1000 resultados para PACIENTES PEDIATRICOS
La inducción anestésica en niños es uno de los mayores retos para los anestesiólogos ya que es la fase más estresante del período perioperatorio para el paciente pediátrico. Existen diferentes intervenciones para minimizar la ansiedad perioperatoria y aumentar la cooperación del paciente pediátrico con la inducción anestésica. Entre las intervenciones exitosas la premedicación farmacológica con midazolam ha mostrado grandes beneficios en pacientes pediátricos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en pacientes pediátricos llevados a cirugía en la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2011-2014. Por medio de muestreo aleatorio por conveniencia se tomaron como casos pacientes con premedicación y controles pacientes sin premedicación. El éxito en la inducción se midió por medio de la escala ICC, usada a nivel mundial. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 4.9 σ 3.01 años para los casos y 5.02σ3.2 años para controles, presentaron la misma distribución por género, 40.6% femenino, 59.3% masculino. El éxito de la inducción anestésica con midazolam mostró resultados significativos (OR 7.3 IC95% 4.3 – 12.5 p0,000), en hombres (OR 9.44 IC95%4.5 – 19.8 p0,000), en menores de 5 años (OR 10.33 IC95% 5.07 – 21.04 p0,000), en pacientes con antecedentes quirúrgicos (OR 12.2 IC95% 5.28 – 27.8 p0.000) o anestesias previas (OR 7.9 IC95% 4.4 – 14.4 p0,000). Discusión: El midazolam como agente farmacológico usado para premedicación en pacientes pediátricos presenta resultados exitosos contundentes, por lo cual debe usarse en todos los casos.
El objetivo de este estudio, es determinar la capacidad de la diferencia venoarterial de de pCO2, como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico de la Fundación Cardio Infantil. El documento eviado corresponde a un informe parcial de un estudio en curso en la Fundación CardioInfantil.
Objetivos: Disminuir la ansiedad y el estrés que presentan los niños que van a ser sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas, antes de ingresar a la sala de operaciones. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron 128 niños de ambos sexos, ASA I-II entre 1 y 12 años, sometidos a cirugía en los hospitales José Carrasco de IESS y Vicente Corral del MSP, de la ciudad de Cuenca, desde noviembre de 1996 hasta noviembre de 1997. Se formaron dos grupos aleatorizados: a] grupo CON MIDAZOLAM [Mz], 64 niños a los que se administró midazolam por vía oral 0.25 mg/kg, diluido en +- 5 ml. de una solución azucarada 30 min. antes de la inducción anestésica, y b] grupo SIN MIDAZOLAM [Ctrl], 64 pacientes para control a los que se adminstró únicamente solución azucarada. Ambos grupos tuvieron valoración clínica y de laboratorio. Se monitorizó los signos vitales antes de la premedicación, a los 30 min. de ella y en el transanestésico. Para valoración del estado emocional se utilizó una escala visual semejante a la escala Oucher. Resultados: la edad promedio en el grupo Mz fue de 5.89 +- 1.65 años y en el grupo Ctrl de 5.23 +- 1.24 años. El peso promedio en el grupo Mz fue de 14.98 +- 4.58 kg. y en grupo Ctrl de 15.35 +- 7.35 kg. Las diferencias no fueron significaticas. Hubo un predominio de varones en ambos grupos dependiente del tipo de intervención, cerca del 70 por ciento de las intervenciones fueron de urología y traumatología y ortopedia. En el grupo Mz se registró una mayor disminución de la respiración, frecuencia cardíaca y tensión arterial [p<0.05]. La Sp02 fue menor en el grupo Mz pero la respuesta psicológica a la inducción anestésica fue mayor [p<0.05]. Hubo un 6.25 por ciento de reacciones secundarias como mareo, diaforesis y somnolencia. Conclusiones: Los niños de 1 a 12 años que se someten a ciurugías ambulatorias y que son premedicados con midazolam, presentan: sedación, tranquilidad y disminución de: oximetría, tensión arterial tanto sistólica como diastólica, frecuencia cardíaca y frecuencia respiratoria, dentro de valores fisiológicamente tolerables
Introducción: La sepsis es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en la población pediátrica a nivel mundial, siendo la disminución del gasto cardiaco uno de los principales factores asociados a mortalidad. Se ha planteado la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 como predictor de la función miocárdica en pacientes con sepsis, sin embargo hasta el momento no hay estudios en la población pediátrica que lo evalúen. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad predictora y las características operativas de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2, como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico. Métodos: Para alcanzar los objetivos del estudio, se llevo a cabo un estudio prospectivo de pruebas diagnósticas. Se realizó ecocardiograma y diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 en cada paciente, posteriormente se calculó las características operativas de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 para determinar su utilidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 71 pacientes. La mediana de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 no fue significativamente mayor en los pacientes que tuvieron disfunción cardiaca en el ecocardiograma en comparación con los que no tuvieron disfunción. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa de valores de 1,5 a 2,1 mmHg, como predictor negativo de disfunción miocárdica con una sensibilidad de 100% y una especificidad de 88%. Conclusiones: La diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 requiere de estudios mas extensos para determinar la probabilidad como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico, incluso cuando otros biomarcadores se encuentran dentro de límites normales.
INTRODUCCION : Una de las prioridades del manejo en cuidado crítico pediátrico es la prevención y tratamiento del dolor y la ansiedad del paciente que requiere ventilación mecánica, utilizando diferentes alternativas farmacológicas, la más usada en pediatría es la basada en hipnosis que utiliza un opiáceo y una benzodiacepina , usualmente fentanyl y midazolam , pero con un riesgo reportado de producir síndrome de abstinencia cuando es usado de manera prolongada y su suspensión es abrupta1, sin embargo medicamentos como la dexmedetomidina, un alfa dos adrenérgico, pueden disminuir el riesgo de presentación de síndrome de abstinencia cuando esta se asocia al método convencional; si se logra disminuir su presentación se contribuye a la reducción de estancia hospitalaria y a su vez las complicaciones relacionadas, entre otros beneficios para los pacientes y las instituciones. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo analítico de casos y controles en una población de 55 casos y 55 controles para buscar la probable asociación de síndrome de abstinencia a la sedación basada en hipnosis convencional ( opiáceo y benzodiacepina) y la posible disminución del mismo cuando se uso hipnosis convencional combinada con un alfa dos adrenérgico como la dexmedetomidina en niños de 1 mes a 18 años que requirieron ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Fundación Cardio Infantil, los casos fueron los pacientes que presentaron síndrome de abstinencia y los controles quienes no lo presentaron. RESULTADOS: La media de la edad de los 110 sujetos fue de 4,9 años con una desviación estándar de 4,6 años, la talla y la edad de toda la población se comporto coherentemente con la edad. (Media del peso 17,52 kg y talla 94,5 Cms). Los pacientes que usaron dexmedetomidina tuvieron una menor probabilidad de desarrollar síndrome de abstinencia comparado con pacientes que no la recibieron con un OR: 0.2527174 un IC valido (0.0916363-0.6638842) y una p significativa de 0,002. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró diferencia significativa entre el uso de dexmedetomidina y la menor probabilidad de presentación de síndrome de abstinencia en pacientes que requirieron sedación para ventilación mecánica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Fundación Cardio Infantil.
Introducción: La sepsis es un importante problema de salud a nivel mundial con Incidencia en aumento, las primeras horas de tratamiento tienen un impacto dramático en la sobrevida. Las indicaciones de las guías actuales de manejo en antibioticoterapia temprana se extrapolaron de estudios en adultos. Objetivo: Determinar si existe una asociación entre el tiempo de inicio de antibioticoterapia temprana empírica y la mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y choque séptico atendidos en UCIP de FCI. Métodos: Estudio analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles donde se incluyeron los pacientes de 1 mes a 18 años que cursaron con sepsis severa y/o choque séptico en quienes se conoció la hora del diagnostico por signos clínicos, la de la primera dosis del antibiótico y el desenlace final, fueron excluidos los pacientes que recibieron dosis terapéuticas de antibióticos previos, se comparo la mortalidad con el tiempo al inicio del antibiótico empírico, calculando los OR y controlando otras variables relacionadas con la mortalidad. Resultados: Se evaluaron 108 casos, la mortalidad global fue de 38,9%. El tiempo al antibiótico en el grupo de fallecidos fue de 9,06 horas y 6,1 en los sobrevivientes (p=0,003). Los que recibieron antibioticoterapia empírica tardía (>6h) tuvieron 3.8 veces mayor riesgo de morir (P:0,002). Conservaron asociaron con mayor riesgo de morir: La acidosis persistente OR:10.14(P:0.00001), Injuria renal aguda OR:7.86(P:0.003) y antibioticoterapia tardía OR10.1(P:0.005). Conclusiones: Existe una asociación importante entre el tiempo al inicio del antibiótico empírico y la mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y choque séptico por lo que recomendamos iniciarla lo antes posible en estos pacientes.
BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.
BACKGROUND: The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) was developed to predict short-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis. There are few reports studying the correlation between MELD and long-term posttransplantation survival. AIM: To assess the value of pretransplant MELD in the prediction of posttransplant survival. METHODS: The adult patients (age >18 years) who underwent liver transplantation were examined in a retrospective longitudinal cohort of patients, through the prospective data base. We excluded acute liver failure, retransplantation and reduced or split-livers. The liver donors were evaluated according to: age, sex, weight, creatinine, bilirubin, sodium, aspartate aminotransferase, personal antecedents, brain death cause, steatosis, expanded criteria donor number and index donor risk. The recipients' data were: sex, age, weight, chronic hepatic disease, Child-Turcotte-Pugh points, pretransplant and initial MELD score, pretransplant creatinine clearance, sodium, cold and warm ischemia times, hospital length of stay, blood requirements, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT >1,000 UI/L = liver dysfunction). The Kaplan-Meier method with the log-rank test was used for the univariable analyses of posttransplant patient survival. For the multivariable analyses the Cox proportional hazard regression method with the stepwise procedure was used with stratifying sodium and MELD as variables. ROC curve was used to define area under the curve for MELD and Child-Turcotte-Pugh. RESULTS: A total of 232 patients with 10 years follow up were available. The MELD cutoff was 20 and Child-Turcotte-Pugh cutoff was 11.5. For MELD score > 20, the risk factors for death were: red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. For the patients with hyponatremia the risk factors were: negative delta-MELD score, red cell requirements, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. The regression univariated analyses came up with the following risk factors for death: score MELD > 25, blood requirements, recipient creatinine clearance pretransplant and age donor >50. After stepwise analyses, only red cell requirement was predictive. Patients with MELD score < 25 had a 68.86%, 50,44% and 41,50% chance for 1, 5 and 10-year survival and > 25 were 39.13%, 29.81% and 22.36% respectively. Patients without hyponatremia were 65.16%, 50.28% and 41,98% and with hyponatremia 44.44%, 34.28% and 28.57% respectively. Patients with IDR > 1.7 showed 53.7%, 27.71% and 13.85% and index donor risk <1.7 was 63.62%, 51.4% and 44.08%, respectively. Age donor > 50 years showed 38.4%, 26.21% and 13.1% and age donor <50 years showed 65.58%, 26.21% and 13.1%. Association with delta-MELD score did not show any significant difference. Expanded criteria donors were associated with primary non-function and severe liver dysfunction. Predictive factors for death were blood requirements, hyponatremia, liver dysfunction and donor's sodium. CONCLUSION: In conclusion MELD over 25, recipient's hyponatremia, blood requirements, donor's sodium were associated with poor survival.
The chronic treatment with phenytoin or the acute intoxication by this drug may cause permanent cerebellar injury with atrophy of cerebellum vermis and hemispheres, which can be detected by neuroimaging studies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between the dosage and duration of treatment with phenytoin and the occurrence of cerebellar atrophy. Sixty-six patients were studied and had their tomographies analyzed for cerebellar atrophy. Of the 66 patients studied, 18 had moderate/severe atrophy, 15 had mild atrophy and 33 were considered to be normal. The patients with moderate/severe atrophy were those with higher exposure to phenytoin (longer duration of treatment and higher total dosage) showing statistically significant difference when compared to patients with mild atrophy or without atrophy (p=0.02). Further, the patients with moderate/severe atrophy had serum levels of phenytoin statistically higher than those of patients with mild atrophy or without atrophy (p = 0.008). There was no association between other antiepileptic drugs dosage or duration of treatment and degree of cerebellar atrophy. We also found that older patients had cerebellar atrophy more frequently, indicating that age or duration of the seizure disorder may also be important in the determination of cerebellar degeneration in these patients. We conclude that although there is a possibility that repeated seizures contribute to cerebellar damage, long term exposure to phenytoin, particularly in high doses and toxic serum levels, cause cerebellar atrophy.
From November 1982 to May 1999, 28 children with Rett syndrome were followed-up for a medium period of 6 years and 2 months. Regression of developmental milestones started at the age between 5 and 20 months. Nineteen cases of typical Rett syndrome had uneventful pre and perinatal periods, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, mental and motor regression and developed hand stereotypies; sixteen had head growth deceleration and 12 gait apraxia. Nine patients were atypical cases, 2 formes frustres, 2 congenital, 3 with early seizure onset, 1 preserved speech and 1 male. Epilepsy was present in 21 patients, predominantly partial seizures and the drug of choise was carbamazepine (15 patients). In the initial evaluation most patients were distributed on Stages II and III and on follow-up on Stages III and IV. Three children died.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the impact that trochanteric hip fractures produce on life quality of elderly patients, treated surgically, during one year of monitoring. METHODS: Were selected 73 elderly with transtrochanteric femur fracture, aged equal or over than 65 years and of both sexes. All participants underwent a standardized questionnaire which obtained information on lifestyle habits, functionality, physical activity, ambulation and cognitive state. Were excluded patients who died, not walking, with neurological diseases and pathological fractures. RESULTS: The average age was 80.17 ± 7.2 years and 75% was female. When comparing the summation of activities of daily living (p = 0.04) and instrumental daily living (p = 0.004) obtained before and after fracture, the patients become more dependent after fracture. Activities of daily living that worsened after fracture were bathing (p = 0.04), toileting (p = 0.02) and dressing (p = 0.04). All instrumental activities of daily living showed a significant difference, with functional dependence after fracture, increased need for walking aid (p = 0.00002), aged (p = 0.01) and not doing housework (p = 0.01). The low score on the test Minimental was associated with a greater dependence to perform activities of daily living before (p = 0.00002) and after (p = 0.01) fracture. CONCLUSION: After a year, activities of daily living that depended on the lower limbs worsened significantly, all instrumental activities of daily living were significantly worse in more than 50% of patients and more than half of patients who walked without support lost this ability.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the positive predictive value for BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) categories 3, 4 and 5, correlating mammographic and histological diagnosis in non-palpable breast lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical-descriptive study of 169 women submitted to stereotactic localization for surgical biopsy of non-palpable breast lesions. Mammographic and histological findings were correlated, analyzing the predictive positive value for each category. RESULTS: Forty-two (24.8%) cases were diagnosed with breast cancer - only one in category 3, 19 in category 4, and 22 in category 5. The positive predictive value for categories 3, 4A, 4B, 4C and 5 were, respectively, 3.4%, 10.3%, 11.3%, 36% and 91.7%. Microcalcifications were the most frequent finding related to malignancy, present in 61.5% of these cases. CONCLUSION: The present study has demonstrated that BI-RADS allows a safe prediction of high suspicion of malignancy in lesions category 5 and low suspicion for category 3. As regards the category 4, the positive predictive value has shown a progressive increase in subcategories A, B and C, demonstrating that this subclassification represents an invaluable contribution for a more detailed and accurate assessment of lesions suspicious for malignancy.
PURPOSE: To compare the Full Threshold (FT) and SITA Standard (SS) strategies in glaucomatous patients undergoing automated perimetry for the first time. METHODS: Thirty-one glaucomatous patients who had never undergone perimetry underwent automated perimetry (Humphrey, program 30-2) with both FT and SS on the same day, with an interval of at least 15 minutes. The order of the examination was randomized, and only one eye per patient was analyzed. Three analyses were performed: a) all the examinations, regardless of the order of application; b) only the first examinations; c) only the second examinations. In order to calculate the sensitivity of both strategies, the following criteria were used to define abnormality: glaucoma hemifield test (GHT) outside normal limits, pattern standard deviation (PSD) <5%, or a cluster of 3 adjacent points with p<5% at the pattern deviation probability plot. RESULTS: When the results of all examinations were analyzed regardless of the order in which they were performed, the number of depressed points with p<0.5% in the pattern deviation probability map was significantly greater with SS (p=0.037), and the sensitivities were 87.1% for SS and 77.4% for FT (p=0.506). When only the first examinations were compared, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the number of depressed points, but the sensitivity of SS (100%) was significantly greater than that obtained with FT (70.6%) (p=0.048). When only the second examinations were compared, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the number of depressed points, and the sensitivities of SS (76.5%) and FT (85.7%) (p=0.664). CONCLUSION: SS may have a higher sensitivity than FT in glaucomatous patients undergoing automated perimetry for the first time. However, this difference tends to disappear in subsequent examinations.
PURPOSE: To collect information and opinions from a group of diabetic patients regarding diabetic retinopathy and its treatment, in order to get reliable information that can help to improve programs and actions to control and prevent this ocular disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed. The sample was from 980 diabetic patients seen in a diabetic association. A previous questionnaire was made with general questions about the main subject. Thereafter, an appropriate questionnaire was prepared. RESULTS: The sample showed that among 299 patients with age ranging from 16 to 83 years, with a mean of 57 years, mainly female (67.91%) did not know how severe their disease was (30.8%), or believed that it was not a serious problem (19.7%). The laser technique to solve diabetic retinopathy was known by 60.2% of the patients. It was reported as the only treatment available by 24.1%. Among the reasons for no treatment 59.8% reported that they did not think it was necessary and 29.7% could not afford it. CONCLUSIONS: Patients showed lack of knowledge about how serious is diabetic retinopathy, the possibility of using laser technique for it and the severity of the disease. Some patients believed in the efficacy of the treatment and some patients did not, but all of them reported that they were afraid of submitting to it.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física