57 resultados para PHOMA-BETAE
Smallanthus sonchifolius is a traditional Andean plant which has been cultured mainly in Brazil, Japan and New Zealand due to its medicinal properties. A study of the endophytic fungi associated to the plant was carried out in order to characterize new cytotoxic agents. Thirty two fungal strains were isolated and submitted to cultivation and extraction producing 186 extracts. Of these, 12% displayed moderate to high cytotoxic activities and were considered promising anticancer compound sources. The ethyl acetate fractions of Nigrospora sphaerica and Phoma betae liquid fermentations contained the synergistic compounds 8-hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-methylisocoumarin and (22E,24R)-ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one which are potential compounds for drug discovery. Another isolated compound, pimara-7,15-dien-3-beta-ol diterpene is being characterized for the first time through a detailed spectroscopic analysis including GC/MS, homo- and hetero-nuclear correlated NMR experiments (HMQC, HMBC, COSY and NOEdiff) along with its optical rotation.
Isolations from black stem lesions of sunflower growing in south-eastern Queensland yielded fungi putatively identified as species of Phoma. Pathogenicity assays showed that these isolates were capable of killing sunflower plants under glasshouse conditions. The isolates were compared with authentic cultures of Phoma macdonaldii and other isolates of Phoma taken from sunflower from around the world. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis showed that all the Australian isolates examined were very similar to the holotype culture of Phoma macdonaldii from Canada. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer regions also revealed the relatedness of the Australian isolates to the holotype. This is the first official record of P. macdonaldii in Australia.
We report a case of subcutaneous pheohyphomycosis observed in a male patient presenting pulmonary sarcoidosis and submitted to corticosteroid treatment. He presented nodular erythematous-violaceous skin lesions in the dorsum of the right hand. Histopathological examination of the biopsied lesion revealed dematiaceous hyphae and yeast-like cells, with a granulomatous tissual reaction. The isolated fungus was identified as Phoma cava. A review of the literature on fungal infection caused by different Phoma species, is presented. The patient healed after therapy with amphotericin B, followed by itraconazole
La diversidad de los microorganismos del suelo es esencial para la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos. Entre estos microorganismos los hongos micorrícicos cumplen un papel fundamental al incrementar la tolerancia de las plantas a estrés biótico y abiótico. Sin embargo, esta función frecuentemente no se concreta dado que los sistemas de labranza tradicionales tienden a disminuir la diversidad de la población de estos hongos simbiontes de las raíces. Phoma Terrestris es un hongo patógeno del suelo, agente causal de la "raíz rosada de la cebolla” enfermedad limitante en dicho cultivo. Su control es muy dificultoso dado que el patógeno sobrevive en el suelo varias campañas agrícolas, tiene un amplio rango de hospedantes y no existen variedades con buen comportamiento frente a los aislamientos argentinos. El presente proyecto propone relevar zonas productoras de cebolla para determinar la diversidad de las especies de hongos micorrícicos presentes y evaluar la capacidad de los mismos para atenuar los efectos deletéreos de Phoma Terrestris.
Phoma multirostrata foi isolado de mudas de baru com sintomas de lesões foliares marrons em condições naturais, no Distrito Federal, em 2004. Testes de patogenicidade e o subsequente reisolamento do fungo comprovaram os postulados de Koch. A ocorrência de mancha foliar de baru causada por P. multirostrata é relatada pela primeira vez no Brasil.
Phoma sp. (sect. Peyronellaea) foi consistentemente isolado de plantas de Paspalum atratum cv. Pojuca (capim Pojuca) com sintomas de manchas foliares em uma população no Distrito Federal, em 2002. Os conídios mostraram-se hialinos, predominantemente elípticos, unicelulares, gutulados, medindo entre 2,50-5,25 mim de largura e 10,25-17,25 mim de comprimento. Os picnídios mostraram-se escuros, medindo entre 100-310 mim de diâmetro, com pescoço curto, na maioria são globosos e solitários. Clamidósporos multicelulares, freqüentemente semelhantes a conídios de Alternaria foram observados nas colônias. Testes de patogenicidade em casa de vegetação e o ubsequente reisolamento do fungo confirmaram a hipótese de que Phoma sp. é o agente etiológico das manchas foliares de capim Pojuca. Os primeiros sintomas apareceram em todas as plântulas inoculadas, quatro a cinco dias após a inoculação. Sete outras espécies de gramíneas foram suscetíveis ao fungo. A ocorrência de manchas foliares de capim Pojuca causadas por Phoma sp. é relatada pela primeira vez no Brasil.
Phoma leaf spot, caused by Phoma costarricensis poses a serious threat to coffee (Coffea arabica) production, especially in the highlands of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Extracts of citric biomass, coffee berry husks and coffee leaves severely affected by rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix, were evaluated against P. costarricensis. In an in vitro assay, aqueous extracts of rusted leaves and berry husks plus the commercial extracts based on citric biomass named Ecolife® and Agromil® were tested at various dilutions on the mycelial growth inhibition of P. costarricensis. In vivo, coffee seedlings maintained in glasshouse, were sprayed with these extracts seven days before inoculation of P. costarricensis. Only extracts from citric biomass had inhibitory effects on the fungus. In vivo, Ecolife® (5 ml/l), Agromil® (5 g/l) and the aqueous extract of rusted coffee leaves (dilution 1:6) reduced Phoma leaf spot. Both, Ecolife® and the extract of rusted coffee leaves were significantly more effective in reducing the area under the lesion progress curve when applied at lower doses, indicating a possible effect on the induction of resistance.
No Laboratório de Quarentena Vegetal da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, foram realizadas análises fitossanitárias em tubérculos de batata, introduzidos no país para pesquisa, procedentes da França. Alguns desses tubérculos, em exame direto sob microscópio estereoscópio, apresentaram lesões deprimidas de aspecto encharcado, coloração marrom-arroxeada, casca amolecida e picnídios negros sobre as lesões. Em lâminas, sob microscópio de luz, foram observadas características morfológicas do fungo Phoma exigua var. foveata, praga exótica e de quarentena A1 para o Brasil. Para o teste de patogenicidade foram utilizados tubérculos sadios de batata inoculados com cultura pura do fungo isolado dos tubérculos sintomáticos. Sintomas de apodrecimento foram observados após 3 dias da inoculação, evoluindo até o 8º dia, quando o fungo foi re-isolado dessas lesões, em BDA, e confirmado o agente etiológico da doença. Os tubérculos apresentando sintomas foram incinerados e aqueles aparentemente sadios foram tratados com fungicida sistêmico, plantados em quarentenário por duas gerações e re-analisados. Após confirmação da sanidade dos tubérculos, os mesmos foram enviados ao requisitante.
O efeito dos produtos acibenzolar S-metil ester (ASM, Bion®), fosfito de potássio (Hortifós PK®) e de um fertilizante foliar (Nutex Axcell®) foi avaliado sobre a germinação de esporos e no crescimento micelial de Phoma costarricensis. O efeito desses produtos também foi avaliado na severidade da mancha de Phoma em mudas de cafeeiro. O percentual de germinação dos conídios de P. costarricensis não foi afetado pelas doses de fosfito e ASM, mas reduções no crescimento micelial do fungo foram observadas. A AACPD e a severidade da doença foram menores em todos os tratamentos quando comparados com a testemunha inoculada. Nas plantas tratadas com o fungicida tebuconazole, utilizado como padrão, foi observada redução de 50,9% na severidade da doença. Os menores valores de severidade e de AACPD foram observados nas plantas tratadas com ASM 0,1 g/L; Fosfito 2,5 mL/L; Fosfito 5,0 mL/L e o fertilizante Nutex Axcell® 4,0 mL/L.
A hibridação é uma estratégia eficiente de se obter ganhos genéticos seletivos visando ao controle de doenças em plantas. Na cultura do mamoeiro, trabalhos comprovam que a resistência genética a mancha-de-phoma pode ser incrementada via hibridação, entretanto, há necessidade de estudo sobre a manifestação da heterose em híbridos provenientes de cruzamentos de genitores entre e dentro de grupo heterótico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar híbridos de mamoeiro provenientes de cruzamentos em dialelo completo, envolvendo oito genitores elite, sendo quatro do grupo heterótico 'Solo' e quatro do grupo 'Formosa'. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura comercial, segundo delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e quantificou-se em duas épocas, março e maio de 2010, a severidade da mancha-de-phoma na folha, com auxílio de escala diagramática. Com a média de cada tratamento foi estimada a heterose e heterobeltiose. Os híbridos 'Waimanalo x Golden', 'Golden x Maradol', 'Golden x Waimanalo', 'Golden x Sunrise Solo 72/12', 'Golden x São Mateus', 'Sunrise Solo 72/12 x Waimanalo', 'Sunrise Solo 72/12 x Golden' foram os que mais se destacaram, com estimativas negativas de heterose e heterobeliose para redução da severidade da doença, nas duas épocas de avaliação. Vislumbrou-se a seleção de híbridos provenientes tanto de cruzamentos dentro do grupo 'Solo' quanto entre grupos heteróticos ('Solo' x 'Formosa'), visando o controle genético da mancha-de-phoma em mamoeiro.
The potential impact of global climate change on the spatial-temporal distribution of phoma leaf spot of coffee in Brazil was evaluated. Maps were prepared with the favorability of the climate to the occurrence of the disease in the current period and future. The future scenarios used were centered for the decades of 2010-2030, 2040-2060, and 2070-2090 (scenarios A2 and B2). These scenarios were obtained from six global climate models (GCM's) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Assuming the future scenarios outlined by the IPCC, a reduction will occur in the occurrence of climatic favorability of phoma leaf spot in Brazil in both future scenarios (A2 and B2). As with the temporal distribution, the period of greatest risk of phoma leaf spot will tend to diminish in future decades. These planned changes will be larger in the A2 scenario compared to the predicted scenario B2. Despite the decrease in the favorability of phoma leaf spot in the country, some regions still present a potential risk of this disease. Furthermore, the increased frequency of extreme weather was not taken in to account. These will certainly influence the magnitude of potential impacts of climate change on the phoma leaf spot in Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, is included within viruses transmitted through the soil from plasmodiophorid as Polymyxa betae. BNYVV is the causal agent of Rhizomania, which induces abnormal rootlet proliferation and is widespread in the sugar beet growing areas in Europe, Asia and America; for review see (Peltier et al., 2008). In this latter continent, Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) has been identified (Lee et al., 2001) and belongs to the benyvirus genus together with BNYVV, both vectored by P. betae. BSBMV is widely distributed only in the United States and it has not been reported yet in others countries. It was first identified in Texas as a sugar beet virus morphologically similar but serologically distinct to BNYVV. Subsequent sequence analysis of BSBMV RNAs evidenced similar genomic organization to that of BNYVV but sufficient molecular differences to distinct BSBMV and BNYVV in two different species (Rush et al., 2003). Benyviruses field isolates usually consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs -1 contains a single long ORF encoding polypeptide that shares amino acid homology with known viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) and helicases. RNAs -2 contains six ORFs: capsid protein (CP), one readthrough protein, triple gene block proteins (TGB) that are required for cell-to-cell virus movement and the sixth 14 kDa ORF is a post-translation gene silencing suppressor. RNAs -3 is involved on disease symptoms and is essential for virus systemic movement. BSBMV RNA-3 can be trans-replicated, trans-encapsidated by the BNYVV helper strain (RNA-1 and -2) (Ratti et al., 2009). BNYVV RNA-4 encoded one 31 kDa protein and is essential for vector interactions and virus transmission by P. betae (Rahim et al., 2007). BNYVV RNA-5 encoded 26 kDa protein that improve virus infections and accumulation in the hosts. We are interest on BSBMV effect on Rhizomania studies using powerful tools as full-length infectious cDNA clones. B-type full-length infectious cDNA clones are available (Quillet et al., 1989) as well as A/P-type RNA-3, -4 and -5 from BNYVV (unpublished). A-type BNYVV full-length clones are also available, but RNA-1 cDNA clone still need to be modified. During the PhD program, we start production of BSBMV full-length cDNA clones and we investigate molecular interactions between plant and Benyviruses exploiting biological, epidemiological and molecular similarities/divergences between BSBMV and BNYVV. During my PhD researchrs we obtained full length infectious cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and we demonstrate that they transcripts are replicated and packaged in planta and able to substitute BNYVV RNA-1 or RNA-2 in a chimeric viral progeny (BSBMV RNA-1 + BNYVV RNA-2 or BNYVV RNA-1 + BSBMV RNA-2). During BSBMV full-length cDNA clones production, unexpected 1,730 nts long form of BSBMV RNA-4 has been detected from sugar beet roots grown on BSBMV infected soil. Sequence analysis of the new BSBMV RNA-4 form revealed high identity (~100%) with published version of BSBMV RNA-4 sequence (NC_003508) between nucleotides 1-608 and 1,138-1,730, however the new form shows 528 additionally nucleotides between positions 608-1,138 (FJ424610). Two putative ORFs has been identified, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 1,234), encode a protein with predicted mass of 32 kDa (p32) and the second one (nucleotides 885 to 1,244) express an expected product of 13 kDa (p13). As for BSBMV RNA-3 (Ratti et al., 2009), full-length BSBMV RNA-4 cDNA clone permitted to obtain infectious transcripts that BNYVV viral machinery (Stras12) is able to replicate and to encapsidate in planta. Moreover, we demonstrated that BSBMV RNA-4 can substitute BNYVV RNA-4 for an efficient transmission through the vector P. betae in Beta vulgaris plants, demonstrating a very high correlation between BNYVV and BSBMV. At the same time, using BNYVV helper strain, we studied BSBMV RNA-4’s protein expression in planta. We associated a local necrotic lesions phenotype to the p32 protein expression onto mechanically inoculated C. quinoa. Flag or GFP-tagged sequences of p32 and p13 have been expressed in viral context, using Rep3 replicons, based on BNYVV RNA-3. Western blot analyses of local lesions contents, using FLAG-specific antibody, revealed a high molecular weight protein, which suggest either a strong interaction of BSBMV RNA4’s protein with host protein(s) or post translational modifications. GFP-fusion sequences permitted the subcellular localization of BSBMV RNA4’s proteins. Moreover we demonstrated the absence of self-activation domains on p32 by yeast two hybrid system approaches. We also confirmed that p32 protein is essential for virus transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3 and we investigated its role by the use of different deleted forms of p32 protein. Serial mechanical inoculation of wild-type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants were performed every 7 days. Deleted form of BSBMV RNA-4 (1298 bp) appeared after 14 passages and its sequence analysis shows deletion of 433 nucleotides between positions 611 and 1044 of RNA-4 new form. We demonstrated that this deleted form can’t support transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3, moreover we confirmed our hypothesis that BSBMV RNA-4 described by Lee et al. (2001) is a deleted form. Interesting after 21 passages we identifed one chimeric form of BSBMV RNA-4 and BSBMV RNA-3 (1146 bp). Two putative ORFs has been identified on its sequence, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 562), encode a protein with predicted mass of 7 kDa (p7), corresponding to the N-terminal of p32 protein encoded by BSBMV RNA-4; the second one (nucleotides 562 to 789) express an expected product of 9 kDa (p9) corresponding to the C-terminal of p29 encoded by BSBMV RNA-3. Results obtained by our research in this topic opened new research lines that our laboratories will develop in a closely future. In particular BSBMV p32 and its mutated forms will be used to identify factors, as host or vector protein(s), involved in the virus transmission through P. betae. The new results could allow selection or production of sugar beet plants able to prevent virus transmission then able to reduce viral inoculum in the soil.
Von Dr. F. C. von Faber
Photocopy of article from Bulletino del laboratorio ed orto botanico, anno quinto. -- 24 cm.