146 resultados para P300


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It is well established that the coordinated regulation of activity-dependent gene expression by the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) family of transcriptional coactivators is crucial for the formation of contextual fear and spatial memory, and for hippocampal synaptic plasticity. However, no studies have examined the role of this epigenetic mechanism within the infralimbic prefrontal cortex (ILPFC), an area of the brain that is essential for the formation and consolidation of fear extinction memory. Here we report that a postextinction training infusion of a combined p300/CBP inhibitor (Lys-CoA-Tat), directly into the ILPFC, enhances fear extinction memory in mice. Our results also demonstrate that the HAT p300 is highly expressed within pyramidal neurons of the ILPFC and that the small-molecule p300-specific inhibitor (C646) infused into the ILPFC immediately after weak extinction training enhances the consolidation of fear extinction memory. C646 infused 6 h after extinction had no effect on fear extinction memory, nor did an immediate postextinction training infusion into the prelimbic prefrontal cortex. Consistent with the behavioral findings, inhibition of p300 activity within the ILPFC facilitated long-term potentiation (LTP) under stimulation conditions that do not evoke long-lasting LTP. These data suggest that one function of p300 activity within the ILPFC is to constrain synaptic plasticity, and that a reduction in the function of this HAT is required for the formation of fear extinction memory.


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The hallmark of mammalian spermiogenesis is the dramatic chromatin remodeling process wherein the nucleosomal histones are replaced by the transition proteins TP1, TP2, and TP4. Subsequently these transition proteins are replaced by the protamines P1 and P2. Hyperacetylation of histone H4 is linked to their replacement by transition proteins. Here we report that TP2 is acetylated in vivo as detected by anti-acetylated lysine antibody and mass spectrometric analysis. Further, recombinant TP2 is acetylated in vitro by acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300) more efficiently than by KAT2B (PCAF). In vivo p300 was demonstrated to acetylate TP2. p300 acetylates TP2 in its C-terminal domain, which is highly basic in nature and possesses chromatin-condensing properties. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that p300 acetylates four lysine residues in the C-terminal domain of TP2. Acetylation of TP2 by p300 leads to significant reduction in its DNA condensation property as studied by circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy analysis. TP2 also interacts with a putative histone chaperone, NPM3, wherein expression is elevated in haploid spermatids.Interestingly, acetylation of TP2 impedes its interaction with NPM3. Thus, acetylation of TP2 adds a new dimension to its role in the dynamic reorganization of chromatin during mammalian spermiogenesis.


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PCAF (KAT2B) belongs to the GNAT family of lysine acetyltransferases (KAT) and specifically acetylates the histone H3K9 residue and several nonhistone proteins. PCAF is also a transcriptional coactivator. Due to the lack of a PCAF KAT-specific small molecule inhibitor, the exclusive role of the acetyltransferase activity of PCAF is not well understood. Here, we report that a natural compound of the hydroxybenzoquinone class, embelin, specifically inhibits H3Lys9 acetylation in mice and inhibits recombinant PCAF-mediated acetylation with near complete specificity in vitro. Furthermore, using embelin, we have identified the gene networks that are regulated by PCAF during muscle differentiation, further highlighting the broader regulatory functions of PCAF in muscle differentiation in addition to the regulation via MyoD acetylation.


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Chromatin acetylation is attributed with distinct functional relevance with respect to gene expression in normal and diseased conditions thereby leading to a topical interest in the concept of epigenetic modulators and therapy. We report here the identification and characterization of the acetylation inhibitory potential of an important dietary flavonoid, luteolin. Luteolin was found to inhibit p300 acetyltransferase with competitive binding to the acetyl CoA binding site. Luteolin treatment in a xenografted tumor model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), led to a dramatic reduction in tumor growth within 4 weeks corresponding to a decrease in histone acetylation. Cells treated with luteolin exhibit cell cycle arrest and decreased cell migration. Luteolin treatment led to an alteration in gene expression and miRNA profile including up-regulation of p53 induced miR-195/215, let7C; potentially translating into a tumor suppressor function. It also led to down regulation of oncomiRNAs such as miR-135a, thereby reflecting global changes in the microRNA network. Furthermore, a direct correlation between the inhibition of histone acetylation and gene expression was established using chromatin immunoprecipitation on promoters of differentially expressed genes. A network of dysregulated genes and miRNAs was mapped along with the gene ontology categories, and the effects of luteolin were observed to be potentially at multiple levels: at the level of gene expression, miRNA expression and miRNA processing.


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E2A is a transcription factor that plays a particularly critical role in lymphopoiesis. The chromosomal translocation 1;19, disrupts the E2A gene and results in the expression of the fusion oncoprotein E2A-PBX1, which is implicated in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Both E2A and E2A-PBX1 contain two activation domains, AD1 and AD2, which comprise conserved ΦxxΦΦ motifs where Φ denotes a hydrophobic amino acid. These domains function to recruit transcriptional co-activators and repressors, including the histone acetyl transferase CREB binding protein (CBP) and its paralog p300. The PCET motif within E2A AD1 interacts with the KIX domain of CBP/p300, the disruption of which abrogates the transcriptional activation by E2A and the transformative properties of E2A-PBX1. The generation of a peptide-based inhibitor targeting the PCET:KIX interaction would serve useful in further assessing the role of E2A and E2A-PBX1 in lymphopoiesis and leukemogenesis. An interaction between E2A AD2 and the KIX domain has also been recently identified, and the TAZ domains of CBP/p300 have been shown to interact with several transcription factors that contain ΦxxΦΦ motifs. Thus the design of an inhibitor of the E2A:CBP/p300 interaction requires the full complement of interactions between E2A and the various domains of CBP/p300 to be elucidated. Here, we have used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine that AD2 interacts with KIX at the same site as PCET, which indicates that the E2A:KIX interaction can be disrupted by targeting a single binding site. Using an iterative synthetic peptide microarray approach, a peptide with the sequence DKELQDLLDFSLQY was derived from PCET to interact with KIX with higher affinity than the wild type sequence. This peptide now serves as a lead molecule for further development as an inhibitor of the E2A:CBP/p300 interaction. Fluorescence anisotropy, peptide microarray technology, and isothermal titration calorimetry were employed to characterize interactions between both TAZ domains of CBP/p300 and the PCET motif and AD2 of E2A. Alanine substitution of residues within PCET demonstrated that the ΦxxΦΦ motif is a key mediator of these interactions, analogous to the PCET:KIX interaction. These findings now inform future work to establish possible physiological roles for the E2A:TAZ1 and E2A:TAZ2 interactions.


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A specific impairment in phoneme awareness has been hypothesized as one of the current explanations for dyslexia. We examined attentional shifts towards phonological information as indexed by event-related potentials (ERPs) in normal readers and dyslexic adults. Participants performed a lexical decision task on spoken stimuli of which 80% started with a standard phoneme and 20% with a deviant phoneme. A P300 modulation was expected for deviants in control adults, indicating that the phonological change had been detected. A mild and right-lateralized P300 was observed for deviant stimuli in controls, but was absent in dyslexic adults. This result suggests that dyslexic adults fail to make shifts of attention to phonological cues in the same way that normal adult readers do. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Los potenciales evocados cognitivos son mediciones electrofisiológicas relacionadas con procesosque tienen que ver con ciertas funciones cognitivas. El potencial cognitivo P300 está específicamenterelacionado con procesos de atención. Objetivo: identificar valores para la latencia y amplitud deonda P300 en una muestra de individuos colombianos y describir su comportamiento con respectoa edad, género y escolaridad de los sujetos. Método: se estudiaron 122 sujetos sanos entre los 6 y80 años, se practicó medición del potencial según la metodología odd-ball, en las derivaciones Czy Pz. Resultados: se identificaron valores medianos, mínimos y máximos para diferentes gruposetarios y se estableció que la latencia de la onda P300 aumenta con la edad de los individuos yque, por el contrario, la amplitud de la misma tiende a disminuir. De igual forma, al correlacionarlatencia y amplitud, se evidenció una relación inversa. Conclusiones: no se encontraron diferenciaspara latencia y amplitud de onda relacionadas con el género ni la escolaridad de los sujetos, asícomo tampoco se halló diferencia al realizar la medición en la derivación Pz comparada con laonda obtenida en la derivación Cz.


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Estudiar el desarrollo evolutivo a través de la técnica de potenciales evocados. Estudiar las diferencias de los potenciales evocados auditivos en niños de intervalos distintos de edad. Extraer datos que permitan relacionar los potenciales evocados cognitivos con las etapas de maduración del sistema nervioso central en niños normales, que puedan emplearse en la evaluación y eventualmente, en intervención psicopedagógica. Hipotésis: que los sujetos normales tienen el potencial P300 audio con caracteres diferentes según evolucionan con la edad. Diferencias que se manifiestan en un progresivo aumento de la amplitud, progresiva disminución de la latencia, diferencias interhemisféricas dadas por la latencia y amplitud y en la forma y duración de dicho componente a medida que el individuo va desarrollándose físicamente. Se seleccionaron 57 alumnos de 500 examinados pertenecientes a los colegios públicos Carmen Conde y Virgen del Carmen de Cartagena (29 niños y 28 niñas). Los criterios para la selección fueron: informe del profesor sobre la capacidad y logros en el aprendizaje así como sobre sus relaciones afectivas y personales (se seleccionaron los que no presentaban dificultades). Consulta a las familias sobre posibles tratamientos neurológicos o farmacológicos (se seleccionaron los que no). Test Bender. Escala de inteligencia Wechsler (se seleccionaron los que ofrecían puntuaciones normales, igual o superiores a la media de su edad). La prueba de potenciales evocados se realizó en el hospital Virgen del Rossel de Cartagena, en el Servicio de Neurofisiología. El registro se llevó a cabo con el aparato NEUROPACK FOVR, mod. MEM-4104 (sistema de registro neural). Para el registro se utilizaron un total de 4 electrodos y el proceso general consistió en adquisición, amplificación, filtrado, promediado y tratamiento gráfico. Variable independiente: prueba de potenciales evocados auditivos, en la que se presentaba una situación estandar para la obtención del potencial P300. Variables dependientes: valores alcanzados en el potencial P300 analizando: latencia, amplitud, diferencias hemisféricas, forma y duración. Test Bender (Bender, L., 1979, Test guestáltico visomotor, Paidós). Escala de inteligencia Wechsler (Wechsler, D., 1974. Escala de inteligencia Wechsler para niños. TEA Ediciones). Los potenciales evocados (ERP) son una medida del procesamiento de la información en el sistema nervioso central que puede utilizarse para establecer una comparación entre la población normal y la población patológica. Estos pueden proporcionar documentación de los estados y utilización corticales en el procesamiento cognitivo que no pueden ser conocidos por medidas de conducta.


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Background: P300 and steady-state visual evoked potential(SSVEP) approaches have been widely used for brain–computer interface (BCI) systems. However, neither of these approaches can work for all subjects. Some groups have reported that a hybrid BCI that combines two or more approaches might provide BCI functionality to more users. Hybrid P300/SSVEP BCIs have only recently been developed and validated, and very few avenues to improve performance have been explored. New method: The present study compares an established hybrid P300/SSVEP BCIs paradigm to a new paradigm in which shape changing, instead of color changing, is adopted for P300 evocation to decrease the degradation on SSVEP strength. Result: The result shows that the new hybrid paradigm presented in this paper yields much better performance than the normal hybrid paradigm. Comparison with existing method: A performance increase of nearly 20% in SSVEP classification is achieved using the new hybrid paradigm in comparison with the normal hybrid paradigm.Allthe paradigms except the normal hybrid paradigm used in this paper obtain 100% accuracy in P300 classification. Conclusions: The new hybrid P300/SSVEP BCIs paradigm in which shape changing, instead of color changing, could obtain as high classification accuracy of SSVEP as the traditional SSVEP paradigm and could obtain as high classification accuracy of P300 as the traditional P300 paradigm. P300 did not interfere with the SSVEP response using the new hybrid paradigm presented in this paper, which was superior to the normal hybrid P300/SSVEP paradigm.


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Interferences from the spatially adjacent non-target stimuli evoke ERPs during non-target sub-trials and lead to false positives. This phenomenon is commonly seen in visual attention based BCIs and affects the performance of BCI system. Although, users or subjects tried to focus on the target stimulus, they still could not help being affected by conspicuous changes of the stimuli (flashes or presenting images) which were adjacent to the target stimulus. In view of this case, the aim of this study is to reduce the adjacent interference using new stimulus presentation pattern based on facial expression changes. Positive facial expressions can be changed to negative facial expressions by minor changes to the original facial image. Although the changes are minor, the contrast will be big enough to evoke strong ERPs. In this paper, two different conditions (Pattern_1, Pattern_2) were used to compare across objective measures such as classification accuracy and information transfer rate as well as subjective measures. Pattern_1 was a “flash-only” pattern and Pattern_2 was a facial expression change of a dummy face. In the facial expression change patterns, the background is a positive facial expression and the stimulus is a negative facial expression. The results showed that the interferences from adjacent stimuli could be reduced significantly (P<;0.05) by using the facial expression change patterns. The online performance of the BCI system using the facial expression change patterns was significantly better than that using the “flash-only” patterns in terms of classification accuracy (p<;0.01), bit rate (p<;0.01), and practical bit rate (p<;0.01). Subjects reported that the annoyance and fatigue could be significantly decreased (p<;0.05) using the new stimulus presentation pattern presented in this paper.


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In this paper, a new paradigm is presented, to improve the performance of audio-based P300 Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), by using spatially distributed natural sound stimuli. The new paradigm was compared to a conventional paradigm using spatially distributed sound to demonstrate the performance of this new paradigm. The results show that the new paradigm enlarged the N200 and P300 components, and yielded significantly better BCI performance than the conventional paradigm.


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O P300 desempenha um papel fundamental como método de avaliação e monitoramento das demências, entre elas a doença de Alzheimer. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma busca por artigos que analisaram os valores de latência e amplitude de P300 na doença de Alzheimer. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Web of Science, PubMed/Medline, Psyc Info, Biological Abstracts e Scielo. Utilizaram-se as seguintes palavras-chave: speed of information processing, speed of processing, information processing, aged, older, elderly, older people, alzheimer dementia, alzheimer disease, Alzheimer, além de referências cruzadas dos artigos selecionados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados oito estudos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão adotados para o presente trabalho. Estes estudos mostraram que existe um consenso em relação ao aumento da latência de P300 de idosos com doença de Alzheimer quando comparados com idosos sem a doença. Porém, verifica-se que, com relação à amplitude de P300, ainda não há um consenso, mas, isso pode estar relacionado às diferentes variáveis metodológicas adotadas nos estudos revisados. CONCLUSÃO: Há necessidade de se padronizar as variáveis envolvidas no método de avaliação do P300 para idosos com doença de Alzheimer, para que seja possível comparar os valores de latência e amplitude de P300 dessa população.


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A Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS) diminui as capacidades da atenção, memória e concentração, fatores relacionados com a cognição. A análise dos parâmetros do P300 auditivo permitiria inferir disfunção cognitiva. OBJETIVO: Comparar os dados da polissonografia e do P300 auditivo em adultos, roncopatas primários com portadores de SAOS. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo em roncopatas primários (N=12) e em portadores de SAOS (N=54), submetidos à polissonografia definidos pelo índice de apneia e hipopneia (IAH). As variáveis da polissonografia e as do P300 foram comparadas, pelos testes T de Student, exato de Fisher, regressão logística e análise de correlação com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: O IAH apresentou correlação inversa com a oximetria em ambos os grupos. A prevalência do P300 foi menor no G.SAOS (teste exato de Fisher, p=0,027). A idade dos pacientes não influenciou a prevalência do P300 (análise de regressão; p=0,232). A amplitude do P300 foi menor do G.SAOS (teste T de Student; p=0,003) a latência do P300 foi semelhante em ambos os grupos (teste T de Student; p=0,89). CONCLUSÃO: A redução da amplitude do P300 nos portadores de SAOS sugere disfunção cognitiva induzida por diminuição da memória auditiva.