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Kallikrein-kinin system exerts cardioprotective effects against pathological hypertrophy. These effects are modulated mainly via B(2) receptor activation. Chronic physical exercise can induce physiological cardiac hypertrophy characterized by normal organization of cardiac structure. Therefore, the aim of this work was to verify the influence of kinin B(2) receptor deletion on physiological hypertrophy to exercise stimulus. Animals were submitted to swimming practice for 5 min or for 60 min, 5 days a week, during 1 month and several cardiac parameters were evaluated. Results showed no significantly difference in heart weight between both groups, however an increased left ventricle weight and myocyte diameter were observed after the 60 min swimming protocol, which was more pronounced in B(2)(-/-) mice. In addition, sedentary B(2)(-/-) animals presented higher left ventricle mass when compared to wild-type (WT) mice. An increase in capillary density was observed in exercised animals, however the effect was less pronounced in B(2)(-/-) mice. Collagen, a marker of pathological hypertrophy, was increased in B(2)(-/-) mice submitted to swimming protocol, as well as left ventricular thickness, suggesting that these animals do not respond with physiological hypertrophy for this kind of exercise. In conclusion, our data suggest an important role for the kinin B(2) receptor in physiological cardiac hypertrophy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Il y a 4 isoforme de p38 : α, β, δ, and γ. MK5, à l'origine identifié comme étant un régulateur de PRAK (Regulated/Activated Protein Kinase), est maintenant connu pour être activée par la protéine kinase p38 (qui est un mitogène activé par la protéine kinase, MAPK). Cette dernière est impliquée dans les mécanismes de fibrose et d'apoptose pendant l'hypertrophie cardiaque. De plus, MK5 est également activée par les MAPKs atypiques; ERK3 et ERK4. Bien qu’elles soient fortement exprimées dans le coeur, le rôle physiologique de MK5 et ERK3 demeure inconnu. Par conséquent, nous avons étudié l'effet de la constriction aortique transversale (TAC) – induisant un surcharge chronique de pression chez les souris hétèrozygotes knockout pour MK5 (MK5+/-) ou ERK3 (ERK3+/-) et pour leurs types sauvages (MK5+/+ et ERK3+/+). Deux sem post-TAC; le ratio de poids du coeur/poids corporel a été augmenté chez les 2 souris MK5+/- et MK5+/+. L'échocardiographie de la trans-thoracique démontre que la surcharge de pression a altéré la fonction diastolique du ventricule gauche chez MK5+/+, mais pas chez la souris MK5+/-. De plus, nous avons observé moins de dépôt de collagène, évalué par une coloration au trichrome de Masson, 2 et 3 sem post-TAC chez les souris MK5+/-. Parallèlement, le niveau de l’ARNm de collagène type1 alpha-1 a été significativement diminué dans les coeurs des souris MK5+/-, 2 et 3 sem post-TAC. De même, ERK3, mais pas ERK5 ni p38α, co-IP avec MK5 dans les 2 modèles des coeurs TAC; aigus ou chroniques. En revanche, l’ajout exogénique de GST-MK5 a abaissé ERK4 et p38α, mais pas ERK3 dans les lysâtes de coeur de souris. Par contre, GST-ERK3 et GST-p38α ne démontrent aucune co-IP avec MK5. Ces données suggèrent que dans le coeur seul ERK3, et non ERK4 ou p38α, est capable d’interagir avec, et réguler MK5. A niveau physiologique MK5 interagit entièrement avec ERK3 et par conséquent MK5 n’est pas disponible pour lier les protéines exogéniques. Les souris hétérozygotes pour ERK3 (ERK3+/-) ont également démontré une réduction ou une absence de collagène et une faible expression d’ARNm du collagène type1 alpha1, 3 sem post-TAC. Ces résultats démontrent un important rôle pro-fibrotique de la signalisation MK5-ERK3 pendant une surcharge chronique de pression.Nous avons également démontré 5 variant d'épissage de (MK5.1-5), y compris la forme originale (MK5.1). MK5.2 et MK5.5 subissent une délétion de 6 paires de base dans l’exon 12 : MK5.3 manque l'exon 12 : MK5.4 et MK5.5 manquent les exons 2-6. L'expression des ARNm des différents variant d'épissage a été vérifiée par PCR en temps réel (qPCR). Bien que l’expression est ubiquitaire, l'abondance relative de chaque variant était tissu-spécifique (coeur, rein, pancréas, muscle squelettique, poumon, foie, et cerveau). En plus, l'abondance relative des variant d’épissage varie pendant la surcharge de pression et le développement postnatal du coeur. En outre, l'immunofluorescence a indiqué que MK5.1-5.3 se localise au noyau alors que MK5.4-5.5 est situé au niveau cytoplasmic dans les cellules HEK 293 non stimulées. Suite à une stimulation avec l'anisomycin, un activateur de p38 MAPK, MK5.1-5.3 se translocalise du noyau au cytoplasme alors qu’une petite fraction de MK5.4-5.5 translocalise vers le noyau. Ces variant d'épissage peuvent diversifier la signalisation de MK5-ERK3 dans coeur, mais leur rôle exact oblige des recherches supplémentaires. Excepté l’isoforme δ, toutes les isoformes de p38 sont exprimées dans le coeur et la forme α est considérée comme étant l'isoforme dominante. L’analyse par qPCR et immunobuvardage de type western ont démontré que p38α et p38γ sont les deux isoformes prédominantes alors que p38β et p38δ sont exprimées aux mêmes niveaux dans le coeur de rat adulte. L'immunofluorescence a démontré que p38α et p38γ se trouvent dans le cytoplasme et le noyau. Cependant, suite à la surcharge par TAC, p38γ s'est accumulé dans noyau tandis que la distribution de p38α est demeurée inchangée. Ainsi, l'abondance de p38γ et sa translocalisation nucléaire suite à la surcharge de pression indique un rôle potentiel dans l'expression génique pendant le remodelage cardiaque. En conclusion, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois un rôle pro-fibrotique pour la signalisation MK5-ERK3 pendant une surcharge chronique de pression. D'ailleurs, les niveaux comparables d'expression de p38γ avec p38α, et la localisation différentielle de p38γ pendant la surcharge aiguë ou chronique de pression suggèrent différents rôles possibles pour ces isoformes pendant le remodelage hypertrophique cardiaque.


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Important sex differences in cardiovascular disease outcomes exist, including conditions of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cardiac ischemia. Studies of sex differences in the extent to which load-independent (primary) hypertrophy modulates the response to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) damage have not been characterized. We have previously described a model of primary genetic cardiac hypertrophy, the hypertrophic heart rat (HHR). In this study the sex differences in HHR cardiac function and responses to I/R [compared to control normal heart rat (NHR)] were investigated ex vivo. The ventricular weight index was markedly increased in HHR female (7.82 ± 0.49 vs. 4.80 ± 0.10 mg/g; P < 0.05) and male (5.76 ± 0.22 vs. 4.62 ± 0.07 mg/g; P < 0.05) hearts. Female hearts of both strains exhibited a reduced basal contractility compared with strain-matched males [maximum first derivative of pressure (dP/dtmax): NHR, 4,036 ± 171 vs. 4,258 ± 152 mmHg/s; and HHR, 3,974 ± 160 vs. 4,540 ± 259 mmHg/s; P < 0.05]. HHR hearts were more susceptible to I/R (I = 25 min, and R = 30 min) injury than NHR hearts (decreased functional recovery, and increased lactate dehydrogenase efflux). Female NHR hearts exhibited a significantly greater recovery (dP/dtmax) post-I/R relative to male NHR (95.0 ± 12.2% vs. 60.5 ± 9.4%), a resistance to postischemic dysfunction not evident in female HHR (29.0 ± 5.6% vs. 25.9 ± 6.3%). Ventricular fibrillation was suppressed, and expression levels of Akt and ERK1/2 were selectively elevated in female NHR hearts. Thus the occurrence of load-independent primary cardiac hypertrophy undermines the intrinsic resistance of female hearts to I/R insult, with the observed abrogation of endogenous cardioprotective signaling pathways consistent with a potential mechanistic role in this loss of protection.


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The Hypertrophic Heart Rat (HHR) displays spontaneous cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in association with an apparent reduction in myocyte number in adulthood. This suggests the possibility of reduced hyperplasia or increased apoptosis during early cardiac development. The angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes have been implicated in both cellular growth and apoptosis, but the precise mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiac AngII receptor expression levels and neonatal cardiomyocyte growth and apoptotic responses in the HHR compared with the Normal Heart Rat (NHR) control strain. Cardiac tissues were freshly harvested from male HHR and NHR at several developmental stages (p2 and 4, 6, 8, 12wks). HHR cardiac weight indices were considerably smaller than NHR at day 2 (4.330.19 vs 5.010.08 mg/g), but ‘caught-up’ to NHR by 4 weeks (5.100.15 vs 5.160.11 mg/g). By 12 weeks, HHR hearts were 27% larger than NHR. Tissue AT1A and AT2 mRNA expression levels were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Relative to NHR, HHR neonatal hearts exhibited a 4.6-fold higher AT2/AT1 mRNA expression ratio. Cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes were infected with AT1A and/or AT2 receptor-expressing adenoviruses to achieve a physiological level of receptor expression (150 fmol receptor protein/mg total cell protein). In addition, to emulate receptor expression in neonatal HHR hearts, cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors at a 4:1 ratio. Apoptosis incidence was studied by morphological analysis after 72 hours exposure to 0.1 M AngII. When infected with the AT1A receptor alone, a higher proportion of HHR myocytes appeared apoptotic than NHR (22.7 4.1% vs 1.1 0.6%, P 0.001). This implies that intrinsic differences predispose HHR cells to accentuated AT1-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, the bax-1/bcl-2 mRNA expression ratio was significantly higher (50%) in HHR neonatal hearts. When cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors, evidence of apoptosis in HHR cells virtually disappeared (0.4 0.1%). These findings suggest a novel capacity of AT2 receptors to counteract accentuated AT1A receptor-induced apoptosis in the HHR in early cardiac growth.


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Although it is well known that the thyroid hormone (T3) is an important positive regulator of cardiac function over a short term and that it also promotes deleterious effects over a long term, the molecular mechanisms for such effects are not yet well understood. Because most alterations in cardiac function are associated with changes in sarcomeric machinery, the present work was undertaken to find novel sarcomeric hot spots driven by T3 in the heart. A microarray analysis indicated that the M-band is a major hot spot, and the structural sarcomeric gene coding for the M-protein is severely down-regulated by T3. Real-time quantitative PCR-based measurements confirmed that T3 (1, 5, 50, and 100 physiological doses for 2 days) sharply decreased the M-protein gene and protein expression in vivo in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the M-protein gene expression was elevated 3.4-fold in hypothyroid rats. Accordingly, T3 was able to rapidly and strongly reduce the M-protein gene expression in neonatal cardiomyocytes. Deletions at the M-protein promoter and bioinformatics approach suggested an area responsive to T3, which was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Functional assays in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes revealed that depletion of M-protein (by small interfering RNA) drives a severe decrease in speed of contraction. Interestingly, mRNA and protein levels of other M-band components, myomesin and embryonic-heart myomesin, were not altered by T3. We concluded that the M-protein expression is strongly and rapidly repressed by T3 in cardiomyocytes, which represents an important aspect for the basis of T3-dependent sarcomeric deleterious effects in the heart.


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AIM It is unknown how the heart distinguishes various overloads, such as exercise or hypertension, causing either physiological or pathological hypertrophy. We hypothesize that alpha-calcitonin-gene-related peptide (αCGRP), known to be released from contracting skeletal muscles, is key at this remodelling. METHODS The hypertrophic effect of αCGRP was measured in vitro (cultured cardiac myocytes) and in vivo (magnetic resonance imaging) in mice. Exercise performance was assessed by determination of maximum oxygen consumption and time to exhaustion. Cardiac phenotype was defined by transcriptional analysis, cardiac histology and morphometry. Finally, we measured spontaneous activity, body fat content, blood volume, haemoglobin mass and skeletal muscle capillarization and fibre composition. RESULTS While αCGRP exposure yielded larger cultured cardiac myocytes, exercise-induced heart hypertrophy was completely abrogated by treatment with the peptide antagonist CGRP(8-37). Exercise performance was attenuated in αCGRP(-/-) mice or CGRP(8-37) treated wild-type mice but improved in animals with higher density of cardiac CGRP receptors (CLR-tg). Spontaneous activity, body fat content, blood volume, haemoglobin mass, muscle capillarization and fibre composition were unaffected, whereas heart index and ventricular myocyte volume were reduced in αCGRP(-/-) mice and elevated in CLR-tg. Transcriptional changes seen in αCGRP(-/-) (but not CLR-tg) hearts resembled maladaptive cardiac phenotype. CONCLUSIONS Alpha-calcitonin-gene-related peptide released by skeletal muscles during exercise is a hitherto unrecognized effector directing the strained heart into physiological instead of pathological adaptation. Thus, αCGRP agonists might be beneficial in heart failure patients.


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Transgenic mice were generated by using the alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter coupled to the coding sequence of a constitutively active mutant alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor (AR). These transgenic animals demonstrated cardiac-specific expression of this alpha 1-AR with resultant activation of phospholipase C as shown by increased myocardial diacylglycerol content. A phenotype consistent with cardiac hypertrophy developed in adult transgenic mice with increased heart/body weight ratios, myocyte cross-sectional areas, and ventricular atrial natriuretic factor mRNA levels relative to nontransgenic controls. These transgenic animals may provide insight into the biochemical triggers that induce hypertrophy in cardiac disease and serve as a convenient experimental model for studies of this condition.


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