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The main purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of geostatistical modeling to obtain valuable information for assessing the environmental impact of sewage outfall discharges. The data set used was obtained in a monitoring campaign to S. Jacinto outfall, located off the Portuguese west coast near Aveiro region, using an AUV. The Matheron’s classical estimator was used the compute the experimental semivariogram which was fitted to three theoretical models: spherical, exponential and gaussian. The cross-validation procedure suggested the best semivariogram model and ordinary kriging was used to obtain the predictions of salinity at unknown locations. The generated map shows clearly the plume dispersion in the studied area, indicating that the effluent does not reach the near by beaches. Our study suggests that an optimal design for the AUV sampling trajectory from a geostatistical prediction point of view, can help to compute more precise predictions and hence to quantify more accurately dilution. Moreover, since accurate measurements of plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future for validation of dispersion models.
Geostatistics has been successfully used to analyze and characterize the spatial variability of environmental properties. Besides giving estimated values at unsampled locations, it provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimate, which is a significant advantage over traditional methods used to assess pollution. In this work universal block kriging is novelty used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign, with the aim of distinguishing the effluent plume from the receiving waters, characterizing its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge and estimating dilution. The results demonstrate that geostatistical methodology can provide good estimates of the dispersion of effluents that are very valuable in assessing the environmental impact and managing sea outfalls. Moreover, since accurate measurements of the plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future to validate dispersion models.
In this work, kriging with covariates is used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an autonomous underwater vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign aiming to distinguish the effluent plume from the receiving waters and characterize its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge. Four different geostatistical linear models for salinity were assumed, where the distance to diffuser, the west-east positioning, and the south-north positioning were used as covariates. Sample variograms were fitted by the Mat`ern models using weighted least squares and maximum likelihood estimation methods as a way to detect eventual discrepancies. Typically, the maximum likelihood method estimated very low ranges which have limited the kriging process. So, at least for these data sets, weighted least squares showed to be the most appropriate estimation method for variogram fitting. The kriged maps show clearly the spatial variation of salinity, and it is possible to identify the effluent plume in the area studied. The results obtained show some guidelines for sewage monitoring if a geostatistical analysis of the data is in mind. It is important to treat properly the existence of anomalous values and to adopt a sampling strategy that includes transects parallel and perpendicular to the effluent dispersion.
Collection : [Physiologies Aubert]
The oceanic crust fragments exposed in central America, in north-western South America, and in the Caribbean islands have been considered to represent accreted remnants of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP). On the basis of trace element and Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic compositions we infer that cumulate rocks, basalts, and diabases from coastal Ecuador have a different source than the basalts from the Dominican Republic. The latter suite includes the 86 Ma basalts of the Duarte Complex which are light rare earth element (REE) -enriched and display (relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, NMORB) moderate enrichments in large ion lithophile elements, together with high Nb, Ta, Pb, and low Th contents. Moreover, they exhibit a rather restricted range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios consistent with their derivation from an ocean island-type mantle source, the composition of which includes the HIMU (high U-238/Pb-204) component characteristic of the Galapagos hotspot. In contrast, the 123 Ma Ecuadorian oceanic rocks have flat REE patterns and (relative to NMORB) are depleted in Zr, Hf, Th, and U. Moreover, they show a wide range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios intermediate between those of ocean island basalts and NMORB. It is unlikely, on geochemical grounds, that the plume source of the Ecuadorian fragments was similar to that of the Galapagos. In addition, because of the NNE motion of the Farallon plate during the Early Cretaceous, the Ecuadorian oceanic plateau fragments could not have been derived from the Galapagos hotspot but were likely formed at a ridge-centered or near-ridge hotspot somewhere in the SE Pacific.
Ex-libris d'A. Kühnholtz-Lordat.
The expansion dynamics of the ablation plume generated by KrF laser irradiation of hydroxyapatite targets in a 0.1 mbar water atmosphere has been studied by fast intensified charge coupled device imaging with the aid of optical bandpass filters. The aim of the filters is to isolate the emission of a single species, which allows separate analysis of its expansion. Images obtained without a filter revealed two emissive components in the plume, which expand at different velocities for delay times of up to 1.1 ¿s. The dynamics of the first component is similar to that of a spherical shock wave, whereas the second component, smaller than the first, expands at constant velocity. Images obtained through a 520 nm filter show that the luminous intensity distribution and evolution of emissive atomic calcium is almost identical to those of the first component of the total emission and that there is no contribution from this species to the emission from the second component of the plume. The analysis through a 780 nm filter reveals that atomic oxygen partially diffuses into the water atmosphere and that there is a contribution from this species to the emission from the second component. The last species studied here, calcium oxide, was analyzed by means of a 600 nm filter. The images revealed an intensity pattern more complex than those from the atomic species. Calcium oxide also contributes to the emission from the second component. Finally, all the experiments were repeated in a Ne atmosphere. Comparison of the images revealed chemical reactions between the first component of the plume and the water atmosphere.
Dans De vilde Svaner (Les cygnes sauvages), conte des Eventyr, fortalte for Børn (Contes, racontés aux enfants), H. C. Andersen raconte une histoire très proche de celle de Die sechs Schwäne (Les six cygnes), des Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Contes de l'enfance et du foyer) des Grimm. On peut fort justement se demander si l'auteur danois ne réécrit pas le Märchen de 1812 lorsqu'il publie son eventyr, en 1838. Mais l'étude de plusieurs récits d'enfants transformés en cygnes - de l'histoire du septième sage du Dolopathos de Jean de Haute-Seille, à la fin du xiie siècle, et Die sieben Schwäne, un Feen-Märchen de 1801, à De elleve Svaner de Winther, en 1823 - montre qu'Andersen réécrit vraisemblablement ce dernier texte danois et que le dialogue intertextuel avec les Grimm s'effectue sur un autre mode. L'auteur des Eventyr, fortalte for Børn se positionne par rapport aux Kinder- und Hausmärchen, développant ainsi une nouvelle conception du genre qui ressort de la comparaison des manières de raconter propres à chaque auteur, leur plume. It is the pen which makes the tale. the Grimm brothers' Die sechs Schwäne and Christian Andersen's De vilde Svaner In De vilde Svaner, a tale from Eventyr, fortale for Børn, H. C. Andersen tells a story that is very close to that of Die sechs Schwäne from the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen. One could legitimately wonder whether the Danish author was inspired by the 1812 Märchen when he published his own eventyr in 1838. The study of other narratives about children transformed into swans (including the story of the seventh wise man in Jean de Haute-Seille's Dolopathos at the end of the twelth century; Die sieben Schwäne, a Feen-Märchen from 1801; and Winther's 1823 De elleve Svaner) shows that Andersen rewrote this last Danish text and that the intertextual dialogue with the Grimms takes place at another level. Andersen distinguishes himself from the Grimms by developing a new conception of the genre, which becomes clear in his very different way of telling a tale.