of chitons in the order Lepidopleurida. It is a patch of pigmented tissue located on the roof of the pallial cavity, beneath the velum on either side of the mouth. The epithelium is densely innervated and contains two types of potential sensory cells. As the function of the Schwabe organ remains unknown, we have taken a cross-disciplinary approach, using anatomical, histological and behavioural techniques to understand it. In general, the pigmentation that characterises this sensory structure gradually fades after death; however, one particular concentrated pigment dot persists. This dot is positionally homologous to the larval eye in chiton trochophores, found in the same neuroanatomical location, and furthermore the metamorphic migration of the larval eye is ventral in species known to possess Schwabe organs. Here we report the presence of a discrete subsurface epithelial structure in the region of the Schwabe organ in Leptochiton asellus that histologically resembles the chiton larval eye. Behavioural experiments demonstrate that Leptochiton asellus with intact Schwabe organs actively avoid an upwelling light source, while Leptochiton asellus with surgically ablated Schwabe organs and a control species lacking the organ (members of the other extant order, Chitonida) do not (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 24.82, df = 3, p < 0.0001). We propose that the Schwabe organ represents the adult expression of the chiton larval eye, being retained and elaborated in adult lepidopleurans.