1000 resultados para PCB 153


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The aim of this study was to examine the plasma concentrations and prevalence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hydroxylated PCB-metabolites (OH-PCBs) in polar bear (Ursus maritimus) mothers (n = 26) and their 4 months old cubs-of-the-year (n = 38) from Svalbard to gain insight into the mother-cub transfer, biotransformation and to evaluate the health risk associated with the exposure to these contaminants. As samplings were performed in 1997/1998 and 2008, we further investigated the differences in levels and pattern of PCBs between the two sampling years. The plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 5710 ± 3090 ng/g lipid weight [lw], 2008: 2560±1500 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 228 ± 60 ng/g wet weight [ww], 2008: 80 ± 38 ng/g ww) in mothers were significantly lower in 2008 compared to in 1997/1998. In cubs, the plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 14680 ± 5350 ng/g lw, 2008: 6070 ± 2590 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 98 ± 23 ng/g ww, 2008: 49 ± 21 ng/g ww) were also significantly lower in 2008 than in 1997/1998. Sum(21)PCBs in cubs was 2.7 ± 0.7 times higher than in their mothers. This is due to a significant maternal transfer of these contaminants. In contrast, Sum(6)OH-PCBs in cubs were approximately 0.53 ± 0.16 times the concentration in their mothers. This indicates a lower maternal transfer of OH-PCBs compared to PCBs. The majority of the metabolite/precursor-ratios were lower in cubs compared to mothers. This may indicate that cubs have a lower endogenous capacity to biotransform PCBs to OH-PCBs than polar bear mothers. Exposure to PCBs and OH-PCBs is a potential health risk for polar bears, and the levels of PCBs and OH-PCBs in cubs from 2008 were still above levels associated with health effects in humans and wildlife.


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There is an increasing trend in the incidence of cancer worldwide, and it has been accepted that environmental factors account for an important proportion of the global burden. The present paper reports preliminary findings on the influence of the historical exposure to a group of persistent organic pollutants on total cancer risk, at year 9 in the follow-up of a cohort from Southern Spain. A cohort of 368 participants (median age 51 years) was recruited in 2003. Their historical exposure was estimated by analyzing residues of persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue. Estimation of cancer incidence was based on data from a population-based cancer registry. Statistical analyses were performed using multivariable Cox-regression models. In males, PCB 153 concentrations were positively associated with total cancer risk, with an adjusted hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 1.20 (1.01-1.41) for an increment of 100 ng/g lipid. Our preliminary findings suggest a potential relationship between the historical exposure to persistent organic pollutants and the risk of cancer in men. However, these results should be interpreted with caution and require verification during the future follow-up of this cohort.


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L’attenta analisi della letteratura scientifica su argomenti riguardanti i contaminanti ambientali oggetto di studio (i policlorodifenili) ha permesso di raccogliere dati utili riguardanti le proprietà di queste molecole, la loro diffusione e la loro pericolosità. Oggetto della ricerca è stato lo studio in vitro del potenziale citotossico e trasformante dei PCB, utilizzando come riferimento una miscela commerciale di PCB, l’Aroclor 1260, e di un MIX di 18 congeneri ricostituito in laboratorio. Il lavoro è proseguito con la valutazione degli effetti di queste miscele e di due congeneri singoli (PCB 118 e PCB 153) su linee cellulari diverse in test di vitalità a breve termine. L’utilizzo di test specifici ha poi permesso la valutazione di un possibile potenziale estrogenico. Una volta ottenuto un quadro generale sui possibili effetti delle miscele grazie ai risultati dei test funzionali, è stata valutata la modulazione, da parte delle molecole e/o di miscele delle stesse, dell’espressione di geni coinvolti nella risposta ad estrogeni o a composti diossino simili, andando ad effettuare un’analisi di tipo molecolare con Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) e analizzando nello specifico marcatori di pathway dell’Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) o dell’Estrogen Receptor (ER). In ultima analisi al fine di verificare l’applicabilità di biomarkers di espressione a situazioni di contaminazioni reali, ci si è focalizzati su campioni estratti da matrici ambientali, ed in particolare linee cellulari di interesse sono state esposte a estratti di sedimenti provenienti da siti inquinati. L’approccio scelto è stato di tipo molecolare, con lo scopo di individuare pathway da valutare in un secondo momento in test funzionali specifici. L’attività di ricerca si è avvalsa della tecnica del DNA-microarray per valutare la modulazione dell’espressione genica in risposta all’esposizione a contaminanti ambientali. In questo modo è possibile definire i profili di espressione genica che sottendono a risposte biologiche complesse nell’intento di individuare biomarcatori in grado di predire il rischio per l’uomo, e di consentire la stima di una relazione diretta tra esposizione ed effetti possibili.


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Lysosomal membrane stability, lipofuscin (LF), malondialdehyde (MDA), neutral lipid (NL) levels, as well as halogenated organic compounds (HOCs), Cr, Cd, Pb and Fe concentrations were analyzed in liver of black-legged kittiwake (BK), herring gull (HG), and northern fulmar (NF) chicks. There were significant species differences in the levels of NL, LF and lysosomal membrane stability. These parameters were not associated with the respective HOC concentrations. LF accumulation was associated with increasing Cr, Cd and Pb concentrations. HG presented the lowest lysosomal membrane stability and the highest. LF and NL levels, which indicated impaired lysosomes in HG compared to NF and BK. Lipid peroxidation was associated with HOC and Fe2+ levels. Specific HOCs showed positive and significant correlations with MDA levels in HG. The study indicates that contaminant exposure can affect lysosomal and lipid associated parameters in seabird chicks even at low exposure levels. These parameters may be suitable markers of contaminant induced stress in arctic seabirds.


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Organochlorine compounds (OC) were determined in Arctic bivalves (Mya truncata, Serripes groenlan-dicus, Hiatella arctica and Chlamys islandica) from Svalbard with regard to differences in geographic location, species and variations related to their size and age. Higher chlorinated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB 101-PCB 194), chlordanes and alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) were consistently detected in the bivalves and PCBs dominated the OC load in the organisms. OC concentrations were highest in Mya truncata and the lowest in Serripes groenlandicus. Species-specific OC levels were likely related to differences in the species' food source, as indicated by the d13C results, rather than size and age. Higher OC concentrations were observed in bivalves from Kongsfjorden compared to the northern sampling locations Liefdefjorden and Sjuoyane. The spatial differences might be related to different water masses influencing Kongsfjorden (Atlantic) and the northern locations (Arctic), with differing phytoplankton bloom situations.


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Female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) starve during the nesting stage and may lose 30-45% of their initial body mass, mostly through lipid mobilization. In this study, the effects of fasting on the blood concentrations of three lipid-soluble organochlorines (OCs: polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB]-153; 1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene [p,p'-DDE]; and hexachlorobenzene [HCB]) were examined in eiders breeding in the high Arctic. Blood samples were taken from females (n = 47) at day 5 and day 20 of the incubation period. The mean wet weight concentrations of PCB-153 and p,p'-DDE increased strongly between day 5 and day 20 (3.6 and 8.2-fold, respectively), while HCB increased less (1.7-fold). There was a strong negative association between daily increase in PCB-153 and clutch size, and a weaker relationship for p,p'-DDE, suggesting that maternal transfer to the eggs is a significant pathway of elimination of OCs in eiders. Moreover, poor body condition (body mass controlled for body size) late in the incubation period was associated with strong daily increase of both p,p'-DDE and PCB-153, which may suggest that the release of these compounds increases when lipid reserves become depleted. For HCB, the increase was mainly associated with increase in blood lipid concentrations, and weakly to the amount of burned lipids. The causes for the differences between the compounds are, however, poorly understood. Although the absolute levels of OCs in eiders were relatively low, their rapid build-up during incubation is worrying as it coincides with poor body condition and weakened immune systems.


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Some methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-BDEs) are known halogenated natural products (HNPs) and are frequently detected in higher organisms of the marine environment. In this study we demonstrate that a prominent MeO-BDE, previously detected in marine mammals from Australia, is identical to 3,5-dibromo-2-(2',4'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole(BC-3,6-MeO-BDE47). Up to 1.9mg/ kg of 6-MeO-BDE 47 was present in cetaceans from Australia, 0.2-0.3 mg/kg in two crocodile eggs from Australia, but concentrations of 1 or 2 orders of magnitude lower were found in shark liver oil from New Zealand and in marine mammals from Africa and the Antarctic. Concentrations of 6-MeO-BDE47 in samples from Australia were in the same range as anthropogenic pollutants such as PCB 153 and p,p'-DDE. Along with 6-MeO-BDE 47 and the known HNP 4,6-dibromo-2-(2',4'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole (BC-2,2'-MeO-BDE 68), several tribromophenoxyanisoles (MeO-triBDE) were present in tissue of Australian cetaceans. To determine their structure, abiotic debromination experiments were performed using 6-MeO-BDE 47 and 2'-MeO-BDE 68 and superreduced di cyanocobalamine. These experiments resulted in formation of eight MeO-triBDEs, all of which were detected in the cetacean samples. Five of these eight MeO-triBDEs could be identified based on two standard compounds as well as gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric features. It was also shown that the first eluting isomer (compound 1), 6-MeO-BDE 17 (compound 2), and 2-MeO-BDE 39 (compound 5) were the most prominent MeO-triBDEs in the Australian cetacean samples. The concentrations of the MeO-triBDEs in two cetacean samples were 0.20 and 0.36 mg/kg, respectively. Although the reductive debromination with dicyanocobalamine resulted in a different congener pattern than was found in the marine mammals, it could not be excluded that the tribromo congeners of 6-MeO-BDE 47 and 2'-MeO-BDE 68 in the samples were metabolites of the latter.


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This study aims to provide a passive sampling approach which can be routinely used to investigate polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sources in rivers. The approach consists of deploying low density polyethylene (LDPE) strips downstream and upstream of potential PCB sources as well as in their water discharges. Concentrations of indicator PCBs (iPCBs) absorbed in samplers (Cs) from upstream and downstream sites are compared with each other to reveal increases of PCB levels. Cs measured in water discharges are used to determine if released amounts of PCBs are compatible with increases revealed in the river. As water velocity can greatly vary along a river stretch and influences the uptake at each site in a different way, differences in velocity have to be taken into account to correctly interpret Cs. LDPE strips were exposed to velocities between 1.6 and 37 cm s−1 using a channel system built in the field. Relationships between velocity and Cs were established for each iPCB to determine the expected change in Cs due to velocity variations. For PCBs 28 and 52, this change does not exceed a factor 2 for velocity variations in the range from 1.6 to 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data above 37 cm s−1). For PCBs 101, 138, 153 and 180, this change only exceeds a factor 2 in the case of large velocity variations. The approach was applied in the Swiss river Venoge to first conduct a primary investigation of potential PCB sources and then conduct thorough investigations of two suspected sources.


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Persistent chemicals accumulate in the arctic environment due to their chemical reactivity and physicochemical properties and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are the most concentrated pollutant class in polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Metabolism of PCB and polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBDE) flame-retardants alter their toxicological properties and these metabolites are known to interfere with the binding of thyroid hormone (TH) to transthyretin (TTR) in rodents and humans. In polar bear plasma samples no binding of [125I]-T4 to TTR was observed after incubation and PAGE separation. Incubation of the plasma samples with [14C]-4-OH-CB107, a compound with a higher binding affinity to TTR than the endogenous ligand T4 resulted in competitive binding as proven by the appearance of a radio labeled TTR peak in the gel. Plasma incubation with T4 up to 1 mM, a concentration that is not physiologically relevant anymore did not result in any visible competition. These results give evidence that the binding sites on TTR for T4 in wild living polar bears are completely saturated. Such saturation of binding sites can explain observed lowered levels of THs and could lead to contaminant transport into the developing fetus.


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Gamma and beta radiation emitting radiopharmaceuticals are handled in nuclear medicine services, and in many cases there is only individual monitoring of gamma radiation. In this paper, the results obtained using a wrist dosimeter prototype (CaSO(4):Dy + Teflon pellets) show that the doses for workers occupationally exposed to beta radiation from (153)Sm are not negligible. It is important that this dose is evaluated, and it has to be taken into consideration in the individual monitoring system.


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Solubilities of red 153, (3-[[4-[[5,6(or 6,7)-dichloro-2-benzothiazolyl]azo]phenyl]ethylamino]propanenitrile), an azo compound, and disperse blue1 (1,4,5,8-tetraaminoantraquinone) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO(2)) were measured at T = (333.2 to 393.2) K over the pressure range (12.0 to 40.0) MPa by a flow type apparatus. The solubility of red 153 (0.985. 10(-6) to 37.2. 10(-6)) in the overall region of measurements is found to be significantly higher than that of disperse blue 1 (1.12.10(-7) to 4.89.10(-7)). The solubility behavior of disperse red 153 follows the general solubility trend displayed by disperse dyes with a crossover pressure at about 20 MPa. On the other hand, blue 1, which is a disperse anthraquinone dye, exhibits unexpected behavior not recorded previously there is no crossover pressure at the temperature and pressure ranges studied, and the dye's solubility at T = 333.2 K practically does not increase with pressure. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous measurements of blue 1 solubility in SC CO(2) reported in the literature. The experimental data were correlated by using the Soave Redlich Kwong equation of state (EoS) with the one-fluid van der Waals mixing rule, and an acceptable correlation of the solubility data for both dyes was obtained.


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O elevado nível de integração e miniaturização dos componentes existente nos dias de hoje, criam novos desafios na concepção de circuitos impressos. Neste trabalho são apresentados métodos para interligação entre componentes, em circuitos impressos com elevado número de ligações, recorrendo a tecnologia laser. Foi desenvolvida uma máquina CNC de três eixos, para posicionamento de um laser, mantendo o suporte para as operações tradicionais com ferramentas. O sistema foi concebido para a produção de circuitos impressos por laser (fresagem e furação), no entanto a compatibilidade com outras ferramentas e acessórios presentes, possibilitam a execução de outros processos no mesmo equipamento, como remoção da máscara de solda, soldadura de componentes, colocação de pasta de solda, gravação, inspecção visual, entre outros. Com este trabalho, demonstra-se a importância dos circuitos impressos na evolução da electrónica, assim como se apresentam soluções para a sua concepção.