949 resultados para Outskirts Cultural Production


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A quantitative and qualitative review of the cultural industries in Manchester at the end of the 1990s


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Summary of the larger report of the same name


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This paper focuses on a case study of local postcard production in a rural community in Western Australia. Drawing on in-depth interviews with key producers of these postcards, the analysis presented explores perceptions of and contexts for the emergence of this production, in turn examining the notion of ‘creativity’ articulated and privileged by this cultural work. Connections are identified between the making of postcards, the broader historical field of local cultural work and the construction of community. This, in turn, forms the basis for consideration of the role and relativity of ‘marginality’.


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A Sociedade Musical e Artística Lira de Ouro, que existe há 57 anos na cidade de Duque de Caxias RJ, é trazida para estudo, como um exemplo dos movimentos culturais que ganham força nas periferias do Brasil nesses tempos, e despontam como espaços onde se afirmam as diferenças e singularidade de seus integrantes e dos coletivos que constituem. Após dois anos de pesquisa, algumas das características estruturais da Lira são apontadas como diferenciais responsáveis pelos anos que a sociedade (r)existe ao contexto periférico em que se encontra, atuando como importante linha de fuga de produção cultural e espaço de vida social. Essas características são analisadas e é sugerida uma aproximação da Lira de Ouro com os movimentos que Félix Guattari chama de Revolução Molecular.


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The appearance of the open code paradigm and the demands of social movements have permeated the ways in which today’s cultural institutions are organized. This article analyzes the birth of a new critical and cooperative spatiality and how it is transforming current modes of cultural research and production. It centers on the potential for establishing the new means of cooperation that are being tested in what are defined as collaborative artistic laboratories. These are hybrid spaces of research and creation based on networked and cooperative structures producing a new societal-technical body that forces us to reconsider the traditional organic conditions of the productive scenarios of knowledge and artistic practice.


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“Else-where”: Essays in Art, Architecture, and Cultural Production 2002–2011 is a synoptic survey of the representational values given to art, architecture, and cultural production at the closing of the twentieth century and the opening of the twenty-first. Written primarily as a critique of what is suppressed in architecture and what is disclosed in art, the essays are informed by the passage out of post-structuralism and its disciplinary analogues toward the Real (denoted over the course of the studies as the “Real-Irreal,” or “Else-where”). The essays collected in “Else-where” cross various disciplines (inclusive of landscape architecture, architecture, and visual art) to develop a nuanced critique of a renascent formal regard and elective exit from nihilism in art and architecture that is also an invocation of the highest coordinates given to the arts – that is, formal ontology as speculative intelligence itself, or the return of the universal as utopian thought “here-and-now.”


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The already considerable debate about what constitutes a 'creative' city becomes ever more critical as the world urbanizes at a rapid pace. In this chapter the author argues that the key tensions in discussions over what makes cities more conducive to and supportive of creativity revolve around perspectives that are either production-centric or consumption-centric. Scholars are increasing prepared to claim priority for the city-region over the nation-state as an economic and cultural agent in the contemporary world, but are they ready to deal with major changes in the nature of cultural production and consumption themselves? A number of examples of new challenges for the creative cities 'discourse' rounds out the chapter.


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Web 2.0 technologies have mobilised collaborative peer production and participatory cultures for online content creation. However, not all online communities engaging in these activities are independently facilitated and often operate within the auspices of the cultural institutions that develop and resource them. Borrowing from the principles of Wikipedia that supports collaborative online content creation and online community, ABC Pool (abc.net.au/pool) is one such institutional online community operating with the support of the Australian Public Service Broadcaster (PSB), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). This paper explores the collaborative, creative, and governance activities of an institutional online community and how the role of the community manager is an intermediary within these arrangements.


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O que é feito ou o que acontece com um grupo que se forma na juventude? Muitos podem ser os caminhos tomados, escolhas poderão ser feitas. Muitas dessas escolhas podem estar relacionadas à forma como esses grupos desenvolveram suas produções culturais e quais foram as relações extragrupo que fizeram parte de sua trajetória. Os grupos de jovens das periferias e favelas que produzem cultura se constituem de maneiras bem heterogêneas, há várias formas e caminhos de se fazer parte de um grupo cultural. A presente dissertação investiga, especificamente, como um grupo de jovens moradores de favelas se organiza e produz cultura sem apoio institucional. De que modo as suas produções têm algo de novo, um outro olhar com relação à produção cultural vigente? A partir do conceito de função fraterna, discutido por um grupo de psicanalistas coordenado por Maria Rita Kehl, pretendo investigar como essa organização horizontal se constitui na busca de um local de pertencimento. Com caráter interdisciplinar, essa pesquisa propõe também um laço fraterno ou na horizontalidade, entre Psicanálise, Educação e Ciências Sociais.


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This paper examines the changing production ecology of British pre-school television in light of developments since the mid-1990s and the specific role played by the BBC. Underpinning the research is the perception that pre-school television is characterised by a complex set of industry relationships and dependencies that demands content which needs to satisfy a wide range of international circumstances and commercial prerogatives. For the BBC this has created tension between its public service goals and commercial priorities. Pre-school programming began in Britain in 1950, but it was not until the mid-1990s that Britain emerged as a leading producer of pre-school programming worldwide with government/industry reports regularly identifying the children’s production sector as an important contributor to exports. The rise of pre-school niche channels (CBeebies, Nick Junior, Playhouse Disney), audience fragmentation and the internationalisation and commercialisation of markets have radically altered the funding base of children’s television and the relationships that the BBC enjoys with key players. The international success of much of its pre-school programming is based on the relationships it enjoys with independent producers who generate significant revenues from programme-related consumer products. This paper focuses on the complex and changing relationships between the BBC, independent producers, and financiers, that constitute the production ecology of pre-school television and shape its output. Within the broader setting of cultural production and global trends the paper investigates the following questions: 1) In the light of changes to the sector since the mid-1990s, what makes pre-school television significant both generally and as an ideal public service project? 2) What is the nature of the current funding crisis in British children’s television and what implications does this crisis have for the BBC’s involvement in pre-school television? 3) How is the Corporation reacting to and managing the wider commercial, cultural, regulatory and technological forces that are likely to affect its strategies for the commissioning, production and acquisition of pre-school content?


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Ce mémoire est consacré à la production culturelle en contexte de convergence au Québec. Dans le premier chapitre, je démontre comment différents éléments en sont venus à façonner la production culturelle contemporaine québécoise et comment la convergence médiatique est susceptible d’orienter la production et la parution de textes culturels. J'y expose aussi les bases d'une approche de la circulation par le biais de laquelle je propose de construire théoriquement mon objet d'étude. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à la démarche méthodologique qui a présidé ma recherche. J'y présente d'abord le terrain de l'analyse, soit la téléréalité Occupation Double, en tant que phénomène intertextuel dont j'étudie les diverses configurations sur et à travers les principales plates-formes de Quebecor. Je poursuis en décrivant la constitution du corpus de textes à l'étude ainsi que les principaux paramètres d'analyse inspirés de la théorie de la circulation et de la méthode intertextuelle privilégiée. Le troisième chapitre rend compte des résultats d’analyse, présentant deux circuits médiatiques m’ayant permis d’observer les possibilités d’émergence de personnages construits autour des concurrents de la téléréalité Occupation Double. J’initie par la suite une piste de réflexion sur la création de zones d’intimité performées par ces mêmes personnages. En conclusion, je fais un retour sur l’évolution de mes recherches et constats et propose une réflexion sur l’intimité performée et les genres possiblement pressentis pour l’endosser.