964 resultados para PERIODIC FEVER
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM#260920) is a rare recessively-inherited autoinflammatory condition caused bymutations in the MVK gene, which encodes for mevalonate kinase, an essential enzyme in the isoprenoid pathway. HIDS is clinically characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation. Herewe report on the case of a 2 year-old Portuguese boy with recurrent episodes of fever, malaise, massive cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly since the age of 12 months. Rash, arthralgia, abdominal pain and diarrhea were also seen occasionally. During attacks a vigorous acute-phase response was detected, including elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and leukocytosis. Clinical and laboratory improvement was seen between attacks. Despite normal serum IgD level, HIDS was clinically suspected. Mutational MVK analysis revealed the homozygous genotype with the novel p.Arg277Gly (p.R277G) mutation, while the healthy non consanguineous parents were heterozygous. Short nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid courses were given during attacks with poor benefits, where as anakinra showed positive responses only at high doses. The p.R277Gmutation here described is a novel missense MVK mutation, and it has been detected in this casewith a severe HIDS phenotype. Further studies are needed to evaluate a co-relation genotype, enzyme activity and phenotype, and to define the best therapeutic strategies.
BACKGROUND: The exact pathogenesis of the pediatric disorder periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is unknown. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that PFAPA might be due to dysregulated monocyte IL-1β production linked to genetic variants in proinflammatory genes. METHODS: Fifteen patients with PFAPA syndrome were studied during and outside a febrile episode. Hematologic profile, inflammatory markers, and cytokine levels were measured in the blood. The capacity of LPS-stimulated PBMCs and monocytes to secrete IL-1β was assessed by using ELISA, and active IL-1β secretion was visualized by means of Western blotting. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to assess cytokine gene expression. DNA was screened for variants of the MEFV, TNFRSF1A, MVK, and NLRP3 genes in a total of 57 patients with PFAPA syndrome. RESULTS: During a febrile attack, patients with PFAPA syndrome revealed significantly increased neutrophil counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, myeloid-related protein 8/14, and S100A12 levels compared with those seen outside attacks. Stimulated PBMCs secreted significantly more IL-1β during an attack (during a febrile episode, 575 ± 88 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 235 ± 56 pg/mL; P < .001), and this was in the mature active p17 form. IL-1β secretion was inhibited by ZYVAD, a caspase inhibitor. Similar results were found for stimulated monocytes (during a febrile episode, 743 ± 183 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 227 ± 92 pg/mL; P < .05). Genotyping identified variants in 15 of 57 patients, with 12 NLRP3 variants, 1 TNFRSF1A variant, 4 MEFV variants, and 1 MVK variant. CONCLUSION: Our data strongly suggest that IL-1β monocyte production is dysregulated in patients with PFAPA syndrome. Approximately 20% of them were found to have NLRP3 variants, suggesting that inflammasome-related genes might be involved in this autoinflammatory syndrome.
Les maladies autoinflammatoires font partie du diagnostic différentiel de l'état fébrile à répétition chez lenfant. Ces maladies sont caractérisées par des poussées inflammatoires sans cause évidente. Certaines de ces maladies, comme la Fièvre méditerranéenne familiale, ont une origine génétique et nécessitent un traitement régulier pour éviter des conséquences graves à long terme. Le syndrome de PFAPA est la plus fréquente des fièvres récurrentes et son diagnostic se base sur des critères diagnostiques peu précis. Son traitement reste controversé. La prednisone en dose unique permet d'interrompre la poussée et l'amygdalectomie peut induire une rémission dans une majorité des cas. The autoinflammatory diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of recurrent fever in childhood. These diseases are characterized by inflammatory episodes without an evident cause. Some of these diseases, like the Familial Mediterranean Fever, have a genetic origin and need a chronic treatment to avoid severe complications on the long term. PFAPA syndrome is the most frequent cause of recurrent fever and is diagnosed based on unspecific criteria. The treatment is still controversial. One dose of Prednisone is able to interrupt the flare and tonsillectomy may induce a remission in the majority of the cases
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to describe the clinical features of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) and identify distinct phenotypes in a large cohort of patients from different countries. METHODS: We established a web-based multicentre cohort through an international collaboration within the periodic fevers working party of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS). The inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of PFAPA given by an experienced paediatric rheumatologist participating in an international working group on periodic fever syndromes. RESULTS: Of the 301 patients included from the 15 centres, 271 had pharyngitis, 236 cervical adenitis, 171 oral aphthosis and 132 with all three clinical features. A total of 228 patients presented with additional symptoms (131 gastrointestinal symptoms, 86 arthralgias and/or myalgias, 36 skin rashes, 8 neurological symptoms). Thirty-one patients had disease onset after 5 years and they reported more additional symptoms. A positive family history for recurrent fever or recurrent tonsillitis was found in 81 patients (26.9%). Genetic testing for monogenic periodic fever syndromes was performed on 111 patients, who reported fewer occurrences of oral aphthosis or additional symptoms. Twenty-four patients reported symptoms (oral aphthosis and malaise) outside the flares. The CRP was >50 mg/l in the majority (131/190) of the patients tested during the fever. CONCLUSION: We describe the largest cohort of PFAPA patients presented so far. We confirm that PFAPA may present with varied clinical manifestations and we show the limitations of the commonly used diagnostic criteria. Based on detailed analysis of this cohort, a consensus definition of PFAPA with better-defined criteria should be proposed.
PFAPA syndrome is the most common autoinflammatory syndrome in children from Western countries. In spite of its strong familial clustering, its genetic basis and inheritance pattern are still unknown. We performed a comprehensive genetic study on 68 individuals from 14 families. Linkage analysis suggested a susceptibility locus on chromosome 8, but direct molecular sequencing did not support this initial statistical finding. Exome sequencing revealed the absence of any gene that was mutated in all patients. Exhaustive screening of genes involved in other autoinflammatory syndromes or encoding components of the human inflammasome showed no DNA variants that could be linked to PFAPA molecular pathology. Among these, the previously-reported missense mutation V198M in the NLRP3 gene was clearly shown not to co-segregate with PFAPA. Our results on this relatively large cohort indicate that PFAPA syndrome is unlikely to be a monogenic condition. Moreover, none of the several genes known to be involved in inflammation or in autoinflammatory disorders seem to be relevant, alone, to its etiology, suggesting that PFAPA results from oligogenic or complex inheritance of variants in multiple disease genes and/or non-genetic factors.
PFAPA syndrome represents the most common cause of recurrent fever in children in European populations, and it is characterized by recurrent episodes of high fever, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis, and aphthous stomatitis. Many possible causative factors have been explored so far, including infectious agents, immunologic mechanisms and genetic predisposition, but the exact etiology remains unclear. Recent findings demonstrate a dysregulation of different components of innate immunity during PFAPA flares, such as monocytes, neutrophils, complement, and pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially IL-1β, suggesting an inflammasome-mediated innate immune system activation and supporting the hypothesis of an autoinflammatory disease. Moreover, in contrast with previous considerations, the strong familial clustering suggests a potential genetic origin rather than a sporadic disease. In addition, the presence of variants in inflammasome-related genes, mostly in NLRP3 and MEFV, suggests a possible role of inflammasome-composing genes in PFAPA pathogenesis. However, none of these variants seem to be relevant, alone, to its etiology, indicating a high genetic heterogeneity as well as an oligogenic or polygenic genetic background.
Guidelines for the management and treatment of periodic fever syndromes Familial Mediterranean Fever
To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of familial Mediterranean fever. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 10,341 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 46 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. The diagnosis of FMF is based on clinical manifestations, characterized by recurrent febrile episodes associated with abdominal pain, chest or arthritis of large joints; 2. FMF is a genetic disease presenting an autosomal recessive trait, caused by mutation in the MEFV gene; 3. Laboratory tests are not specific, demonstrating high serum levels of inflammatory proteins in the acute phase of the disease, but also often showing high levels even between attacks. SAA serum levels may be especially useful in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment; 4. The therapy of choice is colchicine; this drug has proven effectiveness in preventing acute inflammatory episodes and progression towards amyloidosis in adults; 5. Based on the available information, the use of biological drugs appears to be an alternative for patients with FMF who do not respond or are intolerant to therapy with colchicine.
Fever is one of the main symptoms leading to medical evaluation. Not only infections cause fever but also inflammatory disorders. To distinguish one from another, a thorough medical history and clinical evaluation are needed. Sometimes, only the clinical course will reveal the diagnosis. PFAPA-Syndrome (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, adenitis) is the most frequent periodic fever syndrome in Switzerland. No diagnostic test is available to support the diagnosis. Some important diseases have to be ruled out, such as Immunodeficiency, cyclic neutropenia, chronic viral infections and rheumatologic disorders. To know the diagnosis of the PFAPA-Syndrome can help avoiding antibiotic courses for febrile episodes in infants. There is a clinical overlap to hereditary periodic fever syndromes as familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), Hyper-IgD and fever syndrome (HIDS), Tumor-necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) and others, in which a genetic basis for the disease has already been found.
TRAPS is the most common of the autosomal dominant periodic fever syndromes. It is caused by mutations in the TNFRSF1A gene, which encodes for the type 1 TNF-receptor (TNFR1). We describe here a Brazilian patient with TRAPS associated to a novel TNFRSF1A de novo mutation and the response to anti-TNF therapy. The patient is a 9-year-old girl with recurrent fevers since the age of 3 years, usually lasting 3 to 7 days, and recurring every other week. These episodes are associated with mild abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and generalized myalgia. Recurrent conjunctivitis and erysipela-like skin lesions in the lower limbs also occur. Laboratory studies show persistent normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytosis, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. IgD levels are normal. Mutational screening of TNFRSF1A revealed the association of a novel C30F mutation with the common R92Q low-penetrance mutation. The R92Q mutation is seen in 5% of the general population and is associated with an atypical inflammatory phenotype. The patient had a very good response to etanercept, with cessation of fever and normalization of inflammatory markers. Our report expands the spectrum of TNFRSF1A mutations associated with TRAPS, adding further evidence for possible additive effects of a low-penetration R92Q and cysteine residue mutations, and confirms etanercept as an efficacious treatment alternative.
We describe in this paper the phenotype-genotype analysis of a Brazilian cohort of patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS). Patient 1 presented with an urticarial rash and recurrent fever exacerbated by cold weather, arthritis, and anterior uveitis, thus, receiving a clinical diagnosis of familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome. CIAS1 sequencing identified the T436I mutation, previously associated to a clinical phenotype of chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular/neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease. Patient 2 developed a papular exanthema with daily fever shortly after birth, frontal bossing, patellae enlargement, and cognitive and motor impairments. Sequencing identified the exceedingly rare G755R CIAS1 mutation in exon 4. Patient 3 developed skin rash and articular symptoms 6 h after birth, followed by aseptic meningitis. He was found to have the novel C148Y missense mutation in CIAS1. This report expands the spectrum of CIAS1 mutations associated to clinical disease, suggests that the same mutation can be associated with different clinical syndromes, and supports the evidence that CAPS patients should always be screened for mutations outside exon 3.
OBJECTIVE: Familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS) are dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disorders that cause rashes, fever, arthralgia, and in some subjects, AA amyloidosis, and have been mapped to chromosome 1q44. Sensorineural deafness in MWS, and provocation of symptoms by cold in FCU, are distinctive features. This study was undertaken to characterize the genetic basis of FCU, MWS, and an overlapping disorder in French Canadian, British, and Indian families, respectively. METHODS: Mutations in the candidate gene NALP3, which has also been named CIAS1 and PYPAF1, were sought in the study families, in a British/Spanish patient with apparent sporadic MWS, and in matched population controls. Identified variants were sought in 50 European subjects with uncharacterized, apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes, 48 subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and 19 subjects with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). RESULTS: Point mutations, encoding putative protein variants R262W and L307P, were present in all affected members of the Indian and French Canadian families, respectively, but not in controls. The R262W variant was also present in the subject with sporadic MWS. The V200M variant was present in all affected members of the British family with MWS, in 2 of the 50 subjects with uncharacterized periodic fevers, and in 1 of 130 Caucasian and 2 of 48 Indian healthy controls. No mutations were identified among the subjects with RA or JIA. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that mutations in the NALP3/CIAS1/PYPAF1 gene are associated with FCU and MWS, and that disease severity and clinical features may differ substantially within and between families. Analysis of this gene will improve classification of patients with inherited or apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes.
The objective of this work was to develop and validate a set of clinical criteria for the classification of patients affected by periodic fevers. Patients with inherited periodic fevers (familial Mediterranean fever (FMF); mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD); tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome (TRAPS); cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS)) enrolled in the Eurofever Registry up until March 2013 were evaluated. Patients with periodic fever, aphthosis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome were used as negative controls. For each genetic disease, patients were considered to be 'gold standard' on the basis of the presence of a confirmatory genetic analysis. Clinical criteria were formulated on the basis of univariate and multivariate analysis in an initial group of patients (training set) and validated in an independent set of patients (validation set). A total of 1215 consecutive patients with periodic fevers were identified, and 518 gold standard patients (291 FMF, 74 MKD, 86 TRAPS, 67 CAPS) and 199 patients with PFAPA as disease controls were evaluated. The univariate and multivariate analyses identified a number of clinical variables that correlated independently with each disease, and four provisional classification scores were created. Cut-off values of the classification scores were chosen using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis as those giving the highest sensitivity and specificity. The classification scores were then tested in an independent set of patients (validation set) with an area under the curve of 0.98 for FMF, 0.95 for TRAPS, 0.96 for MKD, and 0.99 for CAPS. In conclusion, evidence-based provisional clinical criteria with high sensitivity and specificity for the clinical classification of patients with inherited periodic fevers have been developed.
O síndrome PFAPA ( Periodic Fever, Aphtous stomatitis,Pharingitis and Adenitis) foi descrito pela primeira vez em 1987. A etiologia é desconhecida. Clinicamente caracteriza-se por febre alta, recorrente, com intervalos de quatro a seis semanas. A febre tem a duração de cerca de cinco dias e regride espontaneamente. Associadas à febre, encontram-se estomatite aftosa, faringite e adenomegalias cervicais. Os sintomas iniciam-se antes dos cinco anos de idade e tornam-se menos frequentes à medida que a criança cresce. O doente está assintomático entre os episódios febris, não há repercussão no desenvolvimento estaturo-ponderal ou psicomotor e não estão descritas sequelas. Leucocitose, velocidade de sedimentação (VS) e proteína C reactiva (PCR) elevadas durante as crises são as únicas alterações laboratoriais encontradas. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma criança de vinte meses, com febre periódica iniciada aos seis meses, periodicidade de vinte e oito dias e duração de cinco dias, estando assintomático entre as crises. Excluiu-se patologia infecciosa, neoplásica e imunológica, assim como outros síndromes febris periódicos com início na infância. No primeiro dia de cada episódio febril, iniciou terapêutica com dose única de prednisolona oral (2mg/Kg), com alargamento do intervalo entre os episódios febris, diminuição da duração e gravidade das crises subsequentes.
Résumé de thèseLe syndrome de PFAPA est une maladie fébrile récurrente décrite pour la première fois en 1987 par Marshall et col. Elle est caractérisée par une fièvre périodique, une stomatite aphteuse, une pharyngite et des adénopathies. Ce syndrome débute dans les premières années de vie et est connu pour disparaître spontanément en principe avant l'adolescence. Hormis un traitement de prednisone en début de crise, aucun traitement n'a pu montrer une efficacité thérapeutique ou curative.L'origine et l'étiologie de cette maladie sont encore inconnues à ce jour et le diagnostic reste un diagnostic d'exclusion qui repose sur des critères définis par différents groupes depuis 1987. Dans le cadre du Working Party periodic fever de la Société Européenne de Rhumatologie pédiatrique (PreS), un groupe a été établi et celui-ci a mis en place un registre de patients atteints de PFAPA afin d'analyser cette maladie et de mieux définir les critères diagnostic. Le Dr Michael Hofer a été nommé chairman de ce groupe et a introduit rapidement les patients romands dans cet outil de travail.L'introduction des patients romands dans la base de données ainsi créée, nous a suggéré une susceptibilité familiale qui nous a poussés à investiguer ce point de manière plus approfondie. Nous avons donc regroupé tous les patients lausannois et ceux de collègues bordelais ayant un diagnostic avéré de PFAPA. Nous avons ensuite interrogé, au cours d'un entretien téléphonique, les familles de ces enfants grâce à un questionnaire standardisé. Celui-ci a été testé et validé sur des patients sains d'une consultation de pédiatrie générale.Nous avons ensuite réunie toutes ces informations et séparés les patients en deux groupes AF+ (anamnèse familiale positive pour une fièvre récurrente) et AF- (anamnèse familiale négative pour une fièvre récurrente). Nous avons établi des comparaisons entre les 2 différents groupes en reprenant les caractéristiques de ces patients depuis le registre PFAPA dans lequel ils sont tous inclus. Les analyses ont été contrôlées et validées par le centre d'épidémiologie clinique grâce aux méthodes statistiques reconnues.Les résultats obtenus et qui sont détaillés dans l'article, permettent de suspecter une origine familiale et par là même, potentiellement génétique, à cette maladie d'étiologie inconnue. Jusqu'à présent aucune prépondérance familiale n'avait pu être mise en évidence dans les autres études sur le sujet. Pourtant cette maladie fait partie du groupe des fièvres récurrentes qui ont pour beaucoup déjà un diagnostic génétique.Notre étude ouvre donc des perspectives non seulement de recherche sur l'éventuelle cause génétique mais pourrait également permettre une meilleure compréhension de la maladie, de ses diverses présentations ainsi que par la suite de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques.
International consensus conference on PFAPA syndrome: Evaluation of a new set of diagnostic criteria
The PFAPA syndrome is characterized by periodic fever, associated with pharyngitis, cervical adenitis and/or aphtous stomatitis and belongs to the auto-inflammatory diseases. Diagnostic criteria are based on clinical features and the exclusion of other periodic fever syndromes. An analysis of a large cohort of patients has shown weaknesses for these criteria and there is a lack of international consensus. An International Conference was held in Morges in November 2008 to propose a new set of classification criteria based on a consensus among experts in the field. We aimed to verify the applicability of the new set of classification criteria. 80 patients diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome from 3 centers (Genoa, Lausanne and Geneva) for pediatric rheumatology were included in the study. A detailed description of the clinical and laboratory features was obtained. The new classification criteria and the actual diagnostic criteria were applied to the patients. Only 43/80 patients (53.8%) fulfilled all criteria of the new classification. 31 patients were excluded because they didn't meet one of the 7 diagnostic criteria, 8 because of 2 criteria, and one because of 3 criteria. When we applied the current criteria to the same patients, 11/80 patients (13%) needed to be excluded. 8/80 patients (10%) were excluded from both sets. Exclusion was related only to some of the criteria. Number of patients for each not fulfilled criterion (new set of criteria/actual criteria): age (1/6), symptoms between episodes (2/2), delayed growth (3/3), main symptoms (21/0), periodicity, length of fever, interval between episodes, and length of disease (19/0). The application of some of the new criteria was not easy, as they were both very restrictive and needed precise information from the patients. Our work has shown that the new set of classification criteria can be applied to patients suspected for PFAPA syndrome, but it seems to be more restrictive than the actual diagnostic criteria. A further work of validation needs to be done for this new set of classification criteria in order to determine if these criteria allow a good discrimination between PFAPA patients and other causes of recurrent fever syndromes.