956 resultados para P1.HTR


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The P1.HTR cell line includes highly transfectable cells derived from P815 mastocytoma cells originating from mouse breast tissue. Despite its widespread use in immunogenic studies, no data are available about the behavior of P1.HTR cells in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model. The objective of the present investigation was to study the effects of P1.HTR cells implanted on the chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryos. We inoculated P1.HTR cells into the previously prepared chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane and observed the early and late effects of these cells by stereomicroscopy, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. A highly angiotropic and angiogenic effect occurred early after inoculation and a tumorigenic potential with the development of mastocytoma keeping well mast cells immunophenotype was detected later during the development. The P1.HTR mastocytoma cell line is a good tool for the development of the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane mastocytoma model and also for other studies concerning the involvement of blood vessels. The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane model of mastocytoma retains the mast cell immunophenotype under experimental conditions and could be used as an experimental tool for in vivo preliminary testing of antitumor and antivascular drugs.


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A comparison of cytogenetical data on acute lymphoblastic leukaemia studied at four large European centres has revealed a non-random dicentric chromosome abnormality: dic(9;20) (p1?3;q11) in 10 patients, nine of whom were children. All had early precursor-B lineage ALL, and eight children had a non-standard risk clinical presentation. The origin of the dicentric chromosome was demonstrated using a range of chromosome banding techniques. This was confirmed by FISH using paints and centromeric probes for chromosomes 9 and 20, together with a number of cosmid probes. The follow-up time of these patients is presently too short and the number of patients too few to determine the prognostic significant of this chromosome abnormality.


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Purpose: To work out certain, well-defined aetiologies frequently associated with mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) in order to predict a typical population at risk, since MVT is nowadays often incidentally detected on cross-sectional imaging. To demonstrate the MDCT features, frequency and extent of associated bowel ischemia according to the underlying pathology. Methods and materials: Our electronic database revealed 71 patients (25 women, mean age 55) with thrombosis of the superior and/or inferior mesenteric vein detected by MDCT between 2000 and 2008. Two radiologists jointly reviewed the corresponding MDCT features including intraluminal extension, underlying aetiology and associated bowel ischemia, if present. Results: MVT was associated with carcinoma in 31 (43.7%) patients (pancreas 21.1%, liver 9.9%, others 12.7%). Concomitant inflammation was seen in 15 (21.1%) patients (pancreatitis 11.3%, diverticulitis 4.2%, others 5.6%), whereas coagulation/hematologic disorders were found in 7 (9.9%) patients, liver cirrhosis in 6 (8.5%), mixed/miscellaneous causes in 5 (7%) and still unknown aetiologies in 5 patients (7%). MVT resulted from recent operations in 2 (2.8%) patients. MDCT features of venous bowel ischemia were present in 15 patients (21.1%). 46.5% of MVT were (sub) acute, while 53.5% chronic. The luminal extension was complete in 52.1%, subtotal (>50% of lumen) in 22.5% and partial (<50% of lumen) in 25.4% of patients, consisting either of blood clots (76.1%) or tumoral tissue (23.9%), the latter mainly due to pancreas adenocarcinoma (76.4%). Conclusion: MDCT features of MVT are seen with a wide range of underlying diseases. Signs of intestinal ischemia are infrequently associated, mostly occurring with coagulation/hematologic disorders (40%).


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The dielectric functions of InP, In0.53Ga0.47As, and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 epitaxial layers have been measured using a polarization modulation spectroscopic ellipsometer in the 1.5 to 5.3 eV region. The oxide removal procedure has been carefully checked by comparing spectroscopic ellipsometry and x ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. These reference data have been used to investigate the structural nature of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown In0.53Ga0.47As/InP and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5/InP heterojunctions, currently used for photodiodes and laser diodes. The sharpness of the interfaces has been systematically compared for the two types of heterojunctions: In1 xGaxAsy/InP and InP/In1 xGaxAsyP1 y. The sharpest interface is obtained for InP growth on In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 where the interface region is estimated to be (10±10) Å thick. The importance of performing in situ SE measurements is emphasized.


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Two Lettuce mosaic virus isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by the resistance gene mo1² in lettuce, LMV-AF199 from Brazil, and LMV-E, an European isolate, were evaluated for the rapidity and severity of symptoms induced on the lettuce variety Salinas 88 (mo1²). The mosaic symptoms on Salinas 88 plants inoculated with LMV-AF199 appeared 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and 15 dpi for LMV-E. The symptoms induced by LMV-AF199 in this cultivar were also more severe than those induced by LMV-E. In order to identify the region of the viral genome responsible for this phenotype, recombinant viruses were constructed between these isolates and the phenotype of each recombinant was analysed. The region encoding proteins P1 and HcPro from LMV-AF199 was associated with the increased virulence in Salinas 88.


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Maailmassa on tarve entistä turvallisemmille ja taloudellisemmille ydinreaktoreille. Neljännen sukupolven reaktorikonseptit ovat aiempia turvallisempia ja luotettavampia, niissä on tehokkaampi polttoaineresurssien käyttö ja ydinjätettä syntyy vähemmän. Lisäksi ne ovat taloudellisesti kilpailukykyisempiä ja niissä on erinomainen proliferaation vastustuskyky. Kuulakekoreaktorikonsepti on toinen korkealämpötilaisten kaasujäähdytteisten reaktoreiden (HTGR, High Temperature Reactor) päätyypeistä ja jäähdytteen lämpötilan noustessa reaktorissa riittävän korkealle, sitä voidaan pitää myös erittäin korkean lämpötilan reaktorina (VHTR, Very High Temperature Reactor), joka on neljännen sukupolven reaktorikonsepti. Tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään 90-luvulla Sveitsissä sijainnutta kuulakekoreaktori-tyyppistä koereaktoria HTR-PROTEUS (tai LEU-HTR-PROTEUS), jolla tutkittiin ennen kaikkea matalaväkevöidyn (LEU, Low Enriched Uranium) uraanipolttoaineen käyttöä kuulakekoreaktorissa. Lisäksi erityisenä mielenkiinnon kohteena oli veden joutuminen reaktoriin onnettomuustilanteessa. Työn tarkoituksena on mallintaa reaktorisysteemi ja laskea kasvutekijät viidelle eri reaktorikonfiguraatiolle. Reaktorin mallinnus ja laskenta suoritetaan Monte Carlo -menetelmää käyttävällä Serpent-laskentakoodilla. Saatuja tuloksia verrataan muissa lähteissä eri laskentakoodeilla esitettyihin tuloksiin.


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Due to technical restrictions of the database system the title of the thesis does not show corretly on this page. Numbers in the title are in superscript. Please see the PDF-file for correct title. ---- Osteomyelitis is a progressive inflammatory disease of bone and bone marrow that results in bone destruction due to an infective microorganism, most frequently Staphylococcus aureus. Orthopaedic concern relates to the need for reconstructive and trauma-related surgical procedures in the fast grow¬ing population of fragile, aged patients, who have an increased susceptibility to surgical site infections. Depending on the type of osteomyelitis, infection may be acute or a slowly progressing, low-grade infection. Peri-implant infections lead to implant loosening. The emerging antibiotic resistance of com¬mon pathogens further complicates the situation. With current imaging methods, significant limitations exist in the diagnosing of osteomyelitis and implant-related infections. Positron emission tomography (PET) with a glucose analogue, 18F-fluoro¬deoxyglucose (18F-FDG), seems to facilitate a more accurate diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. The method is based on the increased glucose consumption of activated inflammatory cells. Unfortunately, 18F-FDG accumulates also in sterile inflammation regions and causes false-positive findings, for exam¬ple, due to post-operative healing processes. Therefore, there is a clinical need for new, more infection-specific tracers. In addition, it is still unknown why 18F-FDG PET imaging is less accurate in the detec¬tion of periprosthetic joint infections, most frequently due to Staphylococcus epidermidis. This doctoral thesis focused on testing novel PET tracers (68Ga-chloride and 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1) for early detections of bone infections and evaluated the role of pathogen-related factors in the appli¬cations of 18F-FDG PET in the diagnostics of bone infections. For preclinical models of S. epidermidis and S. aureus bone/implant infections, the significance of the causative pathogen was studied with respect to 18F-FDG uptake. In a retrospective analysis of patients with confirmed bone infections, the significance of the presence or absence of positive bacterial cultures on 18F-FDG uptake was evalu¬ated. 18F-FDG and 68Ga-chloride resulted in a similar uptake in S. aureus osteomyelitic bones. However, 68Ga-chloride did not show uptake in healing bones, and therefore it may be a more-specific tracer in the early post-operative or post-traumatic phase. 68Ga-DOTAVAP-P1, a novel synthetic peptide bind¬ing to vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1), was able to detect the phase of inflammation in healing bones, but the uptake of the tracer was elevated also in osteomyelitis. Low-grade peri-implant infec¬tions due to S. epidermidis were characterized by a low uptake of 18F-FDG, which reflects the virulence of the causative pathogen and the degree of leukocyte infiltration. In the clinical study, no relationship was found between the level of 18F-FDG uptake and the presence of positive or negative bacterial cul¬tures. Thus 18F-FDG PET may help to confirm metabolically active infection process in patients with culture-negative, histologically confirmed, low-grade osteomyelitis.


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The use of exact coordinates of pebbles and fuel particles of pebble bed reactor modelling becoming possible in Monte Carlo reactor physics calculations is an important development step. This allows exact modelling of pebble bed reactors with realistic pebble beds without the placing of pebbles in regular lattices. In this study the multiplication coefficient of the HTR-10 pebble bed reactor is calculated with the Serpent reactor physics code and, using this multiplication coefficient, the amount of pebbles required for the critical load of the reactor. The multiplication coefficient is calculated using pebble beds produced with the discrete element method and three different material libraries in order to compare the results. The received results are lower than those from measured at the experimental reactor and somewhat lower than those gained with other codes in earlier studies.


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Tesis (Doctorado en en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL


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The oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans expresses a surface protein, P1, which interacts with the salivary pellicle on the tooth surface or with fluid-phase saliva, resulting in bacterial adhesion or aggregation, respectively. P1 is a target of protective immunity. Its N-terminal region has been associated with adhesion and aggregation functions and contains epitopes recognized by efficacious antibodies. In this study, we used Bacillus subtilis, a gram-positive expression host, to produce a recombinant N-terminal polypeptide of P1 (P1(39-512)) derived from the S. mutans strain UA159. Purified P1(39-512) reacted with an anti-full-length P1 antiserum as well as one raised against intact S. mutans cells, indicating preserved antigenicity. Immunization of mice with soluble and heat-denatured P1(39-512) induced antibodies that reacted specifically with native P1 on the surface of S. mutans cells. The anti-P1(39-512) antiserum was as effective at blocking saliva-mediated aggregation of S. mutans cells and better at blocking bacterial adhesion to saliva-coated plastic surfaces compared with the anti-full-length P1 antiserum. In addition, adsorption of the anti-P1 antiserum with P1(39-512) eliminated its ability to block the adhesion of S. mutans cells to abiotic surfaces. The present results indicate that P1(39-512), expressed and purified from a recombinant B. subtilis strain, maintains important immunological features of the native protein and represents an additional tool for the development of anticaries vaccines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The crystal structures of five new non-electrophilic β-strand-templated thrombin active-site inhibitors have been determined bound to the enzyme. Four co-crystallize with hirugen and inhibitor isomorphously to produce thrombin-hirugen crystals (monoclinic, space group C2), while one co-crystallizes in the hexagonal system, space group P65. A 1,4-substituted cyclohexyl moiety is conserved at the P1 position of all the inhibitors, along with a fused hetero-bicyclic five- and six-membered ring that occupies the P2 site. Amino, amidino and aminoimidazole groups are attached to the cyclohexyl ring for recognition at the S1 specificity site, while benzylsulfonyl and diphenyl groups enhance the binding at the S3 subsite. The cyclohexyl groups at the P1 positions of three of the inhibitors appear to be in the energetically favored chair conformation, while the imidazole-substituted cyclohexyl rings are in a boat conformation. Somewhat unexpectedly, the two cyclohexyl-aminoimidazole groups bind differently in the specificity site; the unique binding of one is heretofore unreported. The other inhibitors generally mimic arginyl binding at S1. This group of inhibitors combines the nonelectrophilicity and selectivity of DAPA-like compounds and the more optimal binding features of the S1-S3 sites of thrombin for peptidic molecules, which results in highly potent (binding constants 12 nM-16 pM, one being 1.1 μM) and selective (ranging from 140 to 20 000 times more selective compared with trypsin) inhibitors of thrombin. The binding modes of these novel inhibitors are correlated with their binding constants, as is their selectivity, in order to provide further insight for the design of therapeutic antithrombotic agents that inhibit thrombin directly at the active site.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Glutathione-S-transferase of the Pi class (GSTP1) is frequently overexpressed in a variety of solid tumors and has been identified as a potential therapeutic target for cancer therapy. GSTP1 is a phase II detoxification enzyme and conjugates the tripeptide glutathione to endogenous metabolites and xenobiotics, thereby limiting the efficacy of antitumor chemotherapeutic treatments. In addition, GSTP1 regulates cellular stress responses and apoptosis by sequestering and inactivating c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Thiazolides are a novel class of antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal pathogens with no apparent side effects on the host cells and tissue. Here we show that thiazolides induce a GSTP1-dependent and glutathione-enhanced cell death in colorectal tumor cell lines. Downregulation of GSTP1 reduced the apoptotic activity of thiazolides, whereas overexpression enhanced it. Thiazolide treatment caused strong Jun kinase activation and Jun kinase-dependent apoptosis. As a critical downstream target of Jun kinase we identified the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim. Thiazolides induced Bim expression and activation in a JNK-dependent manner. Downregulation of Bim in turn significantly blocked thiazolide-induced apoptosis. Whereas low concentrations of thiazolides failed to induce apoptosis directly, they potently sensitized colon cancer cells to TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced cell death. Although GSTP1 overexpression generally limits chemotherapy and thus antitumor treatment, our study identifies GSTP1 as Achilles' heel and thiazolides as novel interesting apoptosis sensitizer for the treatment of colorectal tumors.