81 resultados para PARÓDIA


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutora em Estudos Portugueses, Especialidade de Estudos de Literatura


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Resumen basado en el del autor en catalán


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Nesta tese, pretendo desenvolver um estudo comparatista com o objetivo de demonstrar o efeito de crítica cultural implícito no uso da ironia e da paródia de discursos não-literários em contos de Machado de Assis. Este trabalho visa também investigar a relação das narrativas desse autor com o gênero sátira – a partir do manejo das referidas estratégias composicionais – e, assim, ressaltar a especificidade do seu realismo e a natureza de sua perspectiva satírica, quando comparada às que se apresentam nas sátiras de Voltaire (Cândido) e de Swift (As Viagens de Gulliver).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A pesquisa Paródia e carnavalização no cancioneiro Chico Buarque de Hollanda investiga os aspectos paródicos e carnavalescos presentes no repertório de Chico Buarque, enfatizando a carnavalização, inicialmente, como uma prática cultural medieval, baseada nas teorias de Mikhail Bakhtin, a cerca do carnaval medieval e renascentista analisado na obra do francês François Rabelais, proposições desenvolvidas no livro A cultura popular: na Idade Média e no. Desta análise, o presente estudo destaca os principais elementos constituintes dos ritos carnavalescos: 1) o dialogismo entre o discurso popular e o discurso poético, uma vez que toda comunicação é uma ação recíproca; 2) a ambivalência da linguagem carnavalesca que primava por estabelecer a ligação entre os pólos positivos e negativos referentes ao ciclo nascimento-morte; 3) o riso e as suas complexidades de significações e realizações que oscilam entre a ingenuidade e a sátira; e por fim 4) a paródia que incorpora todos os elementos citados anteriormente para sua realização. Partindo da apreensão destes conceitos, será traçado também um breve panorama histórico para compreender as múltiplas facetas artísticas de Chico Buarque e a sua relação com a vida social, a fim de percebê-lo por meio de sua produção como poeta lírico social. Para comprovar a importância do carnaval na cultura universal, dando ênfase à cultura brasileira, as canções Tem mais samba (1964), Sonho de um carnaval (1965), Amanhã, ninguém sabe (1966), Noite dos mascarados (1966), Roda-viva (1967), Ela desatinou (1968), Apesar de você (1970), Quando o carnaval chegar (1972) e Vai passar (1984) serão analisadas num estabelecimento comparativo entre o carnaval contemporâneo e o carnaval medieval, observando as confluências e dissonâncias, que ainda fazem parte desta festa popular. Desta apreciação, o presente estudo assinala a importância da obra de Chico Buarque pelo valor poético e cultural presente em todas as suas atividades artísticas. Os critérios de análise serão pautados num estudo bibliográfico entre as teorias carnavalescas de Bakhtin e as músicas de Chico Buarque, que aqui serão compreendidas como poemas-canções, destacando dessas a temática do carnaval.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Jules Laforgue is a French Symbolist poet, he wrote poetry works such as Les complaintes, L’imitation de Notre-Dame, la lune, Le sanglot de la terre. In spite of mostly of symbolist poets write only poetry, he also dedicated himself to prose works such as Moralités Légendaires, a particular work in prose and extreme today as in the nineteenth century, he devoted himself to parody and irony. The novels that make up this book are the work of writing and tone of nuance. They refer to literary genres, without, however, respect their definitions. There are demarcation of famous texts, but that refer more to modes, themes, and aesthetic conventions. Here, the poet makes variations on familiar themes, and explore his Moralités arguments that belong to a cultural background: the myth of Hamlet, approached the novel here mentioned belong to a cultural heritage that an author set for posterity. In other novels, the author makes use of myths Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian myths rewriting so parodic, ironic, looking for originality, doing the work of Symbolist and modern poet.


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In the short story “Teoria do Medalhão”, written by Machado de Assis in 1881, a zealous father decides to give good advices to his son who just turned 21 years old. Using a speech that represents the official ideology of the eighteenth century, created by the dominant hegemony, including the France of Balzac’s time, the father suggests that the son abandons his ideals, using masks and annulling his thoughts and tastes to become a true Medalhão. The dialogue that is established between both of them is surrounded by irony and humor, because the father makes an apparently wise speech, which is, actually, empty and fool, leading to think about the concepts of parody and carnavalization by Bakhtin. Besides that, when he built a story in dialogue form, Machado de Assis transfers the word to the characters, in a crossing of voices that makes us think about “embryos” of polyphony. This work aims to make a bakhtiniana reading of the machadiano short story, “Teoria do Medalhão” in opposition to the novel Le Père Goriot by Balzac.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.


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Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.


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Sessão Dupla é um livro de caráter coletivo no qual os colaboradores escolheram o título de um filme de sua preferência, a partir de uma lista com 1300 filmes, e escreveram a crítica de pelo menos duas versões da obra selecionada, a original e um de seus remakes. O livro ainda conta dois ensaios: o primeiro sobre a relação entre cinema, arte e comércio; e o segundo acerca da prática de produção de continuações, remakes e reboots no mundo cinematográfico.