1000 resultados para POLLINATION SYSTEMS


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The tribe Pogonieae of Vanilloideae (Orchidaceae) consists of six genera, including Pogoniopsis, a mycoheterotrophic taxon with morphological characteristics distinct from the remaining of the tribe. A hypothesis about the phylogeny of the tribe was inferred, involving all currently recognized genera, based on isolated and combined sequence data of 5.8S, 18S and 26S (nrDNA) regions using parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Phylogenetic analyses show that inclusion of Pogoniopsis turns the tribe Pogonieae paraphyletic. All analyses reveal that Pogoniopsis is closely related to members of Epidendroideae. The pantropical Vanilla is monophyletic if Dictyophyllaria is assumed as synonym of Vanilla. Members of Pogonieae are pollinated by several groups of solitary and social bees, two pollination systems being recognized: reward-producing and deceptive. The molecular phylogeny suggests that ancestrals related to Pogonieae gave rise to two evolutionary lines: a tropical one with reward production of flowers, and a predominantly temperate regions invading line with deceptive flowers. Reward-producing flowers characterize the South and Central American clade (=Cleistes), while deceptive pollination is prominent in the clade that includes North American-Asiatic taxa plus the Amazonian genus Duckeella. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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(Vertical distribution of biotic pollination systems in cerrado sensu stricto in the Triangulo Mineiro, MG, Brazil). Several factors can influence the distribution of floral resources and pollination systems in ecosystems, such as climate, altitude, geographic region, fragmentation of natural areas and differences in floristic composition along the vertical stratification. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of the vertical stratification of biotic pollination systems in cerrado (sensu stricto) fragments in the Triangulo Mineiro. There was no significant difference (chi(2)(0.05,9)=14.17; P = 0.12) in total plant species richness among fragments, nor in the species richness of each layer (trees, shrubs, herbs and lianas) and the shrub layer was the best represented. Likewise, there was no significant difference between fragments for the systems of pollination (chi(2)(0 05,21) =13.80; P = 0.8778). Pollination by bees was the most common, corresponding to 85% of species in each fragment. In relative terms, plants pollinated by bees were dominant in all strata, reaching 100% for the lianas in fragments 1, 3 and 4 and for the herbs in fragments 1 and 4. In this study, based on floristic composition and distribution of biotic pollination systems in the vertical stratification, we could define a vertical mosaic in the cerrado studied, which has implications for the sustainability of communities in the cerrado, as well as the horizontal mosaic of vegetation types.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The diversity of floral forms has long been considered a prime example of radiation through natural selection. However, little is still known about the evolution of floral traits, a critical piece of evidence for the understanding of the processes that may have driven flower evolution. We studied the pattern of evolution of quantitative floral traits in a group of Neotropical lianas (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) and used a time-calibrated phylogeny as basis to: (1) test for phylogenetic signal in 16 continuous floral traits; (2) evaluate the rate of evolution in those traits; and (3) reconstruct the ancestral state of the individual traits. Variation in floral traits among extant species of Bignonieae was highly explained by their phylogenetic history. However, opposite signals were found in floral traits associated with the attraction of pollinators (calyx and corolla) and pollen transfer (androecium and gynoecium), suggesting a differential role of selection in different floral whorls. Phylogenetic independent contrasts indicate that traits evolved at different rates, whereas ancestral character state reconstructions indicate that the ancestral size of most flower traits was larger than the mean observed sizes of the same traits in extant species. The implications of these patterns for the reproductive biology of Bignonieae are discussed. (C) 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102, 378-390.


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O cacauí (Theobroma speciosum) é uma fruteira típica da Região Norte, cujas flores sapromiofílicas atraem dípteros. Os recursos que os insetos utilizam são muito variados e entre eles estão as flores, as quais podem ser utilizadas como alimento e local para reprodução. Este trabalho visou fazer uma comparação do sistema de polinização de T. speciosum em duas áreas de preservação distintas, contribuindo para a avaliação das estratégias de conservação da espécie. O trabalho foi realizado nos anos de 2000 a 2002, no Centro de Pesquisa do Trópico Úmido da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA/CPATU) e na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFPn/MPEG). Foram realizados estudos sobre estrutura populacional e fenologia de T. speciosum nas duas áreas de preservação, observação comportamental dos insetos no campo, coletas de insetos visitantes das flores de cacauí, análise de carreamento de pólen pelos insetos e verificação dos insetos emergentes no laboratório. As árvores de cacauí, em ambos os locais, florescem em períodos mais secos e frutificam em períodos mais úmidos. As populações de cacauí nas duas áreas diferem pela distribuição espacial e etária dos seus indivíduos. A falta de jovens e subadultos na área de preservação ex situ, mostra falha no "tum over' populacional, demonstrando fragilidade no sistema estabelecido. As inflorescências de T. speciosum são utilizadas por uma grande diversidade de invertebrados. Nove ordens de insetos, e pelo menos duas ordens de outros invertebrados, visitaram as flores de cacau'. As ordens com maior quantidade de indivíduos foram Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera e Coleoptera. Os visitantes das flores de cacauí foram classificados como: oportunistas, predadores e polinizadores. Drosofilideos foram indicados como polinizadores de T speciosum, com a possibilidade da participação de alguns forídeos. As guildas dos drosofilídeos foram distintas nas duas áreas de preservação e mais diversa na área de preservação in situ. Quatro espécies foram comuns as duas áreas. A perda de diversidade e alteração na composição na guilda de polinizadores parece não ter afetado a população de T. speciosum na área de preservação ex situ. No caso em estudo o sistema de polinização apesar de profundamente alterado, ainda apresenta sinais de viabilidade.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Alguns fatores podem influenciar a distribuição dos recursos florais e sistemas de polinização bióticos nos ecossistemas, como por exemplo, o clima, a altitude, a região geográfica, fragmentação de áreas naturais e as diferenças na composição florística na estratificação vertical. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição dos sistemas de polinização bióticos na estratificação vertical em fragmentos de cerrado sentido restrito no Triângulo Mineiro. Não houve diferença significativa (χ²0,05,9 =14,17; p = 0,12) na riqueza florística geral entre os fragmentos, nem quando comparada em separado para cada estrato (arbóreo, arbustivo, herbáceo e liana), estando o estrato arbustivo mais bem representado. Da mesma forma, não houve diferenças significativas entre fragmentos quanto aos sistemas de polinização (χ²0,05,21 =13,80; p = 0,8778), sendo a polinização por abelhas mais comum, correspondendo ao menos 85% das espécies de plantas em cada fragmento. Em termos relativos, as plantas polinizadas por abelhas foram dominantes em todos os estratos, chegando a 100% das lianas e herbáceas em alguns fragmentos. Neste estudo, com base na composição florística e distribuição dos sistemas de polinização na estratificação vertical, podemos caracterizar um mosaico vertical no cerrado sentido restrito, que tem implicações na sustentabilidade das comunidades no cerrado, assim como os mosaicos horizontais de fitofisionomias.


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Aims Floral traits are frequency used in traditional plant systematics because Of their assumed constancy. One potential reason for the apparent constancy of flower size is that effective pollen transfer between flowers depends oil the accuracy of the physical fit between the flower and pollinator. Therefore, dowels are likely to he under stronger stabilizing selection for uniform size than vegetative plant parts. Moreover, as predicted by the pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection (PMSS) hypothesis, all accurate fit between flowers and their pollinators is likely to he more important for specialized pollination systems as found in many species with bilaterally symmetric (zygomorphic) flowers than for species, with radially symmetric (actinomorphic) flowers. Methods In a comparative study of 15 zygomorphic and 13 actinomorphic species ill Switzerland, we tested whether variation in flower size, among and within individuals, is smaller than variation ill leaf size and whether variation in flower size is smaller ill zygomorphic compared to actinomorphic species. Important findings Indeed, variation ill leaf length was significantly larger than variation in flower length and width. Within-individual variation ill flower and leaf sizes did not differ significantly between zygomorphic and actinomorphic species. In line with the predictions of the PMSS, among-individual variation ill flower length and flower width was significantly smaller for zygomorphic species than for actinomorphic species, while the two groups did not differ in leaf length variation. This suggests that plants with zygomorphic flowers have undergone stronger selection for uniform flowers than plants with actinomorphic flowers. This supports that the uniformity of flowers compared to vegetative structures within species, as already observed in traditional plant systematics, is, at least in part, a consequence of the requirement for effective pollination.


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Petunia hybrida is a popular bedding plant that has a long history as a genetic model system. We report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of inbred derivatives of its two wild parents, P. axillaris N and P. inflata S6. The assemblies include 91.3% and 90.2% coverage of their diploid genomes (1.4 Gb; 2n = 14) containing 32,928 and 36,697 protein-coding genes, respectively. The genomes reveal that the Petunia lineage has experienced at least two rounds of hexaploidization: the older gamma event, which is shared with most Eudicots, and a more recent Solanaceae event that is shared with tomato and other solanaceous species. Transcription factors involved in the shift from bee to moth pollination reside in particularly dynamic regions of the genome, which may have been key to the remarkable diversity of floral colour patterns and pollination systems. The high-quality genome sequences will enhance the value of Petunia as a model system for research on unique biological phenomena such as small RNAs, symbiosis, self-incompatibility and circadian rhythms.


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Monoculture farming systems have had serious environmental impacts such as loss of biodiversity and pollinator decline. The authors explain how temperate agroforestry systems show potential in being able to deliver multiple environmental benefits.


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DNA- and RNA-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems were used with Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) primers designed from conserved regions of the six published genomic sequences of CSSV to investigate whether the virus is transmissible from infected trees through cross-pollination to seeds and seedlings. Pollen was harvested from CSSV infected cocoa trees and used to cross-pollinate flowers of healthy cocoa trees (recipient parents) to generate enough cocoa seeds for the PCR screening. Adequate precautions were taken to avoid cross-contamination during duplicated DNA extractions and only PCR results accompanied by effective positive and negative controls were scored. Results from the PCR analyses showed that samples of cocoa pod husk, mesocarp and seed tissues (testa, cotyledon and embryo) from the cross-pollinations were PCR negative for CSSV DNA. Sequential DNA samples from new leaves of seedlings resulting from the cross-pollinated trees were consistently PCR negative for presence of portions of CSSV DNA for over 36 months after germination. A reverse transcription-PCR analysis performed on the seedlings showed negative results, indicating absence of functional CSSV RNA transcripts in the seedlings. None of the seedlings exhibited symptoms characteristic of the CSSV disease, and all infectivity tests on the seedlings were also negative. Following these results, the study concluded that although CSSV DNA was detected in pollen from CSSV infected trees, there was no evidence of pollen transmission of the virus through cross-pollination from infected cocoa parents to healthy cocoa trees. Keywords:badnavirus;CSSV;PCR;pollen;seed transmission;Theobroma cacao


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DNA- and RNA-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems were used with Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) primers designed from conserved regions of the six published genomic sequences of CSSV to investigate whether the virus is transmissible from infected trees through cross-pollination to seeds and seedlings. Pollen was harvested from CSSV infected cocoa trees and used to cross-pollinate flowers of healthy cocoa trees (recipient parents) to generate enough cocoa seeds for the PCR screening. Adequate precautions were taken to avoid cross-contamination during duplicated DNA extractions and only PCR results accompanied by effective positive and negative controls were scored. Results from the PCR analyses showed that samples of cocoa pod husk, mesocarp and seed tissues (testa, cotyledon and embryo) from the cross-pollinations were PCR negative for CSSV DNA. Sequential DNA samples from new leaves of seedlings resulting from the cross-pollinated trees were consistently PCR negative for presence of portions of CSSV DNA for over 36 months after germination. A reverse transcription-PCR analysis performed on the seedlings showed negative results, indicating absence of functional CSSV RNA transcripts in the seedlings. None of the seedlings exhibited symptoms characteristic of the CSSV disease, and all infectivity tests on the seedlings were also negative. Following these results, the study concluded that although CSSV DNA was detected in pollen from CSSV infected trees, there was no evidence of pollen transmission of the virus through cross-pollination from infected cocoa parents to healthy cocoa trees.


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Understanding how climate change can affect crop-pollinator systems helps predict potential geographical mismatches between a crop and its pollinators, and therefore identify areas vulnerable to loss of pollination services. We examined the distribution of orchard species (apples, pears, plums and other top fruits) and their pollinators in Great Britain, for present and future climatic conditions projected for 2050 under the SRES A1B Emissions Scenario. We used a relative index of pollinator availability as a proxy for pollination service. At present there is a large spatial overlap between orchards and their pollinators, but predictions for 2050 revealed that the most suitable areas for orchards corresponded to low pollinator availability. However, we found that pollinator availability may persist in areas currently used for fruit production, but which are predicted to provide sub-optimal environmental suitability for orchard species in the future. Our results may be used to identify mitigation options to safeguard orchard production against the risk of pollination failure in Great Britain over the next 50 years; for instance choosing fruit tree varieties that are adapted to future climatic conditions, or boosting wild pollinators through improving landscape resources. Our approach can be readily applied to other regions and crop systems, and expanded to include different climatic scenarios.


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The paper explores pollination from a multi level policy perspective and analyses the institutional fit and inter play of multi-faceted pollination-related policies. First, it asks what the major policies are that frame pollination at the EU level. Second, it explores the relationship between the EU policies and localised ways of understanding pollination. Addressed third is how the concept of ecosystem services can aid in under- standing the various ways of framing and governing the situation. The results show that the policy systems affecting pollination are abundant and that these systems create different kinds of pressure on stakeholders, at several levels of society. The local-level concerns are more about the loss of pollination services than about loss of pollinators. This points to the problem of fit between local activity driven by economic reasoning and biodiversity-driven EU policies. Here we see the concept of ecosystem services having some potential, since its operationalisation can combine economic and environmental considerations. Further- more, the analysis shows how, instead of formal institutions, it seems that social norms, habits, and motivation are the key to understanding and developing effective and attractive governance measures.


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The floral phenology and reproductive biology of six sympatric arboreal Myrtaceae species were studied in the coastal plain forest (Ubatuba, Brazil, 44 degrees 48`W 23 degrees 22`S), from September 1999 to April 2002. Flowering started in the transition from the driest to the most humid season (Sep/Oct) and lasted until March. The sequence with which the species flowered each year was consistently the same. However, the timing of flowering onset, peak, end, and overlap differed from one year to another. Myrtaceae species were classified as xenogamic according to the pollen:ovule ratios, but two of them seem to present some degree of self-compatibility. Flowers of all species opened at sunrise and lasted for I day. Bombus morio (Apidae: Bombini) was the most common visitor followed by Melipona rufiventris (Apidae: Meliponini). Buzz pollination in Myrtaceae was common at the study area and seems to be related to bees` behaviour and to some aspects of flowers` morphology.