995 resultados para POLAR ORGANIC MODE


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A high-performance liquid chromatographic method using polar organic mode was developed to analyze albendazole (ABZ), albendazole sulfone (ABZSO(2)) and the chiral and active metabolite albendazole sulfoxide (ABZSOX, ricobendazole) that was further applied in stereoselective fungal biotransformation studies. The chromatographic separation was performed on a Chiralpak AS column using acetonitrile:ethanol (97:3, v/v) plus 0.2% triethylamine and 0.2% acetic acid as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.5 mL min(-1). The present study employed hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction as sample preparation. The method showed to be linear over the concentration range of 25-5000 ng mL(-1) for each ABZSOX enantiomer, 200-10,000 ng mL(-1) for ABZ and 50-1000 ng mL(-1) for ABZSO(2) metabolite with correlation coefficient (r)> 0.9934. The mean recoveries for ABZ, rac-ABZSOX and ABZSO(2) were, respectively, 9%, 33% and 20% with relative standard deviation below 10%. Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy assays for these analytes were studied at three concentration levels and were lower than 15%. This study opens the door regarding the possibility of using fungi in obtaining of the active metabolite ricobendazole. Nigrospora sphaerica (Sacc.) E. W. Mason (5567), Pestalotiopsis foedans (VR8), Papulaspora immersa Hotson (SS13) and Mucor rouxii were able to stereoselectively metabolize ABZ into its chiral metabolite. Among them, the fungus Mucor rouxii was the most efficient in the production of (+)-ABZSOX. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Graphene, functionalized with oleylamine (OA) and soluble in non-polar organic solvents, was produced on a large scale with a high yield by combining the Hummers process for graphite oxidation, an amine-coupling process to make OA-functionalized graphite oxide (OA-GO), and a novel reduction process using trioctylphosphine (TOP). TOP acts as both a reducing agent and an aggregation-prevention surfactant in the reduction of OA-GO in 1,2-dichlorobenzene (DCB). The reduction of OA-GO is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Raman spectroscopy. The exfoliation of GO, OA GO, and OA-functionalized graphene (OA-G) is verified by atomic force microscopy. The conductivity of TOP-reduced OA G, which is deduced from the current–voltage characteristics of a vacuum-filtered thin film, shows that the reduction of functionalized GO by TOP is as effective as the reduction of GO by hydrazine.


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Effluent from sewage treatment plants has been associated with a range of pollutant effects. Depending on the influent composition and treatment processes the effluent may contain a myriad of different chemicals which makes monitoring very complex. In this study we aimed to monitor relatively polar organic pollutant mixtures using a combination of passive sampling techniques and a set of biochemistry based assays covering acute bacterial toxicity (Microtox™), phytotoxicity (Max-I-PAM assay) and genotoxicity (umuC assay). The study showed that all of the assays were able to detect effects in the samples and allowed a comparison of the two plants as well as a comparison between the two sampling periods. Distinct improvements in water quality were observed in one of the plants as result of an upgrade to a UV disinfection system, which improved from 24× sample enrichment required to induce a 50% response in the Microtox™ assay to 84×, from 30× sample enrichment to induce a 50% reduction in photosynthetic yield to 125×, and the genotoxicity observed in the first sampling period was eliminated. Thus we propose that biochemical assay techniques in combination with time integrated passive sampling can substantially contribute to the monitoring of polar organic toxicants in STP effluents.


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用去离子水及有机液体在内径约为25μm的石英圆管内进行了流量特性实验.液体分子量范围为18~160,动力黏性系数的范围为0.5~1 mPa.s.实验雷诺数范围为Re<8.所用有机液体为:四氯化碳、乙基苯及环己烷都是非极性液体,其分子结构尺度小于1 nm.实验结果表明,在定常层流条件下,圆管内的液体流量与两端压力差成正比,其压力-流量关系仍符合经典的Hagen-Poiseuille流动.这说明非极性小分子有机液体在本实验所用微米尺度管道中其流动规律仍符合连续介质假设.鉴于微尺度流动实验的特殊性,文中还介绍了微流动实验装置,分析了微尺度流动测量误差来源及提高测量精度的措施.


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A novel amperometric biosensor for quantification of the electrochemically inert polar organic solvents based on tyrosinase electrode was preliminarily reported. The biosensor was fabricated by simply syringing an aqueous solution of tyrosinase/PVAVP (PVAVP: copolymer of poly(vinyl alcohol) grafting with 4-vinylpyridine) onto glassy carbon electrode surface followed by drying the modified electrode at +4 degrees C in a refrigerator. The current generated from electrochemical reduction of quinone is a probe signal. The biosensor can be used for quantification of polar organic solvents, and its mechanism was characterized with in situ steady-state amperometry-quartz crystal microbalance experiments. The detection limit, sensitivity, and dynamic range for certain organic solvents are dependent on the kind and concentration of the substrate probe and the hydrophobicity of the immobilization matrix. The response time for all the tested organic solvents is less than 2 min.


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The present work describes for the first time the use of SPME coupled to LC-MS/MS employing the polar organic mode in a stereoselective fungal biotransformation study to investigate the fungi ability to biotransform the drug risperidone into its chiral and active metabolite 9-hydroxyrisperidone (9-RispOH). The chromatographic separation was performed on a Chiralcel OJ-H column using methanol:ethanol (50:50, v/v) plus 0.2% triethylamine as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.8 mL min(-1). The SPME process was performed using a C18 fiber, 30 min of extraction time and 5 min of desorption time in the mobile phase. The method was completely validated and all parameters were in agreement with the literature recommendations. The Cunninghamella echinulata fungus was able to biotransform risperidone into the active metabolite, (+)-9-RispOH, resulting in 100% of enantiomeric excess. The Cunninghamella elegans fungus was also able to stereoselectively biotransform risperidone into (+)- and (-)-9-RispOH enantiomers at different rates. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thesis primarily reports the synthesis, characterization and application of novel mixed mode stationary phases for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC). HILIC is a rapidly emerging chromatographic mode that is finding great applicability in the analysis of polar organic molecules. In addition, there is a chapter on the analysis of Bisphenol A and related species using capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled with boron-doped diamond electrodes for electrochemical detection. The synthesis and characterization of the novel mixed mode stationary phases prepared in this work is an important contribution to the field as the materials prepared exhibited better performance than similar materials obtained commercially. In addition a more thorough characterization of the materials (e.g.,thermogravimetric analysis, various NMR modes, elemental analysis, etc.) and resulting columns (e.g., H) than is typically encountered. The application of these new materials to the analysis of sugars using evaporative light scattering is also novel. In CE studies, electrochemical detection is sufficiently rare that the work is also novel.


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The enantiomers of sulfoxide proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole and Ro 18-5364 - were enantiomerically separated by liquid chromatography at multimilligram scale on a poly saccharide-based chiral stationary phase using normal and polar organic conditions as mobile phase. The values of the recovery and production rate were significant for each enantiomer; better results were achieved using a solid-phase injection system. However, this system was applied just for the enantionteric separation of omeprazole to demonstrate the applicability of this injection mode at milligram scale. The chiroptical characterization of the compounds was performed using a polarimeter and a circular dichroism detector. The higher enantiomeric purity obtained for the isolated enantiomers suggests that the methods here described should be considered as a simple and rapid way to obtain enantiomeric pure standards for analytical purpose. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Organic geochemical and organic petrographic methods were used to study three Lower to middle Cretaceous sediment samples from Hole 535 in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico for organic matter contents and origin and level of maturation. All three samples contain mixed kerogen Type II/III organic matter with a maturity corresponding to about 0.4% vitrinite reflectance. The marine component increases with stratigraphic age, and microbial reworking of the organic matter is significant in each age. The lower two samples of Hauterivian to Valanginian age appear to be impregnated (or contaminated) with soluble polar organic compounds, but there is only a weak indication for the presence of more mature, nonindigenous hydrocarbons.


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Human activities represent a significant burden on the global water cycle, with large and increasing demands placed on limited water resources by manufacturing, energy production and domestic water use. In addition to changing the quantity of available water resources, human activities lead to changes in water quality by introducing a large and often poorly-characterized array of chemical pollutants, which may negatively impact biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems, leading to impairment of valuable ecosystem functions and services. Domestic and industrial wastewaters represent a significant source of pollution to the aquatic environment due to inadequate or incomplete removal of chemicals introduced into waters by human activities. Currently, incomplete chemical characterization of treated wastewaters limits comprehensive risk assessment of this ubiquitous impact to water. In particular, a significant fraction of the organic chemical composition of treated industrial and domestic wastewaters remains uncharacterized at the molecular level. Efforts aimed at reducing the impacts of water pollution on aquatic ecosystems critically require knowledge of the composition of wastewaters to develop interventions capable of protecting our precious natural water resources.

The goal of this dissertation was to develop a robust, extensible and high-throughput framework for the comprehensive characterization of organic micropollutants in wastewaters by high-resolution accurate-mass mass spectrometry. High-resolution mass spectrometry provides the most powerful analytical technique available for assessing the occurrence and fate of organic pollutants in the water cycle. However, significant limitations in data processing, analysis and interpretation have limited this technique in achieving comprehensive characterization of organic pollutants occurring in natural and built environments. My work aimed to address these challenges by development of automated workflows for the structural characterization of organic pollutants in wastewater and wastewater impacted environments by high-resolution mass spectrometry, and to apply these methods in combination with novel data handling routines to conduct detailed fate studies of wastewater-derived organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment.

In Chapter 2, chemoinformatic tools were implemented along with novel non-targeted mass spectrometric analytical methods to characterize, map, and explore an environmentally-relevant “chemical space” in municipal wastewater. This was accomplished by characterizing the molecular composition of known wastewater-derived organic pollutants and substances that are prioritized as potential wastewater contaminants, using these databases to evaluate the pollutant-likeness of structures postulated for unknown organic compounds that I detected in wastewater extracts using high-resolution mass spectrometry approaches. Results showed that application of multiple computational mass spectrometric tools to structural elucidation of unknown organic pollutants arising in wastewaters improved the efficiency and veracity of screening approaches based on high-resolution mass spectrometry. Furthermore, structural similarity searching was essential for prioritizing substances sharing structural features with known organic pollutants or industrial and consumer chemicals that could enter the environment through use or disposal.

I then applied this comprehensive methodological and computational non-targeted analysis workflow to micropollutant fate analysis in domestic wastewaters (Chapter 3), surface waters impacted by water reuse activities (Chapter 4) and effluents of wastewater treatment facilities receiving wastewater from oil and gas extraction activities (Chapter 5). In Chapter 3, I showed that application of chemometric tools aided in the prioritization of non-targeted compounds arising at various stages of conventional wastewater treatment by partitioning high dimensional data into rational chemical categories based on knowledge of organic chemical fate processes, resulting in the classification of organic micropollutants based on their occurrence and/or removal during treatment. Similarly, in Chapter 4, high-resolution sampling and broad-spectrum targeted and non-targeted chemical analysis were applied to assess the occurrence and fate of organic micropollutants in a water reuse application, wherein reclaimed wastewater was applied for irrigation of turf grass. Results showed that organic micropollutant composition of surface waters receiving runoff from wastewater irrigated areas appeared to be minimally impacted by wastewater-derived organic micropollutants. Finally, Chapter 5 presents results of the comprehensive organic chemical composition of oil and gas wastewaters treated for surface water discharge. Concurrent analysis of effluent samples by complementary, broad-spectrum analytical techniques, revealed that low-levels of hydrophobic organic contaminants, but elevated concentrations of polymeric surfactants, which may effect the fate and analysis of contaminants of concern in oil and gas wastewaters.

Taken together, my work represents significant progress in the characterization of polar organic chemical pollutants associated with wastewater-impacted environments by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Application of these comprehensive methods to examine micropollutant fate processes in wastewater treatment systems, water reuse environments, and water applications in oil/gas exploration yielded new insights into the factors that influence transport, transformation, and persistence of organic micropollutants in these systems across an unprecedented breadth of chemical space.


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A model for positron binding to polar molecules is considered by combining the dipole potential outside the molecule with a strongly repulsive core of a given radius. Using existing experimental data on binding energies leads to unphysically small core radii for all of the molecules studied. This suggests that electron–positron correlations neglected in the simple model play a large role in determining the binding energy. We account for these by including the polarization potential via perturbation theory and non-perturbatively. The perturbative model makes reliable predictions of binding energies for a range of polar organic molecules and hydrogen cyanide. The model also agrees with the linear dependence of the binding energies on the polarizability inferred from the experimental data (Danielson et al 2009 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 235203). The effective core radii, however, remain unphysically small for most molecules. Treating molecular polarization non-perturbatively leads to physically meaningful core radii for all of the molecules studied and enables even more accurate predictions of binding energies to be made for nearly all of the molecules considered.


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Many protocols have been used for extraction of DNA from Thraustochytrids. These generally involve the use of CTAB, phenol/chloroform and ethanol. They also feature mechanical grinding, sonication, N2 freezing or bead beating. However, the resulting chemical and physical damage to extracted DNA reduces its quality. The methods are also unsuitable for large numbers of samples. Commercially-available DNA extraction kits give better quality and yields but are expensive. Therefore, an optimized DNA extraction protocol was developed which is suitable for Thraustochytrids to both minimise expensive and time-consuming steps prior to DNA extraction and also to improve the yield. The most effective method is a combination of single bead in TissueLyser (Qiagen) and Proteinase K. Results were conclusive: both the quality and the yield of extracted DNA were higher than with any other method giving an average yield of 8.5 µg/100 mg biomass.