922 resultados para Oxygen Ion Conductivity
Electrical conductivity versus dopant ionic radius studies in zirconia- and ceria-based, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte systems have shown that oxygen-ion conductivity is highest when the host and dopant ions are similar in size [J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 286; Solid State Ionics 37 (1989) 67; Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 547]. Under these conditions, it is thought that the conduction paths within the crystal lattice become less distorted [Solid State Ionics 8 (1983) 201]. In this study, binary ZrO2-M2O3 unit cells were expanded, via the partial substitution of Ce+4 for Zr+4 into the lattice, in an attempt to identify new, ternary, zirconia/ceria-based electrolyte systems with enhanced electrical conductivity. The compositions Zr0.75Ce0.08M0.17O1.92 (M = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) were prepared using traditional solid state techniques. Bulk phase characterisation and precise lattice parameter measurements were performed with X-ray diffraction techniques. Four-probe DC conductivity measurements between 400 and 900 degreesC showed that the dopant-ion radius influenced electrical conductivity. The conductivity versus dopant-ion radius trends previously observed in zirconia-based, binary systems are clearly apparent in the ternary systems investigated in this study. The addition of ceria was found to have a negative influence on the electrical conductivity over the temperature range 400-900 degreesC. It is suggested that distortion of the oxygen-ion conduction path by the presence of the larger M+3 and Ce+4 species (relative to Zr+4) is the reason for the decreasing electrical conductivity as a function of increasing dopant size and ceria addition, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of controlled In3+ substitution on to the B-site in the perovskite oxygen ion conductor La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 (LSGM) has been examined with a view to exploring the influence on oxygen ion conductivity. In combination with the electrical conductivity study, detailed microstructural analysis was used to verify the location of the substituting cation and to determine the nature of secondary phase formation. The indium species clearly substituted for Ga3+ on the B-site of the lattice and the electrical conductivity showed a gradual decrease as the In+3 content increased. The interpretation of this data was complicated by the formation of the secondary phases LaInO3 and LaSrGaO4. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The compound Zr0.75Ce0.08Nd0.17O1.92 was investigated as part of a much larger electrical conductivity/microstructure study of the systems ZrO2-CeO2-M2O3 (where M=Nd, Sm, ..., Yb) [Solid State Ionics (2002)]. Electrical conductivity measurements performed in air at 800 degreesC showed significant conductivity degradation over a period of 200 h. Investigation of the annealed and as-fired specimens by ATEM revealed the presence of an emerging, ordered pyrochlore-type phase within the Zr0.75Ce0.08Nd0.17O1.92 defect-fluorite solid solution at much lower dopant levels than observed previously for zirconia binary systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Co-sintering aid has been added to Ce1.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) by treating a commercial powder with Co(NO3)(2) (COCGO), X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of lattice parameter indicated that the Co was located on the CGO particle surface after calcination at 650 degreesC. After heat treatment at temperatures above 650 degreesC, the room temperature lattice parameter of CGO was found to increase, indicating redistribution of the Gd. Compared to CGO, the lattice parameter of CGO + 2 cation% Co (2CoCGO) was lower for a given temperature (650-1100 degreesC), A.C. impedance revealed that the lattice conductivity of 2CoCGO was enhanced when densified at lower temperatures, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that, even after sintering for 4 h at 980 degreesC, most of the Co was located at grain boundaries. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
A microstructural analysis of silicon-on-insulator samples obtained by high dose oxygen ion implantation was performed by Raman scattering. The samples analyzed were obtained under different conditions thus leading to different concentrations of defects in the top Si layer. The samples were implanted with the surface covered with SiO2 capping layers of different thicknesses. The spectra measured from the as-implanted samples were fitted to a correlation length model taking into account the possible presence of stress effects in the spectra. This allowed quantification of both disorder effects, which are determined by structural defects, and residual stress in the top Si layer before annealing. These data were correlated to the density of dislocations remaining in the layer after annealing. The analysis performed corroborates the existence of two mechanisms that generate defects in the top Si layer that are related to surface conditions during implantation and the proximity of the top Si/buried oxide layer interface to the surface before annealing.
Iridium nanoparticles deposited on a variety of surfaces exhibited thermal sintering characteristics that were very strongly correlated with the lability of lattice oxygen in the supporting oxide materials. Specifically, the higher the lability of oxygen ions in the support, the greater the resistance of the nanoparticles to sintering in an oxidative environment. Thus with γ-Al2O3 as the support, rapid and extensive sintering occurred. In striking contrast, when supported on gadolinia-ceria and alumina-ceria-zirconia composite, the Ir nanoparticles underwent negligible sintering. In keeping with this trend, the behavior found with yttria-stabilized zirconia was an intermediate between the two extremes. This resistance, or lack of resistance, to sintering is considered in terms of oxygen spillover from support to nanoparticles and discussed with respect to the alternative mechanisms of Ostwald ripening versus nanoparticle diffusion. Activity towards the decomposition of N2O, a reaction that displays pronounced sensitivity to catalyst particle size (large particles more active than small particles), was used to confirm that catalytic behavior was consistent with the independently measured sintering characteristics. It was found that the nanoparticle active phase was Ir oxide, which is metallic, possibly present as a capping layer. Moreover, observed turnover frequencies indicated that catalyst-support interactions were important in the cases of the sinter-resistant systems, an effect that may itself be linked to the phenomena that gave rise to materials with a strong resistance to nanoparticle sintering.
Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is a well-known lead-free piezoelectric material with potential to replace lead zirconate titanate (PZT),1 however high leakage conductivity for the material has been widely reported.2 Through a combination of Impedance Spectroscopy (IS), O2- ion transference (EMF) number experiments and O18 tracer diffusion measurements, combined with Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOFSIMS), it was identified that this leakage conductivity was due to oxygen ion conductivity. The volatilization of bismuth during synthesis, causing oxygen vacancies, is believed to be responsible for the leakage conductivity.3 The oxide-ion conductivity, when doped with magnesium, exceeds that of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) at ~500 °C,3 making it a potential electrolyte material for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Cells (ITSOCs). Figure 1 shows the comparison of bulk oxide ion conductivity between 2 at.% Mg-doped NBT and other known oxide ion conductors.
As part of the UK wide £5.7m 4CU project, research has concentrated on trying to develop NBT for use in Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Cells (ITSOCS). With the aim of achieving mixed ionic and electronic conduction, transition metals were chemically doped on to the Ti-site. A range of experimental techniques was used to characterize the materials aimed at investigating both conductivity and material structure (Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), IS, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)). The potential for NBT as an ITSOC material, as well as the challenges of developing the material, will be discussed.
(1) Takenaka T. et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys 1999, 30, 2236.
(2) Hiruma Y. et al. J. Appl. Phys 2009, 105, 084112.
(3) Li. M. et al. Nature Materials 2013, 13, 31.
Y2O3 is a c-type rare earth oxide with a fluorite-related structure. This material has been used to refractory because of its high thermal stability and excellent resistance to hydration. In this study, the effective index was suggested in order to improve the electrolytic properties of Y2O3-based oxide. (CexY1-x)(2)O3+delta (x = 0.25 and 0.3) and [LaaSrbCe0.25Y(1-a-b)](2)O3+delta (a = 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15, b = 0, 0.006 and 0.0125) were prepared as the examples with intermediate and high index, respectively. The specimens with high index value such as (La0.15Ce0.25Y0.60)(2)O-3.25 and (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.24 consisted of two phases such as c-type and fluorite, although (Ce0.25Y0.75)(2)O-3.25 with intermediate index value had a single phase of c-type rare earth oxide. Microanalysis indicates that a grain in the (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.23(7) sintered body consists of c-type and fluorite phases. An interface between c-type and fluorite phases is coherent in a grain. This suggests that this effective index guides the crystal structure in the specimen to fluorite and the examined composition introduces the interface between c-type and fluorite in the microstructure. The electrochemical properties of specimens including Y2O3 were characterized on the basis of the suggested index. The electrical conductivity of Y2O3-based materials increased with an increase of the index. The apparent activation energy of Y2O3-based materials decreased with increasing index. The ionic transport number of oxygen of the specimens was improved by enhancement of the index, confirming validity of the index. The oxide ionic conductive region of (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.(6375))(2)O-3.23(7) with high effective index extended up to P-O2 = 10(-18) atm at 800 degreesC, although the specimens with low or intermediate index showed p- or n-type semi-conduction in the same P-O2 region at 800 and 1000 degreesC. These results suggest that the interface between c-type and fluorite phases also contributes to improve the electrolytic properties in the grain. It is concluded that the improvement of electrolytic properties in Y2O3-based materials is attributable to the microstructure with interface between two phases in a grain and the fluorite structure guided by the suggested index. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Size effects on phase stability and phase transitions in technologically relevant materials have received growing attention. Several works reported that metastable phases can be retained at room temperature in nanomaterials, these phases generally corresponding to the high-temperature polymorph of the same material in bulk state. Additionally, size-dependent shifts in solubility limits and/or in the transition temperatures for on heating or on cooling cycles have been observed. ZrO2-Sc2O3 (zirconia-scandia) solid solutions are known to exhibit very high oxygen ion conductivity provided their structure is composed of cubic and/or pseudocubic tetragonal phases. Unfortunately, for solid zirconia-scandia polycrystalline samples with typical micrometrical average crystal sizes, the high-conductivity cubic phase is only stable above 600°C. Depending on composition, three low-conductivity rhombo-hedral phases (β, γ and δ) are stable below 600°C down to room temperature, within the compositional range of interest for SOFCs. In previous investigations, we showed that the rhombohedral phases can be avoided in nanopowders with average crystallite size lower than 35 nm.
In recent years, nanoscience and nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most important and exciting frontier areas of research interest in almost all fields of science and technology. This technology provides the path of many breakthrough changes in the near future in many areas of advanced technological applications. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary area of research and development. The advent of nanotechnology in the modern times and the beginning of its systematic study can be thought of to have begun with a lecture by the famous physicist Richard Feynman. In 1960 he presented a visionary and prophetic lecture at the meeting of the American Physical Society entitled “there is plenty of room at the bottom” where he speculated on the possibility and potential of nanosized materials. Synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures are the essential aspects of nanotechnology. Studies on new physical properties and applications of nanomaterials are possible only when materials are made available with desired size, morphology, crystal structure and chemical composition. Cerium oxide (ceria) is one of the important functional materials with high mechanical strength, thermal stability, excellent optical properties, appreciable oxygen ion conductivity and oxygen storage capacity. Ceria finds a variety of applications in mechanical polishing of microelectronic devices, as catalysts for three-way automatic exhaust systems and as additives in ceramics and phosphors. The doped ceria usually has enhanced catalytic and electrical properties, which depend on a series of factors such as the particle size, the structural characteristics, morphology etc. Ceria based solid solutions have been widely identified as promising electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The success of many promising device technologies depends on the suitable powder synthesis techniques. The challenge for introducing new nanopowder synthesis techniques is to preserve high material quality while attaining the desired composition. The method adopted should give reproducible powder properties, high yield and must be time and energy effective. The use of a variety of new materials in many technological applications has been realized through the use of thin films of these materials. Thus the development of any new material will have good application potential if it can be deposited in thin film form with the same properties. The advantageous properties of thin films include the possibility of tailoring the properties according to film thickness, small mass of the materials involved and high surface to volume ratio. The synthesis of polymer nanocomposites is an integral aspect of polymer nanotechnology. By inserting the nanometric inorganic compounds, the properties of polymers can be improved and this has a lot of applications depending upon the inorganic filler material present in the polymer.
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology has the potential to be a significant player in our future energy technology repertoire based on its ability to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Infiltrated SOFCs, in particular, have demonstrated improved performance and at lower cost than traditional SOFCs. An infiltrated electrode comprises porous ceramic scaffolding (typically constructed from the oxygen ion conducting material) that is infiltrated with electron conducting and catalytic particles. Two important SOFC electrode properties are effective conductivity and three phase boundary density (TPB). Researchers study these electrode properties separately, and fail to recognize them as competing properties. This thesis aims to (1) develop a method to model the TPB density and use it to determine the effect of porosity, scaffolding particle size, and pore former size on TPB density as well as to (2) compare the effect of porosity, scaffolding particle size, and pore former size on TPB density and effective conductivity to determine a desired set of parameters for infiltrated SOFC electrode performance. A computational model was used to study the effect of microstructure parameters on the effective conductivity and TPB density of the infiltrated SOFC electrode. From this study, effective conductivity and TPB density are determined to be competing properties of SOFC electrodes. Increased porosity, scaffolding particle size, and pore former particle size increase the effective conductivity for a given infiltrate loading above percolation threshold. Increased scaffolding particle size and pore former size ratio, however, decreases the TPB density. The maximum TPB density is achievable between porosities of 45% and 60%. The effect of microstructure parameters are more prominent at low loading with scaffolding particle size being the most significant factor and pore former size ratio being the least significant factor.
Composite solid electrolytes were prepared by thoroughly mixing ZrO2:8 mol% MgO (Z8Mg) and ZrO(2):3 mol% Y(2)O(3) (Z3Y) ceramic powders followed by pressing and sintering at 1500 degrees C/1 h. The properties of the sintered pellets were studied by X-ray diffraction for evaluation of the structural phases by the Rietveld method, by high-temperature dilatometry for analysis of the thermal shrinkage/expansion behavior, and by impedance spectroscopy for determination of the oxide ion conductivity. The x(Z8Mg)+(1-x)(Z3Y) specimens, x= 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, are partially stabilized (monoclinic, cubic and tetragonal phases) with density >94% of the theoretical density and show thermal shock resistance and electrical conductivity values suitable for high-temperature oxygen gas detection. One-end closed tube samples of the composite solid electrolytes were assembled in Pt/Z8Mg+Z3Y/Cr+Cr(2)O(3)/Pt electrochemical cells for exposure to different levels of oxygen in the 1-850 ppm range. The total electrical conductivity increases for increasing the relative Z3Y content. Addition of Z3Y to Z8Mg (80 wt.%-20 wt.%) suppresses the electronic contribution to the electrical conductivity at 620 degrees C. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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