12 resultados para PDLA


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Polymer D-lactic acid (PDLA) is a hydrogel that has been shown to sequester L-lactate (lactate). This reaction is rapid, spontaneous, and non-enzymatic. Lactate has been shown to have many functions within the nervous system including its use as a secondary fuel to sustain neural activity and as a neuromodulator. In the central nervous system, lactate is produced in glial cells and shuttled to neurons to be used mostly as a fuel. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)1 is the predominant LDH isoform within neurons and unlike LDH5, it preferentially converts lactate to pyruvate which can be used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Considering that lactate is intimately involved in the sustenance of neural activity, PDLA was applied to an open wound and its effects were examined. The results showed that the application of PDLA induced topical analgesia. This may be the first report to demonstrate that sequestering lactate, a source of energy required to sustain the firing of action potentials in neurons, may produce analgesia.


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It is proposed that select oligomers of polymer d-lactic acid (PDLA) will form a stereocomplex with l-lactate in vivo, producing lactate deficiency in tumor cells. Those cancer cells that utilize transport of lactate to maintain electrical neutrality may cease to multiply or die because of lactate trapping, and those cancer cells that benefit from utilization of extracellular lactate may be impaired. Intracellular trapping of lactate produces a different physiology than inhibition of LDH because the cell loses the option of shuttling pyruvate to an alternative pathway to produce an anion. Conjugated with stains or fluorescent probes, PDLA oligomers may be an agent for the diagnosis of tissue lactate and possibly cell differentiation in biopsy specimens. Preliminary experimental evidence is presented confirming that PDLA in high concentrations is cytotoxic and that l-lactate forms a presumed stereocomplex with PDLA. Future work should be directed at isolation of biologically active oligomers of PDLA.


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Nowadays, synthetic biodegradable polymers, such as aliphatic polyesters, are largely used in tissue engineering. They provide several advantages compared to natural materials which use is limited by immunocompatibility, graft availability, etc. In this work, poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA), poly(DL-lactic) acid (PDLA), poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL), poly(L-lactic)-co-caprolactone (molar ratio 70/30) (PLCL) were selected because of their common use in tissue engineering. The membranes were elaborated by solvent casting. Membrane morphology was investigated by atomic force microscopy. The membranes were seeded with human fibroblasts from cell line CRL 2703 in order to evaluate the biocompatibility by the Alamar blue test. The roughness of the membranes ranged from 4 nm for PDLA to 120 nm and they presented very smooth surface except for PCL which beside a macroscopic structure due to its hydrophobicity. Human fibroblasts proliferated over 28 days on the membranes proving the non-in vitro toxicity of the materials and of the processing method. A further step will be the fabrication of three-dimensional scaffold for tissue engineering and the treatment of the scaffolds to augment cell adhesion.


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聚丙交酯又称聚乳酸(PLA),是目前最重要的合成生物降解高分子之一。丙交酯有L,L-丙交酯(LLA)、D,D-丙交酯(DLA)和内消旋丙交酯(meso-LA)三种立体异构体。PLA包括全同立构、间同立构、无规立构、不均匀有规立构和嵌段立构等构型。 PLA的微观链结构在很大程度上决定了PLA的理化性质。无规立构和不均匀有规立构聚丙交酯是非晶聚合物,它们可以由meso-LA或者rac-LA(LLA和DLA的等物质的量混合物)的聚合得到;而全同立构、间同立构和嵌段立构的聚丙交酯都是可以结晶的;全同立构的聚丙交酯可由纯的DLA或者LLA聚合而成,高分子量的全同立构PLA(PLLA或者PDLA)的熔点约180ºC;但是,有趣的是,等量PDLA和PLLA形成的外消旋混合物的熔点约230ºC,这与无规的poly(rac-LA)(聚外消旋丙交酯)形成强烈对照;间同和嵌段立构聚丙交酯只是最近几年才被合成出来,目前,只能通过丙交酯的立体选择性聚合才能得到,它们的结晶性和熔点随催化剂的选择性不同变化范围很大;而就降解性能而言,非晶聚丙交酯的降解速率要高于结晶性的聚丙交酯。因为序列结构对聚丙交酯的性质有很大的影响,而聚丙交酯的序列结构可以通过丙交酯的立体选择性聚合来控制,所以,近年来,丙交酯的立体选择性聚合催化剂的开发成为了一个研究热点。 我们设计合成了一系列非手性烯醇式席夫碱-铝/锌化合物,详细的表征了它们的结构,阐明了配体取代基团与催化剂构型之间的关系;将这一系列化合物用于丙交酯的开环聚合,系统的研究了不同结构的催化剂与丙交酯的聚合动力学、立体规整度之间的关系。


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A novelty approach to self-assembling stereocomplex micelles by enantiomeric PLA-PEG block copolymers as a drug delivery carrier was described. The particles were encapsulated by enantiomeric PLA-PEG stereocomplex to form nanoscale micelles different from the microspheres or the single micelles by PLLA or PDLA in the reported literatures. First, the block copolymers of enantiomeric poly(L-lactide)-poly(ethylene-glycol) (PLLA-PEG) and poly(D-lactide)-poly(ethylene-glycol) (PDLA-PEG) were synthesized by the ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide and D-lactide in the presence of monomethoxy PEG, respectively. Second, the stereocomplex block copolymer micelles were obtained by the self-assembly of the equimolar mixtures of enantiomeric PLA-PEG copolymers in water. These micelles possessed partially the crystallized hydrophobic cores with the critical micelle concentrations (cmc) in the range of 0.8-4.8 mg/l and the mean hydrodynamic diameters ranging from 40 to 120 nm. The micelle sizes and cmc values obviously depended on the hydrophobic block PLA content in the copolymer.Compared with the single PLLA-PEG or PDLA PEG micelles, the cmc values of the stereocomplex micelles became lower and the sizes of the stereocomplex micelles formed smaller. And lastly, the stereocomplex micelles encapsulated with rifampin were tested for the controlled release application.


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A polymer pair composed of poly( N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate terminated oligo( L-lactide)) ( poly( NIPAAm-co-HEMAOLLA)) graft random copolymer and poly( D-lactide) ( PDLA) homopolymer was self-assembled into micelles with a diameter around 100 nm through the stereocomplexation between the OLLA branches of the graft copolymer and the PDLA homopolymer. The specific intermolecular stereocomplexation was considered as the powerful ordered aggregation force in the micelle cores. The shell's component of poly( NIPAAm-co-HEMA) and its thermosensitivity were proved by H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR) and dynamic light scattering ( DLS), respectively. The incorporation of PDLA homopolymer into the graft copolymer affected the micelle size and the critical micelle concentration ( CMC). The incorporation of even a small quantity ( 11 wt%) of PDLA into the graft copolymer micelles resulted in a great decrease of the micelle size. For the graft copolymer with low per cent grafting of 18%, the size of the corresponding micelles decreased slightly even if the PDLA content increased up to 33 wt%. For the graft copolymer with high per cent grafting of 58%, with the further increase of PDLA content, the size of the corresponding micelles at first decreased further and then began to increase. The molecular weight of the PDLA did not significantly affect the micelle size.


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Responsive biomaterials play important roles in imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments are one class of biomaterial utilized for these purposes. The incorporation of luminescent molecules into NPs adds optical imaging and sensing capability to these vectors. Here we report on the synthesis of dual-emissive, pegylated NPs with "stealth"-like properties, delivered intravenously (IV), for the study of tumor accumulation. The NPs were created by means of stereocomplexation using a methoxy-terminated polyethylene glycol and poly(D-lactide) (mPEG-PDLA) block copolymer combined with iodide-substituted difluoroboron dibenzoylmethane-poly(L-lactide) (BF2dbm(I)PLLA). Boron nanoparticles (BNPs) were fabricated in two different solvent compositions to study the effects on BNP size distribution. The physical and photoluminescent properties of the BNPs were studied in vitro over time to determine stability. Finally, preliminary in vivo results show that stereocomplexed BNPs injected IV are taken up by tumors, an important prerequisite to their use as hypoxia imaging agents in preclinical studies.


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[EU]Biomedikuntzan gero eta material polimeriko gehiago aplikatzen dira. Metalezko inplanteekin alderatuz, ekoizterako orduan azkarragoak eta merkeagoak baitira beste hainbat ezaugarriren artean. Baina onurak ekartzearekin batera, erradio-opakotasun eza ere badakar. Eta ezaugarri hau gabe, inplantearen jarraipena behin giza gorputzean ezarrita dagoenean ezinezkoa da, X izpiekin ezin baita ikusi. Beraz, arazo horri aurre egiteko, proiektu honetan matrize polimerikoari kargak gehitzea proposatzen da. Lortutako material konposatuak, polimeroak soilik dituen ezaugarriak berdintzea edo hobetzea espero da. Hau da, erradio-opakotasuna lortzeaz gain, propietate mekanikoak behintzat mantentzea espero da. Giza gorputzean aplikatzen diren inplanteetarako erabiliko den material konposatu bat lortzea duenez helburu proiektu honek, matrizea polimero biobataragarria eta biodegradagarria izango da. Biodegradagarria izanik, inplantea kanporatzeko bigarren ebakuntza bat ekiditen da. Zehazki, poli(D-laktida) (PDLA) polimeroa matrize moduan eta karga moduan bismuto oxidoa (Bi2O3) erabiliko dira, medikuntza arloko inplanteetan erabili izan ohi dira eta.


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The thermal properties, crystallization, and morphology of amphiphilic poly(D-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino- 2-ethyl methacrylate) (PDLA-b-PDMAEMA) and poly (L-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino-2-ethyl methacrylate) (PLLA-b-PDMAEMA) copolymers were studied and compared to those of the corresponding poly(lactide) homopolymers. Additionally, stereocomplexation of these copolymers was studied. The crystallization kinetics of the PLA blocks was retarded by the presence of the PDMAEMA block. The studied copolymers were found to be miscible in the melt and the glassy state. The Avrami theory was able to predict the entire crystallization range of the PLA isothermal overall crystallization. The melting points of PLDA/PLLA and PLA/PLA-b-PDMAEMA stereocomplexes were higher than those formed by copolymer mixtures. This indicates that the PDMAEMA block is influencing the stability of the stereocomplex structures. For the low molecular weight samples, the stereocomplexes particles exhibited a conventional disk-shape structure and, for high molecular weight samples, the particles displayed unusual star-like shape morphology.


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Biomateriais poliméricos são desenvolvidos para uso como substitutos de tecidos danificados e/ou estimular sua regeneração. Uma classe de biomateriais poliméricos são os biorreabsorvíveis, compostos que se decompõem tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. São empregados em tecidos que necessitam de um suporte temporário para sua recomposição tecidual. Dentre os vários polímeros biorreabsorvíveis, destacam-se os alfa-hidróxi ácidos, entre eles, diferentes composições do poli(ácido lático) (PLA), como o poli(L-ácido lático) (PLLA), poli(D-ácido lático) (PDLA), poli(DL-ácido lático) (PDLLA), além do poli(ácido glicólico) (PGA) e da policaprolactona (PCL). Estes polímeros são considerados biorreabsorvíveis por apresentarem boa biocompatibilidade e os produtos de sua decomposição serem eliminados do corpo por vias metabólicas. Diversas linhas de pesquisa mostram que os diferentes substratos à base de PLA estudados não apresentam toxicidade, uma vez que as células são capazes de crescer e proliferar sobre eles. Além disso, diversos tipos de células cultivadas sobre diferentes formas de PLA são capazes de se diferenciarem sobre os diferentes polímeros e passar a produzir componentes de matriz extracelular. Neste trabalho, é revisada a utilização de substratos à base de alfa-hidróxi ácidos, com destaque para diferentes formas de PLA, utilizados como substratos para cultura de células, bem como suas aplicações.


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The use of immunological adjuvants has been established since 1924 and ever since many candidates have been extensively researched in vaccine development. The controlled release of vaccine is another area of biotechnology research, which is advancing rapidly with great potential and success. Encapsulation of peptide and protein drugs within biodegradable microspheres has been amongst the most successful of approaches within the past decade. The present studies have focused on combining the advantages of microsphere delivery systems composed of biodegradable polylactide (PLLA) and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymers with that of safe and effective adjuvants. The research efforts were directed to the development of single-dose delivery vehicles which, can be manufactured easily, safely, under mild and favourable conditions to the encapsulated antigens. In pursuing this objective non ionic block copolymers (NIBCs) (Pluronics@ LI01 and L121) were incorporated within poly-dl-lactide (PDLA) micorospheres prepared with emulsification-diffusion method. LI0I and L121 served both as adjuvants and stabilising agents within these vaccine delivery vehicles. These formulations encapsulating the model antigens lysozyme, ovalbumin (OVA) and diphtheria toxoid (DT) resulted in high entrapment efficiency (99%), yield (96.7%) and elicited high and sustained immune response (IgG titres up to 9427) after one single administration over nine months. The structural integrity of the antigens was preserved within these formulations. In evaluating new approaches for the use of well-established adjuvants such as alum, these particles were incorporated within PLLA and PLGA microspheres at much lesser quantities (5-10 times lower) than those contained within conventional alum-adsorbed vaccines. These studies focused on the incorporation of the clinically relevant tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen within biodegradable microspheres. The encapsulation of both alum particles and TT antigen within these micropheres resulted in preparations with high encapsulation efficiency (95%) and yield (91.2%). The immune response to these particles was also investigated to evaluate the secretion of serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b after a single administration of these vaccines. The Splenic cells proliferation was also investigated as an indication for the induction of cell mediated immunity. These particles resulted in high and sustained immune response over a period of 14 months. The stability of TT within particles was also investigated under dry storage over a period of several months. NIBC microspheres were also investigated as potential DNA vaccine delivery systems using hepatitis B plasmid. These particles resulted in micro spheres of 3-5 μm diameter and were shown to preserve the integrity of the encapsulated (27.7% entrapment efficiency) hepatitis B plasmid.