The goal of this study was to evaluate inhaled pentamidine for the treatment of patients with mild and moderate Pneumocystis carinii pneumonitis. Eight adults with AIDS and pneumocystis pneumonia (4 with a first episode and 4 with a repeat pneumocystosis) received daily inhalations of aerosol pentamidine isethionate for 21 days. Six patients were treated with doses of 300 mg of pentamidine and the remaining 2 received 600 mg every day. In the 300 mg treatment group, 2 individuals showed discrete and transient neutropenia. However, both subjects that received 600 mg of aerosol pentamidine daily developed leukopenia. One of them had major toxicity (overall severe intolerance of 12.5%) that required drug discontinuation and did not allow any analysis of the treatment efficacy. Of the 7 evaluable patients, 6 (88%) completed the treatment successfuly. One subject of the 300 mg regimen experienced an early recurrence. In conclusion, inhaled pentamidine is an effective treatment for mild and moderate cases of P. carinii pneumonia. It is less toxic than standard anti-pneumocystis therapy and is suitable for outpatient use.
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is usually prevented in transplanted patients by prophylactic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol (TMS). Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) has been shown to have a strong protective effect against PCP in rats. This effect is also suggested in humans by the absence of PCP in patients receiving MMF. After January 1998 MMF has been used with no TMS prophylaxis in renal transplanted patients. In azathioprine (AZA) treated patients TMS prophylaxis was maintained. The incidence of PCP was analyzed in both groups. Data were collected in order to have a minimum 6-month follow-up. Two hundred and seventy-two patients were eligible for analysis. No PCP occurred either in patients under MMF without TMS prophylaxis nor in patients under AZA. MMF may have an effective protective role against PCP as no patient under MMF, despite not receiving TMS coverage, developed PCP. A larger, controlled, trial is warranted to consolidate this information.
OBJECTIVE: Review of incidence, clinical picture, therapy, and outcome of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) in infants with vertically-acquired HIV infection in Switzerland. METHODS: Inquiry among members of the Swiss Pediatrics AIDS Group, review of the data base of the Swiss Neonatal HIV Study and retrospective analysis of the charts from infants with PCP. RESULTS: Since 1986 PCP has been diagnosed in 10 out of 107 infants with vertically-acquired HIV infection. PCP occurred in 7 infants at the age of 3-6 months and in 3 at the age of 9-11 months. 4 infants showed symptoms related to HIV infection before developing PCP. Before the development of PCP, infection with HIV had been ascertained in 6 infants. In 2 the diagnosis was still unclear and in the 2 remaining the risk of HIV infection was not known. None of the infants was on primary prophylaxis against PCP. Signs and symptoms of PCP included cough and tachypnea (100%) as well as high fever up to 40 degrees C (90%). Transcutaneous oxygen saturation was 70-95%. Chest X-rays revealed interstitial infiltrates in 6 infants, localized infiltrates in 2 and interstitial as well as localized infiltrates in 2. The CD4+ cell count was, with one exception, < 1500/microliters, i.e. below the normal value for age. Side effects of high dose cotrimoxazole were noted in 6 patients. 5 infants required intubation and mechanical ventilation. 4 infants died due to PCP, including 3 of those who required intubation and mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSIONS: PCP in infants with vertically-acquired HIV infection preferentially occurs at the age of 3 to 6 months and is often lethal, especially in patients requiring intubation. Evaluation for HIV infection should be done as early as possible in order to introduce primary PCP prophylaxis in infants at risk for this opportunistic infection.
The case of a patient with a newly diagnosed HIV infection and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is presented. Despite treatment with high-dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and prednisone with initial improvement, the patient acutely deteriorated with severe acidosis and died on the 4th day of hospitalization. Cryptococcus neoformans grew the next day in broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) and blood culture. As simultaneous presence of more than one opportunistic infection can occur in these patients, systematic workup for other common opportunistic infections must be performed.
We describe two human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) during immunosuppressive therapy for antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-positive vasculitis and review the literature regarding the pathogenesis and frequency of PCP. The recent application of DNA amplification techniques suggests that PCP developing in immunocompromised individuals does not necessarily result from reactivation of a dormant focus, but may arise as de novo infection after exposure to an exogenous source of P carinii. In addition, several reports about clusters of PCP cases raise concern about the risk of a nosocomial transmission of P carinii. Therefore, PCP should be added to the list of bronchopulmonary complications in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-positive vasculitis who are receiving long-term steroid therapy.
We report a molecular typing and epidemiologic analysis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) cases diagnosed in our geographic area from 1990 to 2000. Our analysis suggests that transmission from patients with active PCP to susceptible persons caused only a few, if any, PCP cases in our setting.
This is a case report of intestinal cryptosporidiosis diagnosed in histological specimen collected from autopsy. The patient was a child of 5 months admitted to the hospital with severe acute diarrhea associated with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalic sialadenitis, oral and dermal candidiasis. The presence of multiple opportunistic infections in this case indicated immunodeficiency state. Cryptosporidium sp is a possible etiology of acute diarrhea in both immunodeficient and immunocompetent patients and has to be searched for at autopsy when diagnosis was not possible "in vivo".
The pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii is ultimately responsible for the death of many acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. Large doses of trimethoprim and pyrimethamine in combination with a sulphonamide and/or pentamidine suppress the infection but produce serious side-effects and seldom prevent recurrence after treatment withdrawal. However, the partial success of the aforementioned antifolates, and also trimetrexate used alone, does suggest dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) as a target for the development of antipneumocystis agents. From the DHFR inhibitory activities of 3'-substituted pyrimethamine analogues it was suggested that the 3'-(3'',3''-dimethyltriazen-1''-yl) substituent may be responsible for the greater activity for the P.carinii over the mammalian enzyme. Crystallographic and molecular modeling studies revealed considerable geometrical and electronic differences between the triazene and the chemically related formamidine functions that may account for the differences in DHFR inhibitory profiles. Structural and electronic parameters calculated for a series of 3'-(3'',3''-disubstitutedtriazen-1''-yl) pyrimethamine analogues did not correlate with the DHFR inhibitory activities. However, the in vitro screening against P.carinii DHFR revealed that the 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyl analogue was the most active and selective. Models of the active sites of human and P.carinii DHFRs were constructed using DHFR sequence and structural homology data which had identified key residues involved in substrate and cofactor binding. Low energy conformations of the 3'',3''-dimethyl and 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyle analogues, determined from nuclear magnetic resonance studies and theoretical calculations, were docked by superimposing the diaminopyrimidine fragment onto a previously docked pyrimethamine analogue. Enzyme kinetic data supported the 3''-hydroxyethyl-3''-benzyl moiety being located in the NADPH binding groove. The 3''-benzyl substituent was able to locate to within 3 AA of a valine residue in the active site of P.carinii DHFR thereby producing a hydrophobic contact. The equivalent residue in human DHFR is threonine, more hydrophilic and less likely to be involved in such a contact. This difference may account for the greater inhibitory activity this analogue has for P.carinii DHFR and provide a basis for future drug design. From an in vivo model of PCP in immunosuppressed rats it was established that the 3"-hydroxyethyl-3"-benzyl analogue was able to reduce the.P.carinii burden more effectively with increasing doses, without causmg any visible signs of toxicity. However, equivalent doses were not as effective as pentamidine, a current treatment of choice for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
The authors studied 58 infants hospitalized for pneumonia in a semi-intensive care unit. Age ranged from 1 complete to 6 incomplete months. The infants were sent from another hospital in 20 cases and from home in a further 38. Pulmonary involvement, which was alveolar in 46 cases and interstitial in 12, was bilateral in 31 children. The investigation was carried out prospectively on the etiological agents associated with respiratory infection to look for evidence of aerobic bacteria (blood cultures), Chlamydia trachomatis and Cytomegalovirus (serology), and Pneumocystis carinii (direct microscopy of tracheal aspirated material). The following infectious agents were diagnosed in 21 children (36.2%): Aerobic bacteria (8), Chlamydia trachomatis (5), Pneumocystis carinii (3), Cytomegalovirus (3), Cytomegalovirus and Chlamydia trachomatis (1), Aerobic bacteria and Cytomegalovirus (1). Seven cases of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Cytomegalovirus were diagnosed out of the 12 cases with pulmonary interstitial involvement.
S. Gianella, L. Haeberli, B. Joos, B. Ledergerber, R.P. Wüthrich, R. Weber, H. Kuster, P.M. Hauser, T. Fehr, N.J. Mueller. Molecular evidence of interhuman transmission in an outbreak of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia among renal transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis 2009. All rights reserved Abstract: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of this infection are poorly understood, and the exact mode of transmission remains unclear. Recent studies reported clusters of PCP among immunocompromised patients, raising the suspicion of interhuman transmission. An unexpected increase of the incidence of PCP cases in our nephrology outpatient clinic prompted us to conduct a detailed analysis. Genotyping of 7 available specimens obtained from renal transplant recipients was performed using multi-locus DNA sequence typing (MLST). Fragments of 4 variable regions of the P. jirovecii genome (ITS1, 26S, mt26S, beta-tubulin) were sequenced and compared with those of 4 independent control patients. MLST analysis revealed identical sequences of the 4 regions among all 7 renal allograft recipients with available samples, indicating an infection with the same P. jirovecii genotype. We observed that all but 1 of the 19 PCP-infected transplant recipients had at least 1 concomitant visit with another PCP-infected patient within a common waiting area. This study provides evidence that nosocomial transmission among immunocompromised patients may have occurred in our nephrology outpatient clinic. Our findings have epidemiological implications and suggest that prolonged chemoprophylaxis for PCP may be warranted in an era of more intense immunosuppression.