12 resultados para PANTOPRAZOLE


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Objectifs : Définir les paramètres pharmacocinétiques du pantoprazole intraveineux en soins intensifs pédiatriques et déterminer l’influence qu’exercent sur ceux-ci les facteurs démographiques, le syndrome de réponse inflammatoire systémique (SRIS), la dysfonction hépatique et l’administration d’un inhibiteur du cytochrome (CYP) 2C19. Méthode : Cent cinquante-six concentrations plasmatiques de pantoprazole provenant d’une population de 20 patients (âgés de 10 jours à 16.4 ans) à risque ou atteints d’une hémorragie gastroduodénale de stress, ayant reçu des doses quotidiennes de pantoprazole de 19.9 à 140.6 mg/1.73m2, ont été analysées selon les méthodes non compartimentale et de modélisation non linéaire à effets mixtes. Résultats : Une clairance médiane (CL) de 0.14 L/h/kg, un volume apparent de distribution de 0.20 L/kg et une demi-vie d’élimination de 1.7 h ont été déterminés via l’approche non compartimentale. Le modèle populationnel à deux compartiments avec une infusion d’ordre zéro et une élimination d’ordre un représentait fidèlement la cinétique du pantoprazole. Le poids, le SRIS, la dysfonction hépatique et l’administration d’un inhibiteur du CYP2C19 constituaient les covariables significatives rendant compte de 75 % de la variabilité interindividuelle observée pour la CL. Seul le poids influençait significativement le volume central de distribution (Vc). Selon les estimations du modèle final, un enfant de cinq ans pesant 20 kg avait une CL de 5.28 L/h et un Vc de 2.22 L. La CL du pantoprazole augmentait selon l’âge et le poids tandis qu’elle diminuait respectivement de 62.3%, 65.8% et 50.5% en présence d’un SRIS, d’un inhibiteur du CYP2C19 ou d’une dysfonction hépatique. Conclusion : Ces résultats permettront de guider les cliniciens dans le choix d’une dose de charge et dans l’ajustement des posologies du pantoprazole en soins intensifs pédiatriques dépendamment de facteurs fréquemment rencontrés dans cette population.


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An analytical method based on liquid chromatography with positive ion electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry detection was developed for the determination of pantoprazole (CAS 102625-70-7) in human plasma using lansoprazole (CAS 103577-45-3) as the internal standard. The analyte and internal standard were extracted from the plasma samples by liquid/liquid extraction using diethyl-ether/dichloromethane (70:30; v/v) and chromatographed on a C-8 analytical column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile/water/methanol (57:25:18; v/v/v) + 10 mmol/l acetic acid + 20 mmol/l ammonium acetate. The method has a chromatographic total run time of 4.5 min and was linear within the range 5.0-5,000 ng/mL. Detection was performed on a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer by Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM). The intra- and inter-run precisions calculated from quality control (QC) samples were 4.2% and 3.2%, respectively. The accuracies as determined from QC samples were -5.0% (intra-run) and 2.0% (inter-run). The method herein described was employed in a bioequivalence study of two tablet formulations of pantoprazole.


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Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte balance disorder, especially in the elderly and polymedicated population. The authors report the case of an 83-year-old man with symptomatic severe hyponatremia due to Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) related to pantoprazole. Pantoprazole was discontinued and serum sodium levels reached normal values in two months. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the second reported case of pantoprazole-related hyponatremia and, while most patients with hyponatremia related to proton pump inhibitors have mild symptoms, this patient had severe manifestations.


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Campylobacter is a major cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with the highest number of infections being attributed to Campylobacter jejuni. C. jejuni is a Gram negative, spiral, motile bacterium that belongs to the campylobacterales order and is related to both Helicobacter spp. and Wolinella sp.. It has long been established that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and other benzimidazole derivatives display anti-Helicobacter activity in vitro. PPIs have in the past been shown to affect Helicobacter pylori growth, survival, motility, morphology, adhesion/invasion potential and susceptibility to conventional antibiotics. PPIs are highly effective drugs that are well tolerated, safe for prolonged daily use and are therefore in high demand. Both the PPIs omeprazole and lansoprazole featured in the top ten drugs prescribed in England in 2014. In 2014 Campylobacter was also the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal infection in Scotland, in England and Wales and also in Europe. It has previously been generally accepted that patients who are being treated with PPIs are more susceptible to enteric infections such as Campylobacter than people not taking PPIs. The effect of PPI exposure on H. pylori has been investigated rigorously in the past. A single previous study has hinted that PPIs may also be capable of affecting the related organism C. jejuni,but investigations have been extremely limited in comparison to those investigating the effect of PPIs on H. pylori. This study has investigated the in vitro effects of direct contact with PPIs on the biology ofC. jejuni. Exposure to the PPI pantoprazole was found to affect C. jejuni growth/survival, motility, morphology, biofilm formation, invasion potential and susceptibility to some conventional antibiotics. Microarray studies showed that the cmeA and Cj0561c genes were significantly up-regulated in response to pantoprazole exposure and a CmeABC deficient mutant was found to be significantly more susceptible to killing by pantoprazole than was the parent strain. Proteomic analysis indicated that the oxidative stress response of C. jejuni was induced following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. C. jejuni gene expression was assessed using qRT-PCR and the genes encoding for thiol peroxidase and GroEL co-chaperonin (both involved in the C. jejuni oxidative stress response) were found to be around four times higher in response to exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. Experiments using the oxidative stress inhibitors thiourea (a hydroxyl radical quencher) and bipyridyl (a ferrous iron chelator) showed that killing by pantoprazole was not mediated by hydroxyl radical production.


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Objectives: To examine the trends in the prescribing of subsidised proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine receptor antagonists (H2RAs), in the Australian population from 1995 to 2006 to encourage discussion regarding appropriate clinical use. PPIs and H2RAs are the second highest drug cost to the publicly subsidised Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Design: Government data on numbers of subsidised scripts, quantity and doses for PPIs and H2RAs were analysed by gender and age, dose and indication. Main outcome measure: Drug utilisation as DDD [defined daily dose]/1000 population/day. Results: The use of combined PPIs increased by 1318%. Utilisation increased substantially after the relaxation of the subsidised indications for PPIs in 2001. Omeprazole had the largest market share but was substituted by its S-enantiomer esomeprazole after its introduction in 2002. There was considerable use in the elderly with the peak use being in those aged 80 years and over. The utilisation of H2RAs declined 72% over 12 years. Conclusions: PPI use has increased substantially, not only due to substitution of H2RAs but to expansion in the overall market. Utilisation does not appear to be commensurate with prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) nor with prescribing guidelines for PPIs, with significant financial costs to patients and PBS. This study encourages clinical discussion regarding quality use of these medicines. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic, depends mainly on cytochrome P4501A2 (CYP1A2) for its metabolic clearance. CYP1A2 is inducible by smoking, and lower plasma concentrations of clozapine are measured in smokers than in nonsmokers. Case reports have been published on the effects of discontinuing smoking in patients receiving clozapine, which might lead to elevated plasma concentrations and severe side effects. We present 2 cases on the consequences of smoking cessation in patients receiving this drug. In the first patient, smoking cessation resulted, within 2 weeks, in severe sedation and fatigue, with an approximately 3-fold increase of plasma clozapine concentrations. In the second patient, a very high plasma concentration of clozapine (3004 ng/mL) was measured 6 days following a 16-day stay in a general hospital, during which smoking was prohibited. In the latter patient, the replacement of omeprazole, a strong CYP1A2 inducer, by pantoprazole, a weaker CYP1A2 inducer, could have contributed, in addition to smoking cessation, to the observed strong increase of plasma clozapine concentrations. Genotyping of the 2 patients revealed that they were carriers of the AA genotype for the -164C>A polymorphism (CYP1A2*1F) in intron 1 of CYP1A2 gene, which has previously been shown to confer a high inducibility of CYP1A2 by smoking. Thus, at the initiation of clozapine treatment, smoking patients should be informed that, if they decide to stop smoking, they are encouraged to do so but must inform their prescriber beforehand. Also, because of the increased use of no-smoking policies in many hospitals, studies examining the consequences of such policies on the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of drugs metabolized by CYP1A2, taking into account different CYP1A2 genotypes, are needed.


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Background & Aims: Direct comparisons of bismuth and proton pump inhibitor (PPI)-based triple and quadruple therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication are lacking. To address this, a randomized study was conducted.Methods: Infected dyspeptic patients received pantoprazole 40 mg, amoxicillin 1000 mg, and clarithromycin 500 mg, all twice daily, for 7 days (PAC7); or pantoprazole 40 mg twice daily, bismuth subcitrate 108 mg, and tetracycline 500 mg, both 4 times daily, and metronidazole 200 mg 3 times daily and 400 mg at night for 7 days (PBTM7); bismuth subcitrate 108 mg and tetracycline 500 mg, both 4 times daily, and metronidazole 200 mg 3 times daily and 400 mg at night for 14 days (BTM14). Outcome was assessed with 13C-urea breath test.Results: Eradication rates (intention to treat [n = 405]/per protocol [n = 320]) were similar for PAC7 (78%/82%) and PBTM7 (82%/88%); the latter significantly superior to BTM14 (69%/74%; P < 0.01). Pretreatment metronidazole resistance (MR) was 53% and clarithromycin resistance was 8%. Eradication rates for primary metronidazole sensitive/resistant isolates were 74%/87% with PAC7 and 80%/81% for PBTM7, compared with 76%/55% (P < 0.02) for BTM14. Noncompliance was greater with BTM14 (15%; P < 0.001) than PAC7 (3%) or PBTM7 (6%). Moderate-severe adverse events were more common with BTM14 (45%; P < 0.001), than PAC7 (23%) or PBTM7 (25%) with more discontinuations (9%, 2%, 3%, respectively).Conclusions: One-week PPI triple therapy is well tolerated and effective. The addition of PPI to bismuth triple therapy allows reduction of treatment duration with improved efficacy and tolerability, despite a high rate of MR. Quadruple therapy appears to overcome pretreatment MR in most cases. Two-week bismuth triple therapy is significantly inferior to quadruple therapy and less well tolerated than both 1-week therapies.


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In conformational analysis, the systematic search method completely maps the space but suffers from the combinatorial explosion problem because the number of conformations increases exponentially with the number of free rotation angles. This study introduces a new methodology of conformational analysis that controls the combinatorial explosion. It is based on a dimensional reduction of the system through the use of principal component analysis. The results are exactly the same as those obtained for the complete search but, in this case, the number of conformations increases only quadratically with the number of free rotation angles. The method is applied to a series of three drugs: omeprazole. pantoprazole, lansoprazole-benzimidazoles that suppress gastric-acid secretion by means of H(+), K(+)-ATPase enzyme inhibition. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Inc.


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Background-The clinical significance of the interaction between clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) remains unclear. Methods and Results-We examined the relationship between PPI use and 1-year cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke) in patients with acute coronary syndrome randomized to clopidogrel or ticagrelor in a prespecified, nonrandomized subgroup analysis of the Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial. The primary end point rates were higher for individuals on a PPI (n = 6539) compared with those not on a PPI (n = 12 060) at randomization in both the clopidogrel (13.0% versus 10.9%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.20; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04 -1.38) and ticagrelor (11.0% versus 9.2%; HR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.07-1.45) groups. Patients on non-PPI gastrointestinal drugs had similar primary end point rates compared with those on a PPI (PPI versus non-PPI gastrointestinal treatment: clopidogrel, HR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.79-1.23; ticagrelor, HR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.73-1.10). In contrast, patients on no gastric therapy had a significantly lower primary end point rate (PPI versus no gastrointestinal treatment: clopidogrel, HR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.12-1.49; ticagrelor, HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.14-1.49). Conclusions-The use of a PPI was independently associated with a higher rate of cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome receiving clopidogrel. However, a similar association was observed between cardiovascular events and PPI use during ticagrelor treatment and with other non-PPI gastrointestinal treatment. Therefore, in the PLATO trial, the association between PPI use and adverse events may be due to confounding, with PPI use more of a marker for, than a cause of, higher rates of cardiovascular events.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Esophageal impedance measurements have been proposed to indicate the status of the esophageal mucosa, and might be used to study the roles of the impaired mucosal integrity and increased acid sensitivity in patients with heartburn. We compared baseline impedance levels among patients with heartburn who did and did not respond to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy, along with the pathophysiological characteristics of functional heartburn (FH). METHODS: In a case-control study, we collected data from January to December 203 on patients with heartburn and normal findings from endoscopy who were not receiving PPI therapy and underwent impedance pH testing at hospitals in Italy. Patients with negative test results were placed on an 8-week course of PPI therapy (84 patients received esomeprazole and 36 patients received pantoprazole). Patients with more than 50% symptom improvement were classified as FH/PPI responders and patients with less than 50% symptom improvement were classified as FH/PPI nonresponders. Patients with hypersensitive esophagus and healthy volunteers served as controls. In all patients and controls, we measured acid exposure time, number of refluxes, baseline impedance, and swallow-induced peristaltic wave indices. RESULTS: FH/PPI responders had higher acid exposure times, numbers of reflux events, and acid refluxes compared with FH/PPI nonresponders (P < .05). Patients with hypersensitive esophagus had mean acid exposure times and numbers of reflux events similar to those of FH/PPI responders. Baseline impedance levels were lower in FH/PPI responders and patients with hypersensitive esophagus, compared with FH/PPI nonresponders and healthy volunteers (P < .001). Swallow-induced peristaltic wave indices were similar between FH/PPI responders and patients with hypersensitive esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with FH who respond to PPI therapy have impedance pH features similar to those of patients with hypersensitive esophagus. Baseline impedance measurements might allow for identification of patients who respond to PPIs but would be classified as having FH based on conventional impedance-pH measurements.


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BACKGROUND: Observational studies evaluating the possible interaction between proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and clopidogrel have shown mixed results. We conducted a systematic review comparing the safety of individual PPIs in patients with coronary artery disease taking clopidogrel. METHODS AND RESULTS: Studies performed from January 1995 to December 2013 were screened for inclusion. Data were extracted, and study quality was graded for 34 potential studies. For those studies in which follow-up period, outcomes, and multivariable adjustment were comparable, meta-analysis was performed.The adjusted odds or hazard ratios for the composite of cardiovascular or all-cause death, myocardial infarction, and stroke at 1 year were reported in 6 observational studies with data on individual PPIs. Random-effects meta-analyses of the 6 studies revealed an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events for those taking pantoprazole (hazard ratio 1.38; 95% CI 1.12-1.70), lansoprazole (hazard ratio 1.29; 95% CI 1.09-1.52), or esomeprazole (hazard ratio 1.27; 95% CI 1.02-1.58) compared with patients on no PPI. This association was not significant for omeprazole (hazard ratio 1.16; 95% CI 0.93-1.44). Sensitivity analyses for the coronary artery disease population (acute coronary syndrome versus mixed) and exclusion of a single study due to heterogeneity of reported results did not have significant influence on the effect estimates for any PPIs. CONCLUSIONS: Several frequently used PPIs previously thought to be safe for concomitant use with clopidogrel were associated with greater risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Although the data are observational, they highlight the need for randomized controlled trials to evaluate the safety of concomitant PPI and clopidogrel use in patients with coronary artery disease.


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Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the most active ingredients prescribed in Spain. In recent decades there has been an overuse of these drugs in both outpatient clinics and hospitals that has lead to a significant increase in healthcare spending and to an increase in the risk of possible side effects. It is important for health professionals to know the accepted indications and the correct doses for the use of these drugs. On the market there are different types of PPI: omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole and esomeprazole. Omeprazole is the oldest and most used PPI, being also the cheapest. Although there are no important differences between PPIs in curing diseases, esomeprazole, a new-generation PPI, has proved to be more effective in eradicating H. pylori and in healing severe esophagitis compared to other PPIs. In recent years the use of generic drugs has spread; these drugs have the same bioavailability than the original drugs. In the case of PPIs, the few comparative studies available in the literature between original and generic drugs have shown no significant differences in clinical efficacy.