964 resultados para P-FACTOR


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La perception est de plus en plus reconnue comme fondamentale à la compréhension du phénotype autistique. La première description de l’autisme, par Kanner en 1947, fait état d’un profil cognitif hétérogène caractérisé par des habiletés exceptionnelles à l’intérieur de domaines spécifiques de la perception (ex., la musique). L’accumulation des observations cliniques sur la présence de particularités perceptives a mené à l’élaboration d’études empiriques permettant d’objectiver des surfonctionnements dans le traitement élémentaire de l’information perceptive dans l’autisme. Parallèlement, des études cognitives suggèrent la présence d’une « intelligence différente » chez les personnes autistes. Celle-ci serait caractérisée par une dissociation entre des performances à différents tests d’intelligence fortement corrélés ensemble chez les personnes typiques. Le potentiel intellectuel des personnes autistes serait sous-estimé lorsque mesuré par l’échelle de Wechsler, plutôt que des mesures d’intelligence fluide comme les Matrices Progressives de Raven. Avec l’appui d’études en imagerie cérébrale, ces résultats suggèrent une relation unique entre la perception et l’intelligence chez cette population clinique. Étant donné l’accumulation de preuves sur 1) la présence d’atypies perceptuelles, 2) le rôle différent de la perception dans l’intelligence et 3) l’importance des comportements répétitifs et intérêts restreints dans le phénotype autistique (DSM-5), le premier volet de cette thèse s’est intéressé à la relation entre les performances perceptives des personnes autistes et celle des personnes ayant un développement typique, au-delà de ce qui est expliqué par l’intelligence. À l’aide de modèles de régression linéaire, les résultats démontrent un profil de covariation spécifique à l’autisme pour les habiletés plurimodales. Contrairement aux personnes ayant un développement typique, ces associations persistent au-delà de ce qui est expliqué par l’intelligence générale ou par l’efficacité générale des systèmes perceptifs. Ce profil de covariation résiduelle propre aux personnes autistes suggère la présence d’un facteur plurimodal spécifique à ce groupe clinique : le facteur « p ». Le deuxième volet de cette thèse s’est intéressé à la prévalence des habiletés exceptionnelles au niveau individuel, la relation les forces perceptives et les talents, ainsi qu’aux facteurs de prédisposition en lien avec le développement d’habiletés exceptionnelles. Les forces perceptives des personnes autistes furent évaluées à l’aide de tâches expérimentales sensibles à la détection de surfonctionnements perceptifs, soit une tâche de discrimination de hauteurs sonores et une version modifiée du sous-test « Blocs » de l’échelle d’intelligence de Wechsler. Les talents furent évalués de manière clinique à l’aide de l’ADI-R (« Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised »). Les données indiquent que 88.4 % des personnes autistes avec une intelligence dans la normale présentent au moins une habileté exceptionnelle (force perceptive ou talent). Les talents sont rapportés chez 62.5 % des cas et les forces perceptives se retrouvent chez 58 % des cas. La cooccurrence des forces perceptives entre les modalités perceptives est relativement peu fréquente (24 % à 27 %) et la présence d’un talent dans une modalité n’augmente pas les chances de présenter une force perceptive dans une même modalité. Une plus grande intelligence augmente les chances de présenter au moins un talent. En revanche, une intelligence plus faible, mais se situant tout de même dans les limites de la normale, est associée à un profil cognitif plus hétérogène avec des forces perceptives plus fréquentes. En somme, l’intelligence autistique serait caractérisée par un rôle plus important de la perception, indépendamment des surfonctionnements perceptifs. Cette particularité cognitive se manifesterait par la présence d’un facteur plurimodal, « p », spécifique à l’autisme. Théoriquement, le facteur « p » reflèterait des modifications innées (ou « hardwired ») dans l’organisation corticale des microcircuits responsables de l'encodage des dimensions perceptives élémentaires. En revanche, une faible association intermodale entre les forces perceptives suggère que des modifications corticales sont essentielles, mais non suffisantes pour le développement d’habiletés exceptionnelles. Par des processus de plasticité, des modifications corticales auraient des répercussions sur le phénotype autistique en offrant une base plus « fertile » pour le développement d’habiletés exceptionnelles, voire savantes, lorsque la personne autiste serait exposée à des expériences de vie avantageuses. Par ailleurs, les résultats de cette thèse, combinés à la littérature existante sur l’intelligence et l’apprentissage des personnes autistes, nous amènent à réfléchir sur les approches d’évaluation et d’intervention les mieux adaptées au fonctionnement spécifique de cette population clinique.


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All three isoforms of transforming growth factors beta (TGF-betal, TGF-beta2, and TGF-beta3) are secreted as latent complexes and activated extracellularly, leading to the release of the mature cytokines from their noncovalently associated proregions, also known as latency-associated peptides (LAPs). The LAP region of TGF-beta1 was expressed in a baculovirus expression system and purified to homogeneity. In vitro assays of growth inhibition and gene induction mediated by TGF-beta3 demonstrate that recombinant TGF-beta1 LAP is a potent inhibitor of the activities of TGF-betal, -beta2, and -beta3. Effective dosages of LAP for 50% neutralization of TGF-beta activities range from 4.7- to 80-fold molar excess depending on the TGF-beta isoform and activity examined. Using 125I-labeled LAP, we show that the intraperitoneal application route is effective for systemic administration of LAP. Comparison of concentrations of LAP in tissues shows a homogenous pattern in most organs with the exception of heart and muscle, in which levels of LAP are 4- to 8-fold lower. In transgenic mice with elevated hepatic levels of bioactive TGF-betal, treatment with recombinant LAP completely reverses suppression of the early proliferative response induced by TGF-beta1 in remnant livers after partial hepatectomy. The results suggest that recombinant LAP is a potent inhibitor of bioactive TGF-beta both in vitro and in vivo, after intraperitoneal administration. Recombinant LAP should be a useful tool for novel approaches to study and therapeutically modulate pathophysiological processes mediated by TGF-beta3.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of eucalyptus biochar on the transpiration rate of upland rice 'BRSMG Curinga' as an alternative means to decrease the effect of water stress on plant growth and development. Two-pot experiments were carried out using a completely randomized block design, in a split-plot arrangement, with six replicates. Main plots were water stress (WS) and no-water stress (NWS), and the subplots were biochar doses at 0, 6, 12 and 24% in growing medium (sand). Total transpirable soil water (TTSW), the p factor - defined as the average fraction of TTSW which can be depleted from the root zone before water stress limits growth -, and the normalized transpiration rate (NTR) were determined. Biochar addition increased TTSW and the p factor, and reduced NTR. Consequently, biochar addition was able to change the moisture threshold (p factor) of the growing medium, up to 12% maximum concentration, delaying the point where transpiration declines and affects yield.


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En aras de contener el comunismo y expandir la cultura norteamericana y los valores de democracia y libertad, Estados Unidos lanzó una estrategia de política exterior denominada la Diplomacia del Jazz, que consistía en promocionar internacionalmente el jazz mediante dos artificios: primero, la celebración de conciertos de los intérpretes más representativos de este género en diferentes partes del mundo; y segundo, la trasmisión de programas radiales sobre jazz en emisoras de difusión internacional y así poder mostrar la “superioridad” cultural de su país en detrimento de la otra superpotencia, la Unión Soviética. De este modo, la presente monografía tiene como fin estudiar de qué manera se instrumentalizó dicha estrategia como un medio para proyectar positivamente la imagen de los EEUU durante la Guerra Fría, concretamente entre 1954 y 1968, a partir de la teoría del realismo progresivo de Joseph Nye.


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Os dois tipos de stress fisiológico e psicológico constituem, a meu ver, um único fenômeno, embora, do ponto de vista didático, faça-se necessária esta divisão. Neste estudo ambos os tipos foram abordados teoricamente, mas o mesmo se propõe a analisar a influência dos fatores de personalidade - extroversão, introversão e dogmatismo- na vulnerabilidade ao stress. Os determinantes cognitivos foram considerados como mediadores desta relação. O instrumental utilizado para a verificação empírica foi composto dos seguintes testes: 16 PF de Cattell e Eber, Fator P de Toulouse-Pieron, Escala de Dogmatismo de Rokeach e o Sorting-Test, adaptado para esse estudo. Esses instrumentos foram utilizados para testar as hipóteses; o introvertido e o não-dogmático, tanto na condição isolada quanto em combinação, apresentam vulnerabilidade ao stress maior do que o extrovertido e o dogmático nas mesmas condições. A análise da regressão múltipla demonstrou que nenhuma diferença quanto à vulnerabilidade ao stress foi observada em relação aos tipos extrovertido, introvertido, dogmátlco e não-dogmático, quer isoladamente, quer nas combinações extrovertido-dogmático e introvertido-não-dogmático. É provável que algumas circunstâncias possam explicar esse fenômeno. Em primeiro lugar é possível que a vulnerabilidade ao stress esteja mais relacionada com traço de personalidade do que com tipo. Em segundo lugar, pode ser que o instrumento utilizado para medir extroversão-introversão não forneça uma medida válida: uma vez que o conceito se baseia nas primeiras formulações da teoria da ativação. Poderíamos, ainda, acrescentar uma outra relação na influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress . Esta relação pode ser estudada sob os dois aspectos do stress: a especificidade e a não-especificidade. Assim sendo, poder-se-ia conjecturar que tanto os fatores de personalidade quanto os determinantes cognitivos estariam mais relacionados com a especificidade do que com a não-especificidade. Esta última estaria mais vinculada aos aspectos fisiológicos. Esta última proposição poderia servir de um esquema para uma diferente análise teórica e empírica da influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress, enfatizando mais a especificidade do que a não-especificidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The parameters for the newly discovered open cluster Alessi 95 are established on the basis of available photometric and spectroscopic data, in conjunction with new observations. Colour excesses for spectroscopically observed B- and A-type stars near SU Cas follow a reddening relation described by E(U-B)/E(B-V) = 0.83 + 0.02E(B-V), implying a value of R=AV/E(B-V) ? 2.8 for the associated dust. Alessi 95 has a mean reddening of E(B-V)(B0) = 0.35 +/- 0.02 s.e., an intrinsic distance modulus of V0-MV= 8.16 +/- 0.04 s.e. (+/- 0.21 s.d.), d= 429 +/- 8 pc, and an estimated age of 108.2 yr from zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) fitting of available UBV, CCD BV, NOMAD, and Two Micron All Sky Survey JHKs observations of cluster stars. SU Cas is a likely cluster member, with an inferred space reddening of E(B-V) = 0.33 +/- 0.02 and a luminosity of < MV >=-3.15 +/- 0.07 s.e., consistent with overtone pulsation (PFM= 2.75 d), as also implied by the Cepheids light-curve parameters, rate of period increase and Hipparcos parallaxes for cluster stars. There is excellent agreement of the distance estimates for SU Cas inferred from cluster ZAMS fitting, its pulsation parallax derived from the infrared surface brightness technique and Hipparcos parallaxes, which all agree to within a few per cent.


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A membrane system is a massive parallel system, which is inspired by the living cells when processing information. As a part of unconventional computing, membrane systems are proven to be effective in solving complex problems. A new factor is introduced. This factor can decide whether a technique is worthwhile being used or not. The use of this factor provides the best chances for selecting the strategy for the rules application phase. Referring to the “best” is in reference to the one that reduces execution time within the membrane system. A pre-analysis of the membrane system determines the P-factor, which in return advises the optimal strategy to use. In particular, this paper compares the use of two strategies based on the P-factor and provides results upon the application of them. The paper concludes that the P-factor is an effective indicator for choosing the right strategy to implement the rules application phase in membrane systems.


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Background: Fibroblasts are considered important cells in periodontitis. When challenged by different agents, they respond through the release of cytokines that participate in the inflammatory process. The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the expression and production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, stromal-derived factor (SDF)-1, and interleukin (IL)-6 by human cultured periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Methods: Fibroblasts were cultured from biopsies of gingival tissue and periodontal ligament of the same donors and used on the fourth passage. After confluence in 24-well plates, the culture medium alone (control) or with 0.1 to 10 mu g/ml of LPS from P. gingivalis was added to the wells, and after 1, 6, and 24 hours, the supernatant and the cells were collected and analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. Results: MIP-1 alpha, SDF-1, and IL-6 protein production was significantly greater in gingival fibroblasts compared to periodontal ligament fibroblasts. IL-6 was upregulated in a time-dependent manner, mainly in gingival fibroblasts (P<0.05), which secreted more MIP-1 alpha in the lowest concentration of LPS used (0.1 mu g/ml). In contrast, a basal production of SDF-1 that was inhibited with the increase of LPS concentration was detected, especially after 24 hours (P<0.05). Conclusion: The distinct ability of the gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts to secrete MIP-1 alpha, SDF-1, and IL-6 emphasizes that these cells may differently contribute to the balance of cytokines in the LPS-challenged periodontium. J Periodontol 2010;81:310-317.


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Angiotensin II (Ang II) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of renal diseases. The objective of the present study was to investigate the possible inflammatory effect of Ang II on glomerular endothelial cells and the underlying mechanism. We isolated and characterized primary cultures of rat glomerular endothelial cells (GECs) and observed that Ang II induced the synthesis of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in GECs as demonstrated by Western blot. Ang II stimulation, at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 µm, of rat GECs induced a rapid increase in the generation of reactive oxygen species as indicated by laser fluoroscopy. The level of p47phox protein, an NAD(P)H oxidase subunit, was also increased by Ang II treatment. These effects of Ang II on GECs were all reduced by diphenyleneiodonium (1.0 µm), an NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor. Ang II stimulation also promoted the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB). Telmisartan (1.0 µm), an AT1 receptor blocker, blocked all the effects of Ang II on rat GECs. These data suggest that the inhibition of NAD(P)H oxidase-dependent NF-κB signaling reduces the increase in MCP-1 production by GECs induced by Ang II. This may provide a mechanistic basis for the benefits of selective AT1 blockade in dealing with chronic renal disease.


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A new measurement of the B-11(p,alpha(0))Be-8 has been performed applying the Trojan horse method (THM) to the H-2(B-11,alpha Be-8(0))n quasi-free reaction induced at a laboratory energy of 27 MeV. The astrophysical S(E) factor has been extracted from similar to 600 keV down to zero energy by means of an improved data analysis technique and it has been compared with direct data available in the literature. The range investigated here overlaps with the energy region of the light element LiBeB stellar burning and with that of future aneutronic fusion power plants using the B-11+p fuel cycle. The new investigation described here confirms the preliminary results obtained in the recent TH works. The origin of the discrepancy between the direct estimate of the B-11(p,alpha(0))Be-8 S(E)-factor at zero energy and that from a previous THM investigation is quantitatively corroborated. The results obtained here support, within the experimental uncertainties, the low-energy S(E)-factor extrapolation and the value of the electron screening potential deduced from direct measurements.


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The Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL) has been found to have five first-order factors representing Anxiety, Depression, Hostility, Positive Affect, and Sensation Seeking and two second-order factors representing Positive Affect and Sensation Seeking (PASS) and Dysphoria. The present study examines whether these first- and second-order conceptions of affect (based on R-technique factor analysis) can also account for patterns of intraindividual variability in affect (based on P-technique factor analysis) in eight elderly women. Although the hypothesized five-factor model of affect was not testable in all of the present P-technique datasets, the results were consistent with this interindividual model of affect. Moreover, evidence of second-order (PASS and Dysphoria) and third-order (generalized distress) factors was found in one data set. Sufficient convergence in findings between the present P-technique research and prior R-technique research suggests that the MAACL is robust in describing both inter- and intraindividual components of affect in elderly women.


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To evaluate whether complement Factor P (properdin) was present in surgically removed choroidal neovascular membranes of patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and to investigate whether associated pre- and postoperative clinical characteristics can be correlated.