992 resultados para PD-1
T-cell proliferative hypo responsiveness, a hallmark of paracoccidioidomycosis immune responses, underlies host`s failure in controlling fungus spread, being reversible with antifungal treatment. The mechanisms leading to this hypoproliferation are not well known. Since costimulatory molecules have been shown to profoundly regulate T-cell immune responses, we investigated the hypothesis that the determinants of the responder versus tolerant state may be the regulated expression of, or signaling by, costimulatory molecules. Expression of CD80, CD86, CD28, CD152, ICOS and PD-1 costimulatory molecules were examined on T-cells and monocytes harvested from stimulated and unstimulated PBMC cultures of active paracoccidioidomycosis patients and healthy individuals cured of past paracoccidioidomycosis. Stimuli were gp43, the immunodominant component of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and a Candida antigen. While CD28 expression, critical for optimal T-cell activation, was comparable between patients and controls, CD152, PD-1 and ICOS, which preferentially deliver negative signaling, were overexpressed on patients` stimulated and unstimutated T-cells. PBMC cultures were carried out in presence of the respective blocking antibodies which, however, failed to restore T-cell proliferation. CD80 and CD86 were equally expressed on patients` and controls` monocytes, but overexpressed on patients` T-cells. Blockade with the respective blocking antibodies on day 4 of the culture also did not restore T-cell proliferation, while, on day 0, differentially inhibited Candida and gp43 responses, suggesting that different antigens require different costimulatory pathways for antigen presentation. Our data favors the hypothesis, raised from other foreign antigen models, that prolonged in vivo antigen exposure leads to an adaptive tolerance T-cell state which is hardly reverted in vitro. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PD-1 and PD-L1 can be involved in tumor escape, and little is known about the role of these molecules in oral tumors or pre-malignant lesions. In the present study, we investigated the expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 in the blood and lesion samples of patients with actinic cheilitis (AC) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Our results showed that lymphocytes from peripheral blood and tissue samples exhibited high expression of PD-1 in both groups analyzed. Patients with AC presented higher percentage as well as the absolute numbers of CD4(+)PD-1(+) and CD8(+)PD-1(+) lymphocytes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) than healthy individuals, while patients with OSCC presented an increased frequency of CD8(+)PD1(+) in PBMC when compared with controls. On the other hand, increased frequency of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells expressing PD-1(+) accumulate in samples from OSCC, and the expression of PD-L1 was intense in OSCC and moderate in AC lesion sites. Lower levels of IFN-gamma and higher levels of TGF-beta were detected in OSCC samples. Our data demonstrate that PD-1 and PD-L1 molecules are present in blood and samples of AC and OSCC patients. Further studies are required to understand the significance of PD-1 and PD-L1 in oral tumors microenvironment.
Trypanosoma cruzi es el agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, un problema de salud importante en América Latina, así como también en América Central, ya que causa infección crónica afectando a millones de personas [1]. Durante esta enfermedad se han descripto varias alteraciones de la respuesta inmune, entre ellas una severa inmunosupresión durante la etapa aguda de la infección, tanto en humanos como en ratones. Células T provenientes de ratones infectados activadas in vitro, muestran reducción en la respuesta proliferativa a mitógenos, característica de un estado de inmunosupresión [2-4]. La falla del sistema inmune durante estadios tempranos de la infección probablemente colabore con la diseminación y el establecimiento del parásito. Un gran número de estudios se han focalizado en la identificación de mecanismos moleculares responsables del fenómeno de inmunosupresión, entre los mecanismos citados se ha demostrado presencia de células supresoras [5-9], factores inmunosupresores presentes en el parásito [2, 3, 10-13], producción excesiva de óxido nítrico [14], disminuida producción de IL-2 y reducida expresión del receptor de IL2 en células de bazo de animales infectados [9, 15-17]. Muchos de estos mecanismos han sido exhaustivamente investigados, sin embargo no está del todo claro si existen mecanismos adicionales involucrados en la inmunosupresión de la célula T. Adicionalmente, en los últimos años nuevas moléculas que median la regulación negativa de la célula T, entre las cuales están PD-1/PD1-L [18], arginasa [19] y E3 ubiquitina ligasas [20-22], han sido reportadas durante inmunosupresión en diversas infecciones. Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease, is parasite causing chronic infections in human and other mammalian species. There is an important immunosupresion during the acute phase of the infection that contribute to the dissemination and installation of the parasite. Several studies have been focused on identifying the mechanisms involved in the immunosupresion; however it is not clear if there are additional mechanisms implicated. In addition, during the last years new molecules involved in the negative T cell regulation such as PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3 ubiquitin ligases (E3-Ub-Lig) have been reported. It has been demonstrated, that E3-Ub-Lig control the amount and localization of intracellular signal mediators, limiting T cell activation. Moreover, these mechanisms mediate the immunosupresion observed during several infections leading to the persistence of the pathogen in the host. In this project the role of E3-Ub-Lig on the T cell immunosupresion and hipo-response mechanisms observed during T. cruzi infection will be studied. On the other hand, it has been reported that some pathogens release proteins with E3-Ub-Lig activity modifying the ubiquitination process to promote their survival and replication in the host. Recently, a protein with E3-Ub-Lig activity was identified in T. cruzi, however its target molecule has not been discovered yet. Therefore, one of the aims of this project consists on studying different potential target molecules for this novel E3-Ub-Lig. In addition, during the last years, important progress has been done about the biological rol of PD-1/PD1-L pathway on the regulation of the immune response in several infections. However, it is not well known how PD-1/PD1-L pathway transduces signals at intracelular level to block T cell response. Because of this, it is interesting to study if there is any relation between the PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3-Ub-Lig on the mechanism of T cell immunosupression during T. cruzi infection.
Purpose/Objective: Protective CD8+ T cell responses rely on TCRdependent recognition of immunogenic peptides presented by MHC I. Cytolytic T lymphocytes directed against self/tumor antigens express TCRs of lower affinity/avidity than pathogen-derived T lymphocytes and elicit less protective immune responses due to mechanisms of central and peripheral tolerance. Anti-tumor T cell reactivity can be improved by increasing the TCR-pMHC affinity within physiological limits, while intriguingly further increase in the supraphysiological range (KD < 1 lM) leads to drastic functional declines. We aim at identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying the loss of T cell responsiveness associated with supraphysiological TCRpMHC affinities in order to improve effectiveness of TCR-engineered T cells used in adoptive cell transfer (ACT) cancer immunotherapy. Materials and methods: Using a panel of human CD8+ T cells engineered with TCRs of incremental affinity for the HLA-A2-resticted tumor cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1, we performed comparative gene expression microarray and TCR-mediated signaling analysis together with membrane receptors level analysis. Results: As compared to cells expressing TCR affinities generating optimal function (KD from 5to 1 lM), those with supraphysiological affinity (KD from 1 lM to 15 nM) had an overall reduced expression of genes implied in signaling, cell activation and proliferation, and showed impaired proximal and distal TCR signaling capacity. This correlated with a decline in surface expression of CD8b, CD28 and activatory TNFR superfamily members. Importantly, expression of inhibitory receptor PD-1 and SHP-1 phosphatase was upregulated in a TCR affinity-dependent manner. Consequently, PD-L1 and SHP-1 blockade restored the function of T cells with high TCRs affinity. Moreover, SHP-1 inhibition also augmented functional efficacy of T cells with TCRs of optimal affinity. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that TCR affinity-associated regulatory mechanisms control T cells responsiveness at various levels to limit potential auto-reactive cytotoxic effects. They also support the development of ACT therapies combined with blockade of inhibitory molecules such as SHP-1 to enhance effectiveness of T cell immunotherapy.
Leprosy is a spectral disease exhibiting two polar sides, namely, lepromatous leprosy (LL) characterised by impaired T-cell responses and tuberculoid leprosy in which T-cell responses are strong. Proper T-cell activation requires signalling through costimulatory molecules expressed by antigen presenting cells and their ligands on T-cells. We studied the influence of costimulatory molecules on the immune responses of subjects along the leprosy spectrum. The expression of the costimulatory molecules was evaluated in in vitro-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells of lepromatous and tuberculoid patients and healthy exposed individuals (contacts). We show that LL patients have defective monocyte CD86 expression, which likely contributes to the impairment of the antigen presentation process and to patients anergy. Accordingly, CD86 but not CD80 blockade inhibited the lymphoproliferative response to Mycobacterium leprae. Consistent with the LL anergy, there was reduced expression of the positive signalling costimulatory molecules CD28 and CD86 on the T-cells in these patients. In contrast, tuberculoid leprosy patients displayed increased expression of the negative signalling molecules CD152 and programmed death-1 (PD-1), which represents a probable means of modulating an exacerbated immune response and avoiding immunopathology. Notably, the contacts exhibited proper CD86 and CD28 expression but not exacerbated CD152 or PD-1 expression, suggesting that they tend to develop a balanced immunity without requiring immunosuppressive costimulatory signalling.
The programmed death 1 (PD-1) receptor is a negative regulator of activated T cells and is up-regulated on exhausted virus-specific CD8(+) T cells in chronically infected mice and humans. Programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) is expressed by multiple tumors, and its interaction with PD-1 resulted in tumor escape in experimental models. To investigate the role of PD-1 in impairing spontaneous tumor Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in melanoma patients, we have examined the effect of PD-1 expression on ex vivo detectable CD8(+) T cells specific to the tumor Ag NY-ESO-1. In contrast to EBV, influenza, or Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8(+) T cells, NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells up-regulated PD-1 expression. PD-1 up-regulation on spontaneous NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells occurs along with T cell activation and is not directly associated with an inability to produce cytokines. Importantly, blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in combination with prolonged Ag stimulation with PD-L1(+) APCs or melanoma cells augmented the number of cytokine-producing, proliferating, and total NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells. Collectively, our findings support the role of PD-1 as a regulator of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell expansion in the context of chronic Ag stimulation. They further support the use of PD-1/PD-L1 pathway blockade in cancer patients to partially restore NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell numbers and functions, increasing the likelihood of tumor regression.
The tumor microenvironment mediates induction of the immunosuppressive programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) pathway, and targeted interventions against this pathway can help restore antitumor immunity. To gain insight into these responses, we studied the interaction between PD-1 expressed on T cells and its ligands (PD-1:PD-L1, PD-1:PD-L2, and PD-L1:B7.1), expressed on other cells in the tumor microenvironment, using a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model of epithelial ovarian cancer (ID8). Exhaustion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) correlated with expression of PD-1 ligands by tumor cells and tumor-derived myeloid cells, including tumor-associated macrophages (TAM), dendritic cells, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). When combined with GVAX or FVAX vaccination (consisting of irradiated ID8 cells expressing granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor or FLT3 ligand) and costimulation by agonistic α-4-1BB or TLR 9 ligand, antibody-mediated blockade of PD-1 or PD-L1 triggered rejection of ID8 tumors in 75% of tumor-bearing mice. This therapeutic effect was associated with increased proliferation and function of tumor antigen-specific effector CD8(+) T cells, inhibition of suppressive regulatory T cells (Treg) and MDSC, upregulation of effector T-cell signaling molecules, and generation of T memory precursor cells. Overall, PD-1/PD-L1 blockade enhanced the amplitude of tumor immunity by reprogramming suppressive and stimulatory signals that yielded more powerful cancer control.
The paradoxical coexistence of spontaneous tumor antigen-specific immune responses with progressive disease in cancer patients furthers the need to dissect the molecular pathways involved in tumor-induced T cell dysfunction. In patients with advanced melanoma, we have previously shown that the cancer-germline antigen NY-ESO-1 stimulates spontaneous NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells that up-regulate PD-1 expression. We also observed that PD-1 regulates NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell expansion upon chronic antigen stimulation. In the present study, we show that a fraction of PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells in patients with advanced melanoma up-regulates Tim-3 expression and that Tim-3(+)PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells are more dysfunctional than Tim-3(-)PD-1(+) and Tim-3(-)PD-1(-) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells, producing less IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-2. Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production by NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon short ex vivo stimulation with cognate peptide, thus enhancing their functional capacity. In addition, Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production and proliferation of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon prolonged antigen stimulation and acted in synergy with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade. Collectively, our findings support the use of Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade together with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade to reverse tumor-induced T cell exhaustion/dysfunction in patients with advanced melanoma.
Tumor progression is facilitated by regulatory T cells (Treg) and restricted by effector T cells. In this study, we document parallel regulation of CD8(+) T cells and Foxp3(+) Tregs by programmed death-1 (PD-1, PDCD1). In addition, we identify an additional role of CTL antigen-4 (CTLA-4) inhibitory receptor in further promoting dysfunction of CD8(+) T effector cells in tumor models (CT26 colon carcinoma and ID8-VEGF ovarian carcinoma). Two thirds of CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) expressed PD-1, whereas one third to half of CD8(+) TIL coexpressed PD-1 and CTLA-4. Double-positive (PD-1(+)CTLA-4(+)) CD8(+) TIL had characteristics of more severe dysfunction than single-positive (PD-1(+) or CTLA-4(+)) TIL, including an inability to proliferate and secrete effector cytokines. Blockade of both PD-1 and CTLA-4 resulted in reversal of CD8(+) TIL dysfunction and led to tumor rejection in two thirds of mice. Double blockade was associated with increased proliferation of antigen-specific effector CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells, antigen-specific cytokine release, inhibition of suppressive functions of Tregs, and upregulation of key signaling molecules critical for T-cell function. When used in combination with GVAX vaccination (consisting of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor-expressing irradiated tumor cells), inhibitory pathway blockade induced rejection of CT26 tumors in 100% of mice and ID8-VEGF tumors in 75% of mice. Our study indicates that PD-1 signaling in tumors is required for both suppressing effector T cells and maintaining tumor Tregs, and that PD-1/PD-L1 pathway (CD274) blockade augments tumor inhibition by increasing effector T-cell activity, thereby attenuating Treg suppression. Cancer Res; 73(12); 3591-603. ©2013 AACR.
Expression of co-inhibitory molecules is generally associated with T-cell dysfunction in chronic viral infections such as HIV or HCV. However, their relative contribution in the T-cell impairment remains unclear. In the present study, we have evaluated the impact of the expression of co-inhibitory molecules such as 2B4, PD-1 and CD160 on the functions of CD8 T-cells specific to influenza, EBV and CMV. We show that CD8 T-cell populations expressing CD160, but not PD-1, had reduced proliferation capacity and perforin expression, thus indicating that the functional impairment in CD160+ CD8 T cells may be independent of PD-1 expression. The blockade of CD160/CD160-ligand interaction restored CD8 T-cell proliferation capacity, and the extent of restoration directly correlated with the ex vivo proportion of CD160+ CD8 T cells suggesting that CD160 negatively regulates TCR-mediated signaling. Furthermore, CD160 expression was not up-regulated upon T-cell activation or proliferation as compared to PD-1. Taken together, these results provide evidence that CD160-associated CD8 T-cell functional impairment is independent of PD-1 expression.
Although melanoma vaccines stimulate tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells, objective clinical responses are rarely observed. To investigate this discrepancy, we evaluated the character of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells with regard to the inhibitory T-cell coreceptors PD-1 and Tim-3 in patients with metastatic melanoma who were administered tumor vaccines. The vaccines included incomplete Freund's adjuvant, CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG), and the HLA-A2-restricted analog peptide NY-ESO-1 157-165V, either by itself or in combination with the pan-DR epitope NY-ESO-1 119-143. Both vaccines stimulated rapid tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses detected ex vivo, however, tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells produced more IFN-γ and exhibited higher lytic function upon immunization with MHC class I and class II epitopes. Notably, the vast majority of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells upregulated PD-1 and a minority also upregulated Tim-3. Levels of PD-1 and Tim-3 expression by vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells at the time of vaccine administration correlated inversely with their expansion in vivo. Dual blockade of PD-1 and Tim-3 enhanced the expansion and cytokine production of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells in vitro. Collectively, our findings support the use of PD-1 and Tim-3 blockades with cancer vaccines to stimulate potent antitumor T-cell responses and increase the likelihood of clinical responses in patients with advanced melanoma.
Cytotoxic T cells that are present in tumors and capable of recognizing tumor epitopes are nevertheless generally impotent in eliciting tumor rejection. Thus, identifying the immune escape mechanisms responsible for inducing tumor-specific CD8(+) T-cell dysfunction may reveal effective strategies for immune therapy. The inhibitory receptors PD-1 and Tim-3 are known to negatively regulate CD8(+) T-cell responses directed against the well-characterized tumor antigen NY-ESO-1. Here, we report that the upregulation of the inhibitory molecule BTLA also plays a critical role in restricting NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell expansion and function in melanoma. BTLA-expressing PD-1(+)Tim-3(-) CD8(+) T cells represented the largest subset of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells in patients with melanoma. These cells were partially dysfunctional, producing less IFN-γ than BTLA(-) T cells but more IFN-γ, TNF, and interleukin-2 than the highly dysfunctional subset expressing all three receptors. Expression of BTLA did not increase with higher T-cell dysfunction or upon cognate antigen stimulation, as it does with PD-1, suggesting that BTLA upregulation occurs independently of functional exhaustion driven by high antigen load. Added with PD-1 and Tim-3 blockades, BTLA blockade enhanced the expansion, proliferation, and cytokine production of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells. Collectively, our findings indicate that targeting BTLA along with the PD-1 and Tim-3 pathways is critical to reverse an important mechanism of immune escape in patients with advanced melanoma.
In the last two decades, anti-cancer vaccines have yielded disappointing clinical results despite the fact that high numbers of self/tumor-specific T cells can be elicited in immunized patients. Understanding the reasons behind this lack of efficacy is critical in order to design better treatment regimes. Recombinant lentivectors (rLVs) have been successfully used to induce antigen-specific T cells to foreign or mutated tumor antigens. Here, we show that rLV expressing a murine nonmutated self/tumor antigen efficiently primes large numbers of self/tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells. In spite of the large number of tumor-specific T cells, however, no anti-tumor activity could be measured in a therapeutic setting, in mice vaccinated with rLV. Accumulating evidence shows that, in the presence of malignancies, inhibition of T-cell activity may predominate overstimulation. Analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes revealed that specific anti-tumor CD8(+) T cells fail to produce cytokines and express high levels of inhibitory receptors such as programmed death (PD)-1. Association of active immunization with chemotherapy or antibodies that block inhibitory pathways often leads to better anti-tumor effects. We show here that combining rLV vaccination with either cyclophosphamide or PD-1 and PD-L1 blocking antibodies enhances rLV vaccination efficacy and improves anti-tumor immunity.
La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie inflammatoire démyélinisante et neurodégénérative du système nerveux central (SNC). Les cellules T activées qui expriment le PD-1 sont inhibées via l’interaction avec l’un des ligands: PD-L1 ou PD-L2. Des études effectuées chez le modèle murin de la SEP, l’encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimentale (EAE), ont démontré que l’interaction du PD-1 avec ses ligands contribue à atténuer la maladie. Toutefois, le rôle du PD-1 et de ses ligands dans la pathogenèse de la SEP chez l’humain et dans le modèle murin n’a pas été complètement élucidé. Nous avons déterminé que plusieurs cellules du SNC humain peuvent exprimer les ligands du PD-1. Les astrocytes, les microglies, les oligodendrocytes et les neurones expriment faiblement le PD-L1 dans des conditions basales mais augmentent de façon significative cette expression en réponse à des cytokines inflammatoires. Le blocage de l’expression du PD-L1 par les astrocytes à l’aide de siRNA spécifiques mène à l’augmentation significative des réponses des cellules T CD8+ (prolifération, cytokines, enzymes lytiques). Nos résultats établissent ainsi que les cellules gliales humaines peuvent exprimer des niveaux suffisants de PD-L1 en milieu inflammatoire pour inhiber les réponses des cellules T CD8+. Notre analyse de tissus cérébraux post-mortem par immunohistochimie démontre que dans les lésions de la SEP les niveaux de PD-L1 sont significativement plus élevés que dans les tissus de témoins; les astrocytes et les microglies/macrophages expriment le PD-L1. Cependant, plus de la moitié des lymphocytes T CD8+ ayant infiltré des lésions de SEP n’expriment pas le récepteur PD-1. Au cours du développement de l’EAE, les cellules du SNC augmentent leur niveau de PD-L1. Le PD-1 est fortement exprimé par les cellules T dès le début des symptômes, mais son intensité diminue au cours de la maladie, rendant les cellules T insensibles au signal inhibiteur envoyé par le PD-L1. Nous avons observé que les cellules endothéliales humaines formant la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) expriment de façon constitutive le PD-L2 mais pas le PD-L1 et que l’expression des deux ligands augmente dans des conditions inflammatoires. Les ligands PD-L1 et PD-L2 exprimés par les cellules endothéliales ont la capacité de freiner l’activation des cellules T CD8+ et CD4+, ainsi que leur migration à travers la BHE. L’endothélium du cerveau des tissus normaux et des lésions SEP n’exprime pas des taux détectables de PD-L1. En revanche, tous les vaisseaux sanguins des tissus de cerveaux normaux sont positifs pour le PD-L2, alors que seulement la moitié de ceux-ci expriment le PD-L2 dans des lésions SEP. Nos travaux démontrent que l’entrée des cellules T activées est contrôlée dans des conditions physiologiques grâce à la présence du PD-L2 sur la BHE. Cependant, l’expression plus faible du PD-L2 sur une partie des vaisseaux sanguins dans les lésions SEP nuit au contrôle de la migration des cellules immunes. De plus, une fois dans le SNC, les cellules T CD8+ étant dépourvues du PD-1 ne peuvent recevoir le signal inhibiteur fourni par le PD-L1 fortement exprimé par les cellules du SNC, leur permettant ainsi de rester activées.