995 resultados para Over-exploitation
In southeastern Brazil, slipper lobsters (Scyllarides deceptor and S. brasiliensis) are caught by fleets trawling for pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis and F. paulensis) and pots-and-traps fishing for octopuses (Octopus vulgaris). Eight hundred fifty-six landings of shrimp trawlers and 28 of the octopus fleet were monitored in the Santos region from May 2006 to April 2007. Additional analysis was performed using a database covering the period from 1999 onwards. This study seeks to identify the recent patterns of exploitation of these lobsters with the goal of improving the way towards fishery sustainability. Scyllarides deceptor was the dominant lobster species with 1032 specimens collected, while only three specimens of S. brasiliensis were identified. The area known as the `Farol do Boi` (23 degrees 01`S, 45 degrees 00`W to 25 degrees 00`S, 45 degrees 40`W at 60-135 m deep) showed the highest Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE). A General Linearized Model (GLM) was used to investigate the factors influencing variations in CPUE in trawl fleets and led to the conclusion that year, month and depth were the most important factors. We detected a significant decrease in the relative abundance of lobsters in the fishing zone despite relatively low fishing effort. Recommendations to protect the lobster resources include taking special precautions in the natural refuge area of the `Farol do Boi`, as an exclusion zone for trawl fleets, and controlling the use of traps longlines to catch octopuses. Concerns about depensatory processes due to the over-exploitation of lobster populations around the world are raised. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The major dangers facing the resources of the Great Lakes of Africa include over exploitation, falling species diversity, accumulating pollution, and a probable decline in fishery productivity. These dangers may be viewed as accentuated by: i) Inadequate scientific knowledge on the exploited resources ii) Reluctance to apply even the limited scientific information available, by fishery administrators iii) Constant increase in the demand for fish and other aquatic resources. iv) Lack of commitment to active collaboration and co-operation by riparian states regarding development and management of the shared resources. This paper discusses the above factors in relation to the dangerous trends facing the resources of the Great Lakes of Africa. The discussion is intended to contribute to the promotion of rational and sustainable utilisation of the aquatic resources of these lakes.
O presente trabalho busca através do estudo da modernização da agricultura, com foco no período de 1965-2012, compreender o papel do Estado na formulação de políticas agrícolas que conduz o desenvolvimento do modo de produção capitalista na agricultura. Utiliza-se como fonte de pesquisa dados secundários de agências governamentais, supranacionais e autores com tradição no estudo do tema, a fim de dissertar sobre as particularidades do desenvolvimento do capitalismo na agricultura em um país de economia dependente e subdesenvolvido. Para isso, faz-se necessário compreender o controle exercido pelo capital internacional sobre os elos estratégicos da economia, a perpetuação da segregação social e a superexploração do trabalho como base da sociedade nacional. Conclui-se que o Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF), política agrícola que surge em meados da década de 1990, criado para pequenos produtores, vem promovendo feitos similares à política agrícola formulada pelo Estado no período do regime militar que ficou classificado como modernização conservadora. Nesta direção, o PRONAF apresenta como estratégia o esforço de enquadrar agricultores familiares nos paradigmas da eficiência produtiva, que acaba resultando entre aqueles aptos (competitivos) e não aptos para a sobrevivência no mercado
Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, Lauraceae) is an Amazonian evergreen tree and a source of the purest linalool, the main component of its essential oil, which is very valuable in the international perfumery market. After decades of over-exploitation it is currently considered as threatened. We evaluated the genetic diversity and its distribution in four populations in Central Amazonia. Thirty-five reliable RAPD markers were generated, of which 32 were polymorphic (91.4%). Variation was higher within the populations (76.5%; p < 0.0001) and geographic distribution contributed to population differentiation (23.4%; p < 0.0001). The Amazon River had a small influence on gene flow (3.3%; p < 0.0001), but we identified evidence of gene flow across the river. There were significant differences in marker frequencies (p < 0.05), in agreement with the low gene flow (Nm = 2.02). The correlation between genetic distance and gene flow was - 0.95 (p = 0.06) and between geographic distance and gene flow was -0.78 (p = 0.12). There was a geographic cline of variability across an East-West axis, influenced as well by the Amazon River, suggesting the river could be a barrier to gene flow. Although threatened, these Rosewood populations retain high diversity, with the highest levels in the Manaus population, which has been protected for over 42 years in a Reserve.
A extracção clandestina de areia, nas faixas costeiras e nos leitos das ribeiras, tem sido prática de muitos agregados familiares cabo-verdianos. Nas últimas décadas, a praia de Calhetona (Ilha de Santiago) foi um dos muitos locais que sofreram degradação ambiental significativa, devido à realização desta actividade sem quaisquer planos de extracção e de posterior recuperação das áreas degradadas. Este trabalho, através da conjugação de recolha de dados por inquérito, observação directa e pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, teve como objectivos a caracterização da comunidade (que habita no bairro de Ponta Calhetona) que se dedica à extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, a descrição da dinâmica da actividade extractiva, a avaliação da percepção que a comunidade tem relativamente às consequências da sua actividade e a descrição do impacte ambiental resultante da extracção de areia. Da análise dos inquéritos, efectuados em Fevereiro de 2012, a 25 chefes de agregados familiares que efectuam a extracção de areia na praia de Calhetona, constata-se que estes são maioritariamente mulheres, predominantemente com idade compreendida entre os 40 e os 59 anos, domésticas, com baixa escolaridade, com famílias numerosas e/ou alargadas a seu cargo e dedicando-se à extração de areia à mais de 10 anos. Os inquiridos, face à situação de vulnerabilidade económica, à falta de emprego e à grande procura de areia para a construção civil, vêem nesta actividade uma fonte de rendimento. Contudo, o proveito obtido desta actividade difícil e potencialmente perigosa é reduzido. Quem efectivamente beneficia são os camionistas que compram a areia a quem procede à extracção e a vendem ao consumidor final pelo dobro do preço. Os inquiridos demonstram uma consciência generalizada dos diversos impactes ambientais negativos resultantes da sua actividade, mas alegam que a extracção de areia é uma das poucas alternativas existentes para providenciar o sustento dos seus agregados familiares. Com base na comparação do estado actual da praia de Calhetona com relatos de habitantes locais, relativos às características da mesma no passado, verifica-se que nos últimos 40-50 anos, desde que se iniciou a intensa extracção de areia nesta praia, o seu aspecto físico se degradou claramente. Essa degradação caracteriza-se principalmente pelo recuo da linha de costa, pela quase ausência de areia e pela salinização dos solos localizados nas proximidades da praia, para além dos consequentes impactes negativos sobre a desova das tartarugas e o turismo balnear.
Mutualism often involves reciprocal exploitation due to individual selection for increased benefits even at the expense of the partner. Therefore, stability and outcomes of such interactions crucially depend on cost limitation mechanisms. In the plant, pollinator /seed predator interaction between Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and Hadena bicruris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), moths generate pollination benefits as adults but impose seed predation costs as larvae. We examined whether floral morphology limits over-exploitation by constraining oviposition site. Oviposition site varies naturally inside vs. outside the corolla tube, but neither its determinants nor its effect on the interaction have been investigated. In a common garden with plants originating from eight populations, corolla tube length predicted oviposition site, but not egg presence or pollination efficiency, suggesting that long corolla tubes constrain the moth to lay eggs on petals. Egg position was also predicted by the combined effect of corolla tube and moth ovipositor lengths, with shorter ovipositor than corolla tube resulting in higher probability for eggs outside. Egg position on a given plant was repeatable over different exposure nights. When egg position was experimentally manipulated, eggs placed on the petal resulted in significantly fewer successful fruit attacks compared with eggs placed inside the corolla tube, suggesting differences in egg/larval mortality. Egg position also differently affected larval mass, fruit mass and fruit development. Our results indicate that constraining oviposition site through a long corolla tube reduces seed predation costs suffered by the plant without negatively affecting pollination efficiency and, hence may act to limit over-exploitation. However, the net effects of corolla tube depth variation on this interaction may fluctuate with extrinsic factors affecting egg mortality, and with patterns of gene flow affecting trait matching between the interacting species. The intermediate fitness costs incurred by both plant and insect associated with the different egg positions may reduce selective pressures for this interaction to evolve towards antagonism, favouring instead a mutualistic outcome. While a role for oviposition site variation in cost limitation is a novel finding in this system, it may apply more generally also to other mutualisms involving pollinating seed predators.
Springs are outcrops of aquifers surface, and the water cycle in this environment pass through the recharge, generally defined as the amount of water added to the aquifer, which may occur locally from rainwater infiltration. This study uses the Water Table Fluctuation (WTF) method to estimate the direct recharge and a groundwater balance to estimate the deep recharge on unconfined aquifers. The WTF method employs data of the aquifer water levels and its specific yield to estimate the direct recharge. The groundwater balance considers the direct recharge estimated by the WTF method, as the water input in the system and outputs as the base flow and deep recharge. The recharge was estimated at four areas at the watershed of Alto Rio Grande city, Minas Gerais (MG) state, in Brazil. The direct recharge estimate was 121.11; 64.62; 83.99; 152.46 (mm/year) for the L1, L2, M1 and M2 areas. The effect of the presence of forest in the recharge area can prevail over slope of relief, allowing more direct recharge, even in sources with steeper relief. The runoff from the springs in the study period exceeded the direct recharge, indicating a situation in which the saturated zone feeds the vadose zone. The annual flow was above the direct recharge pointing a situation of over exploitation of the aquifer, a non sustainable situation. The specific yield of the aquifers could also have been underestimated.
The present study on the sustainability of medicinal plants in Kerala economic considerations in domestication and conservation of forest resources. There is worldwide consensus on the fact that medicinal plants are important not only in the local health support systems but in rural income and foreign exchange earnings. Sustainability of medicinal plants is important for the survival of forest dwellers, the forest ecosystem, conserving a heritage of human knowledge and overall development through linkages. More equitable sharing of the benefits from commercial utilization of the medicinal plants was found essential for the sustainability of the plants. Cultivation is very crucial for the sustainability of the sector. Through a direct tie-up with the industry, the societies can earn more income and repatriate better collection charges to its members. Cultivation should be carried out in wastelands, tiger reserves and in plantation forests. In short, the various players in the in the sector could find solution to their specific problems through co-operation and networking among them. They should rely on self-help rather than urging the government to take care of their needs. As far as the government is concerned, the forest department through checking over- exploitation of wild plants and the Agriculture Dept. through encouraging cultivation could contribute to the sustainable development of the medicinal plant sector.
The present study focuses on the biochemical aspects of six islands belonging to Lakshadweep Archipelago – namely Kavaratti, Kadamath, Kiltan, Androth, Agathy and Minicoy. Lakshadweep, which is an area biologically significant due to isolation from the major coastline, remains as one of the least studied areas in Indian Ocean. The work, processed out the distributional pattern of trace metals among the biotic (corols, sea weeds and sea grass) and abiotic component (sediments) of ecosystem. An effort is made to picturise the spatial distribution pattern of different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the various sedimentary environments of the study area. Studies on the biogeochemical and nutrient aspects of the concerned study area scanty. In Lakshadweep, the local life is very dependent on reefs and its resources. The important stress which produce a threatening effort on the existence for coral reefs are anthropogenic-namely-organic and inorganic pollution from sewage, agricultural and industrial waters, sediment damage from excessive land cleaning, and over exploitation particularly through destructive fishing methods. In addition these one other more localized or less service anthropogenic stress: pollution by oil and other hydrocarbons, complex organic molecular and heavy metal pollution, and destructive engineering practices.
The present study Molecular genetic characterization of endemic yellow catfish ,generated an important information on the genetic variation and stock structure of the endangered yellow catfish(Horabagrus brachysoma) endemic to the western Ghats. Three genetically discrete stocks of the species have been identified for the first time using allozymes, RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and microsatelite markers and it is a significant step towards realizing the goal of management of fishery and conservation of the yellow catfish populations in the rivers of the Western Ghats region. In conclusion genetic markers were found to be powerful tools to analyze the population genetic structure of the yellow catfish. Geographic isolation by land distance,inbreading as a result of over-exploitation etc are some reasons for the genetic differenciation between the pairs and deficiency of hetrozygosity revealed by the two co dominant markers, allozyme, and microsatelites.the study emphasizes the need for stock-wise, propagation assisted-rehabilitation of the natural populations yellow catfish
The tiniest Union territory of India, Lakshadweep, is an archipelago, with an area of 32 Sq. km. consisting of 12 atolls, three reefs and five submerged banks, lies between 8° and 12°30'N latitudes and 71° and 74" E longitudes. It is one of the most important and critical territories of India from economic and defence point of view. Specialised environment having typical geological set up, Lakshadweep is ecologically sensitive to even slight climatic or anthropogenic interference. Pollution of coastal seas, over exploitation and contamination of the fresh water sources are thus become great concerns to the existence of the island. Typical geological set up and interference cause threat to the ecology of the fragile environment and resources of the island as well as its resources. Marine pollution and ground water contamination are concerns in this regard. Even though attentions were made to assess the physico—chemical and bacteriological status of the marine and groundwater systems separately, an integrated approach has not been evolved. The present study with its broad objectives is attempted for an integrated assessment of microbiological, physicochemical and biological characteristics of the surrounding seawater and microbiological and physico—chemical characteristics of the ground water in Kavaratti island. The entire study has been organised in 4 chapters
‘Biochemical genetics of selected commercially important penaeid prawns‘ dloted was carried out by collecting samples from different important fishing ceatres of India and the practical work was carried out in the Research Centre of CMFRI laboratories attached with those places. On the whole, in crustacea little importance has been given so far in finding out tin genetic characteristics of different species, genetic variation within and between species and ontogenetic variations in lobsters, prawns and other crustaceans. Prawn is caunercially important group where very little attention had been given so far to find out the racial divergence which may exist in cufferent species. with the increased foreign exchange earning and consequent indiscriminate over exploitation of existing resources of prawns resulting in depletion of the marine rescurces, alternative ways and augmenting production has become essential. In this connection genetic manipulation of the broodstock will surely bring about the heterogenous characters to multiply production. In order to understand racial fragmentation of sane of the coumercially important prawns such as Pengeus ggdicus and Parggenagsis sgliferg the isozyme studies were carried out. Qatogenetic variation of g. indicus showed stage specific electrophoretic variation. Inter species variation studies was carried out for the closely aligned Penaeus species
The present study deals with the different hydrogeological characteristics of the coastal region of central Kerala and a comparative analysis with corresponding hard rock terrain. The coastal regions lie in areas where the aquifer systems discharge groundwater ultimately into the sea. Groundwater development in such regions will require a precise understanding of the complex mechanism of the saline and fresh water relationship, so that the withdrawals are so regulated as to avoid situations leading to upcoming of the saline groundwater bodies as also to prevent migration of sea water ingress further inland. Coastal tracts of Kerala are formed by several drainage systems. Thick pile of semi-consolidated and consolidated sediments from Tertiary to Recent age underlies it. These sediments comprise phreatic and confined aquifer systems. The corresponding hard rock terrain is encountered with laterites and underlined by the Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Supply of water from hard rock terrain is rather limited. This may be due to the small pore size, low degree of interconnectivity and low extent of weathering of the country rocks. The groundwater storage is mostly controlled by the thickness and hydrological properties of the weathered zone and the aquifer geometry. The over exploitation of groundwater, beyond the ‘safe yield’ limit, cause undesirable effects like continuous reduction in groundwater levels, reduction in river flows, reduction in wetland surface, degradation of groundwater quality and many other environmental problems like drought, famine etc.
Globally most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of optimum exploitation or even over-exploitation; efficient utilization of non-conventional resources is necessary to meet the supply-demand gap for protein supply. Mesopelagic fishes can be considered as one such promising resource for the future, if appropriate harvest and post-harvest technologies are developed. Increasing human population and increasing demand for cheaper food fishes has made myctophids a possible potential resource for future exploitation and utilization. Earlier studies indicated the abundance of Diaphus spp. in the eastern and northeastern Arabian Sea. The present study also indicates the dominance of Diaphus spp. in the deep sea trawling grounds of south west coast of India. Commercial viability of the myctophid fishing in the Indian waters has to be worked out. The present catch estimation is based on the Stratified Random Sampling Method from the landing data. As the coverage of sampling area was limited and the gear efficiency was not standardized, the data generated are not precise. A counter check for the estimates is also not possible due to the absence of comparable works in the study area. Fish biomass estimation by acoustics survey coupled with direct fishing would only confirm the accuracy of estimates. Exploratory surveys for new fishing areas to be continued, for gathering the distribution, abundance, biological and ecological data and map the potential fishing ground on a GIS platform and the data should be provided to the commercial entrepreneurs. Generally non-conventional and non-targeted resources are under low fishing pressure and exploitation rates. Low values of fishing mortality and exploitation rates indicate that removal from the stock by fishing was only nominal from the present fishing grounds. The results indicate that the stock is almost at virgin state and remains grossly underexploited. Since the extent of distribution and abundance of the stock in the ecosystem remains to be ascertained, sustainable yield could not be estimated. Also the impact of myctophids harvest, on other commercially important fishes, has to be studied.