952 resultados para Ottimizzazione Stirling radioisotope generator SRG
Nei decenni passati sono stati svolti numerosi studi su sistemi di generazione di potenza elettrica da applicare al settore spaziale, in particolar modo a satelliti e sonde. Ne sono un esempio le analisi riportate dalla Nasa oppure quelle condotte in paesi come il Giappone dall’agenzia spaziale JAXA. Uno dei sistemi spesso utilizzati per generare potenza elettrica si basa sull’applicazione di motori Stirling accoppiati ad un generatore lineare; la differenza di temperatura necessaria per il funzionamento del motore è ottenuta tramite il calore fornito dai radioisotopi di plutonio 238, mentre il raffreddamento del motore avviene mediante scambio termico con l’ambiente esterno.
This paper studies the system modelling and control aspects of switched reluctance generator (SRG) based variable speed wind turbines. A control system is implemented to provide proper operation of the SRG as well as power tracking capabilities for varying wind speeds. The control system for the grid side inverter that will allow the SRG to properly generate power to the system is also presented. Studies are presented of both the SRG and inverter control systems capabilities during a balanced three-phase fault. The paper will demonstrate that the SRG based wind turbine presents a feasible variable wind speed solution with good fault response capabilities.
Studio della ipersostentazione di un velivolo non convenzionale degli anni ‘40, il Vought V-173 Flying Pancake. Per realizzare l’intero lavoro si sono adoperati dei software di fluidodinamica computazionale come Flow Simulation di SolidWorks e il programma JavaFoil, inoltre, si è scelto l’ambiente Matlab di supporto ai calcoli e per rappresentare i risultati ottenuti a seguito delle simulazioni, realizzando script e funzioni per l’approssimazione di questi e la loro successiva raffigurazione grafica. In particolar modo, a partire dal modello tridimensionale in SolidWorks del V-173 si sono ricreate le curve CL-α e CD-α a partire dai punti ottenuti dalle simulazioni per diverse configurazioni del velivolo. In una prima fase si è valutata l’aerodinamica del velivolo ‘pulito’ senza la presenza delle eliche e di ipersostentatori, successivamente si sono seguite due strade diverse per valutare il comportamento del velivolo: nel primo caso si sono eseguiti studi dell’aerodinamica del Pancake in presenza degli ipersostentatori già presenti sul velivolo (i plain flap), proponendo soluzioni alternative per migliorare l’ipersostentazione del V-173 tramite spillamenti (slots) e diverse configurazioni di vortex generator che energizzassero lo strato limite e ottimizzassero le prestazioni del velivolo con particolare attenzione alla fase di atterraggio. In secondo luogo, tenendo in considerazione che il Pancake è un aeroplano bielica, si è voluta studiare l’influenza delle due eliche sulla sua aerodinamica: dopo aver riprodotto nel modo più verosimile entrambe le eliche utilizzando SolidWorks si è fatto uno studio di massima ricavando risultati che potessero indicare la compatibilità tra elica e velivolo a seguito dei risultati sperimentali ottenuti con Flow Simulation.
Stirling engines with parabolic dish for thermal to electric conversion of solar energy is one of the most promising solutions of renewable energy technologies in order to reduce the dependency from fossil fuels in electricity generation. This paper addresses the modelling and simulation of a solar powered Stirling engine system with parabolic dish and electric generator aiming to determine its energy production and efficiency. The model includes the solar radiation concentration system, the heat transfer in the ther- mal receiver, the thermal cycle and the mechanical and electric energy conversion. The thermodynamic and energy transfer processes in the engine are modelled in detail, including all the main processes occur- ring in the compression, expansion and regenerator spaces. Starting from a particular configuration, an optimization of the concentration factor is also carried out and the results for both the transient and steady state regimes are presented. It was found that using a directly illuminated thermal receiver with- out cavity the engine efficiency is close to 23.8% corresponding to a global efficiency of 10.4%. The com- ponents to be optimized are identified in order to increase the global efficiency of the system and the trade-off between system complexity and efficiency is discussed.
Nonlinear filter generators are common components used in the keystream generators for stream ciphers and more recently for authentication mechanisms. They consist of a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and a nonlinear Boolean function to mask the linearity of the LFSR output. Properties of the output of a nonlinear filter are not well studied. Anderson noted that the m-tuple output of a nonlinear filter with consecutive taps to the filter function is unevenly distributed. Current designs use taps which are not consecutive. We examine m-tuple outputs from nonlinear filter generators constructed using various LFSRs and Boolean functions for both consecutive and uneven (full positive difference sets where possible) tap positions. The investigation reveals that in both cases, the m-tuple output is not uniform. However, consecutive tap positions result in a more biased distribution than uneven tap positions, with some m-tuples not occurring at all. These biased distributions indicate a potential flaw that could be exploited for cryptanalysis.
This paper presents a novel topology to generate high voltage with utilization of slow and fast power switches. New concepts used in this topology include numbers of diode-capacitor units in parallel with resonant circuits which are connected to a positive buck-boost converter. The resonant circuit reverses the voltage polarity of the capacitors. This configuration has capability of generating a flexible high voltage with certain number of capacitors. The advantage of this topology is to use slow switches, less number of diodes and capacitors compare to Marx generator. Simulations have been performed to verify the proposed topology.
The configuration proposed in this paper aims to generate high voltage for pulsed power applications. The main idea is to charge two groups of capacitors in parallel through an inductor and take the advantage of resonant phenomena in charging each capacitor up to a double input voltage level. In each resonant half a cycle, one of those capacitor groups are charged, and finally the charged capacitors will be connected together in series and the summation of the capacitor voltages can be appeared at the output of the topology. This topology can be considered as a modified Marx generator which works based on the resonant concept. Simulation models of this converter have been investigated in Matlab/SIMULINK platform and the attained results fully satisfy the proper operation of the converter.
Nonlinear filter generators are common components used in the keystream generators for stream ciphers and more recently for authentication mechanisms. They consist of a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and a nonlinear Boolean function to mask the linearity of the LFSR output. Properties of the output of a nonlinear filter are not well studied. Anderson noted that the m-tuple output of a nonlinear filter with consecutive taps to the filter function is unevenly distributed. Current designs use taps which are not consecutive. We examine m-tuple outputs from nonlinear filter generators constructed using various LFSRs and Boolean functions for both consecutive and uneven (full positive difference sets where possible) tap positions. The investigation reveals that in both cases, the m-tuple output is not uniform. However, consecutive tap positions result in a more biased distribution than uneven tap positions, with some m-tuples not occurring at all. These biased distributions indicate a potential flaw that could be exploited for cryptanalysis
The new configuration proposed in this paper for Marx Generator (MG) aims to generate high voltage for pulsed power applications through reduced number of semiconductor components with a more efficient load supplying process. The main idea is to charge two groups of capacitors in parallel through an inductor and take advantage of resonant phenomenon in charging each capacitor up to a double input voltage level. In each resonant half a cycle, one of those capacitor groups are charged, and eventually the charged capacitors will be connected in series and the summation of the capacitor voltages can be appeared at the output of the topology. This topology can be considered as a modified Marx generator which works based on the resonant concept. Simulated models of this converter have been investigated in Matlab/SIMULINK platform and a prototype set up has been implemented in laboratory. The acquired results of either fully satisfy the anticipations in proper operation of the converter.
The new configuration proposed in this paper for Marx Generator (MG.) aims to generate high voltage for pulsed power applications through reduced number of semiconductor components with a more efficient load supplying process. The main idea is to charge two groups of capacitors in parallel through an inductor and take the advantage of resonant phenomenon in charging each capacitor up to a double input voltage level. In each resonant half a cycle, one of those capacitor groups are charged, and eventually the charged capacitors will be connected in series and the summation of the capacitor voltages can be appeared at the output of the topology. This topology can be considered as a modified Marx generator which works based on the resonant concept. Simulated models of this converter have been investigated in Matlab/SIMULINK platform and the acquired results fully satisfy the anticipations in proper operation of the converter.
The Midwestern US is a wind-rich resource and wind power is being developed in this region at a very brisk pace. Transporting this energy resource to load centers invariably requires massive transmission lines. This issue of developing additional transmission to support reliable integration of wind on to the power grid provides a multitude of interesting challenges spanning various areas of power systems such as transmission planning, real-time operations and cost-allocation for new transmission. The Midwest ISO as a regional transmission provider is responsible for processing requests to interconnect proposed generation on to the transmission grid under its purview. This paper provides information about some of the issues faced in performing interconnection planning studies and Midwest ISO's efforts to improve its generator interconnection procedures. Related cost-allocation efforts currently ongoing at the Midwest ISO to streamline integration of bulk quantities of wind power in to the transmission grid are also presented.
Today, a large number of wind generator interconnection requests have been queued and are being processed. The generator interconnection group study is a way to reduce the generator interconnection cycle time and increase interconnection certainty. However, it is very challenging to identify the “best” transmission upgrades for a large group of generator interconnections. It is also very important to differentiate the constraints caused by each generator interconnection request and identify their responsibilities for transmission upgrades. This paper outlines some innovative study approaches that can be used in a group study with large numbers of generator interconnection requests in a constrained area. Improved study methods are introduced, and a summary and conclusions are derived from the study.