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The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.


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El objetivo general de este proyecto de investigación es diseñar, desarrollar y optimizar superficies con propiedades especificas para ser utilizadas como sensores y biosensores, materiales biocompatibles, columnas para separaciones por electroforesis capilar, matrices para la liberación controlada de fármacos y sorbentes para remediación ambiental. Para concretar este objetivo, se propone específicamente modificar superficies o particulas apuntando a optimizar un sistema concreto relevante en aplicaciones farmaceuticas, ambientales o biomedicas: 1. Modificacion de arcillas naturales o sinteticas para desarrollar matrices portadoras de farmacos o sorbentes para remediacion ambiental:1.1 Estudiar ilitas modificadas con Fe(III) para maximizar las propiedades adsortivas frente a aniones contaminantes como arsenico. 1.2 Sintetizar LDH de Al y Mg modificados con compuestos de interés farmacéutico para diseñar sistemas de liberación controlada.2. Modificación de canales de chips y electrodos para optimizar la separación, detección y cuantificación de compuestos farmacéutico: 2.1 Diseñar y construir microchips para la separación por EC de compuestos de base fenólica.2.2 Evaluar polímeros que mejoren la respuesta y/o estabilidad de electrodos de Carbono para ser usados como detectores amperométrico de compuestos de base fenólica en sistemas FIA y miniaturizados de análisis integrados.3. Modificación de superficies sólidas con biomoléculas para el desarrollo y optimización de superficies de bio-reconocimiento:3.1 Evaluar el comportamiento de superficies de titanio modificadas con TiO2 y depósitos inorgánicos frente a la interacción con proteínas plasmáticas (PP) para el análisis de la biocompatibilidad superficial.3.2 Diseñar y desarrollar superficies biofuncionales para el reconocimiento especifico de D-aminoácidos, anticuerpos en pacientes chagásicos y simple hebra de ADN. Las técnicas que se emplearán para llevar a cabo el proyecto dependen del tipo de sistema de estudio. En particular los estudios correspondientes al objetivo 1 se realizarán mediante análisis químicos, térmico, DXR, SEM, IR, BET así como mediante titulaciones ácido-base potenciométricas, movilidades electroforéticas, cinética e isotermas de adsorción.En general para desarrollar el objetivo 2 se utilizarán técnicas electroquímicas clásicas para la caracterización de los electrodos, los que luego se utilizarán como detectores en un sistema FIA amperométrico, mientras que los microchips se emplearán en electroforesis capilar para la separación de diferentes compuestos de interés farmacéutico.Finalmente, el objetivo 3 se llevará a cabo por un lado modificando electrodos de titanio con distintos depósitos (electroquímicas, sol-gel, térmicas) de TiO2 e hidroxiapatita y evaluando la interacción con proteínas plasmáticas para analizar la biocompatibilidad de los materiales preparados. Por otro lado, se estudiará el proceso de adsorción-desorción de D-aminoácido oxidasa, antígenos del T. Cruzi y ADN de simple hebra para optmizar la capacidad de bio-reconocimiento superficial de D-aminoácidos, anticuerpos de chagásicos y de cadena complementaria de ADN. Para concretar este objetivo se utilizarán técnicas electroquímicas, espectroscópicas y microscopias.Debido al carácter multidisciplinario del presente proyecto de investigación, su ejecución se llevara a cabo a través de la colaboración de investigadores pertenecientes a distintas áreas de la Química y permitirá continuar con la formación de recursos humanos mediante la realización de tesis doctorales y estadías postdoctorales.


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Surfactants are used as additives in topical pharmaceuticals and drug delivery systems. The biocompatibility of amino acid-based surfactants makes them highly suitable for use in these fields, but tests are needed to evaluate their potential toxicity. Here we addressed the sensitivity of tumor (HeLa, MCF-7) and non-tumor (3T3, 3T6, HaCaT, NCTC 2544) cell lines to the toxic effects of lysine-based surfactants by means of two in vitro endpoints (MTT and NRU). This comparative assay may serve as a reliable approach for predictive toxicity screening of chemicals prior to pharmaceutical applications. After 24-h of cell exposure to surfactants, differing toxic responses were observed. NCTC 2544 and 3T6 cell lines were the most sensitive, while both tumor cells and 3T3 fibroblasts were more resistant to the cytotoxic effects of surfactants. IC50-values revealed that cytotoxicity was detected earlier by MTT assay than by NRU assay, regardless of the compound or cell line. The overall results showed that surfactants with organic counterions were less cytotoxic than those with inorganic counterions. Our findings highlight the relevance of the correct choice and combination of cell lines and bioassays in toxicity studies for a safe and reliable screen of chemicals with potential interest in pharmaceutical industry.


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Dissolving cellulose is the first main step in preparing novel cellulosicmaterials. Since cellulosic fibres cannot be easily dissolved in water-based solvents, fibres were pretreated with ethanol-acid solution prior to the dissolution. Solubility and changes on the surface of the fibres were studied with microscopy and capillary viscometry. After the treatment, the cellulose fibres were soluble in alkaline urea-water solvent. The nature of this viscous solution was studied rheologically. Cellulose microspheres were prepared by extruding the alkaline cellulose solution through the needle into an acidic medium. By altering the temperature and acidity of the mediumit was possible to adjust the specific surface area and pore sizes of themicrospheres. A typical skin-core structure was found in all samples. Microspheres were oxidised in order to introduce anionic carboxylic acid groups (AGs). Anionic microspheres are more hydrophilic; their water-uptake increased 25 times after oxidation and they could swell almost to their original state (88%) after drying and shrinking. Swelling was studied in simulated physiological environments, corresponding to stomach acid and intestines (pH 1.2-7.4). Oxidised microspheres were used as a drug carriers. They demonstrated a highmass uniformity, which would enable their use for personalised dosing among different patients, including children. The drug was solidified in microspheres in amorphous form. This enhanced solubility and could be used for more challenging drugs with poor solubility. The pores of themicrospheres also remained open after the drug was loaded and they were dried. Regardless of the swelling, the drug was released at a constant rate in all environments.


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Association of poly(carboxylic acids) and non-ionic polymers in solutions via hydrogen bonding results in formation of novel polymeric materials-interpolymer complexes. These materials can potentially be used for design of novel mucoadhesive dosage forms, development of solid drug dispersions and solubilisation of poorly soluble drugs, encapsulation technologies, preparation of nanoparticles, hydrogels, in situ gelling systems and electrically erodible materials. This review is an attempt to analyse and systematise existing literature on pharmaceutical application of hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the work described was to identify and synthesize a range of biodegradable hypercoiling or hydrophobically associating polymers to mimic natural apoproteins, such as those found in lung surfactant or plasma apolipoproteins. Stirred interfacial polymerization was used to synthesize potentially biodegradable aromatic polyamides (Mw of 12,000-26,000) based on L-Iysine, L-Iysine ethyl ester, L-ornithine and DL-diaminopropionic acid, by reaction with isophthaloyl chloride. A similar technique was used to synthesize aliphatic polyamides based on L-Iysine ethyl ester and either adipoyl chloride or glutaryl chloride resulting in the synthesis of poly(lysine ethyl ester adipamide) [PLETESA] or poly(lysine ethyl ester glutaramide) (Mw of 126,000 and 26,000, respectively). PLETESA was found to be soluble in both polar and non-polar solvents and the hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance could be modified by partial saponification (66-75%) of the ethyl ester side chains. Surface or interfacial tension/pH profiles were used to assess the conformation of both the poly(isophthalamides) and partially saponified PLETESA in aqueous solution. The results demonstrated that a loss of charge from the polymer was accompanied by an initial fall in surface activity, followed by a rise in activity, and ultimately, by polymer precipitation. These observations were explained by a collapse of the polymer chains into non-surface active intramolecular coils, followed by a transition to an amphipathic conformation, and finally to a collapsed hydrophobe. 2-Dimensional NMR analysis of polymer conformation in polar and non-polar solvents revealed intramolecular associations between the hydrophobic groups within partially saponified PLETESA. Unsaponified PLETESA appeared to form a coiled structure in polar solvents where the ethyl ester side chains were contained within the polymer coil. The implications of the secondary structure of PLETESA and potential biomedical applications are discussed.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Biotechnology


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Les acides biliaires sont reconnus comme des tensioactifs d’origine biologique potentiellement applicables dans le domaine pharmaceutique. Leurs structures en font une plateforme idéale pour l’obtention de nouvelles architectures polymères. Des composés synthétisés par polymérisation anionique de dérivés d’oxirane comme l’oxyde d’éthylène, offre des dérivés amphiphiles pegylés démontrant des propriétés d’agrégation intéressantes en vue d’une amélioration de la biocompatibilité et de la capacité d’encapsulation médicamenteuse. Une large gamme d’acides biliaires pegylés (BA(EGn)x) a été préparée avec comme objectif premier leurs applications dans la formulation de principes actifs problématiques. Pour cela, une caractérisation rigoureuse du comportement de ces dérivés (modulation de la longueur (2 < n < 19) et du nombre de bras (2 < x < 4) de PEG) en solution a été réalisée. Dans le but d’améliorer la biodisponibilité de principes actifs lipophiles (cas de l’itraconazole), des nanoémulsions spontanées, composées de BA(EGn)x et d’acide oléique, ont été développées. L’évaluation in vitro, de la toxicité (cellulaire), et de la capacité de solubilisation des systèmes BA(EGn)x, ainsi que les paramètres pharmacocinétiques in vivo (chez le rat), suggèrent une livraison contrôlée par nos systèmes auto-assemblés lors de l’administration orale et intraveineuse. Aussi, la synthèse de copolymères en blocs en étoile à base d’acide cholique pegylés a été effectuée par polymérisation anionique par addition d’un second bloc au caractère hydrophobe de poly(éther d’allyle et de glycidyle) (CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4). Selon le ratio de blocs hydrophiles-hydrophobes CA(EGn-b-AGEm)4, des réponses thermiques en solution (LCST) ont été observées par un point de trouble (Cp) entre 8 oC et 37 oC. Un mécanisme de formation d’agrégats en plusieurs étapes est suggéré. La thiolation des allyles des PAGE permet une fonctionnalisation terminale à haute densité, comparable aux dendrimères. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des CA(EGn-b-AGEm-NH2)4 et CA(EGn-b-AGEm-COOH)4 indiquent la formation de structures auto-assemblées en solution, sensibles à la température ou au pH. Cette fonctionnalisation élargie le domaine d’application des dérivés d’acides biliaires pegylés en étoile vers la transfection d’ADN, la livraison de siRNA thérapeutiques ou encore à une sélectivité de livraison médicamenteux (ex. sensibilité au pH, greffage ligands).


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Driven by the global trend in the sustainable economy development and environmental concerns, the exploring of plant-derived biomaterials or biocomposites for potential biomedical and/or pharmaceutical applications has received tremendous attention. Therefore, the work of this thesis is dedicated to high-value and high-efficiency utilization of plant-derived materials, with the focus on cellulose and hemicelluloses in the field of biomedical applications in a novel biorefinery concept. The residual cellulose of wood processing waste, sawdust, was converted into cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) with tunable surface charge density and geometric size through 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy (TEMPO)-mediated oxidation and mechanical defibrillation. The sawdust-based CNFs and its resultant free-standing films showed comparable or even better mechanical properties than those from a commercial bleached kraft pulp at the same condition, demonstrating the feasibility of producing CNFs and films thereof with outstanding mechanical properties from birch sawdust by a process incorporated into a novel biorefinery platform recovering also polymeric hemicelluloses for other applications. Thus, it is providing an efficient route to upgrade sawdust waste to valuable products. The surface charge density and geometric size of the CNFs were found to play key roles in the stability of the CNF suspension, as well as the gelling properties, swelling behavior, mechanical stiffness, morphology and microscopic structural properties, and biocompatibility of CNF-based materials (i.e. films, hydrogels, and aerogels). The CNFs with tunable surface chemistry and geometric size was found promising applications as transparent and tough barrier materials or as reinforcing additive for production of biocomposites. The CNFs was also applied as structural matrices for the preparation of biocomposites possessing electrical conductivity and antimicrobial activity by in situ polymerization and coating of polypyrrole, and incorporation of silver nanoparticles, which make the material possible for potential wound healing application. The CNF-based matrices (films, hydrogels, and aerogels) with tunable structural and mechanical properties and biocompatibility were further prepared towards an application as 3D scaffolds in tissue engineering. The structural and mechanical strength of the CNF matrices could be tuned by controlling the charge density of the nanocellulose, as well as the pH and temperature values of the hydrogel formation conditions. Biological tests revealed that the CNF scaffolds could promote the survival and proliferation of tumor cells, and enhance the transfection of exogenous DNA into the cells, suggesting the usefulness of the CNF-based 3D matrices in supporting crucial cellular processes during cell growth and proliferation. The CNFs was applied as host materials to incorporate biomolecules for further biomedical application. For example, to investigate how the biocompatibility of a scaffold is influenced by its mechanical and structural properties, these properties of CNF-based composite matrices were controlled by incorporation of different hemicelluloses (O-acetyl galactoglucomanan (GGM), xyloglucan (XG), and xylan) into CNF hydrogel networks in different ratios and using two different approaches. The charge density of the CNFs, the incorporated hemicellulose type and amount, and the swelling time of the hydrogels were found to affect the pore structure, the mechanical strength, and thus the cells growth in the composite hydrogel scaffolds. The mechanical properties of the composite hydrogels were found to have an influence on the cell viability during the wound healing relevant 3T3 fibroblast cell culture. The thusprepared CNF composite hydrogels may work as promising scaffolds in wound healing application to provide supporting networks and to promote cells adhesion, growth, and proliferation.


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Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have been proposed in the 1990s as appropriate drug delivery systems, and ever since they have been applied in a wide variety of cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. In addition, SLNs are considered suitable alternatives as carriers in gene delivery. Although important advances have been made in this particular field, fundamental knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of SLN-mediated gene delivery is conspicuously lacking, an imperative requirement in efforts aimed at further improving their efficiency. Here, we address recent advances in the use of SLNs as platform for delivery of nucleic acids as therapeutic agents. In addition, we will discuss available technology for conveniently producing SLNs. In particular, we will focus on underlying molecular mechanisms by which SLNs and nucleic acids assemble into complexes and how the nucleic acid cargo may be released intracellularly. In discussing underlying mechanisms, we will, when appropriate, refer to analogous studies carried out with systems based on cationic lipids and polymers, that have proven useful in the assessment of structure-function relationships. Finally, we will give suggestions for improving SLN-based gene delivery systems, by pointing to alternative methods for SLNplex assembly, focusing on the realization of a sustained nucleic acid release.


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Pilocarpine is an alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Pilocarpus genus, with important pharmaceutical applications. Previous reports have investigated the production of pilocarpine by Pilocarpus microphyllus cell cultures and tried to establish the alkaloid biosynthetic route. However, the site of pilocarpine accumulation inside of the cell and its exchange to the medium culture is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the intracellular accumulation of pilocarpine and characterise its transport across membranes in cell suspension cultures of P. microphyllus. Histochemical analysis and toxicity assays indicated that pilocarpine is most likely stored in the vacuoles probably to avoid cell toxicity. Assays with exogenous pilocarpine supplementation to the culture medium showed that the alkaloid is promptly uptaken but it is rapidly metabolised. Treatment with specific ABC protein transporter inhibitors and substances that disturb the activity of secondary active transporters suppressed pilocarpine uptake and release suggesting that both proteins may participate in the traffic of pilocarpine to inside and outside of the cells. As bafilomicin A1, a specific V-type ATPase inhibitor, had little effect and NH4Cl (induces membrane proton gradient dissipation) had moderate effect, while cyclosporin A and nifedipine (ABC proteins inhibitors) strongly inhibited the transport of pilocarpine, it is believed that ABC proteins play a major role in the alkaloid transport across membranes but it is not the exclusive one. Kinetic studies supported these results.


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Surfactin, a lipopeptide produced by strains of Bacillus subtilis, has been proved to be a suitable biosurfactant in several applications. For many years, it has been investigated mainly for oil recovery and environmental usage. Its chemical, technological and functional characteristics turn surfactin into an attractive compound for several utilizations. In this review we emphasize some aspects of surfactin as a new food ingredient and its potential pharmaceutical and health applications.


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Chagas disease is a serious health problem in Latin America. Hidroxymethylnitrofurazone (NFOH) is a nitrofurazone prodrug more active than nitrofurazone against Trypanosoma cruzi. However, NFOH presents low aqueous solubility, high photodecomposition and high toxicity. The present work is focused on the characterization of an inclusion complex of NFOH in 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD). The complexation with HP-beta-CD was investigated using reversed-phase liquid chromatography, solubility isotherms and nuclear magnetic resonance. The retention behavior was analyzed on a reversed-phase C-18 column, using acetonitrile-water (20/80, v/v) as the mobile phase, in which HP-beta-CD was incorporated as a mobile phase additive. The decrease in the retention times with increasing concentrations of HP-beta-CD enables the determination of the apparent stability constant of the complex (K = 6.2 +/- 0.3 M-1) by HPLC. The solubility isotherm was studied and the value for the apparent stability constant (K = 7.9 +/- 0.2 M-1) was calculated. The application of continuous variation method indicated the presence of a complex with 1:1 NFOH:HP-beta-CD stoichiometry. The photostability study showed that the formation of an inclusion complex had a destabilizing effect on the photodecomposition of NFOH when compared to that of the ""free"" molecule in solution. The mobility investigation (by NMR longitudinal relaxation time) gives information about the complexation of NFOH with HP-beta-CD. In preliminary toxicity studies, cell viability tests revealed that inclusion complexes were able to decrease the toxic effect (p < 0.01) caused by NFOH. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.