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Nowadays, one of the most important challenges to enhance the efficiency of thin film silicon solar cells is to increase the short circuit intensity by means of optical confinement methods, such as textured back-reflector structures. In this work, two possible textured structures to be used as back reflectors for n-i-p solar cells have been optically analyzed and compared to a smooth one by using a system which is able to measure the angular distribution function (ADF) of the scattered light in a wide spectral range (350-1000 nm). The accurate analysis of the ADF data corresponding to the reflector structures and to the μc-Si:H films deposited onto them allows the optical losses due to the reflector absorption and its effectiveness in increasing light absorption in the μc-Si:H layer, mainly at long wavelengths, to be quantified.


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For the first time, the Z0 boson angular distribution in the center-of-momentum frame is measured in proton-proton collisions at [special characters omitted] = 7 TeV at the CERN LHC. The data sample, recorded with the CMS detector, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 36 pb–1 . Events in which there is a Z0 and at least one jet, with a jet transverse momentum threshold of 20 GeV and absolute jet rapidity less than 2.4, are selected for the analysis. Only the Z0's muon decay channel is studied. Within experimental and theoretical uncertainties, the measured angular distribution is in agreement with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD predictions.


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The study of the angular distribution of photon plus jet events in pp collisions at [special characters omitted] = 7 TeV with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is presented. The photon is restricted to the central region of the detector (:η: <1.4442) while the jet is allowed to be present in both central and forward regions of CMS (:η: < 2.4). Dominant backgrounds due to jets fragmenting into neutral mesons are accounted for through the use of a template method that discriminates between signal and background. The angular distribution, :η*:, is defined as the absolute value of the difference in η between the leading photon and leading jet in an event divided by two. The angular distribution ranging from 0–1.4 was examined and compared with next-to-leading order QCD predictions and was found to be in good agreement.


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The valence and core levels of In(2)O(3) and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) have been studied by hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (hv = 6000 eV) and by conventional Al K alpha (hv = 1486.6 eV) x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental spectra are compared with density-functional theory calculations. It is shown that structure deriving from electronic levels with significant In or Sn 5s character is selectively enhanced under 6000 eV excitation. This allows us to infer that conduction band states in Sn-doped samples and states at the bottom of the valence band both contain a pronounced In 5s contribution. The In 3d core line measured at hv = 1486.6 eV for both undoped and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) display an asymmetric lineshape, and may be fitted with two components associated with screened and unscreened final states. The In 3d core line spectra excited at hv = 6000 eV for the Sn-doped samples display pronounced shoulders and demand a fit with two components. The In 3d core line spectrum for the undoped sample can also be fitted with two components, although the relative intensity of the component associated with the screened final state is low, compared to excitation at 1486.6 eV. These results are consistent with a high concentration of carriers confined close to the surface of nominally undoped In(2)O(3). This conclusion is in accord with the fact that a conduction band feature observed for undoped In(2)O(3) in Al K alpha x-ray photoemission is much weaker than expected in hard x-ray photoemission.


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Cette thèse traite de deux thèmes principaux. Le premier concerne l'étude des empilements apolloniens généralisés de cercles et de sphères. Généralisations des classiques empilements apolloniens, dont l'étude remonte à la Grèce antique, ces objets s'imposent comme particulièrement attractifs en théorie des nombres. Dans cette thèse sera étudié l'ensemble des courbures (les inverses des rayons) des cercles ou sphères de tels empilements. Sous de bonnes conditions, ces courbures s'avèrent être toutes entières. Nous montrerons qu'elles vérifient un principe local-global partiel, nous compterons le nombre de cercles de courbures plus petites qu'une quantité donnée et nous nous intéresserons également à l'étude des courbures premières. Le second thème a trait à la distribution angulaire des idéaux (ou plutôt ici des nombres idéaux) des corps de nombres quadratiques imaginaires (que l'on peut voir comme la distribution des points à coordonnées entières sur des ellipses). Nous montrerons que la discrépance de l'ensemble des angles des nombres idéaux entiers de norme donnée est faible et nous nous intéresserons également au problème des écarts bornés entre les premiers d'extensions quadratiques imaginaires dans des secteurs.


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The angular distributions for elastic scattering and breakup of halo nuclei are analysed using a near-side/far-side decomposition within the framework of the dynamical eikonal approximation. This analysis is performed for (11)Be impinging on Pb at 69 MeV/nucleon. These distributions exhibit very similar features. In particular they are both near-side dominated, as expected from Coulomb-dominated reactions. The general shape of these distributions is sensitive mostly to the projectile-target interactions, but is also affected by the extension of the halo. This suggests the elastic scattering not to be affected by a loss of flux towards the breakup channel. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The exact expressions for the characteristics of synchrotron radiation of charged particles in the first excited state are obtained in analytical form using quantum theory methods. We performed a detailed analysis of the angular distribution structure of radiation power and its polarization for particles with spin 0 and 1/2. It is shown that the exact quantum calculations lead to results that differ substantially from the predictions of classical theory.


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Proton therapy is a high precision technique in cancer radiation therapy which allows irradiating the tumor with minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissues. Pencil beam scanning is the most advanced dose distribution technique and it is based on a variable energy beam of a few millimeters FWHM which is moved to cover the target volume. Due to spurious effects of the accelerator, of dose distribution system and to the unavoidable scattering inside the patient's body, the pencil beam is surrounded by a halo that produces a peripheral dose. To assess this issue, nuclear emulsion films interleaved with tissue equivalent material were used for the first time to characterize the beam in the halo region and to experimentally evaluate the corresponding dose. The high-precision tracking performance of the emulsion films allowed studying the angular distribution of the protons in the halo. Measurements with this technique were performed on the clinical beam of the Gantry1 at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Proton tracks were identified in the emulsion films and the track density was studied at several depths. The corresponding dose was assessed by Monte Carlo simulations and the dose profile was obtained as a function of the distance from the center of the beam spot.


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An investigation was carried out to study the potential use of the angular distribution of scattered photons by human breast samples for a rapid identification of neoplasias of breast tissues. This technique has possible applications as diagnostic aid for breast cancer. In this work, a commercial powder diffractometer was used to obtain the scattering profiles from breast tissues histopathologically classified as normal breast tissues, fibroadenomas (benign breast diseases) and carcinomas (malignant breast diseases), in the interval 0.02 angstrom(-1) < x < 0.62 angstrom(-1). The experimental methods and data corrections are discussed in detail, and they included background subtraction, polarization, self-attenuation and geometric effects. The validation of the experimental procedure was achieved through an analysis of water sample. The results showed that the scattering profile is a unique impression of each type of tissue, being correlated with their microscopic morphological features. Multivariate analysis was applied to these profiles in order to verify if the information carried by these scattering profiles allow the differentiation between normal, benign and malignant breast tissues. The statistical analysis results showed that a correct identification of 75% of the analyzed samples is accomplished. The values of sensibility and specificity of this method in correctly differentiating between normal and neoplastic samples were 95.6% and 82.3%, respectively, while the values for differentiation between benign and malignant neoplasias were 78.6% and 62.5%. These initial results indicate the feasible use of commercial powder diffractometer to provide a rapid diagnostic with a high sensitivity.


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The g factors of the 12(+), 11(-), and 8(-) isomeric states in (188)Pb were measured using the time-differential perturbed angular distribution method as g(12(+)) = -0.179(6), g(11(-)) = +1.03(3), and g(8(-)) = -0.037(7). The g factor of the 12(+) state follows the observed slight down-sloping evolution of the g factors of the i(13/2)(2) neutron spherical states with decreasing N. The g factors of the 11(-) and 8(-) isomers proposed as oblate and prolate deformed states, respectively, were interpreted within the rotational model, using calculated and empirical g factor values for the involved single-particle orbitals.


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The elastic-scattering angular distribution for (8)Li on (12)C has been measured at E(LAB) = 23.9 MeV with (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam produced by the Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil facility. This angular distribution was analyzed in terms of optical-model with Woods-Saxon and double-folding Sao Paulo potential. The roles of the breakup and inelastic channels were also investigated with cluster folding and deformed potentials, respectively, through coupled-channels calculations. The angular distribution for the proton-transfer (12)C((8)Li, (9)Be)(11)B reaction was also measured at the same energy. The spectroscopic factor for the <(9)Be|(8)Li + p > bound system was obtained and compared with shell-model calculations and with other experimental values. Total reaction cross sections for the present system were also extracted from the elastic-scattering analysis. A systematic of the reduced reaction cross sections obtained from the present and published data on (6,7,8)Li isotopes on (12)C was performed as a function of energy.


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Scattering of light at a distribution of scatterers is an intrinsically cooperative process, which means that the scattering rate and the angular distribution of the scattered light are essentially governed by bulk properties of the distribution, such as its size, shape, and density, although local disorder and density fluctuations may have an important impact on the cooperativity. Via measurements of the radiation pressure force exerted by a far-detuned laser beam on a very small and dense cloud of ultracold atoms, we are able to identify the respective roles of superradiant acceleration of the scattering rate and of Mie scattering in the cooperative process. They lead, respectively, to a suppression or an enhancement of the radiation pressure force. We observe a maximum in the radiation pressure force as a function of the phase shift induced in the incident laser beam by the cloud's refractive index. The maximum marks the borderline of the validity of the Rayleigh-Debye-Gans approximation from a regime, where Mie scattering is more complex. Our observations thus help to clarify the intricate relationship between Rayleigh scattering of light at a coarse-grained ensemble of individual scatterers and Mie scattering at the bulk density distribution.