6 resultados para PMTX


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La dihydrofolate réductase humaine (DHFRh) est une enzyme essentielle à la prolifération cellulaire, ce qui en fait une cible de choix pour le traitement de différents cancers. À cet effet, plusieurs inhibiteurs spécifiques de la DHFRh, les antifolates, ont été mis au point : le méthotrexate (MTX) et le pemetrexed (PMTX) en sont de bons exemples. Malgré l’efficacité clinique certaine de ces antifolates, le développement de nouveaux traitements s’avère nécessaire afin de réduire les effets secondaires liés à leur utilisation. Enfin, dans l’optique d’orienter la synthèse de nouveaux composés inhibiteurs des DHFRh, une meilleure connaissance des interactions entre les antifolates et leur enzyme cible est primordiale. À l’aide de l’évolution dirigée, il a été possible d’identifier des mutants de la DHFRh pour lesquels l’affinité envers des antifolates cliniquement actifs se voyait modifiée. La mutagenèse dite ¬¬de saturation a été utilisée afin de générer des banques de mutants présentant une diversité génétique au niveau des résidus du site actif de l’enzyme d’intérêt. De plus, une nouvelle méthode de criblage a été mise au point, laquelle s’est avérée efficace pour départager les mutations ayant entrainé une résistance aux antifolates et/ou un maintient de l’activité enzymatique envers son substrat natif, soient les phénotypes d’activité. La méthode de criblage consiste dans un premier temps en une sélection bactérienne à haut débit, puis dans un second temps en un criblage sur plaques permettant d’identifier les meilleurs candidats. Plusieurs mutants actifs de la DHFRh, résistants aux antifolates, ont ainsi pu être identifiés et caractérisés lors d’études de cinétique enzymatique (kcat et IC50). Sur la base de ces résultats cinétiques, de la modélisation moléculaire et des données structurales de la littérature, une étude structure-activité a été effectuée. En regardant quelles mutations ont les effets les plus significatif sur la liaison, nous avons commencé à construire un carte moléculaire des contacts impliqués dans la liaison des ligands. Enfin, des connaissances supplémentaires sur les propriétés spécifiques de liaison ont put être acquises en variant l’inhibiteur testé, permettant ainsi une meilleure compréhension du phénomène de discrimination du ligand.


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The structural specificity of alpha-PMTX, a novel peptide toxin derived from wasp venom has been studied on the neuromuscular synapse in the walking leg of the lobster. alpha-PMTX is known to induce repetitive action potentials in the presynaptic axon due to sodium channel inactivation. We synthesized 29 analogs of alpha-PMTX by substituting one or two amino acids and compared threshold concentrations of these mutant toxins for inducing repetitive action potentials. In 13 amino acid residues of alpha-PMTX, Arg-1, Lys-3 and Lys-12 regulate the toxic activity because substitution of these basic amino acid residues with other amino acid residues greatly changed the potency. Determining the structure-activity relationships of PMTXs will help clarifying the molecular mechanism of sodium channel inactivation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the effects of a wasp toxin beta-pompilidotoxin (beta-PMTX) on rat hippocampal CA1 interneurons by the current-clamp technique. The firing patterns of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons were not affected by beta-PMTX, but in oriens and radiatum interneurons, beta-PMTX converted the action potentials to prolonged depolarizing potentials by slowing the inactivation of Na+ channels. In lacunosum moleculare interneurons, beta-PMTX induced initial bursting spikes followed by block of succeeding spikes. Comparison of beta-PMTX with a sea anemone toxin, ATX 11, revealed that ATX 11 altered the firing properties of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons that were unchanged by beta-PMTX. Our results suggest that beta-PMTX modulates Na+ currents in CAl interneurons differently in various CAl neurons and the toxin is useful to classify Na+ channel subtypes. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of alpha-pompilidotoxin (alpha-PMTX), a new neurotoxin isolated from the venom of a solitary wasp, were studied on the neuromuscular synapses in lobster walking leg and the rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons. Paired intracellular recordings from the presynaptic axon terminals and the innervating lobster leg muscles revealed that alpha-PMTX induced long bursts of action potentials in the presynaptic axon, which resulted in facilitated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. The action or alpha-PMTX was distinct from that of other known facilitatory presynaptic toxins, including sea anemone toxins and alpha-scorpion toxins, which modify the fast inactivation of Na+ current. We further characterized the action of alpha-PMTX on Na+ channels by whole-cell recordings from rat trigeminal neurons. We found that alpha-PMTX stowed the Na+ channels inactivation process without changing the peak current-voltage relationship or the activation time course of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na+ currents, and that alpha-PMTX had voltage-dependent effects on the rate of recovery from Na+ current inactivation and deactivating tail currents. The results suggest that alpha-PMTX slows or blocks conformational changes required for fast inactivation of the Na+ channels on the extracellular surface. The simple structure of alpha-PMTX, consisting of 13 amino acids, would be advantageous for understanding the functional architecture of Na+ channel protein.


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Pompilidotoxins (PMTXs), derived from the venom of solitary wasp has been known to facilitate synaptic transmission in the lobster neuromuscular junction, and a recent further study from rat trigeminal neurons revealed that the toxin slows Na+ channel inactivation without modifying activation process. Here we report that beta -PMTX modifies rat brain type II Na+ channel alpha -subunit (rBII) expressed in human embryonic kidney cells but fails to act on the rat heart alpha -subunit (rH1) at similar concentrations. We constructed a series of chimeric mutants of rBII and rH1 Na+ channels and compared modification of the steady-state Na+ currents by beta -PMTX. We found that a difference in a single amino acid between Glu-1616 in rBII and Gln-1615 in rH1 at the extracellular loop of D4S3-S4 is crucial for the action of beta -PMTX. PMTXs, which are small peptides with 13 amino acids, would be a potential tool for exploring a new functional moiety of Na+ channels.


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We examined the effects of beta-pompilidotoxin (beta-PMTX), a neurotoxin derived from wasp venom. on synaptic transmission in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Using hippocampal slice preparations of rodents, we made both extracellular and intracellular recordings from the CA1 pyramidal neurons in response to stimulation of the Schaffer collateral/commissural fibers. Application of 5-10 muM beta-PMTX enhanced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) but suppressed the fast component of the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). In the presence of 10 muM bicuculline, beta-PMTX potentiated EPSPs that were composed of both non-NMDA and NMDA receptor-mediated potentials. Potentiation of EPSPs was originated by repetitive firings of the prosynaptic axons, causing Summation of EPSPs. In the presence of 10 muM CNQX and 50 muM APV, beta-PMTX suppressed GABA(A) receptor-mediated fast IPSPs but retained GABA(B) receptor-mediated slow IPSPs. Our results suggest that beta-PMTX facilitates excitatory synaptic transmission by a presynaptic mechanism and that it causes overexcitation followed by block of the activity of some population of interneurons which regulate the activity of GABA(A) receptors. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society.