1000 resultados para PKD1 gene


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Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades regulate a wide variety of cellular processes that ultimately depend on changes in gene expression. We have found a novel mechanism whereby one of the key MAP3 kinases, Mekk1, regulates transcriptional activity through an interaction with p53. The tumor suppressor protein p53 down-regulates a number of genes, including the gene most frequently mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD1). We have discovered that Mekk1 translocates to the nucleus and acts as a co-repressor with p53 to down-regulate PKD1 transcriptional activity. This repression does not require Mekk1 kinase activity, excluding the need for an Mekk1 phosphorylation cascade. However, this PKD1 repression can also be induced by the stress-pathway stimuli, including TNFα, suggesting that Mekk1 activation induces both JNK-dependent and JNK-independent pathways that target the PKD1 gene. An Mekk1-p53 interaction at the PKD1 promoter suggests a new mechanism by which abnormally elevated stress-pathway stimuli might directly down-regulate the PKD1 gene, possibly causing haploinsufficiency and cyst formation.


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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common human life-threatening monogenic disorders. The disease is characterized by bilateral, progressive renal cystogenesis and cyst and kidney enlargement, often leading to end-stage renal disease, and may include extrarenal manifestations. ADPKD is caused by mutation in one of two genes, PKD1 and PKD2, which encode polycystin-1 (PC1) and polycystin-2 (PC2), respectively. PC2 is a non-selective cation channel permeable to Ca2+, while PC1 is thought to function as a membrane receptor. The cyst cell phenotype includes increased proliferation and apoptosis, dedifferentiation, defective planar polarity, and a secretory pattern associated with extracellular matrix remodeling. The two-hit model for cyst formation has been recently extended by the demonstration that early gene inactivation leads to rapid and diffuse development of renal cysts, while inactivation in adult life is followed by focal and late cyst formation. Renal ischemia/reperfusion, however, can function as a third hit, triggering rapid cyst development in kidneys with Pkd1 inactivation induced in adult life. The PC1-PC2 complex behaves as a sensor in the primary cilium, mediating signal transduction via Ca2+ signaling. The intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis is impaired in ADPKD, being apparently responsible for the cAMP accumulation and abnormal cell proliferative response to cAMP. Activated mammalian target for rapamycin (mTOR) and cell cycle dysregulation are also significant features of PKD. Based on the identification of pathways altered in PKD, a large number of preclinical studies have been performed and are underway, providing a basis for clinical trials in ADPKD and helping the design of future trials.


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La polykystose rénale autosomique dominante (ADPKD) est une des maladies génétiques les plus communes. ADPKD se manifeste le plus souvent au stade adulte par la présence de kystes rénaux, et bien souvent de kystes hépatiques, avec une progression très variable. ADPKD mène à une insuffisance rénale: les seuls recours sont la dialyse puis la transplantation rénale. Les mutations dispersées sur les gènes PKD1 (majoritairement; la protéine polycystine-1, PC1) et PKD2 (la protéine polycystine-2, PC2) sont responsables de l’ADPKD. Le mécanisme pathogénétique de perte de fonction (LOF) et donc d’un effet récessif cellulaire est évoqué comme causatif de l’ADPKD. LOF est en effet supporté par les modèles murins d’inactivation de gènes PKD1/PKD2, qui développent de kystes, quoique in utéro et avec une rapidité impressionnante dans les reins mais pas dans le foie. Malgré de nombreuses études in vitro, le rôle de PC1/PC2 membranaire/ciliaire reste plutôt hypothétique et contexte-dépendant. Ces études ont associé PC1/PC2 à une panoplie de voies de signalisation et ont souligné une complexité structurelle et fonctionnelle exceptionnelle, dont l’implication a été testée notamment chez les modèles de LOF. Toutefois, les observations patho-cellulaires chez l’humain dont une expression soutenue, voire augmentée, de PKD1/PC1 et l’absence de phénotypes extrarénaux particuliers remet en question l’exclusivité du mécanisme de LOF. Il était donc primordial 1) d’éclaircir le mécanisme pathogénétique, 2) de générer des outils in vivo authentiques d’ADPKD en terme d’initiation et de progression de la maladie et 3) de mieux connaitre les fonctions des PC1/PC2 indispensables pour une translation clinique adéquate. Cette thèse aborde tous ces points. Tout d’abord, nous avons démontré qu’une augmentation de PKD1 endogène sauvage, tout comme chez l’humain, est pathogénétique en générant et caractérisant en détail un modèle murin transgénique de Pkd1 (Pkd1TAG). Ce modèle reproduit non seulement les caractéristiques humaines rénales, associées aux défauts du cil primaire, mais aussi extrarénales comme les kystes hépatiques. La sévérité du phénotype corrèle avec le niveau d’expression de Pkd1 ce qui supporte fortement un modèle de dosage. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré par les études de complémentations génétiques que ces deux organes reposent sur une balance du clivage GPS de Pc1, une modification post-traductionelle typique des aGPCR, et dont l’activité et l’abondance semblent strictement contrôlées. De plus, nous avons caractérisé extensivement la biogénèse de Pc1 et de ses dérivés in vivo générés suite au clivage GPS. Nous avons identifié une toute nouvelle forme et prédominante à la membrane, la forme Pc1deN, en plus de confirmer deux fragments N- et C-terminal de Pc1 (NTF et CTF, respectivement) qui eux s’associent de manière non-covalente. Nous avons démontré de façon importante que le trafic de Pc1deN i.e., une forme NTF détachée du CTF, est toutefois dépendant de l’intégrité du fragment CTF in vivo. Par la suite, nous avons généré un premier modèle humanisant une mutation PKD1 non-sens tronquée au niveau du domaine NTF(E3043X) en la reproduisant chez une souris transgénique (Pkd1extra). Structurellement, cette mutation, qui mimique la forme Pc1deN, s’est également avérée causative de PKD. Le modèle Pkd1extra a permis entre autre de postuler l’existence d’une cross-interaction entre différentes formes de Pc1. De plus, nos deux modèles murins sont tous les deux associés à des niveaux altérés de c-Myc et Pc2, et soutiennent une implication réelle de ces derniers dans l’ADPKD tou comme une interaction fonctionnelle entre les polycystines. Finalement, nous avons démontré un chevauchement significatif entre l’ADPKD et le dommage rénal aigüe (ischémie/AKI) dont une expression augmentée de Pc1 et Pc2 mais aussi une stimulation de plusieurs facteurs cystogéniques tel que la tubérine, la β-caténine et l’oncogène c-Myc. Nos études ont donc apporté des évidences cruciales sur la contribution du gène dosage dans l’ADPKD. Nous avons développé deux modèles murins qui serviront d’outil pour l’analyse de la pathologie humaine ainsi que pour la validation préclinique ADPKD. L’identification d’une nouvelle forme de Pc1 ajoute un niveau de complexité supplémentaire expliquant en partie une capacité de régulation de plusieurs voies de signalisation par Pc1. Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques: d’une part, le ciblage de CTF i.e., de style chaperonne, et d’autre part le ciblage de modulateurs intracellulaires (c-Myc, Pc2, Hif1α). Ensemble, nos travaux sont d’une importance primordiale du point de vue informatif et pratique pour un avancement vers une thérapie contre l’ADPKD. Le partage de voies communes entre AKI et ADPKD ouvre la voie aux approches thérapeutiques parallèles pour un traitement assurément beaucoup plus rapide.


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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), often caused by mutations in the PKD1 gene, is associated with life-threatening vascular abnormalities that are commonly attributed to the frequent occurrence of hypertension. A previously reported targeted mutation of the mouse homologue of PKD1 was not associated with vascular fragility, leading to the suggestion that the vascular lesion may be of a secondary nature. Here we demonstrate a primary role of PKD1 mutations in vascular fragility. Mouse embryos homozygous for the mutant allele (Pkd1L) exhibit s.c. edema, vascular leaks, and rupture of blood vessels, culminating in embryonic lethality at embryonic day 15.5. Kidney and pancreatic ductal cysts are present. The Pkd1-encoded protein, mouse polycystin 1, was detected in normal endothelium and the surrounding vascular smooth muscle cells. These data reveal a requisite role for polycystin 1 in maintaining the structural integrity of the vasculature as well as epithelium and suggest that the nature of the PKD1 mutation contributes to the phenotypic variance in ADPKD.


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We report the case of an inaugural episode of generalized seizures in a 40-year-old male with a history of chronic kidney disease associated with TSC2-PKD1 contiguous gene syndrome. This patient was under prophylactic treatment of phenytoin since 2 years because of a subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. Laboratory results revealed therapeutic range of phenytoin levels, but severe hypocalcemia associated with profound vitamin D deficiency that could not be explained by secondary hyperparathyroidism alone. The interaction of phenytoin on the P-450 cytochromes activity has been demonstrated to accelerate the rate of 25-hydroxivitamin D3 and 1α,25-dihydroxivitamin D3 catabolism into inactive metabolites, leading to hypocalcemia. Physicians should be aware of significant phenytoin interactions on vitamin D metabolism which may lead to symptomatic hypocalcemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.


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Lymphatic vessels arise during development through sprouting of precursor cells from veins, which is regulated by known signaling and transcriptional mechanisms. The ongoing elaboration of vessels to form a network is less well understood. This involves cell polarization, coordinated migration, adhesion, mixing, regression, and shape rearrangements. We identified a zebrafish mutant, lymphatic and cardiac defects 1 (lyc1), with reduced lymphatic vessel development. A mutation in polycystic kidney disease 1a was responsible for the phenotype. PKD1 is the most frequently mutated gene in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Initial lymphatic precursor sprouting is normal in lyc1 mutants, but ongoing migration fails. Loss of Pkd1 in mice has no effect on precursor sprouting but leads to failed morphogenesis of the subcutaneous lymphatic network. Individual lymphatic endothelial cells display defective polarity, elongation, and adherens junctions. This work identifies a highly selective and unexpected role for Pkd1 in lymphatic vessel morphogenesis during development.


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A 39-year-old woman with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) presented with acromegaly and a pituitary macroadenoma. There was a family history of this renal disorder. She had undergone surgery for pituitary adenoma 6 years prior. Physical examination disclosed bitemporal hemianopsia and elevation of both basal growth hormone (GH) 106 ng/mL (normal 0-5) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) 811 ng/mL (normal 48-255) blood levels. A magnetic resonance imaging scan disclosed a 3.0 cm sellar and suprasellar mass with both optic chiasm compression and left cavernous sinus invasion. Pathologic, cytogenetic, molecular and in silico analysis was undertaken. Histologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of the lesion disclosed a sparsely granulated somatotroph adenoma. Standard chromosome analysis on the blood sample showed no abnormality. Sequence analysis of the coding regions of PKD1 and PKD2 employing DNA from both peripheral leukocytes and the tumor revealed the most common PKD1 mutation, 5014_5015delAG. Analysis of the entire SSTR5 gene disclosed the variant c.142C > A (p.L48M, rs4988483) in the heterozygous state in both blood and tumor, while no pathogenic mutations were noted in the MEN1, AIP, p27Kip1 and SSTR2 genes. To our knowledge, this is the fourth reported case of a GH-producing pituitary adenoma associated with ADPKD, but the first subjected to extensive morphological, ultrastructural, cytogenetic and molecular studies. The physical proximity of the PKD1 and SSTR5 genes on chromosome 16 suggests a causal relationship between ADPKD and somatotroph adenoma.


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The function(s) of the genes (PKD1 and PKD2) responsible for the majority of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is unknown. While PKD1 encodes a large integral membrane protein containing several structural motifs found in known proteins involved in cell–cell or cell–matrix interactions, PKD2 has homology to PKD1 and the major subunit of the voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. We now describe sequence homology between PKD2 and various members of the mammalian transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) proteins, thought to be activated by G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or depletion of internal Ca2+ stores. We show that PKD2 can directly associate with TRPC1 but not TRPC3 in transfected cells and in vitro. This association is mediated by two distinct domains in PKD2. One domain involves a minimal region of 73 amino acids in the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of PKD2 shown previously to constitute an interacting domain with PKD1. However, distinct residues within this region mediate specific interactions with TRPC1 or PKD1. The C-terminal domain is sufficient but not necessary for the PKD2–TRPC1 association. A more N-terminal domain located within transmembrane segments S2 and S5, including a putative pore helical region between S5 and S6, is also responsible for the association. Given the ability of the TRPC to form functional homo- and heteromultimeric complexes, these data provide evidence that PKD2 may be functionally related to TRPC proteins and suggest a possible role of PKD2 in modulating Ca2+ entry in response to G protein-coupled receptor activation and/or store depletion.


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The aim of this study was to identify possible disease-associated mutations in the canine homologue of the polycystic kidney disease gene 1 (PKD1) in Bull Terriers with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Messenger RNA was obtained from the blood or renal tissue of five Bull Terriers with the disease and four close relatives without the disease. Reverse transcription, PCR and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends were used to amplify the coding and 3' untranslated regions of this transcript. Comparison of PKD1 sequence between the affected and unaffected Bull Terriers, revealed six polymorphisms, but no disease-associated mutations.


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Graphene and carbon nanotube nanocomposite (GCN) was synthesised and applied in gene transfection of pIRES plasmid conjugated with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in NIH-3T3 and NG97 cell lines. The tips of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were exfoliated by oxygen plasma etching, which is also known to attach oxygen content groups on the MWCNT surfaces, changing their hydrophobicity. The nanocomposite was characterised by high resolution scanning electron microscopy; energy-dispersive X-ray, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies, as well as zeta potential and particle size analyses using dynamic light scattering. BET adsorption isotherms showed the GCN to have an effective surface area of 38.5m(2)/g. The GCN and pIRES plasmid conjugated with the GFP gene, forming π-stacking when dispersed in water by magnetic stirring, resulting in a helical wrap. The measured zeta potential confirmed that the plasmid was connected to the nanocomposite. The NIH-3T3 and NG97 cell lines could phagocytize this wrap. The gene transfection was characterised by fluorescent protein produced in the cells and pictured by fluorescent microscopy. Before application, we studied GCN cell viability in NIH-3T3 and NG97 line cells using both MTT and Neutral Red uptake assays. Our results suggest that GCN has moderate stability behaviour as colloid solution and has great potential as a gene carrier agent in non-viral based therapy, with low cytotoxicity and good transfection efficiency.


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For the first time, oxygen terminated cellulose carbon nanoparticles (CCN) was synthesised and applied in gene transfection of pIRES plasmid. The CCN was prepared from catalytic of polyaniline by chemical vapour deposition techniques. This plasmid contains one gene that encodes the green fluorescent protein (GFP) in eukaryotic cells, making them fluorescent. This new nanomaterial and pIRES plasmid formed π-stacking when dispersed in water by magnetic stirring. The frequencies shift in zeta potential confirmed the plasmid strongly connects to the nanomaterial. In vitro tests found that this conjugation was phagocytised by NG97, NIH-3T3 and A549 cell lines making them fluorescent, which was visualised by fluorescent microscopy. Before the transfection test, we studied CCN in cell viability. Both MTT and Neutral Red uptake tests were carried out using NG97, NIH-3T3 and A549 cell lines. Further, we use metabolomics to verify if small amounts of nanomaterial would be enough to cause some cellular damage in NG97 cells. We showed two mechanisms of action by CCN-DNA complex, producing an exogenous protein by the transfected cell and metabolomic changes that contributed by better understanding of glioblastoma, being the major finding of this work. Our results suggested that this nanomaterial has great potential as a gene carrier agent in non-viral based therapy, with low cytotoxicity, good transfection efficiency, and low cell damage in small amounts of nanomaterials in metabolomic tests.


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Differential gene expression analysis by suppression subtractive hybridization with correlation to the metabolic pathways involved in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) may provide a new insight into the pathogenesis of CML. Among the overexpressed genes found in CML at diagnosis are SEPT5, RUNX1, MIER1, KPNA6 and FLT3, while PAN3, TOB1 and ITCH were decreased when compared to healthy volunteers. Some genes were identified and involved in CML for the first time, including TOB1, which showed a low expression in patients with CML during tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment with no complete cytogenetic response. In agreement, reduced expression of TOB1 was also observed in resistant patients with CML compared to responsive patients. This might be related to the deregulation of apoptosis and the signaling pathway leading to resistance. Most of the identified genes were related to the regulation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), AKT, interferon and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in healthy cells. The results of this study combined with literature data show specific gene pathways that might be explored as markers to assess the evolution and prognosis of CML as well as identify new therapeutic targets.


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High-throughput screening of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions brings important perspectives in the Systems Biology field, as the analysis of these interactions provides new insights into protein/gene function, cellular metabolic variations and the validation of therapeutic targets and drug design. However, such analysis depends on a pipeline connecting different tools that can automatically integrate data from diverse sources and result in a more comprehensive dataset that can be properly interpreted. We describe here the Integrated Interactome System (IIS), an integrative platform with a web-based interface for the annotation, analysis and visualization of the interaction profiles of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest. IIS works in four connected modules: (i) Submission module, which receives raw data derived from Sanger sequencing (e.g. two-hybrid system); (ii) Search module, which enables the user to search for the processed reads to be assembled into contigs/singlets, or for lists of proteins/genes, metabolites and drugs of interest, and add them to the project; (iii) Annotation module, which assigns annotations from several databases for the contigs/singlets or lists of proteins/genes, generating tables with automatic annotation that can be manually curated; and (iv) Interactome module, which maps the contigs/singlets or the uploaded lists to entries in our integrated database, building networks that gather novel identified interactions, protein and metabolite expression/concentration levels, subcellular localization and computed topological metrics, GO biological processes and KEGG pathways enrichment. This module generates a XGMML file that can be imported into Cytoscape or be visualized directly on the web. We have developed IIS by the integration of diverse databases following the need of appropriate tools for a systematic analysis of physical, genetic and chemical-genetic interactions. IIS was validated with yeast two-hybrid, proteomics and metabolomics datasets, but it is also extendable to other datasets. IIS is freely available online at: http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/lnbio/IIS/.


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Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the most widespread EDCs used as a base compound in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics. The aim of our research has been to study how the exposure to BPA during pregnancy affects weight, glucose homeostasis, pancreatic β-cell function and gene expression in the major peripheral organs that control energy flux: white adipose tissue (WAT), the liver and skeletal muscle, in male offspring 17 and 28 weeks old. Pregnant mice were treated with a subcutaneous injection of 10 µg/kg/day of BPA or a vehicle from day 9 to 16 of pregnancy. One month old offspring were divided into four different groups: vehicle treated mice that ate a normal chow diet (Control group); BPA treated mice that also ate a normal chow diet (BPA); vehicle treated animals that had a high fat diet (HFD) and BPA treated animals that were fed HFD (HFD-BPA). The BPA group started to gain weight at 18 weeks old and caught up to the HFD group before week 28. The BPA group as well as the HFD and HFD-BPA ones presented fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and high levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma compared with the Control one. Glucose stimulated insulin release was disrupted, particularly in the HFD-BPA group. In WAT, the mRNA expression of the genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, Srebpc1, Pparα and Cpt1β was decreased by BPA to the same extent as with the HFD treatment. BPA treatment upregulated Pparγ and Prkaa1 genes in the liver; yet it diminished the expression of Cd36. Hepatic triglyceride levels were increased in all groups compared to control. In conclusion, male offspring from BPA-treated mothers presented symptoms of diabesity. This term refers to a form of diabetes which typically develops in later life and is associated with obesity.