2 resultados para Osteocondrodisplasia
A displasia epifisária hemimélica é uma doença benigna rara (incidência de 1:1.000.000), caracterizada por um crescimento osteocondral decorrente de uma ou mais epífises. Em geral a idade de início é entre 2 e 14 anos. Os achados característicos dos exames de imagem são suficientes para o diagnóstico. A excisão cirúrgica da lesão só é indicada caso haja limitação funcional.
Three newborn Mini-Horses and one Brazilian Pony horses were presented to the Veterinary Hospital with phenotypic appearance of dwarfism. They had relatively larger head conformation, occlusive dental defect and musculoskeletal changes such as abnormal short limbs and deformation on the third metatarsal bone. The radiographic examination showed abnormal growth plates on femoral condyle and proximal thirds metatarsal bones. Due to the high possibility of future complications and quality of life loss, the animals were euthanized. We emphasize the importance of recognition of phenotypic changes related to dwarfism in horses, enabling the phenotypic diagnosis can direct crossings for nontransmission of this abnormality as genetic inheritance.