837 resultados para PIAAC <Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies>
Was man aus der deutschen PIAAC-Studie als prägnanteste Zusammenfassung herausziehen könnte, wäre: jeder sechste deutsche Erwachsene liest und rechnet auf dem Kompetenzniveau eines zehnjährigen Schülers und jeder zehnte deutsche Erwachsene kann mit einer "Maus" nicht umgehen. Oder, in Anlehnung an PIAAC: Im deutschen Bildungssystem besteht anscheinend nicht für alle Menschen die Möglichkeit, ein über elementare Grundkompetenzen hinaus gehendes Niveau zu erreichen. Diese Ergebnisse sind zwar statistisch valide und belastbar, verkürzen jedoch ohne weitere Differenzierungen das Gesamtanliegen von PIAAC. (DIPF/Orig.)
Le contrôle de l'asthme est défini comme la mesure dans laquelle les différentes manifestations de l'asthme ont été réduites ou éliminées par le traitement. Ce paramètre est un élément central dans l'évaluation des patients asthmatiques. Selon les recommandations actuelles, il doit aider le clinicien à déterminer le type et le dosage des médicaments à prescrire.Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse avait pour but de contribuer à l'évaluation fonctionnelle des patients asthmatiques. Ceci en particulier à propos de l'utilisation des questionnaires destinés à évaluer le niveau de contrôle de l'asthme.Dans une première étude, nous avons cherché à déterminer les degrés d'accord qu'il y avait entre cinq questionnaires de contrôle de l'asthme couramment utilisés en pratique clinique. Les résultats ont montré un degré d’accord modéré, signifiant que ces outils ne sont pas interchangeables. Par conséquent, nous conseillons d’être attentif lors de la lecture des publications qui n’utilisent pas les mêmes questionnaires.Du fait que la limitation d'activité était le seul thème commun aux cinq questionnaires étudiés, notre travail a été orienté vers l'étude de ce thème. Nous avons donc réalisé une revue de littérature approfondie destinée à décrire l'état actuel des connaissances sur la limitation des activités chez les patients souffrant d'asthme. Celle-ci à mis en évidence que le niveau de connaissance est assez faible. Ceci particulièrement à propos des liens entre ce que le patient ressent au sujet de sa limitation d’activité et la réalité de ses capacités physiques.L'objectif de la troisième partie fut donc d’étudier plus en détails ce sujet. Nous avons demandé à des patients asthmatiques exacerbés d’évaluer leurs sensations au sujet de leur limitation d'activité. Pendant ce temps, ils ont réalisés plusieurs tests fonctionnels et une actimétrie. L'analyse des corrélations entre ces différentes données a montré qu’en réponse à la question sur la limitation de l'activité, les patients ne répondent pas au sujet de leur limitation physique, mais plutôt au sujet de leur charge psychologique associé à cette contrainte.L’ensemble de ces résultats nous ont permis de conclure au sujet de l’évaluation du contrôle de l’asthme que, comme dans d’autres domaines, le choix de l’outils de mesure est tout aussi important que la compréhension de son contenu. L’étude des différentes modalités d’évaluation de la limitation d’activité des patients asthmatiques devrait donc être poursuivie afin d’optimaliser l’évaluation fonctionnelle de ce groupe de patients.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are an integral component of occupational hazard communication systems. These documents are used to disseminate hazard information to workers on chemical substances. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the comprehensibility of MSDSs by workers at an international level. ^ A total of 117 employees of a multi-national petrochemical company participated; thirty-nine (39) each in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Overall participation rate of those approached to participate was 82%. These countries were selected as they each utilize one of the three major existing hazard communication systems for fixed workplaces. The systems are comprised of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Hazard Communication Standard in the United States, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) in Canada, and the compilation of several European Union directives addressing classification, labeling of substances and preparations, and MSDSs in Europe. ^ A pretest posttest randomized study design was used, with the posttest being comparable to an open book test. The results of this research indicated that only about two-thirds of the information on the MSDSs was comprehended by the workers with a significant difference identified among study participants based on country comparisons. This data was fairly consistent with the results of previous MSDS comprehensibility studies conducted in the United States. There was no significant difference in the comprehension level among study participants when taking into account the international hazard communication standard that the MSDS complied with. Marginally, age, education level and experience level did not have a significant impact on the comprehension level. ^ Participants did find MSDSs to be satisfactory in providing the information needed to protect them regardless of their views on the readability and formatting of MSDSs. The health-related information was the least comprehended as less than half of it was comprehended on the basis of the responses. The findings from this research suggest that there is much work needed yet to make MSDSs more comprehensible on a global basis, particularly regarding health-related information. ^
"November 1985."
This paper demonstrates a model of self-regulation based on a qualitative research project with adult learners undertaking an undergraduate degree. The narrative about the participant’s life transitions, co-constructed with the researcher, yielded data about their generalised self-efficacy and resulted in a unique self-efficacy narrative for each participant. A model of self-regulation is proposed with potential applications for coaching, counselling and psychotherapy. A narrative method was employed to construct narratives about an individual’s self-efficacy in relation to their experience of learning and life transitions. The method involved a cyclical and iterative process using qualitative interviews to collect life history data from participants. In addition, research participants completed reflective homework tasks, and this data was included in the participant’s narratives. A highly collaborative method entailed narratives being co-constructed by researcher and research participants as the participants were guided in reflecting on their experience in relation to learning and life transitions; the reflection focused on behaviour, cognitions and emotions that constitute a sense of self-efficacy. The analytic process used was narrative analysis, in which life is viewed as constructed and experienced through the telling and retelling of stories and hence the analysis is the creation of a coherent and resonant story. The method of constructing self-efficacy narratives was applied to a sample of mature aged students starting an undergraduate degree. The research outcomes confirmed a three-factor model of self-efficacy, comprising three interrelated stages: initiating action, applying effort, and persistence in overcoming difficulties. Evaluation of the research process by participants suggested that they had gained an enhanced understanding of self-efficacy from their participation in the research process, and would be able to apply this understanding to their studies and other endeavours in the future. A model of self-regulation is proposed as a means for coaches, counsellors and psychotherapists working from a narrative constructivist perspective to assist clients facing life transitions by helping them generate selfefficacious cognitions, emotions and behaviour.
Increasingly, the effectiveness of the present system of taxation of international businesses is being questioned. The problem associated with the taxation of such businesses is twofold. A system of international taxation must be a fair and equitable system, distributing profits between the relevant jurisdictions and, in doing so, avoiding double taxation. At the same time, the prevention of fiscal evasion must be secured. In an attempt to achieve a fair and equitable system Australia adopts unilateral, bilateral and multilateral measures to avoid double taxation and restrict the avoidance of tax. The first step in ascertaining the international allocation of business income is to consider the taxation of business income according to domestic law, that is, the unilateral measures. The treatment of international business income under the Australian domestic law, that is, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth), will depend on two concepts, first, whether the taxpayer is a resident of Australia and secondly, whether the income is sourced in Australia. After the taxation of business profits has been determined according to domestic law it is necessary to consider the applicability of the bilateral measures, that is, the Double Tax Agreements (DTAs) to which Australia is a party, as the DTAs will override the domestic law where there is any conflict. Australia is a party to 40 DTAs with another seven presently being negotiated. The preamble to Australia's DTAs provides that the purpose of such agreements is 'to conclude an Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income'. Both purposes, for different reasons, are equally important. It has been said that: The taxpayer hopes the treaty will prevent the double taxation of his income; the tax gatherer hopes the treaty will prevent fiscal evasion; and the politician just hopes. The first purpose, the avoidance of double taxation, is achieved through the provision of rules whereby the Contracting States agree to the classification of income and the allocation of that income to a particular State. In this sense DTAs do not allocate jurisdiction to tax but rather provide an arrangement whereby the States agree to restrict their substantive law. The restriction is either through the non-taxing of the income or via the provision of a tax credit.
In current practice the strength evaluation of a bridge system is typically based on firstly using elastic analysis to determine the distribution of load effects in the elements and then checking the ultimate section capacity of those elements. Ductility of the components in most bridge structures permits local yield and subsequent redistribution of the applied loads from the most heavily loaded elements. As a result a bridge can continue to carry additional loading even after one member has yielded, which has conventionally been adopted as the "failure criterion" in bridge strength evaluation. This means that a bridge with inherent redundancy has additional reserves of strength such that the failure of one element does not result in the failure of the complete system. For these bridges warning signs will show up and measures can be undertaken before the ultimate collapse is happening. This paper proposes a rational methodology for calculating the ultimate system strength and including in bridge evaluation the warning level due to redundancy. © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London.