997 resultados para PLASMA EDGE TURBULENCE


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We analyze long-range time correlations and self-similar characteristics of the electrostatic turbulence at the plasma edge and scrape-off layer in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresillien (TCABR), with low and high Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) activity. We find evidence of self-organized criticality (SOC), mainly in the region near the tokamak limiter. Comparative analyses of data before and during the MHD activity reveals that during the high mHD activity the Hurst parameter decreases. Finally, we present a cellular automaton whose parameters are adjusted to simulate the analyzed turbulence SOC change with the MHD activity variation. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Plasma edge turbulence in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien (TCABR) [R. M. O. Galvao et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] is investigated for multifractal properties of the fluctuating floating electrostatic potential measured by Langmuir probes. The multifractality in this signal is characterized by the full multifractal spectra determined by applying the wavelet transform modulus maxima. In this work, the dependence of the multifractal spectrum with the radial position is presented. The multifractality degree inside the plasma increases with the radial position reaching a maximum near the plasma edge and becoming almost constant in the scrape-off layer. Comparisons between these results with those obtained for random test time series with the same Hurst exponents and data length statistically confirm the reported multifractal behavior. Moreover, the persistence of these signals, characterized by their Hurst exponent, present radial profile similar to the deterministic component estimated from analysis based on dynamical recurrences. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Recurrences are close returns of a given state in a time series, and can be used to identify different dynamical regimes and other related phenomena, being particularly suited for analyzing experimental data. In this work, we use recurrence quantification analysis to investigate dynamical patterns in scalar data series obtained from measurements of floating potential and ion saturation current at the plasma edge of the Tokamak Chauffage Alfveacuten Breacutesilien [R. M. O. Galva approximate to o , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)]. We consider plasma discharges with and without the application of radial electric bias, and also with two different regimes of current ramp. Our results indicate that biasing improves confinement through destroying highly recurrent regions within the plasma column that enhance particle and heat transport.


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During some discharges in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien [R. M. O. Galvao et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] high magnetohydrodynamic activity may appear with a peaked frequency spectrum. Whenever this peak occurs, the ambient broadband electrostatic turbulence is remarkably modified, synchronizing into the dominant magnetic fluctuation frequency and presenting high bicoherence in the whole plasma edge with a maximum bicoherence inside the plasma. A phenomenological model is introduced to investigate this driven turbulence bicoherence, consisting of nonlinearly coupled phase-randomized drift modes with time-periodic external driving at the dominant magnetic fluctuation frequency. The bicoherence spectrum of this model can mimic features of the experimental results. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3099701]


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In Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien [R. M. O. Galvao , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)], high magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity may appear spontaneously or during discharges with a voltage biased electrode inserted at the plasma edge. The turbulent electrostatic fluctuations, measured by Langmuir probes, are modulated by Mirnov oscillations presenting a dominant peak with a common frequency around 10 kHz. We report the occurrence of phase locking of the turbulent potential fluctuations driven by MHD activity at this frequency. Using wavelet cross-spectral analysis, we characterized the phase and frequency synchronization in the plasma edge region. We introduced an order parameter to characterize the radial dependence of the phase-locking intensity. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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In the present paper, we solve a twist symplectic map for the action of an ergodic magnetic limiter in a large aspect-ratio tokamak. In this model, we study the bifurcation scenarios that occur in the remnants regular islands that co-exist with chaotic magnetic surfaces. The onset of atypical local bifurcations created by secondary shearless tori are identified through numerical profiles of internal rotation number and we observe that their rupture can reduce the usual magnetic field line escape at the tokamak plasma edge.


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Fractal structures appear in many situations related to the dynamics of conservative as well as dissipative dynamical systems, being a manifestation of chaotic behaviour. In open area-preserving discrete dynamical systems we can find fractal structures in the form of fractal boundaries, associated to escape basins, and even possessing the more general property of Wada. Such systems appear in certain applications in plasma physics, like the magnetic field line behaviour in tokamaks with ergodic limiters. The main purpose of this paper is to show how such fractal structures have observable consequences in terms of the transport properties in the plasma edge of tokamaks, some of which have been experimentally verified. We emphasize the role of the fractal structures in the understanding of mesoscale phenomena in plasmas, such as electromagnetic turbulence.


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We investigated drift-wave turbulence in the plasma edge of a small tokamak by considering solutions of the Hasegawa-Mima equation involving three interacting modes in Fourier space. The resulting low-dimensional dynamics presented periodic as well as chaotic evolution of the Fourier-mode amplitudes, and we performed the control of chaotic behaviour through the application of a fourth resonant wave of small amplitude.


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We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Investigations of chaotic particle transport by drift waves propagating in the edge plasma of tokamaks with poloidal zonal flow are described. For large aspect ratio tokamaks, the influence of radial electric field profiles on convective cells and transport barriers, created by the nonlinear interaction between the poloidal flow and resonant waves, is investigated. For equilibria with edge shear flow, particle transport is seen to be reduced when the electric field shear is reversed. The transport reduction is attributed to the robust invariant tori that occur in nontwist Hamiltonian systems. This mechanism is proposed as an explanation for the transport reduction in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien [R. M. O. Galvao , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] for discharges with a biased electrode at the plasma edge.


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We have investigated plasma turbulence at the edge of a tokamak plasma using data from electrostatic potential fluctuations measured in the Brazilian tokamak TCABR. Recurrence quantification analysis has been used to provide diagnostics of the deterministic content of the series. We have focused our analysis on the radial dependence of potential fluctuations and their characterization by recurrence-based diagnostics. Our main result is that the deterministic content of the experimental signals is most pronounced at the external part of the plasma column just before the plasma radius. Since the chaoticity of the signals follows the same trend, we have concluded that the electrostatic plasma turbulence at the tokamak plasma edge can be partially explained by means of a deterministic nonlinear system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Turbulence is one of the key problems of classical physics, and it has been the object of intense research in the last decades in a large spectrum of problems involving fluids, plasmas, and waves. In order to review some advances in theoretical and experimental investigations on turbulence a mini-symposium on this subject was organized in the Dynamics Days South America 2010 Conference. The main goal of this mini-symposium was to present recent developments in both fundamental aspects and dynamical analysis of turbulence in nonlinear waves and fusion plasmas. In this paper we present a summary of the works presented at this mini-symposium. Among the questions to be addressed were the onset and control of turbulence and spatio-temporal chaos. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Long-distance correlations (LDCs) of plasma potential fluctuations in the plasma edge have been investigated in the TCABR tokamak in the regime of edge biasing H-mode using an array of multi-pin Langmuir probes. This activity was carried out as part of the scientific programme of the 4th IAEA Joint Experiment (2009). The experimental data confirm the effect of amplification of LDCs in potential fluctuations during biasing recently observed in stellarators and tokamaks. For long toroidal distances between probes, the cross-spectrum is concentrated at low frequencies f < 60 kHz with peaks at f < 5 kHz, f = 13-15 kHz and f similar to 40 kHz and low wave numbers with a maximum at k = 0. The effects of MHD activity on the LDCs in potential fluctuation are investigated.


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We review recent progress in optical wave turbulence with a specific focus on the fast growing field of fibre lasers. Weak irregular nonlinear interactions between a large number of resonator modes are responsible for practically important characteristics of fibre lasers such as spectral broadening of radiation. Wave turbulence is a fundamental nonlinear phenomenon which occurs in a variety of nonlinear wave-bearing physical systems. The experimental impediments and the computationally intensive nature of simulating of hydrodynamic or plasma wave turbulence often make it rather challenging to collect a significant number of statistical data The study of turbulent wave behaviour in optical devices offers quite a unique opportunity to collect an enormous amount of data on statistical properties of wave turbulence using high-speed, high precision optical measurements during a relatively short period of time. We present recent theoretical, numerical and experimental results on optical wave turbulence in fibre lasers ranging from weak to strong developed turbulence for different signs of fibre dispersion. Furthermore, we report on our studies of spectral wave condensate in fibre lasers that make interdisciplinary links with a number of other research fields.