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Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a member of the family of neurotrophins and binds to the tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor. Like other neurotrophic factors, BDNF is involved in the development and differentiation of neurons. Recently, studies have suggested important roles for BDNF in the regulation of energy homeostasis. The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is critical for normal energy balance contains high levels of both BDNF and TrkB mRNA. Studies have shown that microinjections of BDNF into the PVN increase energy expenditure, suggesting BDNF plays a role in energy homeostasis through direct actions in this hypothalamic nucleus. We used male Sprague-Dawley rats to perform whole-cell current-clamp experiments from PVN neurons in slice preparation. BDNF was bath applied at a concentration of 2nM and caused depolarizations in 54% of neurons (n = 25; mean change in membrane potential: 8.9 ± 1.2 mV), hyperpolarizations in 23% (n = 11; mean change in membrane potential: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV), while the remaining cells tested were unaffected. Previous studies showing effects of BDNF on γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) mediated neurotransmission in PVN led us to examine if these BDNF-mediated changes in membrane potential were maintained in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) sodium channel blocker (N = 9; 56% depolarized, 22% hyperpolarized, 22% non-responders) and bicuculline (GABAA antagonist) (N = 12; 42% depolarized, 17% hyperpolarized, 41% non-responders), supporting the conclusion that these effects on membrane potential were postsynaptic. We also evaluated the effects of BDNF on these neurons across varying physiologically relevant extracellular glucose concentrations. At 10 mM 23% (n = 11; mean: -6.7 ± 1.4 mV) of PVN neurons hyperpolarized in response to BDNF treatment, whereas at 0.2 mM glucose, 71% showed hyperpolarizing effects (n = 12; mean: -6.3 ± 2.8 mV). Our findings reveal that BDNF has direct impacts on PVN neurons and that these neurons are capable of integrating multiple sources of metabolically relevant input. Our analysis regarding glucose concentrations and their effects on these neurons’ response to other metabolic signals emphasizes the importance of using physiologically relevant conditions for study of central pathways involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis.


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Stress compromises reproductive function and the major physiological system activated during stress is the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and arginine vasopressin (AVP), which are produced in neurones of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), drive the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and are also implicated in the suppression of the reproductive axis. We used retrograde tracing and Fos labelling to map the projections from the PVN to the preoptic area (POA) where most gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurones are found. Fluorogold (FG) injections were made into the POA of gonadectomised male and female sheep (n = 5/sex), the animals were stressed and the brains recovered for histochemistry. All animals responded to stress with an increase in the number of Fos-labelled nuclei in the PVN. Few retrogradely labelled cells of the PVN were activated by stress. Dual labelling showed that very few FG-labelled cells also stained for corticotrophin-releasing hormone, none for AVP or enkephalin. Dual labelling for FG and Fos in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the arcuate nucleus showed that no FG-labelled cells in the BNST and only few in the ARC were activated by stress. No sex differences were observed in the activation of FG-labelled cells in any of the nuclei examined. We conclude that, although cells of the PVN, BNST and/or arcuate nucleus may affect reproduction via the GnRH cells of the POA, this is unlikely to involve direct input to the POA. If cells of these regions are involved in GnRH suppression during stress, this may occur via interneuronal pathways.


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The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is integral to regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and contains cells producing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin. We used immunohistochemistry to map these peptides and to resolve the extent of co-localization within PVN cells in intact and gonadectomized male and female sheep. Immunoreactive (ir) CRH, AVP and enkephalin cells were mapped in two rams and two ewes at 180 μm intervals throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the PVN. Similar distributions of AVP-ir cells occurred in both sexes whereas CRH-ir and enkephalin-ir cells extended more rostrally in rams. In groups (n=4) of intact and gonadectomized sheep of both sexes, co-localization and distribution of neuropeptides was influenced by sex and gonadectomy. Males had more AVP and CRH cells than females. Intact animals had more AVP cells than gonadectomized animals. There were no differences between groups in the number or percentage of cells that stained for both CRH and AVP or in the number of cells that stained for both CRH and enkephalin. Differences were observed in the percentage of enkephalin cells that contained CRH with males having a greater percentage of co-localized cells than did females. Differences were also observed in the number and percentage of cells that stained for both enkephalin and AVP; the number of cells that stained for both neuropeptides was greater in males than in females and greater in intact animals than in gonadectomized animals. Differences were observed in the percentage of AVP cells that contained enkephalin, and in the percentage of enkephalin cells that contained AVP with males having a greater percentage of co-localized cells than did females. We conclude that sex and gonadal status affect peptide distribution in the PVN of the sheep which may provide an anatomical basis for sex differences in HPA axis


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Hypothalamic nuclei, particularly the paraventricular nuclei (PVN), are important brain sites responsible for central nervous system responses during an immune challenge. The brainstem catecholamine cells of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) have been shown to play critical roles in relaying systemic immune signals to the PVN. However, whilst it is well recognised that PVN divisions also innervate the NTS and VLM, it is not known whether descending PVN pathways can modulate the recruitment of brainstem cells during an immune challenge. Using systemic administration of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β, in combination with Fos immunolabelling, we firstly investigated the effect of PVN lesions on NTS and VLM catecholamine and non-catecholamine cell responses. We found that ibotenic acid lesions of the PVN significantly reduced numbers of Fos-positive non-catecholamine, noradrenergic and adrenergic cells observable in the VLM and NTS after interleukin-1β administration. We then investigated the origins of descending inputs to the VLM and NTS, activated by systemic interleukin-1β, by mapping the distribution of Fos-positive retrogradely-labelled cells in divisions of the PVN after iontophoretically depositing choleratoxin-b subunit into the NTS or VLM one week prior to interleukin-1β administration. We found that, after either NTS or VLM deposits, the majority of retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells activated by interleukin-1β were localised in the medial and lateral parvocellular PVN divisions. Retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells were also observed in the NTS after VLM deposits, and in the VLM after NTS tracer deposits, suggesting reciprocal communication between these two nuclei after systemic interleukin-1β. Thus the present study shows that the PVN has the capacity to modulate NTS and VLM responses after an immune challenge and that these may result from descending projections arising in the medial and lateral PVN divisions. These findings suggest that central nervous system responses to an immune challenge are likely to involve complex reciprocal connections between the PVN and the brainstem as well as between brainstem nuclei themselves.


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Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN.


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The thalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVT) is activated by stress and projects to forebrain structures directly implicated in processing stress-related information. Accordingly, it seems likely the PVT plays an important role in modulating stress responses. We examined effects of excitotoxic PVT lesions on forebrain Fos expression patterns normally elicited by an acute psychological stressor. PVT lesions significantly increased stress-induced Fos in a key stress-processing region, the central amygdala.