1000 resultados para PLACENTA (SISTEMAS)


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The evolutionary history of Hystricognathi is associated with major transformations in their placental system. Data so far indicate that key characters are independent from size dimensions in medium to very large species. To better understand the situation in smaller species, we analyzed placental development in a spiny rat, Thrichomys laurentinus. Fourteen individuals ranging from early implantation to near term were investigated by histology, immunohistochemistry, proliferation activity and electron microscopy. Placentation in Thrichomys revealed major parallels to the guinea pig and other hystricognath rodents with respect to the early and invasive implantation, the process of trophoblast invasion, the internal organization of the labyrinth and the trophospongium as well as the establishment of the complete inverted yolk sac placenta. In contrast to systematically related small-sized species, the placental regionalization in Thrichomys was characterized by a remarkable lobulated structure and associated growing processes. Reverse to former perspectives, these conditions represented ancient character states of hystricognaths. The subplacenta was temporarily supplied by both the maternal and fetal blood systems, a rare condition among hystricognaths. The extraplacental trophoblast originating from the subplacenta was partly proliferative in mid gestation. In conclusion, the presented results indicated that only minor variations occurred in small-sized hystricognath species, independent of their systematic interrelationships. Previous views were supported that placentation in hystricognaths followed an extraordinary stable pattern, although the group had distinct habitats in South America and Africa that were separated 30-40 million years ago. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 318:13-25, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en 64 fincas seleccionadas al azar ubicadas en 15 comarcas con el objetivo de realizar una caracterización de los sistemas de producción bovina de doble prepósito en el municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago, Chontales. El estudio se desarrolló en cuatro fases: Realización de la encuesta a los productores, elaboración de la base de datos, el análisis estadístico y redacción de resultados utilizando los programas computarizados Excel, Access y Word. Se realizó una caracterización general de las fincas y se analizaron siete componentes obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Características generales de las fincas: El 85.93% de los productores poseen fincas con extensiones menores de 100mz, dedicadas más del 90% de su superficie a la actividad ganadera; el total de ganado perteneciente a los productores consultados es de 4775 cabezas lo que representa aproximadamente el 10% del total de cabezas de este municipio; el 81.75% poseen únicamente corrales de alambre de púas; el 62.5% de las fincas consultadas tienen principalmente ríos y quebradas como fuente de abastecimiento de agua para el ganado; sólo el 34.37% de las fincas se benefician de la asistencia técnica brindada a los productores por parte de las cooperativas; el 92% de los productores consultados obtienen el mayor ingreso de sus fincas a través de la venta de leche. Caracterización del manejo del ganado: el 58.81% de los productores consultados se dedican a la explotación de doble propósito; la producción de leche promedio por vaca/día es de 3.4l; el 65% de los productores llevan registros de su ganado aunque solo registran un tipo de evento, ya sea de nacimiento, pesaje de leche o reproductivo; el 85.94% de estos productores realizan trashumancia de todo el ganado, cuya actividad la desarrollan mayormente en el mes de enero. Caracterización del manejo de la sanidad animal: Ninguno de los productores consultados posee y cumplen con un calendario zoosanitario completo en sus fincas. Caracterización del manejo reproductivo: Se caracteriza por la poca atención reproductiva a las vacas, y en casos necesarios la realiza el mismo productor; los problemas reproductivos lo representan en su mayoría la retención de placenta con un 43.75%. Manejo genético y razas de interés para el mejoramiento: Las razas predominantes en los hatos son las de origen cebuino , las que representan el 57.81% del hato; entre los sementales utilizados el 56.26% pertenecen a las razas Pardo Suizo y Holstein; en la actualidad solamente el 4.68% de los productores están utilizan do la técnica de inseminación artificial, para llevar a cabo el mejoramiento genético del ganado. Caracterización del manejo de la alimentación del ganado: La alimentación del ganado es a base de pasturas en su mayoría naturales; el 51.56% de las fincas están divididas ente 6-10 potreros; El 75% de los productores suministran sales minerales a su ganado. Comercialización de la leche y carne: El 89.06% de los productores comercializan su leche a través de las cooperativas, la mayoría de los productores realizan sus transacciones comerciales de ganado en pie (novillos y vacas de descarte) a través de intermediarios.


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Foram estudados os aspectos morfológicos de nove placentas de paca (Agouti paca, L., 1766) mediante análises em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão dos fragmentos teciduais correspondentes à porção de maior conexão placentária em diferentes fêmeas gestantes, nos estágios intermediário e final da prenhez. Realizamos este estudo, pois, aliada à necessidade da procura de novas espécies que atuem como modelos experimentais adequados, havia a disponibilidade deste roedor em nosso meio; por outro lado, o melhor conhecimento dos aspectos reprodutivos destes animais oferece subsídios ao estabelecimento de criatórios racionais desta espécie, uma vez que a preservação deste vertebrado é necessária, além do grande interesse comercial em torno de sua carne. Os resultados mostraram que este roedor possui uma placenta do tipo vitelina e outra do tipo corioalantoidiana, sendo este órgão do tipo hemocorial, labiríntico, que se apresenta histologicamente composto por lóbulos divididos em três regiões distintas: o centro do lóbulo, o labirinto e o interlóbulo. Na região do centro do lóbulo, verificou-se a presença de artérias e veias; e em sua região periférica estavam presentes dois sistemas tubulares arranjados de forma paralela, onde as lacunas sangüíneas e os capilares estavam em íntimo contato, formando a região do labirinto. O interlóbulo era composto de artérias e veias. O trofoblasto era o principal componente da placenta, que, independentemente da região onde se encontrava, mostrava-se de natureza sincicial. Ultra-estruturalmente a barreira placentária da paca foi classificada como hemomonocorial.


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Colonisation of the maternal uterine wall by the trophoblast involves a series of alterations in the behaviour and morphology of trophoblast cells. Villous cytotrophoblast cells change from a well-organised coherently layered phenotype to one that is extravillous, acquiring a proliferative, migratory and invasive capacity, to facilitate fetal-maternal interaction. These changes are similar to those of other developmental processes falling under the umbrella of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Modulation of cell adhesion and cell polarity occurs through changes in cell-cell junctional molecules, such as the cadherins. The cadherins, particularly the classical cadherins (e.g. Epithelial-(E)-cadherin), and their link to adaptors called catenins at cell-cell contacts, are important for maintaining cell attachment and the layered phenotype of the villous cytotrophoblast. In contrast, reduced expression and re-organization of cadherins from these cell junctional regions promote a loosened connection between cells, coupled with reduced apico-basal polarity. Certain non-classical cadherins play an active role in cell migration processes. In addition to the classical cadherins, two other cadherins which have been reported in placental tissues are vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin and cadherin-11. Cadherin molecules are well placed to be key regulators of trophoblast cell behaviour, analogous to their role in other developmental EMTs. This review addresses cadherin expression and function in normal and diseased human placental tissues, especially in fetal growth restriction and pre-eclampsia where trophoblast invasion is reduced.


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Whereas DNA methylation is essential for genomic imprinting, the importance of histone methylation in the allelic expression of imprinted genes is unclear. Imprinting control regions (ICRs), however, are marked by histone H3-K9 methylation on their DNA-methylated allele. In the placenta, the paternal silencing along the Kcnq1 domain on distal chromosome 7 also correlates with the presence of H3-K9 methylation, but imprinted repression at these genes is maintained independently of DNA methylation. To explore which histone methyltransferase (HMT) could mediate the allelic H3-K9 methylation on distal chromosome 7, and at ICRs, we generated mouse conceptuses deficient for the SET domain protein G9a. We found that in the embryo and placenta, the differential DNA methylation at ICRs and imprinted genes is maintained in the absence of G9a. Accordingly, in embryos, imprinted gene expression was unchanged at the domains analyzed, in spite of a global loss of H3-K9 dimethylation (H3K9me2). In contrast, the placenta-specific imprinting of genes on distal chromosome 7 is impaired in the absence of G9a, and this correlates with reduced levels of H3K9me2 and H3K9me3. These findings provide the first evidence for the involvement of an HMT and suggest that histone methylation contributes to imprinted gene repression in the trophoblast.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a degenerative disease characterized by fibrosis following failed epithelial repair. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), a key component of the stem cell niche in bone marrow and possibly other organs including lung, have been shown to enhance epithelial repair and are effective in preclinical models of inflammation-induced pulmonary fibrosis, but may be profibrotic in some circumstances. METHODS: In this single centre, non-randomized, dose escalation phase 1b trial, patients with moderately severe IPF (diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO ) ≥ 25% and forced vital capacity (FVC) ≥ 50%) received either 1 × 10(6) (n = 4) or 2 × 10(6) (n = 4) unrelated-donor, placenta-derived MSC/kg via a peripheral vein and were followed for 6 months with lung function (FVC and DLCO ), 6-min walk distance (6MWD) and computed tomography (CT) chest. RESULTS: Eight patients (4 female, aged 63.5 (57-75) years) with median (interquartile range) FVC 60 (52.5-74.5)% and DLCO 34.5 (29.5-40)% predicted were treated. Both dose schedules were well tolerated with only minor and transient acute adverse effects. MSC infusion was associated with a transient (1% (0-2%)) fall in SaO2 after 15 min, but no changes in haemodynamics. At 6 months FVC, DLCO , 6MWD and CT fibrosis score were unchanged compared with baseline. There was no evidence of worsening fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous MSC administration is feasible and has a good short-term safety profile in patients with moderately severe IPF.


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Background/Aim. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been utilised in many clinical trials as an experimental treatment in numerous clinical settings. Bone marrow remains the traditional source tissue for MSCs but is relatively hard to access in large volumes. Alternatively, MSCs may be derived from other tissues including the placenta and adipose tissue. In an initial study no obvious differences in parameters such as cell surface phenotype, chemokine receptor display, mesodermal differentiation capacity or immunosuppressive ability, were detected when we compared human marrow derived- MSCs to human placenta-derived MSCs. The aim of this study was to establish and evaluate a protocol and related processes for preparation placenta-derived MSCs for early phase clinical trials. Methods. A full-term placenta was taken after delivery of the baby as a source of MSCs. Isolation, seeding, incubation, cryopreservation of human placentaderived MSCs and used production release criteria were in accordance with the complex regulatory requirements applicable to Code of Good Manufacturing Practice manufacturing of ex vivo expanded cells. Results. We established and evaluated instructions for MSCs preparation protocol and gave an overview of the three clinical areas application. In the first trial, MSCs were co-transplanted iv to patient receiving an allogeneic cord blood transplant as therapy for treatmentrefractory acute myeloid leukemia. In the second trial, MSCs were administered iv in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and without serious adverse effects. In the third trial, MSCs were injected directly into the site of tendon damage using ultrasound guidance in the treatment of chronic refractory tendinopathy. Conclusion. Clinical trials using both allogeneic and autologous cells demonstrated MSCs to be safe. A described protocol for human placenta-derived MSCs is appropriate for use in a clinical setting, relatively inexpensive and can be relatively easily adjusted to a different set of regulatory requirements, as applicable to early phase clinical trials.


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Addition of estradiol 17-beta to first trimester human placental minces resulted in an increased synthesis of a protein of apparent molecular weight 45 kDa. The specific involvement of estrogen in the stimulation of this protein was established by demonstrating a reduction in the level of this protein by the addition of CCS 16949 A, an inhibitor of aromatase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of estradiol 17-beta and ICI 182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist. The protein was purified to homogeneity and N-terminal sequencing of two of the internal peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion of the protein, as well as the absence of a free N-terminal indicated that it could be actin. This was confirmed by Western blotting using commercially available actin antiserum. The role of estradiol 17-beta in the stimulation of actin synthesis in human placenta was also established by monitoring the quantitative inhibition of DNase I by actin.


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The purpose of this article is to show the applicability and benefits of the techniques of design of experiments as an optimization tool for discrete simulation models. The simulated systems are computational representations of real-life systems; its characteristics include a constant evolution that follows the occurrence of discrete events along the time. In this study, a production system, designed with the business philosophy JIT (Just in Time) is used, which seeks to achieve excellence in organizations through waste reduction in all the operational aspects. The most typical tool of JIT systems is the KANBAN production control that seeks to synchronize demand with flow of materials, minimize work in process, and define production metrics. Using experimental design techniques for stochastic optimization, the impact of the operational factors on the efficiency of the KANBAN / CONWIP simulation model is analyzed. The results show the effectiveness of the integration of experimental design techniques and discrete simulation models in the calculation of the operational parameters. Furthermore, the reliability of the methodologies found was improved with a new statistical consideration.


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Depletion of calcium in the extracellular medium used to incubate first trimester human placental minces resulted in a significant decrease in the quantity of immuno-reactive hCG in the medium and a corresponding increase in the tissue. In contrast, when secretion of newly synthesised hCG was monitored in the absence of calcium by using a radioactive amino acid precursor, a significant increase in the secretion of newly synthesised hCG in the medium was noticed. This was true of secretion of other proteins also as evidenced by the increase in the trichloroacetic acid precipitable radioactivity in the medium in the absence of calcium. These results suggest that newly synthesised hCG is preferentially released over stored hormone in the absence of calcium.


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Inhibition of aromatase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of oestradiol-17 beta, by the addition of 1,4,6-androstatrien-3,17-dione resulted in a significant increase in the levels of immunoreactive human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in the medium and tissue. This increase was partially reversed by the simultaneous addition of oestradiol-17 beta. These effects on the levels of immunoreactive hCG were also reflected by the increased levels of mRNA specific for the alpha and beta subunits of hCG following the addition of the aromatase inhibitor. However, addition of tamoxifen resulted in a drastic decrease in the levels of both the messages. Based on these results, it is suggested that the synthesis of hCG is negatively modulated by oestradiol-17 beta in the human placenta.


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Time course of release of immunoreactive hCG to a placental incubation in the medium revealed a steady increase over a period of 4 hours. However, levels in the tissue, showed an increase at 10' and 60' after an initial decrease. Studies using A23187 which stimulated hCG secretion also revealed a net increase in the quantity of hCG in the tissue. These results sugest that the secretion of hCG acts as a stimulus for fresh synthesis of hCG.


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Ex vivo addition of estradiol 17 beta to first trimester or term human placental minces caused a significant increase in the quantity of progesterone produced. Addition of an aromatase inhibitor, CGS 16949 A or the estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182780, significantly inhibited progesterone production confirming the role of estradiol 17 beta in the regulation of progesterone synthesis in human placenta. RU 486 and ZK 98299, which are antagonists of progesterone receptor, significantly modulated progesterone synthesis in the human placenta but exhibited paradoxical effects on the first trimester and term placenta We conclude that progesterone synthesis in the human placenta is regulated by estradiol 17 beta and progesterone. This is the first report providing evidence for autoregulation of progesterone synthesis in the human placenta.


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The presence of progesterone receptors (PR) in the human placenta has been demonstrated using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction technique. It was observed that the amount of PR in the human placenta is less during late gestation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays with nuclear extract isolated from the first trimester and term placenta revealed three complexes when incubated with [P-32]dCTP-labelled progesterone response element, and, in competition with unlabelled progesterone response element, the formation of all three complexes was inhibited. When supershift analysis of these complexes was carried out using antibodies which cross-react with both the A and B types of the PR or only with the B type receptor, only the A-form of PR was detected in the human placenta.