976 resultados para PIK3CA proto-oncogene


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The tumorigenesis of pituitary adenomas is poorly understood. Mutations of the PIK3CA proto-oncogene, which encodes the p110-α catalytic subunit of PI3K, have been reported in various types of human cancers regarding the role of the gene in cell proliferation and survival through activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Only one Chinese study described somatic mutations and amplification of the PIK3CA gene in a large series of pituitary adenomas. The aim of the present study was to determine genetic alterations of PIK3CA in a second series that consisted of 33 pituitary adenomas of different subtypes diagnosed by immunohistochemistry: 6 adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting microadenomas, 5 growth hormone-secreting macroadenomas, 7 prolactin-secreting macroadenomas, and 15 nonfunctioning macroadenomas. Direct sequencing of exons 9 and 20 assessed by qPCR was employed to investigate the presence of mutations and genomic amplification defined as a copy number ≥4. Previously identified PIK3CA mutations (exon 20) were detected in four cases (12.1%). Interestingly, the Chinese study reported mutations only in invasive tumors, while we found a PIK3CA mutation in one noninvasive corticotroph microadenoma. PIK3CA amplification was observed in 21.2% (7/33) of the cases. This study demonstrates the presence of somatic mutations and amplifications of the PIK3CA gene in a second series of pituitary adenomas, corroborating the previously described involvement of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in the tumorigenic process of this gland.


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The Fes protein tyrosine kinase is abundantly expressed in phagocytic immune cells, including tumor associated macrophages. Fes knockout mice (fes-/-) display enhanced sensitivity to LPS, and this was shown to be associated with increased NF-κB signaling and TNFα production from fes-/- macrophages. Interestingly, tumor onset in the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV-Neu) transgenic mouse model of breast cancer is significantly delayed in fes-/- mice, and this was associated with increased frequency of CD11b+ myeloid and CD3+ T cells in the premalignant mammary glands. Recent studies have also implicated Fes in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in macrophages. Signal 3, the production of inflammatory cytokines and Type I interferons downstream of NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in antigen presenting cells, is considered an important component of T-cell activation, after engagement of T cell receptor by MHC presented antigen (Signal 1) and co-receptors by their ligands (Signal 2). Using a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model of immune activation, I show that LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages promote more robust activation of LCMV antigenspecific CD8+ T cells than wild type macrophages (fes+/+). Furthermore, LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages showed increased phosphorylation of NF-B and IRF-3. I also showed that Fes colocalizes with MHC-I in dynamic vesicular structures within macrophages. These observations are consistent with a model where Fes regulates Signal 3 in antigen presenting cells through roles in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-kB and IRF-3 signaling pathways. This suggests that Fes plays an immune checkpoint role at the level of Signal 3, and that Fes inhibition could promote tumor immunity through increased Signal 3 driven T cell activation.


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Overexpression and amplification of HER2/neu have been documented in many primary tumors, most notably in breast. Not only do approximately 30% of breast cancer patients carry tumors that overexpress the gene, but those that do generally have shorter overall and disease-free survival times than patients with tumors expressing low levels of HER2/neu. Thus, overexpression of HER2/neu plays an important role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. We have examined the mechanisms that result in HER2/neu overexpression in breast cancer by using, as a model system, established breast cancer cell lines that express much higher levels of HER2/neu mRNA than normal breast tissue while maintaining a near normal HER2/neu gene copy number. Nuclear run-on experiments indicate that the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB453, BT483, and BT474 have an increased HER2/neu gene transcription rate. By using HER2/neu promoter-CAT constructs, we have found that the enhanced HER2/neu transcription rate in MDA-MB453 cells is due to activation of the gene in trans, while the enhanced transcription rate in BT483 cells is due to activation of the gene in either trans or cis. In BT474 cells, transcriptional upregulation is primarily due to gene amplification. Since the levels of increased transcription are not as high as the levels of HER2/neu mRNA in any of these three lines, post-transcriptional deregulation that increases HER2/neu expression must also be functioning in these cells. The half-life of HER2/neu mRNA was measured and found to be equivalent in these lines as in a control. Thus, the post-transcriptional deregulation is not increased stability of the HER2/neu transcript.^ Much work has been performed in characterizing the altered trans-acting factor involved in increased HER2/neu transcription in MDA-MB453 cells. Using promoter deletion constructs linked to a reporter gene, the region responsive to this factor was localized in the rat neu promoter. When human HER2/neu promoter constructs were used, the homologous sequence in the human promoter was identified. Furthermore, a number of protein/DNA complexes are detected when these promoter regions are used in gel mobility shift assays. UV-crosslinking experiments indicate DNA-binding proteins of roughly 110 kDa, 70 kDa, and 35 kDa are capable of interacting with the human promoter element. ^


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The bcl-2 proto-oncogene is overexpressed in a variety of human cancers and plays an important role in programmed cell death. Recent reports implied that the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) functions effectively in the regulation of gene expression. Here, we attempt to assay the ability of triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) to inhibit expression of a target gene in vivo and to examine the potential of the 3′UTR of the bcl-2 proto-oncogene in the regulation of bcl-2 gene expression. To do this, we have developed a novel cellular system that involves transfection of a Doxycyclin inducible expression plasmid containing the bcl-2 ORF and the 3′UTR together with a TFO targeted to the 3′UTR of the bcl-2 proto-oncogene. Phosphorothioate-modified TFO targeted to the 3′UTR of the bcl-2 gene significantly downregulated the expression of the bcl-2 gene in HeLa cells as demonstrated by western blotting. Our results indicate that blocking the functions of the 3′UTR using the TFO can downregulate the expression of the targeted gene, and suggest that triplex strategy is a promising approach for oligonucleotide-based gene therapy. In addition, triplex-based sequence targeting may provide a useful tool for studying the regulation of gene expression.


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Human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene has been shown to be overexpressed in a large percentage of human tumor cells establishing a growth-promoting, autocrine growth circuit. Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can recognize and bind sequences in duplex DNA, and have received considerable attention because of their potential for targeting specific genomic sites. The c-sis/PDGF-B promoter contains a unique homopurine/homopyrimidine sequence (SIS proximal element, SPE), which is crucial for binding nuclear factors that provoke transcription. In order to develop specific transcriptional inhibitors of the human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene, 20 potential TFOs targeting part or all of the SPE were screened by gel mobility analysis. DNase I footprinting shows that the TFOs we designed can form a sequence-specific triplex with the target. Protein binding assays demonstrate that triplex formation inhibits nuclear factors binding the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter. Both transient and stable transfection experiments demonstrate that the transcriptional activity of the promoter is considerably inhibited by the TFOs. We propose that TFOs represent a therapeutic potential to specifically diminish the expression of c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene in various pathologic settings where constitutive expression of this gene has been observed.


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D-raf, a Drosophila homolog of the raf proto-oncogene, has diverse functions throughout development and is transcribed in a wide range of tissues, with high levels of expression in the ovary and in association with rapid proliferation. The expression pattern resembles those of S phase genes, which are regulated by E2F transcription factors. In the 5′-flanking region of D-raf, four sequences (E2F sites 1–4) similar to the E2F recognition sequence were found, one of them (E2F site 3) being recognized efficiently by Drosophila E2F (dE2F) in vitro. Transient luciferase expression assays confirmed activation of the D-raf gene promoter by dE2F/dDP. Expression of Draf–lacZ was greatly reduced in embryos homozygous for the dE2F mutation. These results suggest that dE2F is likely to be an important regulator of D-raf transcription.


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Bcl2 overexpression prevents axotomy-induced neuronal death of neonatal facial motoneurons, as defined by morphological criteria. However, the functional properties of these surviving lesioned transgenic neurons are unknown. Using transgenic mice overexpressing the protein Bcl2, we have investigated the bioelectrical properties of transgenic facial motoneurons from 7 to 20 days after neonatal unilateral axotomy using brain-stem slices and whole cell patch-clamp recording. Nonaxotomized facial motoneurons from wild-type and transgenic mice had similar properties; they had an input resistance of 38 +/- 6 M omega and fired repetitively after injection of positive current pulses. When cells were voltage-clamped at or near their resting membrane potential, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), or vasopressin generated sustained inward currents. In transgenic axotomized mice, facial motoneurons could be found located ipsilaterally to the lesion; they had an input resistance of 150 +/- 30 M omega, indicating that they were smaller in size, fired repetitively, and were also responsive to AMPA, NMDA, and vasopressin. Morphological measurements achieved 1 week after the lesion have shown that application of brain-derived neurotrophic factor prevented the reduction in size of axotomized transgenic motoneurons. These data indicate that Bcl2 not only prevents morphological apoptotic death of axotomized neonatal transgenic motoneurons but also permits motoneurons to conserve functional electrophysiological properties.


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The myc gene family encodes a group of transcription factors that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation. These genes are widely studied because of their importance as proto-oncogenes. Phylogenetic analyses are described here for 45 Myc protein sequences representing c-, N-, L-, S-, and B-myc genes. A gene duplication early in vertebrate evolution produced the c-myc lineage and another lineage that later gave rise to the N- and L-myc lineages by another gene duplication. Evolutionary divergence in the myc gene family corresponds closely to the known branching order of the major vertebrate groups. The patterns of sequence evolution are described for five separate highly conserved regions, and these analyses show that differential rates of sequence divergence (= mosaic evolution) have occurred among conserved motifs. Further, the closely related dimerization partner protein Max exhibits significantly less sequence variability than Myc. It is suggested that the reduced variability in max stems from natural selection acting to preserve dimerization capability with products of myc and related genes.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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Purpose Cancer cells have been shown to be more susceptible to Ran knockdown than normal cells. We now investigate whether Ran is a potential therapeutic target of cancers with frequently found mutations that lead to higher Ras/MEK/ERK [mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK; MEK)] and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTORC1 activities. Experimental Design Apoptosis was measured by flow cytometry [propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V staining] and MTT assay in cancer cells grown under different conditions after knockdown of Ran. The correlations between Ran expression and patient survival were examined in breast and lung cancers. Results Cancer cells with their PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways inhibited are less susceptible to Ran silencing-induced apoptosis. K-Ras-mutated, c-Met-amplified, and Pten-deleted cancer cells are also more susceptible to Ran silencing-induced apoptosis than their wild-type counterparts and this effect is reduced by inhibitors of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and MEK/ERK pathways. Overexpression of Ran in clinical specimens is significantly associated with poor patient outcome in both breast and lung cancers. This association is dramatically enhanced in cancers with increased c-Met or osteopontin expression, or with oncogenic mutations of K-Ras or PIK3CA, all of which are mutations that potentially correlate with activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and/or Ras/MEK/ERK pathways. Silencing Ran also results in dysregulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport of transcription factors and downregulation of Mcl-1 expression, at the transcriptional level, which are reversed by inhibitors of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and MEK/ERK pathways. Conclusion Ran is a potential therapeutic target for treatment of cancers with mutations/changes of expression in protooncogenes that lead to activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways. ©2011 AACR.


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Microcystins (MCs) are a potent liver tumor promoter, possessing potent tumor-promoting activity and weak initiating activity. Proto-oncogenes are known to be involved in the tumor-promoting mechanisms of microcystin-LR. However, few data are available on the effects of MCs oil proto-oncogenes in the whole animal. To investigate the effects of MCs on the expression profile of the proto-oncogenes in different organs, male Wistar rats were injected intravenously with microcystin extracts at a dose of 86.7 mu g MC-LR eq/kg bw (MC-LR eq, MC-LR equivalents). mRNA levels of three proto-oncogenes c-fos, c-jun and c-myc in liver, kidney and testis were analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR at several time points post-injection. Significant induction of these genes at transcriptional level was observed in the three organs. In addition, the increase of mRNA expression of all three genes was much higher in liver than in kidney and testis. Meanwhile, the protein levels of c-Fos and c-Jun were investigated by western blotting. Both proteins were induced in the three organs. However, elevations of protein levels were Much lower than those of mRNA levels. These findings suggest that the expression of c-fos, c-jun and c-myc might be one possible mechanism for the tumor-promoting activity and initiating activity of microcystins. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Epigenetic alterations have been implicated in the pathogenesis of solid tumors, however, proto-oncogenes activated by promoter demethylation have been sporadically reported. We used an integrative method to analyze expression in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and pharmacologically demethylated cell lines to identify aberrantly demethylated and expressed candidate proto-oncogenes and cancer testes antigens in HNSCC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We noted coordinated promoter demethylation and simultaneous transcriptional upregulation of proto-oncogene candidates with promoter homology, and phylogenetic footprinting of these promoters demonstrated potential recognition sites for the transcription factor BORIS. Aberrant BORIS expression correlated with upregulation of candidate proto-oncogenes in multiple human malignancies including primary non-small cell lung cancers and HNSCC, induced coordinated proto-oncogene specific promoter demethylation and expression in non-tumorigenic cells, and transformed NIH3T3 cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Coordinated, epigenetic unmasking of multiple genes with growth promoting activity occurs in aerodigestive cancers, and BORIS is implicated in the coordinated promoter demethylation and reactivation of epigenetically silenced genes in human cancers.


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Skin cancers are the most common human malignant neoplasia and their incidence is growing, chiefly in tropical countries. There is evidence that ultraviolet (UV) radiation present in sunlight is important for genetic damage. Mutations due to such damage could be responsible for alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Recent studies have reported remarkable differences in mutation frequency of the RAS proto-oncogene in non-melanoma skin cancers. These findings may reflect differences in the molecular epidemiology of cutaneous tumors found in geographical areas with diverse sun exposure and ethnical origins of their populations. Our study proposed to perform molecular analyses of skin tumors on patients living in southeastern Brazil, in areas with high levels of sun exposure. DNA from eight solar keratose (SK), 26 basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and 19 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) was submitted to PCR-SSCP analysis for codons 12, 13 and 61. Contradicting other authors, we found no mutations in codons 12,13 but detected two BCCs and one SCC with a mutation in codon 61. These findings suggest that the activation of KRAS oncogene may contribute to the pathogenicity of cutaneous lesions in southeastern Brazil.


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Purpose: To detect the occurrence and expression of the suppressor gene p53 and of the oncogene c-Myc in eyelid tumors of dogs using the PCR, RT-PCR, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA techniques. These genes have not been described in dog eyelid tumors before. Methods: Nine samples of eyelid or third eyelid epithelial tumors were obtained from the archives of the Department of Veterinary Pathology. Tumor diagnosis was confirmed by evaluation of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections, and immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and vimentin V9. A canine mammary tumor was used for positive control. Agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA were used to detect p53 and c-Myc genes. Results: The occurrence of p53 was detected in most of the eyelid tumors and third eyelid tumors studied (88.8%, n = 8) and was expressed in 75% of the positive samples, as indicated by ELISA. The c-Myc gene was found in 77.7% (n = 7) of the samples and was expressed in eight samples. Conclusions: Eyelid and third eyelid tumors of dogs express both the p53 and the c-Myc genes as shown by PCR and RT-PCR. However, PCR ELISA and RT-PCR ELISA were more efficient in assessing occurrence and expression of these genes because they identified amplified products that were not detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. © 2010 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.


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Este trabalho mostra o envolvimento do gene RECK no processo de progressão do ciclo celular. Foi verificado que a expressão endógena de RECK é modulada durante a progressão do ciclo celular. A superexpressão de RECK em fibroblastos normais de camundongo promove uma diminuição da capacidade proliferativa das células e um retardo da transição das fases G0/G1-S do ciclo celular. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que um dos possíveis mecanismos de ação de RECK, que promovem este processo, envolve a indução da expressão de um inibidor de CDK, especificamente de p21, e retardo da fosforilação de pRb. Os resultados indicam, ainda, que durante a progressão do ciclo celular a expressão do gene RECK apresenta uma correlação inversa com a expressão do proto-oncogene c-myc. Estes dados corroboram os dados da literatura que mostram RECK como um alvo para o produto de diversos oncogenes, como ras e c-myc. A caracterização da repressão de RECK por c-Myc mostrou que a mesma ocorre ao nível transcricional e que sítios Sp1, presentes no promotor de RECK, são essenciais para a ação de Myc. Dados adicionais sugerem que a repressão de RECK por c-Myc parece envolver mecanismos de desacetilação de histonas. A modulação da expressão de RECK também foi avaliada durante a progressão maligna de tumores do sistema nervoso central (especificamente, gliomas). Foi verificado que a expressão de RECK não é alterada com a progressão deste tipo de tumor. Porém, foi verificado que os pacientes que manifestaram um maior tempo de sobrevida apresentaram tumores com uma significativa maior expressão do gene RECK. Estes dados sugerem que RECK possa ser um possível marcador prognóstico. A caracterização da regulação da expressão de RECK, tanto em células normais como em diferentes tipos de tumores, assim como os alvos moleculares da sua ação, são pontos muito importantes para o entendimento dos mecanismos que controlam a proliferação celular e podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de terapia anti-tumoral.