977 resultados para PHYLLOSTICTA SP


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The objectives of this work were to determine the micelial growth curve of the pathogen and the sensitivity to some fungicides potencially efficient to disease control. The optimum temperature range for micelial growth of Phyllosticta sp, was between 25 and 27.5 degrees C. The maximum and minimum temperatures for micelial growth were 32.5 degrees C and 10 degrees C. Temperatures of 5 and 35 degrees C completely inhibited the growth of the isolates. Total inhibition of the micelial growth was observed with captan and mancozeb (1000 mg a.i./ml) and triadimenol (100 mg a.i./ml). Partial reduction of the micelial growth was observed with iprodione, methyl tiofanate and chlorothalonil until 1.000 mg/ml. The chemical control of PLS was studied in a commercial area of ginger ''Gigante'', in Morretes, PR, where 18 sprays were carried out, with a break of 7 to 10 days, from December to April. The highest reduction of the area under the disease progress curve standardized (AUDPCs) was observed with the spray of chlorothalonil. With the application of dithianon, cupper oxychloride, folpet, mancozeb and captan it was observed AUDPCs between 15.05 and 18.61 lesions/leaf. Iprodione, benomyl, triadimenol and methyl tiofanate did not control the disease (AUDPCs between 20.03 and 25.04 lesions/leaf). The AUDPCs in the check plot was 35.88 lesions/leaf. There was no significant difference of vigor and of ginger yield between fungicide treatments. The cupper oxichloride was phytotoxic to ginger.


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Este estudio, tiene importancia especial, por la limitada información que existe, acerca de las enfermedades que afectan los pinares en Nicaragua, donde recientemente se han encontrado daños, que han provocado mortalidad de árboles. La etapa de campo de la investigación se realizó en los meses de octubre 2007 a julio 2008, en la finca Las Tapias del municipio de San Fernando, Nueva Segovia, en dos bosques naturales de pino, uno de regeneración natural y otro de bosque maduro. El objetivo del presen te trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento (incidencia y severidad) de las enfermedades en pino y las condiciones que favorecen su desarrollo. Se estableció un transepto, por cada tipo de bosque con cinco sitios fijos de observación que constituyó una parcela en bosque maduro y una en regeneración natural. Cada sitio, con un área de 100 m2 y 25 m2 respectivamente. Se evaluó la severidad e incidencia de las enfermedades en acículas mensualmente así como la medición del diámetro y altura de los árboles. Se cuantificaron las enfermedades en ambos bosques de la finca Las Tapias. El reconocimiento de los patógenos asociados a las enfermedades y el análisis físico químico de suelo se realizaron en los laboratorios de la UNA. La severidad de las enfermedades en acículas se estimó visualmente, ésta alcanzó un máximo de 15.8 % en regeneración natural y 17.8 % en bosque maduro. Los principales géneros de hongos reconocidos en acículas fueron: Dothistroma sp, Lecanosticta sp, Mycosphaerella spp, Sphaeropsis sp, Phoma sp., Pestalotia sp. y Phyllosticta sp. La enfermedad conocida como chancros en ramas, se presentó en bosque de regeneración natural y alcanzó un 40% de incidencia, encentrándose asociados los géneros de hongos, Chrysoporthe sp. Nectriasp. Lasiodiplodia sp, Botryospheria sp y Phoma sp. En raíces y tallos se identificaron los géneros de hongos: Fusarium sp. Ophiostoma sp y Graphium sp. como causantes de marchitez. El daño en acículas, amarillamiento del follaje y muerte de arboles, está asociado a factores bióticos y abióticos.


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Los bosques de pino en Nicaragua, son considerados como uno de los recursos más valiosos, por la gran importancia socioeconómica y bioecológica que tienen, principalmente en la zona de Nueva Segovia y el norte del país. En lo que respecta a la sanidad forestal de Nicaragua, los bosques de pinos se han visto afectados gravemente por los insectos descortezadores durante el periodo 1999-2001 dónde se destaca Dendrocíonus spp, actualmente estas especies de pino también se han visto afectadas por otros agentes como los que causan enfermedades foliares y sistémicas. Este estudio tiene especial importancia dado que en el país no se ha llevado a cabo ninguna investigación que contribuya al esclarecimiento de la etiología de estas enfermedades, así como también por la escasa información que se tiene acerca del tema en Nicaragua y Centroamérica. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en la finca San Nicolás del Municipio de San Fernando, del Departamento de Nueva Segovia, con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento de la problemática sanitaria en bosques de pino en la finca San Nicolás municipio de San Fernando. Para este estudio se estableció un transepto en la cual se tomaron como lugar de muéstreos y de observación, dos tipos diferentes de bosque; bosque maduro y bosque de regeneración natural, con un área de 500 m2 y 125 m2 respectivamente. En cada área por finca se establecieron cinco parcelas fijas de observación. Las variables evaluadas mensualmente fueron incidencia y la severidad de manchas y tizones en acículas. La incidencia fue de un 100 % tanto para bosque de regeneración natural como para bosque maduro. En cuanto al porcentaje de severidad promedio, en bosque maduro se presentó menor porcentaje de severidad con un 15.1 % y en bosque de regeneración natural de 17.2 % de severidad. En la finca San Nicolás Se presentaron condiciones de alta densidad poblacional, suelos arenosos, ácidos y pobres, favorables para el desarrollo de enfermedades en acículas. Las principales enfermedades diagnosticadas causando tizones en acículas fueron mancha parda, ocasionada por el género Lecanosticta y banda roja por Dothistroma Se encontraron otros géneros de hongos asociados a manchas foliares y tizones pero con menor importancia, estos son: Sphaeropsis sp., Pestalotia sp., Phoma sp. y Phyllosticta sp.


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A Mancha Foliar de Phaeosphaeria é considerada uma das mais importantes moléstias do milho no Brasil. Atualmente, existem dúvidas quanto ao agente causal e o melhoramento genético tem dificuldade de desenvolver cultivares resistentes estáveis. Neste estudo os objetivos foram identificar os fungos causadores da moléstia, estudar a herança da resistência, sob infestação natural e artificial, e identificar marcadores moleculares ligados à resistência à moléstia. Quatro fungos foram associados às lesões de Phaeosphaeria. Phyllosticta sp., Phoma sorghina e Sporormiella sp. foram patogênicos e Phoma sp. não foi testado. Os fungos P. sorghina e Phoma sp. foram, respectivamente, o predominante e o menos freqüente na lesão para todos os quatro ambientes coletados. Phyllosticta sp. e Sporormiella sp. foram os de mais baixa freqüência e restritos a locais. Estudos sob infestação natural, com três cruzamentos, em um único ambiente e com três tipos de avaliação de severidade evidenciaram a presença de variabilidade genética para a resistência e proporcionaram estimativas de herdabilidade intermediárias (0,48-0,69). No estudo de médias de gerações o modelo aditivo-dominante explicou as bases genéticas da resistência, sendo a ação gênica de dominância a mais importante. A inoculação artificial de um cruzamento com Phyllosticta sp. e P. sorghina, confirmaram a presença de dominância. Nos estudos moleculares, a fenotipagem foi realizada sob infestação natural e para um único ambiente e a genotipagem com marcadores microssatélites. A percentagem de polimorfismo obtida foi de 36%, sendo que seis QTLs foram identificados. Estes resultados indicam que vários fungos estão envolvidos na produção dos sintomas da moléstia conhecida por Mancha Foliar de Phaeosphaeria e a composição de fungos na lesão pode variar conforme o ambiente. A estimativa de herdabilidade indica a possibilidade de êxito com a seleção em gerações segregantes, principalmente porque os efeitos gênicos preponderantes para a resistência envolvem aditividade e dominância. A análise de QTL permitiu explicar grande parte da variância fenotípica (80%) e genotípica (58%); entretanto, outros ambientes devem ser testados para a sua efetiva confirmação.


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Palm trees belong to the Arecaceae family and are widely utilized in landscaping of tropical countries. Although there are many species, just a few are used in Brazil's landscaping, the majority coming from other countries. So, this study had the objective to characterize the plants in the collection of palm trees at UNESP/FCAV, Campus of Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The germination of seeds was also studied to increase the production of seedlings for use in landscaping, as this is the biggest difficulty for spreading new species. The introduction of new species in the collection was accomplished. It was also made a survey of major pests and diseases that occur in the collection. The most common pests found were: Brassolis sophorae, Parisoschoenus obesulus, Rhynchophorus palmarum and Coraliomela sp., and the most common disease causing fungi: Colletrotrichum sp., Curvularia sp., Bipolaris sp., Helminthosporium sp., Alternaria sp., Phyllosticta sp., Pestalotia sp., Exosporium palmivorum and Ceratocystis pardoxa.


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We investigated the diversity of endophytic fungi found on grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Niagara Rosada) leaves collected from Salesopolis, SP, Brazil. The fungi were isolated and characterized by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, followed by sequencing of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA. In addition, the ability of these endophytic fungi to inhibit the grapevine pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp herbemontis was determined in vitro. We also observed that the climatic factors, such as temperature and rainfall, have no effect on the frequency of infection by endophytic fungi. The endophytic fungal community that was identified included Aporospora terricola, Aureobasidium pullulans, Bjerkandera adusta, Colletotrichum boninense, C. gloeosporioides, Diaporthe helianthi, D. phaseolorum, Epicoccum nigrum, Flavodon flavus, Fusarium subglutinans, F. sacchari, Guignardia mangiferae, Lenzites elegans, Paraphaeosphaeria pilleata, Phanerochaete sordida, Phyllosticta sp, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Preussia africana, Tinctoporellus epiniltinus, and Xylaria berteri. Among these isolates, two, C. gloeosporioides and F. flavus, showed potential antagonistic activity against F. oxysporum f. sp herbemontis. We suggest the involvement of the fungal endophyte community of V. labrusca in protecting the host plant against pathogenic Fusarium species. Possibly, some endophytic isolates could be selected for the development of biological control agents for grape fungal disease; alternatively, management strategies could be tailored to increase these beneficial fungi.


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Several species of Phyllosticta (syn. Guignardia) have been described from orchids worldwide. A new species, Phyllosticta speewahensis, is proposed for a specimen isolated from leaf spots on a hybrid Vanda orchid in northern Queensland, Australia. Phylogenetic analysis of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1) gene sequences showed that P. speewahensis is most closely related to P. hostae. The likelihood that orchids harbour further cryptic species of endophytic and pathogenic Phyllosticta species is discussed.


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Inclusions of sp-hybridised, trans-polyacetylene [trans-(CH)x] and poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) chains are revealed using resonant Raman scattering (RRS) investigation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) films in the near IR – UV range. The RRS spectra of trans-(CH)x core Ag modes and the PPV CC-H phenylene mode are found to transform and disperse as the laser excitation energy ћωL is increased from near IR through visible to UV, whereas sp-bonded inclusions only become evident in UV. This is attributed to ћωL probing of trans-(CH)x chain inhomogeneity and the distribution of chains with varying conjugation length; for PPV to the resonant probing of phelynene ring disorder; and for sp segments, to ћωL probing of a local band gap of end-terminated polyynes. The IR spectra analysis confirmed the presence of sp, trans-(CH)x and PPV inclusions. The obtained RRS results for a-C:H denote differentiation between the core Ag trans-(CH)x modes and the PPV phenylene mode. Furthermore, it was found that at various laser excitation energies the changes in Raman spectra features for trans-(CH)x segments included in an amorphous carbon matrix are the same as in bulk trans-polyacetylene. The latter finding can be used to facilitate identification of trans-(CH)x in the spectra of complex carbonaceous materials.


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Abstract Neopolycystus sp. is the only primary egg parasitoid associated with the pest beetle Paropsis atomaria in subtropical eucalypt plantations, but its impact on its host populations is unknown. The simplified ecosystem represented by the plantation habitat, lack of interspecific competition for host and parasitoid, and the multivoltinism of the host population makes this an ideal system for quantifying the direct and indirect effects of egg parasitism, and hence, effects on host population dynamics. Within-, between- and overall-egg-batch parasitism rates were determined at three field sites over two field seasons, and up to seven host generations. The effect of exposure time (egg batch age), host density proximity to native forest and water sources on egg parasitism rates was also tested. Neopolycystus sp. exerts a significant influence on P. atomaria populations in Eucalyptus cloeziana. plantations in south-eastern Queensland, causing the direct (13%) and indirect (15%) mortality of almost one-third of all eggs in the field. Across seasons and generations, 45% of egg batches were parasitised, with a within-batch parasitism rate of around 30%. Between-batch parasitism increased up to 5–6 days after oviposition in the field, although within-batch parasitism rates generally did not. However, there were few apparent patterns to egg parasitism, with rates often varying significantly between sites and seasons.