23 resultados para POLYAMIDES
The first part of this thesis studied the capacity of amino acids and enzymes to catalyze the hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane and phenyltrimethoxysilane. Selected amino acids were shown to accelerate the hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane under ambient temperature, pressure and at neutral pH (pH 7±0.02). The nature of the side chain of the amino acid was important in promoting hydrolysis and condensation. Several proteases were shown to have a capacity to hydrolyze tri- and tet-ra- alkoxysilanes under the same mild reaction conditions. The second part of this thesis employed an immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B (Novozym-435, N435) to produce siloxane-containing polyesters, polyamides, and polyester amides under solvent-free conditions. Enzymatic activity was shown to be temperature dependent, increasing until enzyme denaturation became the dominant pro-cess, which typically occurred between 120-130ᵒC. The residual activity of N435 was, on average, greater than 90%, when used in the synthesis of disiloxane-containing polyesters, regardless of the polymerization temperature except at the very highest temperatures, 140-150ᵒC. A study of the thermal tolerance of N435 determined that, over ten reaction cycles, there was a decrease in the initial rate of polymerization with each consecutive use of the catalyst. No change in the degree of monomer conversion after a 24 hour reaction cycle was found.
La préparation de polymères à base d’acides biliaires, molécules biologiques, a attiré l'attention des chercheurs en raison des applications potentielles dans les domaines biomédicaux et pharmaceutiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser de nouveaux biopolymères dont la chaîne principale est constituée d’unités d’acides biliaires. La polymérisation par étapes a été adoptée dans ce projet afin de préparer les deux principales classes de polymères utilisés en fibres textiles: les polyamides et les polyesters. Des monomères hétéro-fonctionnels à base d’acides biliaires ont été synthétisés et utilisés afin de surmonter le déséquilibre stoechiométrique lors de la polymérisation par étapes. Le dérivé de l’acide lithocholique modifié par une fonction amine et un groupement carboxylique protégé a été polymérisé en masse à températures élevées. Les polyamides obtenus sont très peu solubles dans les solvants organiques. Des polyamides et des polyesters solubles en milieu organique ont pu être obtenus dans des conditions modérées en utilisant l’acide cholique modifié par des groupements azide et alcyne. La polymérisation a été réalisée par cycloaddition azoture-alcyne catalysée par l'intermédiaire du cuivre(Ι) avec deux systèmes catalytiques différents, le bromure de cuivre(I) et le sulfate de cuivre(II). Seul le bromure de cuivre(Ι) s’est avéré être un catalyseur efficace pour le système, permettant la préparation des polymères avec un degré de polymérisation égale à 50 et une distribution monomodale de masse moléculaire (PDI ˂ 1.7). Les polymères synthétisés à base d'acide cholique sont thermiquement stables (307 °C ≤ Td ≤ 372 °C) avec des températures de transition vitreuse élevées (137 °C ≤ Tg ≤ 167 °C) et modules de Young au-dessus de 280 MPa, dépendamment de la nature chimique du lien.
Linked polyamides bind in the minor groove of double-stranded DNA in a partially sequence-specific manner. This report analyzes the theoretical limits of DNA sequence discrimination by linked polyamides composed of two to four different types of heterocyclic rings, determining (i) the optimal choice of base-binding specificity for each ring and (ii) the optimal design for a polyamide composed of these rings to target a given DNA sequence and designed to maximize the fraction of the total polyamide binding to the specified target sequence relative to all other sequences. The results show that, fortuitously, polyamides composed of pyrrole, a naturally occurring G-excluding element, and imidazole, a rationally designed G-favoring element, have features similar to the theoretical optimum design for polyamides composed of two different rings. The results also show that, in polyamides composed of two or three types of heterocyclic rings, choosing a nonspecific “placeholder” ring, which binds equally strongly to each of the four bases, along with one or two base-specific rings will often enhance sequence specificity over a polyamide composed entirely of base-specific rings.
Small molecules that specifically bind with high affinity to any designated DNA sequence in the human genome would be useful tools in molecular biology and potentially in human medicine. Simple rules have been developed to rationally alter the sequence specificity of minor groove-binding polyamides containing N-methylimidazole and N-methylpyrrole amino acids. Crescent-shaped polyamides bind as antiparallel dimers with each polyamide making specific contacts with each strand on the floor of the minor groove. Cyclic polyamides have now been synthesized that bind designated DNA sequences at subnanomolar concentrations.
This thesis focuses on biological activity of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides in vivo. The work presented includes experiments underlining sequence selectivity of these compounds in living cells and potential methods to improve it. A large fraction of this thesis is devoted to activity of Py-Im in murine models of cancer. We investigated the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of two compounds – targeted to 5'-WGGWCW-3' and 5'-WTWCGW-3' sequences – and characterized their activity by measuring their effects on tumor growth, gene expression in vivo and in tissue culture, and their effects on physiology of tumors. The initial theoretical studies suggested that a large fraction of genomic sites are bound by Py-Im polyamides non-specifically and experimental data shows that the programmed binding sequence is not a sole determinant of the patterns of gene regulation. Despite the likely presence of non-specific effects of Py-Im polyamides in living cells, in vivo administration of Py-Im polyamides resulted in tolerable host toxicity and anti-tumor activity. Py-Im polyamide targeted to Estrogen Receptor Response Element showed downregulation of ER-driven gene expression in tumor cells, while the compound targeted to hypoxia response element reduced vascularization of tumors and their growth rate, induced apoptosis of cells in hypoxic areas and reduced expression of proangiogenic and prometastatic factors. Further studies, showed that polyamides distributed to many of the tested tissues and their FITC-conjugates showed nuclear uptake. The gene expression effects were also present in murine tissues, such as liver and kidneys, indicating a potential for use for Py-Im polyamides in non-cancerous diseases.
Well-dispersed loads of finely powdered metals, metal oxides, several carbon allotropes or nanoclays are incorporated into highly porous polyamide 6 microcapsules in controllable amounts via an original one-step in situ fabrication technique. It is based on activated anionic polymerization (AAP) of ε-caprolactam in a hydrocarbon solvent performed in the presence of the respective micro- or nanosized loads. The forming microcapsules with typical diameters of 25-50 µm entrap up to 40 wt% of load. Their melt processing produces hybrid thermoplastic composites. Mechanical, electric conductivity and magnetic response measurements show that transforming of in situ loaded microcapsules into composites by melt processing (MP) is a facile and rapid method to fabricate materials with high mechanical resistance and electro-magnetic characteristics sufficient for many industrial applications. This novel concept requires low polymerization temperatures, no functionalization or compatibilization of the loads and it is easy to scale up at industrial production levels.
High barrier materiaaleilla pyritään pidentämään pakattujen elintarvikkeiden hyllyikää. Barrierin tärkein tehtävä on elintarvikkeen suojaaminen hapelta ja kosteudelta. Alumiinin käyttöä barriermateriaalina pyritään vähentämään korvaamalla alumiini polymeereillä, jotka täyttävät elintarvikkeiden asettamat korkeat säilyvyysvaatimukset. Etyylivinyylialkoholin (EVOH) hapenläpäisevyys on kuivissa olosuhteissa alhaisin kaupallisista muovilaaduista. EVOH tarjoaa myös erinomaisen suojan muita kaasuja, rasvoja, hajuja ja aromeja vastaan ja sitä on helppo prosessoida. Polyamideilla on erinomainen kaasutiiveys sekä hyvä lujuus ja sitkeys. Eri muovilaatuja sekoittamalla voidaan vähentää hapenläpäisyä ja parantaa prosessointia. Polyolefiineja käytetään yleisesti päällystysmateriaaleina, koska ne suojaavat tuotetta erinomaisesti kosteudelta. Hapenläpäisyllä tarkoitetaan hapen kulkeutumista materiaalin läpi joko permeaation kautta tai reikien ja vuotojen läpi. Kaasun permeoitumiseen materiaalin läpi vaikuttavat materiaalin vapaa tilavuus, kiteisyysaste, orientaatio, substituointi, suhteellinen kosteus, lämpötila, barrierkerroksen paksuus, paine-ero ja permeoituvan molekyylin ominaisuudet. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoitiin ja vertailtiin kartonkipohjaisia mehutölkkejä, joissa käytettävät high barrier materiaalit olivat EVOH ja PA. Kartonkipohjaisia alumiinitölkkejä käytettiin referenssinä. Pakkausten hapenläpäisevyysmittauksissa saatiin samasta näytteestä toistettavia tuloksia, vaikka vuotomittauksissa saadut tulokset eivät olleet vertailukelpoisia hapenläpäisytulosten kanssa. Tölkkien valmistus vaikutti oleellisesti pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksiin. Hapenläpäisy vuotojen ja reikien läpi oli merkittävämpää kuin hapenläpäisy materiaalin läpi. Pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksia analysoitiin mittaamalla appelsiinimehun askorbiini-happopitoisuus. Askorbiinihapon hajoaminen mitattiin koetölkkeihin pakatusta appelsiinimehusta, ja lämpötilan, valon ja hapen vaikutusta askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen tutkittiin 12 viikon ajan. Lämpötilalla oli suurin vaikutus askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen huolimatta käytetystä pakkausmateriaalista.
Monomers allowing for the introduction of [2,5-dimethylfuran]-protected maleimides into polyamides such as peptides, peptide nucleic acids, and peptoids were prepared, as well as the corresponding oligomers. Suitable maleimide deprotection conditions were established in each case. The stability of the adducts generated by Michael-type maleimide-thiol reaction and Diels-Alder cycloaddition to maleimide deprotection conditions was exploited to prepare a variety of conjugates from peptide and PNA scaffolds incorporating one free and one protected maleimide. The target molecules were synthesized by using two subsequent maleimide-involving click reactions separated by a maleimide deprotection step. Carrying out maleimide deprotection and conjugation simultaneously gave better results than performing the two reactions subsequently.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that offer great potential for use in the synthesis and modification of polymers, being more specific and greener than chemical catalysts. In this work, enzymes from the classes of hydrolases (lipase, cutinase and protease) and of oxidoreductases (horseradish peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase) were identified as the main biocatalysts responsible for the synthesis of polymers. Biocatalysis can potentially be part of the life cycle of several polymers, including polyesters, polyurethanes, polycarbonates, polyamides, functionalized polysaccharides and polystyrene, allowing the synthesis of specialty macromolecules for fine applications and with higher added-value than commodity polymers.
Enzymes are powerful tools in organic synthesis that are able to catalyse a wide variety of selective chemical transformations under mild and environmentally friendly conditions. Enzymes such as the lipases have also found applications in the synthesis and degradation of polymeric materials. However, the use of these natural catalysts in the synthesis and the post-synthetic modification of dendrimers and hyperbranched molecules is an application of chemistry yet to be explored extensively. In this study the use of two hydrolytic enzymes, a lipase from Candida cylindracea and a cutinase from Fusarium solani pisii, were investigated in the selective cleavage of ester groups situated on the peripheral layer of two families of branched polyamides. These branched polyamides were conjugated to simple fragrances citronellol and L-menthol via ester linkages. Hydrolysis of the ester linkage between the fragrances and the branched polyamide support was carried out in aqueous buffered systems at slightly basic pH values under the optimum operative conditions for the enzymes used. These preliminary qualitative investigations revealed that partial cleavage of the ester functionalities from the branched polyamide support had occurred. However, the ability of the enzymes to interact with the substrates decreased considerably as the branching density, the rigidity of the structure and the bulkiness of the polyamide-fragrance conjugates increased.
The forest roads construction inevitably causes environmental impacts to adjacent ecosystems and streams. Also the routine activities of roads maintenance may similarly cause environmental impacts of about the same magnitude. The material scraped from the roadway by the motor grader is usually distributed along the roadsides, from where it may easily be washed out toward the streams. Therefore, quantifying the amount of sediments removed during road maintenance activities may provide important information of this stream sedimentation potential. For this purpose, three forest roads were divided in 30 m long segments, marked with leveled stakes. A nylon thread was then stretched across the leveled stakes and the distance from the nylon thread to the road surface was measured before and after the mechanical scraping of the road. The average removal of sediments was of 2,13 cm. Considering the mean density of soil 1,6 g cm -3, the average removal of sediments was of 341 t ha -1 of road. Considering still a 3,9 m wide and 150 m long road as an example, the total amount of removed sediments would be around 19,9 t. Road maintenance, therefore, must be well planned in order to avoid or minimize stream sedimentation.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Friedreich's ataxia is caused by the expansion of the GAA•TTC trinucleotide repeat sequence located in intron 1 of the frataxin gene. The long GAA•TTC repeats are known to form several non-B DNA structures including hairpins, triplexes, parallel DNA and sticky DNA. Therefore it is believed that alternative DNA structures play a role in the loss of mRNA transcript and functional frataxin protein in FRDA patients. We wanted to further elucidate the characteristics for formation and stability of sticky DNA by evaluating the structure in a plasmid based system in vitro and in vivo in Escherichia coli. The negative supercoil density of plasmids harboring different lengths of GAA•TTC repeats, as well as either one or two repeat tracts were studied in E. coli to determine if plasmids containing two long tracts (≥60 repeats) in a direct repeat orientation would have a different topological effect in vivo compared to plasmids that harbored only one GAA•TTC tract or two tracts of < 60 repeats. The experiments revealed that, in fact, sticky DNA forming plasmids had a lower average negative supercoil density (-σ) compared to all other control plasmids used that had the potential to form other non-B DNA structures such as triplexes or Z-DNA. Also, the requirements for in vitro dissociation and reconstitution of the DNA•DNA associated region of sticky DNA were evaluated. Results conclude that the two repeat tracts associate in the presence of negative supercoiling and MgCl 2 or MnCl2 in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Interaction of the repeat sequences was not observed in the absence of negative supercoiling and/or MgCl2 or in the presence of other monovalent or divalent cations, indicating that supercoiling and quite specific cations are needed for the association of sticky DNA. These are the first experiments studying a more specific role of supercoiling and cation influence on this DNA conformation. To support our model of the topological effects of sticky DNA in plasmids, changes in sticky DNA band migration was measured with reference to the linear DNA after treatment with increasing concentrations of ethidium bromide (EtBr). The presence of independent negative supercoil domains was confirmed by this method and found to be segregated by the DNA-DNA associated region. Sequence-specific polyamide molecules were used to test the effect of binding of the ligands to the GAA•TTC repeats on the inhibition of sticky DNA. The destabilization of the sticky DNA conformation in vitro through this binding of the polyamides demonstrated the first conceptual therapeutic approach for the treatment of FRDA at the DNA molecular level. ^ Thus, examining the properties of sticky DNA formed by these long repeat tracts is important in the elucidation of the possible role of sticky DNA in Friedreich's ataxia. ^
Sequence-specific DNA-binding small molecules that can permeate human cells potentially could regulate transcription of specific genes. Multiple cellular DNA-binding transcription factors are required by HIV type 1 for RNA synthesis. Two pyrrole–imidazole polyamides were designed to bind DNA sequences immediately adjacent to binding sites for the transcription factors Ets-1, lymphoid-enhancer binding factor 1, and TATA-box binding protein. These synthetic ligands specifically inhibit DNA-binding of each transcription factor and HIV type 1 transcription in cell-free assays. When used in combination, the polyamides inhibit virus replication by >99% in isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes, with no detectable cell toxicity. The ability of small molecules to target predetermined DNA sequences located within RNA polymerase II promoters suggests a general approach for regulation of gene expression, as well as a mechanism for the inhibition of viral replication.