891 resultados para PATHOGENIC AGENTS
[EN] Different types of fungi and bacteria have been isolated from hatched and non-hatched as well as failed and non-failed eggs in natural sea turtles nests (Marco et al. 2006, Phillott and Parmenter, 2001, Phillott et al. 2001). Microbiota infections are common in artificial incubation activities and they seem to have an important negative impact on embryo development (Phillott, 2002). However, no clear evidences of their pathogenic effects have been described. The aim of this study was to investigate whether fungi and bacteria represent pathogenic agents to sea turtle eggs, and to assess whether there exists a specific period during incubation in which eggs are more susceptible to microorganisms.
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo sobre a relação entre subjetividade e meio, mais especificamente, sobre a formação subjetiva no contexto da violência nas favelas cariocas. A reflexão proposta traz, como principal referencial teórico, a noção, adotada, entre outros, por John Bowlby e Donald Winnicott, de uma constituição subjetiva marcada pela intersubjetividade. Dito de outro modo, a subjetividade aqui é resultante do encontro do indivíduo com o meio (inicialmente a própria figura materna); o que significa que um não pode ser compreendido a não ser na interação com outro. Desse pressuposto comum, tais autores partem para construir percursos teóricos independentes, que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam. Contemporâneos e membros da Sociedade Psicanalítica Britânica da época, Bowlby e Winnicott fizeram parte do chamado Middle Group. Tal vertente psicanalítica, sob a influência da biologia de Darwin, da etologia e da literatura, apresenta como característica fundamental a de conferir uma importância inédita ao ambiente no processo do desenvolvimento emocional. A adaptação dos cuidados maternos às necessidades do bebê, nos estágios precoces de seu desenvolvimento, ganha a função primordial de sobrevivência e desempenha aqui um papel decisivo para a saúde mental do sujeito. Bowlby utilizar-se-á da idéia de que os pais, ou cuidadores, funcionam como uma espécie de base segura a partir da qual a criança pode explorar o mundo com a confiança de que será acolhida caso precise. Para ele, o comportamento de apego sustenta o processo de subjetivação e representa um elemento constituinte da natureza humana, que se manifesta através da propensão para estabelecer laços íntimos. Já Winnicott adotará a idéia de uma maternagem suficientemente boa, capaz de garantir à criança a continuidade de sua existência. Interrupções nessa provisão dos cuidados precoces são, para estes autores, potenciais agentes patogênicos. À luz dessa perspectiva teórica, serão apresentadas as narrativas biográficas de três moradores de uma favela da zona sul carioca representativa dos constantes e violentos confrontos que vêm ocorrendo entre os integrantes do tráfico de drogas daquela localidade com a polícia, com outras facções rivais e entre eles próprios. A experiência da provisão materna, em ambientes prejudicados por um determinado tipo de violência contextualizada, é o que tais histórias pessoais tentam retratar.
Several microorganisms have been identified as pathogenic agents responsible for various outbreaks of coral disease. Little has been learned about the exclusivity of a pathogen to given disease signs. Most pathogens have only been implicated within a subset of corals, leaving gaps in our knowledge of the host range and geographic extent of a given pathogen. PCR-based assays provide a rapid and inexpensive route for detection of pathogens. Pathogen-specific 16S rDNA primer sets were designed to target four identified coral pathogens: Aurantimonas coralicida, Serratia marcescens, Vibrio shilonii, and Vibrio coralliilyticus. Assays detected the presence of targets at concentrations of less than one cell per microliter. The assay was applied to 142 coral samples from the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands as an in situ specificity test. Assays displayed a high-level of specificity, seemingly limited only by the resolution of the 16S rDNA.
L’autophagie est un processus cellulaire catabolique qui a été conservé durant l’évolution de la levure à l’homme. Cet important mécanisme consiste en une dégradation des composants cytoplasmiques dans une structure lytique, le lysosome. Il existe trois types de l’autophagie : la microautophagie, l’autophagie médiée par les chaperones et la macroautophagie nommée « autophagie ». Il a été démontré que lors de l’autophagie, le matériel cytoplasmique (protéines cytosoliques et organites) est séquestré dans l’autophagosome qui finit par fusionner avec le lysosome, formant ainsi l’autophagolysosome. Le matériel séquestré et la membrane interne de l’autophagosome seront dégradés par les hydrolases lysosomales. Plusieurs études se sont focalisées sur la détermination de la machinerie moléculaire et les mécanismes de l’autophagie. Il a été démontré l’implication de 31 molécules Atg essentielles dans le processus de l’autophagie. L’identification de ces protéines a permis de déceler le rôle de l’autophagie non seulement dans le maintien de l’homéostasie cellulaire mais aussi dans la défense contre les agents pathogènes. En effet, l’autophagie joue un rôle important dans l’immunité innée conduisant à contrôler l’évasion des pathogènes dont les bactéries et les virus. Également, l’autophagie est impliquée dans l’immunité adaptative en favorisant la présentation des antigènes viraux par le CMH de classe II aux cellules T CD4+. De plus, une étude récente suggère que l’autophagie contribue à la présentation antigénique par le CMH de classe I aux cellules T CD8+ durant une infection virale par le virus HSV-1 (Herpes simplex type 1). Toutefois, certains virus y compris HSV-1 ont pu développer des mécanismes pour contourner et inhiber en partie le rôle protecteur de l’autophagie. Récemment, une étude dans notre laboratoire a mis en évidence, lors d’une infection virale par HSV-1 des cellules macrophages BMA, la présence d’une nouvelle structure autophagique dans une phase tardive de l’infection. Cette nouvelle structure est différente des autophagosomes classiques à double membrane et est caractérisée morphologiquement par quatre membranes dérivées de l’enveloppe nucléaire interne et externe. Peu de choses ont été rapportées sur cette nouvelle voie autophagique qui peut être un mécanisme de défense cellulaire quand l’autophagie classique dans le cytosol est inhibée par HSV-1. Il devient donc intéressant de caractériser les molécules impliquées dans la formation de ces autophagosomes issus du noyau par spectrométrie de masse. Pour ce faire, il était impératif d’établir un outil d’isolation des noyaux à partir de macrophages infectés par HSV-1 dans lesquels les autophagosomes issus des noyaux seront formés. La validation de cette méthode d’isolation a été effectuée en déterminant la pureté et l’intégrité des noyaux isolés à partir des cellules non infectées (contrôle) et infectées par HSV-1. La pureté des préparations de noyaux isolés a été caractérisée par l’absence de contaminants cellulaires et un enrichissement en noyaux. Également, il a fallu déterminer la cinétique de formation des autophagosomes issus des noyaux pour les deux lignées cellulaires de macrophages utilisées dans ce projet. Dans une perspective future, l’analyse protéomique à partir des échantillons purs des noyaux isolés (non infectés et infectés) mènera à identifier les protéines impliquées dans la formation des autophagosomes dérivés des noyaux, ce qui permettra ultérieurement d’effectuer des études sur les mécanismes moléculaires et les fonctions de cette nouvelle voie autophagique.
The radiation food processing has been demonstrating great effectiveness in the attack of pathogenic agents, while little compromising nutritional value and sensorial properties of foods. The mate (Ilex paraguariensis), widely consumed product in South America, generally in the form of infusions with hot or cold water, calls of chimarrao or terere, it is cited in literature as one of the best sources phenolic compounds. The antioxidants action of these constituent has been related to the protection of the organism against the free radicals, generated in alive, currently responsible for the sprouting of some degenerative illness as cancer, arteriosclerosis, rheumatic arthritis and cardiovascular clutters among others. The objective of that work was to evaluate the action of the processing for gamma radiation in phenolic compounds of terere beverage in the doses of 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 kGy. The observed results do not demonstrate significant alterations in phenolic compounds of terere beverage processed by gamma radiation. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The rock pigeon (Columba livia) may serve as a reservoir for several pathogenic agents that can be transmitted to poultry, wildlife, domesticated pets, and/or humans via excreta, secretions, or dust from feathers. In addition, ingestion of infected pigeons by wild and domestic animals can also transmit these pathogenic agents. The health status of 126 free-living pigeons in an urban area was evaluated by microbiologic culture for Salmonella and serologic testing for the presence of antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii and for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from 120 and 109 pigeons, respectively. After drawing blood, the birds were euthanized, and fragments of the liver, spleen, lungs, and gonads, and feces were cultured for Salmonella spp. Salmonella spp. was isolated from 10 birds (7.94%), of which 8 were Salmonella typhimurium, one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12 and one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12,i. Six of 109 pigeons (5.50%) were positive for NDV antibodies when using the hemagglutination inhibition test. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were detected by immunofluorescence in one of 120 sera tested (0.83%). The results indicate that feral rock pigeons were exposed to NDV and T gondii, although the exposure was low. In addition, these birds had Salmonella spp. and could disseminate this pathogen in the environment.
The Brazilian city of Natal, located between river, sea and dunes, rises up as a peculiar, unique landscape. A landscape made by the junction of what we can call two natures, the first one most known as "native" and the other properly recognized as antr6pica. This landscape has been changing throughout the time as a result of human working activities. In this process of landscape changing, some influent people such as medicine doctors, people from govemment, and also technicians took place and gave their contributions based on hygiene and salubrity principles, since the early years of xx century. They intended to bring up to the Natal s citzens a legacy of new concept of healthier life, as free as possible from pathogenic agents
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Smoking is considered to be the most albeit preventable cause of diseases and premature deaths in the history of mankind. The local action of tobacco on the oral mucosa can cause precancerous and cancerous lesions. However, there is not enough evidence to establish all the systemic effects caused by nicotine on the organism. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterize the cellular changes of the cheek mucosa of rats submitted to long-term systemic nicotine treatment. Twenty male rats were divided into two experimental groups: a nicotine group and a control group, each consisting of 10 animals. The nicotine group was injected daily with 0.250 mg of nicotine per 100 g of body weight. All animals received a solid diet and water ad libitum. After 90 days of treatment, all animals were weighed and sacrificed. Samples of cheek mucosa were collected for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed oral epithelium containing atypical cells that were characterized by atrophy, cell membrane disorganization and tissue damage. It was concluded that systemic administration of nicotine damaged the cellular integrity of the oral mucosa, impairing tissue function and predisposing the tissue to the action of different pathogenic agents and also to that of other carcinogenic substances present in tobacco. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Milk can be an important spreading vehicle of pathogenic agents mainly for young children who are an important group of milk consumers. 135 milk samples (77 of raw milk and 58 of pasteurized milk) were analysed in order to verify the number of heterotrophic bacteria, of Staphylococcus aureus and of total coliforms, as well as to determine presence of Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC). The results were negative for Salmonella, Shigella and EIEC. EPEC serotypes 0:28, 0:111 and 0:55 were isolated in 4 of raw milk samples. The heterotrophic bacteria was found in counts over 30.000 UFC/mL in 91%, 25% and 68,75% respectively of raw milk, milk grade B and grade C. Counts over 30.000 coliforms/mL were found in 70,13%, 6,25% and 6,24% of the raw milk, B and C, respectively. 32,40% of the raw milk had counts of S. aureus over 3.000 UFC/mL.
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB