936 resultados para Other Medical Specialties
OBJECTIVE: To investigate and characterize the professional stereotypes associated with general medicine and surgery among Brazilian medical residents. METHODS: A randomized sample of residents of the General Medicine and Surgery Residence Programs were interviewed and their perceptions and views of general and surgical doctors were compared. RESULTS: The general practitioner was characterized by the residents in general to be principally a sensitive and concerned doctor with a close relationship with the patient; (45%); calm, tranquil, and balanced (27%); with intellectual skills (25%); meticulous and attentive to details (23%); slow to resolve problems and make decisions (22%); and working more with probabilities and hypotheses (20%). The surgeon was considered to be practical and objective (40%); quickly resolving problems (35%); technical with manual skills (23%); omnipotent, arrogant, and domineering (23%); anxious, stressed, nervous, and temperamental (23%); and more decided, secure, and courageous (20%). Only the residents of general medicine attributed the surgeon with less knowledge of medicine and only the surgeons attributed gender characteristics to their own specialty. CONCLUSION: There was considerable similarity in the description of a typical general practitioner and surgeon among the residents in general, regardless of the specialty they had chosen. It was interesting to observe that these stereotypes persist despite the transformations in the history of medicine, i.e. the first physicians (especially regarding the valorization of knowledge) and the first surgeons, so-called "barber surgeons" in Brazil (associated with less knowledge and the performance of high-risk procedures).
OBJECTIVES To assess the hypothesis that there is excessive reporting of statistically significant studies published in prosthodontic and implantology journals, which could indicate selective publication. METHODS The last 30 issues of 9 journals in prosthodontics and implant dentistry were hand-searched for articles with statistical analyses. The percentages of significant and non-significant results were tabulated by parameter of interest. Univariable/multivariable logistic regression analyses were applied to identify possible predictors of reporting statistically significance findings. The results of this study were compared with similar studies in dentistry with random-effects meta-analyses. RESULTS From the 2323 included studies 71% of them reported statistically significant results, with the significant results ranging from 47% to 86%. Multivariable modeling identified that geographical area and involvement of statistician were predictors of statistically significant results. Compared to interventional studies, the odds that in vitro and observational studies would report statistically significant results was increased by 1.20 times (OR: 2.20, 95% CI: 1.66-2.92) and 0.35 times (OR: 1.35, 95% CI: 1.05-1.73), respectively. The probability of statistically significant results from randomized controlled trials was significantly lower compared to various study designs (difference: 30%, 95% CI: 11-49%). Likewise the probability of statistically significant results in prosthodontics and implant dentistry was lower compared to other dental specialties, but this result did not reach statistical significant (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS The majority of studies identified in the fields of prosthodontics and implant dentistry presented statistically significant results. The same trend existed in publications of other specialties in dentistry.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção. Área de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular.
RESUMO - Os erros de medicação (EM) são uma das principais causas de eventos adversos, estimando-se serem as causas não relacionados com procedimentos cirúrgicos mais frequentes. Estes podem ser classificados por erros latentes ou erros ativos. Objetivos Definiram-se como principais objetivos deste estudo, determinar a prevalência de EM ativos num internamento hospitalar evitados e não evitados, nos momentos da prescrição escrita, transcrição, distribuição e administração, bem como a sua relação com algumas variáveis, como o Grupo farmacológico, Via de administração, Especialidade médica do prescritor e Área médica do médico responsável pelo episódio de internamento (MREI). Metodologia O estudo foi do tipo observacional descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, transversal com recrutamento prospetivo. Foi utilizado um instrumento de observação (check-list) para o registo de todos os EM e das variáveis em cada fase. Resultados Foram observadas 513 unidades amostrais com uma prevalência de 98,2% de EM, num total de 1655 erros dos quais 75% foram evitados. Nas variáveis Grupo farmacológico e Área médica do MREI não foram encontradas relações estatísticas relevantes. Obteve-se um OR=1,97 [1,18;3,27] para medicamentos orais quando comparados aos endovenosos nos erros de prescrição (EP) e um OR=7 [2,77;17,71] quando comparados com os endovenosos na transcrição dos Serviços Farmacêuticos (TSF). A anestesiologia apresentou um OR=0,41 [0,27;0,63] nos EP comparativamente às outras especialidades. Do total de EM observaram-se 30% de erros de prescrição (EP), 20% de erros na transcrição do internamento, 36% de erros na TSF, 2% de erros na distribuição e 12% de erros na administração. Os erros mais prevalentes foram a identificação do prescritor ilegível (16%) e a identificação do doente omissa na TSF (16%). Conclusão Apesar da elevada prevalência de EM observados, a maioria dos erros foram corrigidos e não chegaram ao doente. Tendo em conta os EM observados, a utilização de meios informáticos e o aumento da adesão dos enfermeiros ao procedimento de identificação dos doentes poderão permitir a redução do número de EM em cerca de 80%, reduzindo também a probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos adversos relacionados com os erros ativos na utilização de medicamentos.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the combination of ultrasound (US) + fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in the assessment of salivary gland tumours in the hands of the otolaryngologist. DESIGN: A retrospective review of case notes was performed. SETTING: Two university teaching hospitals in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and three patients with a total of 106 focal masses of the salivary glands were included. Clinician-operated US + FNA were the first line of investigation for these lesions. All patients underwent surgical excision of the lesion, which allowed for confirmation of diagnosis by histopathology in 104 lesions and by laboratory testing in two lesions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary--diagnostic accuracy in identifying true salivary gland neoplasms and detecting malignancy. Secondary--predicting an approximate and specific diagnosis in these tumours. RESULTS: The combination of US + FNA achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 99% in identifying and differentiating true salivary gland neoplasms from tumour-like lesions. In detecting malignancy, this combination permitted an accuracy of 98%. An approximate diagnosis was possible in 89%, and a specific diagnosis in 69% of our patients. CONCLUSIONS: Due to economic factors and a high diagnostic accuracy, the combination of US + FNA represents the investigation method of choice for most salivary gland tumours. We suggest that the otolaryngologist be employed in carrying out these procedures, as is already the rule in other medical specialties, while computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging should be reserved to those few lesions, which cannot be delineated completely by sonography.
Este trabalho é fruto de uma investigação que buscou elucidar a relação estabelecida entre os serviços de saúde e os seus usuários. Com esse objetivo, utilizou-se uma abordagem antropológica que teve como referência a experiência empírica ligada à Unidade Conceição do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição, em Porto Alegre, RS. Funcionando nas dependências do Hospital Nossa Senhora Conceição, a Unidade Conceição é um posto de saúde vinculado ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em que médicos gerais comunitários e outros profissionais vêm prestando atendimento de saúde, há cerca de 15 anos, aos moradores da sua vizinhança, calculados atualmente em mais de 20 mil pessoas. Tendo como pano de fundo as influências da cultura no comportamento humano e na prestação de atendimento de saúde, os desdobramentos principais da relação entre a Unidade e os seus usuários foram analisados sob diversos eixos: a história da Unidade, seus conflitos com a instituição e outras especialidades médicas; a relação da Unidade com a área geográfica sob sua responsabilidade; a questão da participação popular nos serviços de saúde, mais especificamente a experiência do seu Conselho Gestor Local; e, por fim, a avaliação dos serviços de saúde, principalmente no que concerne à perspectiva dos pacientes. Sempre que possível, a análise feita procurou fazer uma ligação com as mudanças ocorridas no sistema de saúde brasileiro nos últimos anos. Resgatar os aspectos culturais como elemento essencial para o estabelecimento de uma comunicação efetiva entre os indivíduos e os serviços formais de saúde mostrou-se fundamental para permitir o aprofundamento desse tipo de análise e para qualificar as ações desenvolvidas pelos serviços de saúde.
O presente artigo trata da interdisciplinaridade, da psiquiatria e da atenção psicossocial. Ao longo do texto, faz-se um relato histórico a respeito da constituição e da crise do saber científico organizado em disciplinas, analisa-se a dificuldade teórica de se conceituar a interdisciplinaridade e, ao final, aborda-se a psiquiatria e sua relação com a interdisciplinaridade na realidade da atenção psicossocial. Os autores defendem que a psiquiatria, por sua história, guarda singularidades que a diferenciam de outras especialidades médicas e que - a um primeiro momento - poderiam fazê-la ir em direção contrária à interdisciplinaridade. Os autores concluem que os serviços de atenção psicossocial, pelas características que lhes são inerentes, são lugares privilegiados para a formação psiquiátrica com características interdisciplinares.
Background : Deep venous thrombosis (DVP) is a frequent disease. Prophylaxis is the best means to reduce its incidence, for lowering morbidity and mortality rates and treatment costs caused by its complications. Objective : To evaluate the knowledge and use of any kind of DVT prophylaxis by Brazilian Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. Materials and Methods : A questionnaire was sent to all Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons associated to the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that have a valid e-mail address. The data retrieved was evaluated and tabulated. Results : Of the 1100 questionnaires sent, only 4% were retrieved. The 42 retrieved were included in the study. Twenty six of the surgeons do not use any kind of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, 11 use mechanical means as elastic compressive stockings or pneumatic compressive devices for prophylaxis, and 5 uses low-molecular weight heparins (LMWH) as the choice for prophylaxis. Conclusion : The data collected, despite the low rate of participation (4%) by the surgeons, shows that this subject still does not receive proper attention. Whereas other medical specialties make routine use of prophylactic means maybe the maxillofacial surgeons lack concern on that matter.
The purpose of this study was to determine the perception and knowledge of targeted ultrasound in women who screen positive for Down syndrome in the first or second trimester, and to assess the perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by targeted ultrasound in this population. While several studies have reported patient perceptions’ of routine ultrasound, no study has specifically examined knowledge regarding the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. A targeted ultrasound is a special ultrasound during the second trimester offered to women who may be at a higher-than-average risk of having a baby with some type of birth defect or complication. The purpose of the ultrasound is to evaluate the overall growth and development of the baby as well as screen for birth defects and genetic conditions. Women under the age of 35 referred for an abnormal first or second trimester maternal serum screen to several Houston area clinics were asked to complete a questionnaire to obtain demographic and ultrasound knowledge information as well as assess perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by ultrasound. Seventy-seven women completed the questionnaire and participated in the study. Our findings revealed that women have limited background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. These findings are consistent with other studies that have reported a lack of understanding about the purpose of ultrasound examinations. One factor that seems to increase background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound is individuals having a higher level of education. However, most participants regardless of race, education, income, and exposure to targeted ultrasound information did not know the capabilities of a targeted ultrasound. This study confirmed women lack background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and do not know enough about the technology to form a perception regarding its ability to detect Down syndrome. Additional studies to identify appropriate education techniques are necessary to determine how to best inform our patient population about targeted ultrasound.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant tumor suppressor disorder characterized by hamartomas, or benign growths, in various organ systems. Inactivating mutations in either the TSC1 or the TSC2 gene cause most cases of TSC. Recently, the use of ovarian specific conditional knock-out mouse models has demonstrated a crucial role of the TSC genes in ovarian function. Mice with complete deletion of Tsc1 or Tsc2 showed accelerated ovarian follicle activation and subsequent premature follicular depletion, consistent with the human condition premature ovarian failure (POF). POF is defined in women as the cessation of menses before the age of 40 and elevated levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The prevalence of POF is estimated to be 1%, affecting a substantial number of women in the general population. Nonetheless, the etiology of most cases of POF remains unknown. Based on the mouse model results, we hypothesized that the human TSC1 and TSC2 genes are likely to be crucial for ovarian development and function. Moreover, since women with TSC already have one inactivated TSC gene, we further hypothesized that they may show a higher prevalence of POF. To test this hypothesis, we surveyed 1000 women with TSC belonging to the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, a national support organization. 182 questionnaires were analyzed for information on menstrual and reproductive function, as well as TSC. This self-reported data revealed 8 women (4.4%) with possible POF, as determined by menstrual history report and additional supportive data. This prevalence is much higher than 1% in the general population. Data from all women suggested other reproductive pathology associated with TSC such as a high rate of miscarriage (41.2%) and menstrual irregularity of any kind (31.2%). These results establish a previously unappreciated effect of TSC on women’s reproductive health. Moreover, these data suggest that perturbations in the cellular pathways regulated by the TSC genes may play an important role in reproductive function.
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are a class of drugs used to treat osteoporosis and malignant bone metastasis. BPs show high binding capacity to the bone matrix, especially in sites of active bone metabolism. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research defines BRONJ as an area of exposed bone in the maxillofacial region that has not healed within 8 weeks after identification by a healthcare provider in a patient who is receiving or has been exposed to a bisphosphonate and has not had radiation therapy to the craniofacial region. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) can adversely affect quality of life, as it may produce significant morbidity. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) considers as vitally important that information on BRONJ be disseminated to other dental and medical specialties. The purpose of this work is to offer a perspective on how dentists should manage patients on BPs, to show the benefits of accurately diagnosing BRONJ, and to present diagnostic aids and treatments strategies for the condition.