Aquí se explicara cuales han sido los cambios surgidos en las relaciones bilaterales entre Colombia y Canadá a partir del incremento del flujo migratorio colombiano durante el periodo 2000 - 2005. Dividido en causas socio-económicas, acuerdos bilaterales, cambios en las políticas migratorias.
He aquí un bueno libro para el gran debate sobre las migraciones que estremecen las raíces de los dos mundos, aquí los lectores encontrarán soluciones imaginativas para lograr una armonía funcionales en un nuevo equilibrio de fuerzas. Este libro, la invasión latinoamericana, es una obra importante muy elaborada, sin improvisaciones. Por eso, esta segunda edición actualizada, seguramente será tenida en cuenta por todos aquellos quienes, de una manera u otra, aspiramos a un futuro mejor para el continente.
Dentro del fenomeno de las oleadas migratorias internacionales, Canada se destaca por ser uno de los mayores destinos migrantes, en gran parte debido a las ventajas y beneficios que ofrece a sus nuevos residentes. No solo ventajas cobijadas por la ley de inmigracion, sino beneficios respecto de la necesidad que tiene Canada de sus inmigrantes. De igual forma, el papel de la mujer en estos procesos migratorios ha tenido un desarrollo importante, no solo por sus avances, sino por la velocidad en la cual ha logrado generar una inclusion en la sociedad receptora. Sin embargo, la complejidad del proceso es tal, que en muchas ocasiones no contrarresta las ventajas y beneficios que otorga el gobierno, lo cual ha sido motivo para que un gran numero de inmigrantes desista de su proceso y retorne a sus paises de origen. En este punto, ha sido precisamente la mujer, quien ha permanecido en canada. Retomando la teoria de la etica del cuidad, puede explicarse como la mujer toma sus decisisones con base en las responsabilidades de cuidado adquiridas hacia sus seres queridos. En este trabajo investigativo se determina como ha sido el proceso migratorio de un grupo de mujeres latinoamericanas inmigrantes, que las ha motivado a seguir en la provincia de Ontario a pesar de los retos y desafios que afrontan en el proceso y como en gran parte, son esas decisiones morales basadas en su etica del cuidado, el anclaje y motor para que un factor tan importante para la sociedad canadiense, como lo es la mujer inmigrante, permanezca en Canada.
Las nuevas teorías de seguridad de las Relaciones Internacionales, han desplazado la discusión de seguridad en términos militares a nuevos sectores como lo son el político, económico, medio ambiental, y el societal. Por lo tanto la apertura a estos nuevos sectores como el societal permite que los asuntos de seguridad se desplacen del ámbito estatal al doméstico, logrando así que fenómenos como la migración y sus efectos sobre las sociedades receptoras puedan ser analizados como asuntos de seguridad. De tal modo el propósito de esta investigación es analizar de qué manera los flujos migratorios han afectado la seguridad societal y la formulación de las políticas de integración en Francia, Holanda y España.
Este escrito realiza un estudio de los procesos migratorios entre Colombia y Estados Unidos desde el 2000 hasta el 2005, determinando los principales patrones que han promovido dichos movimientos a la luz de aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales.
Con el objetivo de realizar un acercamiento preciso al tema migratorio y de Derechos Humanos y de comprender de manera global la complejidad y variables que intervienen, esta investigación estudiará el caso de Argentina y Bolivia en el periodo de 1997 y 2008, tiempo durante el cual surge la cooperación de actores tanto internos como externos que le dan importancia al control de fenómenos migratorios. Igualmente, se analizará la forma en la que el problema migratorio incide en la violación de los Derechos Humanos, como segunda variable, demostrando que es un problema que afecta las relaciones bilaterales.
La presente monografía tiene como objetivo principal analizar de qué manera los flujos migratorios irregulares provenientes de Marruecos han incidido en la formulación de políticas migratorias bilaterales entre España y Marruecos durante los periodos presidenciales de José Luis Rodriguéz Zapatero. 2004-2011
Esta investigación pretende contribuir a la comprensión de la política de seguridad internacional de Canadá. Para cumplir con dicho objetivo, esta investigación plantea dos propósitos específicos: a) ofrecer una revisión crítica del estado de conocimiento sobre esta política; y b) interpretar los discursos realistas y liberales que configuraron la política canadiense de seguridad internacional durante los gobiernos de Jean Chrétien (1993-2003), Paul Martin (2003-2006) y Stephen Harper (2006-2008). Los discursos liberales son entendidos aquí como complejos de creencias que precisan la obligación moral de comprometerse con proyectos cosmopolitas, tales como la promoción de los derechos humanos, la estabilización de los denominados Estados frágiles y fallidos o la contribución a los valores democrático-liberales. Los discursos realistas son entendidos como complejos de creencias derivados del espíritu de la realpolitik. Estas creencias señalan que los Estados deben buscar sus intereses nacionales independientemente de consideraciones morales.
Résumé non disponible
The issue of health professionals facing criminal charges of manslaughter or criminal negligence causing death or grievous bodily harm as a result of alleged negligence in their professional practice was thrown into stark relief by the recent acquittal of four physicians accused of mismanaging Canada’s blood system in the early 1980s. Stories like these, as well as international reports detailing an increase in the numbers of physicians being charged with (and in some cases convicted of) serious criminal offences as the result of alleged negligence in their professional practice, have resulted in some anxiety about the apparent increase in the incidence of such charges and their appropriateness in the healthcare context. Whilst research has focused on the incidence, nature and appropriateness of criminal charges against health professionals, particularly physicians, for alleged negligence in their professional practice in the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and New Zealand, the Canadian context has yet to be examined. This article examines the Canadian context and how the criminal law is used to regulate the negligent acts or omissions of a health care professional in the course of their professional practice. It also assesses the appropriateness of such use. It is important at this point to state that the analysis in this article does not focus on those, fortunately few, cases where a health professional has intentionally killed his or her patients but rather when patients’ deaths or grievous injuries were allegedly as a result of that health professional’s negligent acts or omissions when providing health services to that patient.
Rural land is still a major property asset class and rural commodity production is an important domestic and export market in all economies. This paper carries out a comprehensive analysis of both rural production and land prices in four major rural production countries. The study compares rural property values in Unites States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand over a period 1990 to 2005 and analyzes and compares the capital return and total return performance for rural land in these four countries. The analysis allows a comparison of farm land returns for both a subsidised and non-subsidised farming policy to determine if levels of farm support result in variations in farm profitability and therefore farm land values.
Background: All Canadian jurisdictions require certain professionals to report suspected or observed child maltreatment. This study examined the types of maltreatment, level of harm and child functioning issues, controlling for family socioeconomic status, age and gender of the child reported by healthcare and non-healthcare professionals. Methods: We conducted chi-square analyses and logistic regression on a national child welfare sample from the 2003 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003) and compared the differences in professional reporting with its previous cycle (CIS-1998) using Bonferroni-corrected confidence intervals. Results: Our analysis of CIS-2003 data revealed that the majority of substantiated child maltreatment is reported to service agencies by non-healthcare professionals (57%), followed by non-professionals (33%) and healthcare professionals (10%). The number of professional reports increased 2.5 times between CIS-1998 and CIS-2003, while non-professionals’ increased 1.7 times. Of the total investigations, professional reports represented 59% in CIS-1998 and 67% in CIS-2003 (p<0.001). Compared to non-healthcare professionals, healthcare professionals more often reported younger children, children who experienced neglect and emotional maltreatment and those assessed as suffering harm and child functioning issues, but less often exposure to domestic violence. Conclusion: The results indicate that healthcare professionals played an important role in identifying children in need of protection considering harm and other child functioning issues. The authors discuss the reasons why underreporting is likely to remain an issue.
Due to their similar colonial histories and common law heritage, Australia and Canada provide an ideal comparative context for examining legislation reflecting new directions in the field of juvenile justice. Toward this end, this article compares the revised juvenile justice legislation which came into force in Queensland and Canada in 2003 (Canada, Youth Criminal Justice Act, enacted on 19 February 2002 and proclaimed in force 1 April 2003; Queensland, Juvenile Justice Act, amended 2003). There are a series of questions that could be addressed including: How similar and how sweeping have been the legislative changes introduced in each jurisdiction?; What are likely to be some of the effects of the implementation of these new legislative regimes?; and, how well does the legislation enacted in either jurisdiction address the fundamental difficulties experienced by children who have been caught up in juvenile justice systems? This article addresses mainly the first of these questions, offering a systematic comparison of recent Queensland and Canadian legislative changes. Although, due to the recentness of these changes, there is no data available to assess long-term effects, anecdotal evidence and preliminary research findings from our comparative study are offered to provide a start at answering the second question. We also offer critical yet sympathetic comments on the ability of legislation to address the fundamental difficulties experienced by children caught up in juvenile justice systems. Specifically, we conclude that while more than simple legislative responses are required to address the difficulties faced by youth offenders, and especially overrepresented Indigenous young offenders, the amended Queensland and new Canadian legislation appear to provide some needed reforms that can be used to help address some of these fundamental difficulties.
The role of the occupational health nurse is broad and includes health care provider, manager/coordinator, educator/advisor, and case manager and consultant, depending on the type of industry and the country in which the nurse practices. Regardless of the type of role, the occupational health nurse must participate in continuing nursing education (CNE) activities. This study describes the roles, credentials, and number of CNE activities undertaken by occupational health nurses working in Ontario, Canada. Using a non-experimental descriptive design, a questionnaire was mailed to all practicing occupational health nurses who are members (n = 900) of a local nursing association. Three hundred fifty-four questionnaires were returned. Nurses reported a variety of roles in the following categories: case management, health promotion, policy development, infection control/travel health, ergonomics, education, research, health and safety, direct care, consultation, disaster preparedness, and industrial hygiene. Sixty-five percent of nurses held an occupational health nurse credential, and 19% of nurses attended more than 100 hours of CNE annually. Occupational health nurses have multiple workplace roles. Many attend CNE activities and they often prepare for credentialing.