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We investigate solitary excitations in a model of a one-dimensional antiferromagnet including a single-ion anisotropy and a Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymmetric exchange interaction term. We employ the Holstein-Primakoff transformation, the coherent state ansatz and the time variational principle. We obtain two partial differential equations of motion by using the method of multiple scales and applying perturbation theory. By so doing, we show that the motion of the coherent amplitude must satisfy the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We give the single-soliton solution.


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FePS3 is a layered antiferromagnet (T N=123 K) with a marked Ising anisotropy in magnetic properties. The anisotropy arises from the combined effect of the trigonal distortion from octahedral symmetry and spin-orbit coupling on the orbitally degenerate5 T 2g ground state of the Fe2+ ion. The anisotropic paramagnetic susceptibilities are interpreted in terms of the zero field Hamiltonian, ?=?i [?(L iz 2 ?2)+|?|L i .S i ]?? ij J ij S i .S j . The crystal field trigonal distortion parameter ?, the spin-orbit coupling ? and the isotropic Heisenberg exchange,J ij, were evaluated from an analysis of the high temperature paramagnetic susceptibility data using the Correlated Effective Field (CEF) theory for many-body magnetism developed by Lines. Good agreement with experiment were obtained for ?/k=215.5 K; ?/k=166.5 K;J nn k=27.7 K; andJ nnn k=?2.3 K. Using these values of the crystal field and exchange parameters the CEF predicts aT N=122 K for FePS3, which is remarkably close to the observed value of theT N. The accuracy of the CEF approximation was also ascertained by comparing the calculated susceptibilities in the CEF with the experimental susceptibility for the isotropic Heisenberg layered antiferromagnet MnPS3, for which the high temperature series expansion susceptibility is available.


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The anisotropic magnetic susceptibilities of single crystals of the isostructural layered antiferromagnets, MnPS3 (T-N = 78 K) and MnPSe3 (T-N = 74 K), have been measured as functions of temperature. In both compounds, divalent manganese is present in the high-spin S = 5/2 state. The anisotropies in the susceptibilities of the two are, however, very different; while the susceptibility of MnPS3 is isotropic, that of MnPSe3 shows a large XY anisotropy, unusual for a manganese compound. The anisotropic susceptibilities are described by the zero-field spin Hamiltonian: H = DSiz2 - Sigma J(ij).(S) over right arrow (S) over right arrow(j) with the quadratic single-ion anisotropy term introducing anisotropy in an otherwise isotropic situation. The exchange J and the single-ion zero-field-splitting (ZFS) parameter D were evaluated using the correlated effective-field theory of Lines. For MnPSe3, J/k = -5.29 K and D/k = 26.6 K, while for isotropic MnPS3, J/k = -8.1 K. It is suggested that the large value of the ZFS parameter for MnPSe3 as compared to MnPS3 could be due to the large ligand spin-orbit contribution of the heavier selenium.


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Bilateral filters perform edge-preserving smoothing and are widely used for image denoising. The denoising performance is sensitive to the choice of the bilateral filter parameters. We propose an optimal parameter selection for bilateral filtering of images corrupted with Poisson noise. We employ the Poisson's Unbiased Risk Estimate (PURE), which is an unbiased estimate of the Mean Squared Error (MSE). It does not require a priori knowledge of the ground truth and is useful in practical scenarios where there is no access to the original image. Experimental results show that quality of denoising obtained with PURE-optimal bilateral filters is almost indistinguishable with that of the Oracle-MSE-optimal bilateral filters.


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For a n-dimensional vector fields preserving some n-form, the following conclusion is reached by the method of Lie group. That is, if it admits an one-parameter, n-form preserving symmetry group, a transformation independent of the vector field is constructed explicitly, which can reduce not only dimesion of the vector field by one, but also make the reduced vector field preserve the corresponding ( n - 1)-form. In partic ular, while n = 3, an important result can be directly got which is given by Me,ie and Wiggins in 1994.


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Classical regression methods take vectors as covariates and estimate the corresponding vectors of regression parameters. When addressing regression problems on covariates of more complex form such as multi-dimensional arrays (i.e. tensors), traditional computational models can be severely compromised by ultrahigh dimensionality as well as complex structure. By exploiting the special structure of tensor covariates, the tensor regression model provides a promising solution to reduce the model’s dimensionality to a manageable level, thus leading to efficient estimation. Most of the existing tensor-based methods independently estimate each individual regression problem based on tensor decomposition which allows the simultaneous projections of an input tensor to more than one direction along each mode. As a matter of fact, multi-dimensional data are collected under the same or very similar conditions, so that data share some common latent components but can also have their own independent parameters for each regression task. Therefore, it is beneficial to analyse regression parameters among all the regressions in a linked way. In this paper, we propose a tensor regression model based on Tucker Decomposition, which identifies not only the common components of parameters across all the regression tasks, but also independent factors contributing to each particular regression task simultaneously. Under this paradigm, the number of independent parameters along each mode is constrained by a sparsity-preserving regulariser. Linked multiway parameter analysis and sparsity modeling further reduce the total number of parameters, with lower memory cost than their tensor-based counterparts. The effectiveness of the new method is demonstrated on real data sets.


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[EN] We analyze the discontinuity preserving problem in TV-L1 optical flow methods. This type of methods typically creates rounded effects at flow boundaries, which usually do not coincide with object contours. A simple strategy to overcome this problem consists in inhibiting the diffusion at high image gradients. In this work, we first introduce a general framework for TV regularizers in optical flow and relate it with some standard approaches. Our survey takes into account several methods that use decreasing functions for mitigating the diffusion at image contours. Consequently, this kind of strategies may produce instabilities in the estimation of the optical flows. Hence, we study the problem of instabilities and show that it actually arises from an ill-posed formulation. From this study, it is possible to come across with different schemes to solve this problem. One of these consists in separating the pure TV process from the mitigating strategy. This has been used in another work and we demonstrate here that it has a good performance. Furthermore, we propose two alternatives to avoid the instability problems: (i) we study a fully automatic approach that solves the problem based on the information of the whole image; (ii) we derive a semi-automatic approach that takes into account the image gradients in a close neighborhood adapting the parameter in each position. In the experimental results, we present a detailed study and comparison between the different alternatives. These methods provide very good results, especially for sequences with a few dominant gradients. Additionally, a surprising effect of these approaches is that they can cope with occlusions. This can be easily achieved by using strong regularizations and high penalizations at image contours.


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We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-(1)/(2) triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas, at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find rotonlike minima at special wave vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [Phys. Rev. B74, 180403(R) (2006)]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a nonlinear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at temperatures < 0.1J. Finally, we review recent NMR measurements on the organic compound kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). We argue that these are inconsistent with long-range order and a description of the low-energy excitations in terms of interacting magnons, and that therefore a Heisenberg model with only nearest-neighbor exchange does not offer an adequate description of this material.


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The dynamics of peptides and proteins generated by classical molecular dynamics (MD) is described by using a Markov model. The model is built by clustering the trajectory into conformational states and estimating transition probabilities between the states. Assuming that it is possible to influence the dynamics of the system by varying simulation parameters, we show how to use the Markov model to determine the parameter values that preserve the folded state of the protein and at the same time, reduce the folding time in the simulation. We investigate this by applying the method to two systems. The first system is an imaginary peptide described by given transition probabilities with a total folding time of 1 micros. We find that only small changes in the transition probabilities are needed to accelerate (or decelerate) the folding. This implies that folding times for slowly folding peptides and proteins calculated using MD cannot be meaningfully compared to experimental results. The second system is a four residue peptide valine-proline-alanine-leucine in water. We control the dynamics of the transitions by varying the temperature and the atom masses. The simulation results show that it is possible to find the combinations of parameter values that accelerate the dynamics and at the same time preserve the native state of the peptide. A method for accelerating larger systems without performing simulations for the whole folding process is outlined.


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