42 resultados para POLOIDAL DIVERTOR


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We explore a method for constructing two-dimensional area-preserving, integrable maps associated with Hamiltonian systems, with a given set of fixed points and given invariant curves. The method is used to find an integrable Poincare map for the field lines in a large aspect ratio tokamak with a poloidal single-null divertor. The divertor field is a superposition of a magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium with an arbitrarily chosen safety factor profile, with a wire carrying an electric current to create an X-point. This integrable map is perturbed by an impulsive perturbation that describes non-axisymmetric magnetic resonances at the plasma edge. The non-integrable perturbed map is applied to study the structure of the open field lines in the scrape-off layer, reproducing the main transport features obtained by integrating numerically the magnetic field line equations, such as the connection lengths and magnetic footprints on the divertor plate.


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The existence of a reversed magnetic shear in tokamaks improves the plasma confinement through the formation of internal transport barriers that reduce radial particle and heat transport. However, the transport poloidal profile is much influenced by the presence of chaotic magnetic field lines at the plasma edge caused by external perturbations. Contrary to many expectations, it has been observed that such a chaotic region does not uniformize heat and particle deposition on the inner tokamak wall. The deposition is characterized instead by structured patterns called magnetic footprints, here investigated for a nonmonotonic analytical plasma equilibrium perturbed by an ergodic limiter. The magnetic footprints appear due to the underlying mathematical skeleton of chaotic magnetic field lines determined by the manifold tangles. For the investigated edge safety factor ranges, these effects on the wall are associated with the field line stickiness and escape channels due to internal island chains near the flux surfaces. Comparisons between magnetic footprints and escape basins from different equilibrium and ergodic limiter characteristic parameters show that highly concentrated magnetic footprints can be avoided by properly choosing these parameters. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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An explicit, area-preserving and integrable magnetic field line map for a single-null divertor tokamak is obtained using a trajectory integration method to represent equilibrium magnetic surfaces. The magnetic surfaces obtained from the map are capable of fitting different geometries with freely specified position of the X-point, by varying free model parameters. The safety factor profile of the map is independent of the geometric parameters and can also be chosen arbitrarily. The divertor integrable map is composed of a nonintegrable map that simulates the effect of external symmetry-breaking resonances, so as to generate a chaotic region near the separatrix passing through the X-point. The composed field line map is used to analyze escape patterns (the connection length distribution and magnetic footprints on the divertor plate) for two equilibrium configurations with different magnetic shear profiles at the plasma edge.


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Il presente elaborato è incentrato sulla modellizzazione del plasma di bordo nei dispositivi per la produzione di energia da fusione nucleare noti come tokamak. La tecnologia che nel corso di tutta la seconda metà del XX secolo fino ad oggi è stata sviluppata a questo fine deve necessariamente scontrarsi con alcuni limiti. Nei tokamak il confinamento del plasma è di tipo magnetico e vincola le particelle a muoversi di moto elicoidale all'interno del vessel, tuttavia il confinamento non risulta perfetto e parte dell'energia si scarica sulle pareti della camera, rischiando pertanto di fondere i materiali. Alcune strategie possono essere messe in atto per limitare questo problema, per esempio agendo sulla geometria del tokamak, oppure sulla fisica, inducendo nel plasma una data concentrazione di impurezze che ionizzino irraggiando parte dell'energia di plasma. Proprio tale meccanismo di perdita è stato simulato in un modello monodimensionale di plasma monofluido di bordo. I risultati del codice numerico relativo al modello dimostrano che per concentrazioni di impurezze crescenti è possibile diminuire in modo significativo flusso di calore e temperatura al divertore. Per di più risulta possibile controllare la posizione del fronte di irraggiamento per mezzo di parametri di controllo del plasma quali la pressione. Si osserva inoltre l'insorgere del cosiddetto fenomeno di biforcazione alle basse temperature di divertore, fenomeno in cui il plasma si comporta in modo instabile a causa di fenomeni fisici tipici delle basse energie ("detachment") e a seguito del quale può improvvisamente spegnersi (disruzione). Infine lo stesso modello è stato migliorato inserendo l'ipotesi di plasma bifluido. Anche per gli ioni viene osservato il fenomeno di biforcazione. I risultati numerici evidenziano le dinamiche dello scambio energetico fra le specie gettando le basi di una progettazione efficiente della chimica del plasma finalizzata al raffreddamento del divertore.


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Context. The turbulent pumping effect corresponds to the transport of magnetic flux due to the presence of density and turbulence gradients in convectively unstable layers. In the induction equation it appears as an advective term and for this reason it is expected to be important in the solar and stellar dynamo processes. Aims. We explore the effects of turbulent pumping in a flux-dominated Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model with a solar-like rotation law. Methods. As a first step, only vertical pumping has been considered through the inclusion of a radial diamagnetic term in the induction equation. In the second step, a latitudinal pumping term was included and then, a near-surface shear was included. Results. The results reveal the importance of the pumping mechanism in solving current limitations in mean field dynamo modeling, such as the storage of the magnetic flux and the latitudinal distribution of the sunspots. If a meridional flow is assumed to be present only in the upper part of the convective zone, it is the full turbulent pumping that regulates both the period of the solar cycle and the latitudinal distribution of the sunspot activity. In models that consider shear near the surface, a second shell of toroidal field is generated above r = 0.95 R(circle dot) at all latitudes. If the full pumping is also included, the polar toroidal fields are efficiently advected inwards, and the toroidal magnetic activity survives only at the observed latitudes near the equator. With regard to the parity of the magnetic field, only models that combine turbulent pumping with near-surface shear always converge to the dipolar parity. Conclusions. This result suggests that, under the Babcock-Leighton approach, the equartorward motion of the observed magnetic activity is governed by the latitudinal pumping of the toroidal magnetic field rather than by a large scale coherent meridional flow. Our results support the idea that the parity problem is related to the quadrupolar imprint of the meridional flow on the poloidal component of the magnetic field and the turbulent pumping positively contributes to wash out this imprint.


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In tokamaks, an advanced plasma confinement regime has been investigated with a central hollow electric current with negative density which gives rise to non-nested magnetic surfaces. We present analytical solutions for the magnetohydrodynamic equilibria of this regime in terms of non-orthogonal toroidal polar coordinates. These solutions are obtained for large aspect ratio tokamaks and they are valid for any kind of reversed hollow current density profiles. The zero order solution of the poloidal magnetic flux function describes nested toroidal magnetic surfaces with a magnetic axis displaced due to the toroidal geometry. The first order correction introduces a poloidal field asymmetry and, consequently, magnetic islands arise around the zero order surface with null poloidal magnetic flux gradient. An analytic expression for the magnetic island width is deduced in terms of the equilibrium parameters. We give examples of the equilibrium plasma profiles and islands obtained for a class of current density profile. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3624551]


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Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas in drift approach and a perpendicular dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account plasma rotation and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that an ion geodesic effect deform Alfveacuten wave continuum producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces, which depends on the plasma rotation and poloidal mode numbers. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency also depends on electron temperature. A geodesic ion Alfveacuten mode predicted below the continuum minimum has a small Landau damping in plasmas with Maxwell distribution but the plasma rotation may drive instability.


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Investigations of chaotic particle transport by drift waves propagating in the edge plasma of tokamaks with poloidal zonal flow are described. For large aspect ratio tokamaks, the influence of radial electric field profiles on convective cells and transport barriers, created by the nonlinear interaction between the poloidal flow and resonant waves, is investigated. For equilibria with edge shear flow, particle transport is seen to be reduced when the electric field shear is reversed. The transport reduction is attributed to the robust invariant tori that occur in nontwist Hamiltonian systems. This mechanism is proposed as an explanation for the transport reduction in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien [R. M. O. Galvao , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] for discharges with a biased electrode at the plasma edge.


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Using a quasi-toroidal set of coordinates in plasmas with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, the Vlasov equation is solved, and dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account the q-profile and drift effects, Alfven wave continuum deformation by geodesic effects is analyzed. It is shown that the Alfven continuum has a minimum defined by the ion thermal velocity at the rational magnetic surfaces q(s)=-M/N, where M and N are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively, and the parallel wave number is zero. Low frequency global Alfven waves are found below the continuum minimum. In hot ion plasmas, the geodesic term changes sign, provoking some deformation of Alfven velocity by a factor (1+q(2))(-1/2), and the continuum minimum disappears. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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In Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien [R. M. O. Galvao , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)], high magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity may appear spontaneously or during discharges with a voltage biased electrode inserted at the plasma edge. The turbulent electrostatic fluctuations, measured by Langmuir probes, are modulated by Mirnov oscillations presenting a dominant peak with a common frequency around 10 kHz. We report the occurrence of phase locking of the turbulent potential fluctuations driven by MHD activity at this frequency. Using wavelet cross-spectral analysis, we characterized the phase and frequency synchronization in the plasma edge region. We introduced an order parameter to characterize the radial dependence of the phase-locking intensity. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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For specific blanket and divertor applications in future fusion power reactors a replacement of presently considered reduced activation ferritic martensitic (RAFM) steels as a structural material by suitable oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic martensitic steels would allow a substantial increase of the operating temperature from similar to 823 to about 923 K. Due to this reason the RAFM-alloy ODS-Eurofer has already been developed and produced with industrial partners. In the He-cooled modular divertor concept, where temperatures above 923 K will arise, an ODS-steel with a purely ferritic matrix is advantageous, because of missing phase transitions. Due to this reason, a special ferritic ODS-steel is being manufactured as well. In this work the microstructures of these two ODS-alloy types, analysed mainly by high resolution TEM are compared, with respect to different manufacturing processes. In addition first results of high resolution EBSD scans together with determined orientation maps of the RAFM steel ODS-Eurofer will also be presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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TPD, TDS, termal desorption, hydrogen isotopes, graphite, calibration, QMS


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Associée à d'autres techniques observationnelles, la polarimétrie dans le visible ou dans le proche infrarouge permet d'étudier la morphologie des champs magnétiques à la périphérie de nombreuses régions de formation stellaire. A l'intérieur des nuages molécualires la morphologie des champs est connue par polarimétrie submillimétrique, mais rarement pour les mêmes régions. Habituellement, il manque une échelle spatiale intermédiaire pour pouvoir comparer correctement la morphologie du champ magnétique galactique avec celle située à l'intérieur des nuages moléculaires. -- Cette thèse propose les moyens nécessaires pour réaliser ce type d'analyse multi-échelle afin de mieux comprendre le rôle que peuvent jouer les champs magnétiques dans les processus de formation stellaire. La première analyse traite de la région GF 9. Vient ensuite une étude de la morphologie du champ magnétique dans les filaments OMC-2 et OMC-3 suivie d'une analyse multi-échelle dans le complexe de nuages moléculaires Orion A dont OMC-2 et OMC-3 font partie. -- La synthèse des résultats couvrant GF 9 et Orion A est la suivante. Les approches statistiques employées montrent qu'aux grandes échelles spatiales la morphologie des champs magnétiques est poloïdale dans la région GF 9, et probablement hélicoïdale dans la région Orion A. A l'échelle spatiale des enveloppes des nuages moléculaires, les champs magnétiques apparaissent alignés avec les champs situés à leur périphérie. A l'échelle spatiale des coeurs, le champ magnétique poloïdal environnant la région GF 9 est apparemment entraîné par le coeur en rotation, et la diffusion ambipolaire n'y semble pas effective actuellement. Dans Orion A, la morphologie des champs est difficilement détectable dans les sites actifs de formation d'OMC-2, ou bien très fortement contrainte par les effets de la gravité dans OMC-1. Des effets probables de la turbulence ne seont détectés dans aucune des régions observées. -- Les analyses multi-échelles suggèrent donc qu'indépendamment du stade évolutif et de la gamme de masse des régions de formation stellaires, le champ magnétique galactique subit des modifications de sa morphologie aux échelles spatiales comparables à celles des coeurs protostellaires, de la même façon que les propriétés structurelles des nuages moléculaires suivent des lois d'autosimilarité jusqu'à des échelles comparables à celles des coeurs.


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Alfven eigenmodes (AE) driven by ion cyclotron resonance heating are usually registered by different diagnostic channels in the hot core plasmas of large tokamaks like JET and ASDEX Upgrade. These AE appear very near to the extremum points of Alfven wave continuum, which is modified by the geodesic effect due to poloidal mode coupling. It is shown that the AE spectrum may be explored as the magnetic spectroscopy (like Alfven cascades by Sharapov et al 2001 Phys. Lett. A 289 127) to determine the q-factor minimum and geodesic frequency at the magnetic axis in standard sawtoothed discharges without reversed shear.


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Fractal structures appear in many situations related to the dynamics of conservative as well as dissipative dynamical systems, being a manifestation of chaotic behaviour. In open area-preserving discrete dynamical systems we can find fractal structures in the form of fractal boundaries, associated to escape basins, and even possessing the more general property of Wada. Such systems appear in certain applications in plasma physics, like the magnetic field line behaviour in tokamaks with ergodic limiters. The main purpose of this paper is to show how such fractal structures have observable consequences in terms of the transport properties in the plasma edge of tokamaks, some of which have been experimentally verified. We emphasize the role of the fractal structures in the understanding of mesoscale phenomena in plasmas, such as electromagnetic turbulence.