955 resultados para Osmotic stresses
Whereas osmotic stress response induced by solutes has been well-characterized in fungi, less is known about the other activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances. The latest methodologies to define, identify and quantify chaotropicity, i.e. substance-induced destabilization of macromolecular systems, now enable new insights into microbial stress biology (Cray et al. in Curr Opin Biotechnol 33:228–259, 2015a, doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2015.02.010; Ball and Hallsworth in Phys Chem Chem Phys 17:8297–8305, 2015, doi:10.1039/C4CP04564E; Cray et al. in Environ Microbiol 15:287–296, 2013a, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12018). We used Aspergillus wentii, a paradigm for extreme solute-tolerant fungal xerophiles, alongside yeast cell and enzyme models (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and an agar-gelation assay, to determine growth-rate inhibition, intracellular compatible solutes, cell turgor, inhibition of enzyme activity, substrate water activity, and stressor chaotropicity for 12 chemically diverse solutes. These stressors were found to be: (i) osmotically active (and typically macromolecule-stabilizing kosmotropes), including NaCl and sorbitol; (ii) weakly to moderately chaotropic and non-osmotic, these were ethanol, urea, ethylene glycol; (iii) highly chaotropic and osmotically active, i.e. NH4NO3, MgCl2, guanidine hydrochloride, and CaCl2; or (iv) inhibitory due primarily to low water activity, i.e. glycerol. At ≤0.974 water activity, Aspergillus cultured on osmotically active stressors accumulated low-M r polyols to ≥100 mg g dry weight−1. Lower-M r polyols (i.e. glycerol, erythritol and arabitol) were shown to be more effective for osmotic adjustment; for higher-M r polyols such as mannitol, and the disaccharide trehalose, water-activity values for saturated solutions are too high to be effective; i.e. 0.978 and 0.970 (25 ºC). The highly chaotropic, osmotically active substances exhibited a stressful level of chaotropicity at physiologically relevant concentrations (20.0–85.7 kJ kg−1). We hypothesized that the kosmotropicity of compatible solutes can neutralize chaotropicity, and tested this via in-vitro agar-gelation assays for the model chaotropes urea, NH4NO3, phenol and MgCl2. Of the kosmotropic compatible solutes, the most-effective protectants were trimethylamine oxide and betaine; but proline, dimethyl sulfoxide, sorbitol, and trehalose were also effective, depending on the chaotrope. Glycerol, by contrast (a chaotropic compatible solute used as a negative control) was relatively ineffective. The kosmotropic activity of compatible solutes is discussed as one mechanism by which these substances can mitigate the activities of chaotropic stressors in vivo. Collectively, these data demonstrate that some substances concomitantly induce chaotropicity-mediated and osmotic stresses, and that compatible solutes ultimately define the biotic window for fungal growth and metabolism. The findings have implications for the validity of ecophysiological classifications such as ‘halophile’ and ‘polyextremophile’; potential contamination of life-support systems used for space exploration; and control of mycotoxigenic fungi in the food-supply chain.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of increased extracellular leucine concentration on protein metabolism in skeletal muscle cells when exposed to 3 different osmotic stresses. L6 skeletal muscle cells were incubated in either a normal or supplemental leucine (1.5mM) medium set to hypo-osmotic (230 ± 10 Osm), iso-osmotic (330 ± 10 Osm) or hyper-osmotic (440 ± 10 Osm) conditions. 3H-tyrosine was used to quantify protein synthesis. Western blotting analysis was performed to determine the activation of mTOR, p70S6k, ubiquitin, actin, and μ-calpain. Hypo-osmotic stress resulted in the greatest increase in protein synthesis rate under the normal-leucine condition while iso-osmotic stress has the greatest increase under the elevated-leucine condition. Elevated-leucine condition had a decreased rate in protein degradation over the normal condition within the ubiquitin proteasome pathway (p<0.05). Leucine and hypo-osmotic stress therefore creates a favourable environment for anabolic events to occur.
Expression of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH) of Arabidopsis is known to be induced by environmental stresses and regulated developmentally. We used a negative-selection approach to isolate mutants that were defective in regulating the expression of the ADH gene during seed germination; we then characterized three recessive mutants, aar1–1, aar1–2, and aar2–1, which belong to two complementation groups. In addition to their defects during seed germination, mutations in the AAR1 and AAR2 genes also affected anoxic and hypoxic induction of ADH and other glycolytic genes in mature plants. The aar1 and aar2 mutants were also defective in responding to cold and osmotic stress. The two allelic mutants aar1–1and aar1–2 exhibited different phenotypes under cold and osmotic stresses. Based on our results we propose that these mutants are defective in a late step of the signaling pathways that lead to increased expression of the ADH gene and glycolytic genes.
The species Schizolobium amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) commonly known as pinho-cuiabano or paricá, is one of the trees in Amazonian area used for plantings in degraded areas, reforestations and agroforestry systems. The present work evaluated the germinative behaviour of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum in relation to the hydric stress, defining their levels of tolerance to those limitations in the environment. The seeds were collected from 30 trees in Alta Floresta-MT and submitted the dormancy treatment by submersion into water at 100°C for 1 minute; followed by treatment with fungicide Ridomil and Cercobin 0,25% each, then being left to germinate in a BOD camera at 30°C under a photoperiod of 12 hours. For evaluating the effect of different water potentials in the germinative process, polyethylene glicol (PEG 6000) was used and the salts NaCI and CaCl 2 used to simulate saline stress. The seeds were put to soak in potentials of 0 (control); -0.1 ; -0.2; -0.3; -0.4 and -0.5MPa. For each treatment 5 repetitions of 20 seeds were used in gerbox, placed between filter paper moistened with 20 mL of PEG, NaCI and CaCl 2 solutions. The solutions were changed at intervals of 24 hours for maintenance of the potential. The evaluations of percentages and germination speed were carry out daily for 8 days, being considered germinated the seeds that presented a 2mm root extension or longer. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. It was concluded that osmotic potentials between -0.4 and -0.5MPa inhibited the germination of seeds of Schizolobium amazonicum completely. The osmotic stress caused by CaCl 2, and PEG injured the germination more than did the stress caused by NaCl.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
It has been demonstrated that both salicylic acid and fungal elicitors activate a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase termed salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) in tobacco suspension cells. Here, we show that infiltration of these agents into tobacco leaves also activates SIPK. Of particular interest, infiltration of water alone activated a kinase of the same size, possibly because of wounding and/or osmotic stresses. The kinetics of kinase activation, however, differ for these different treatments. Various mechanical stresses, including cutting and wounding by abrasion, also activated a 48-kDa kinase. By using an immune-complex kinase assay with antibodies specific for SIPK or wounding-induced protein kinase, we demonstrate that this wounding-activated 48-kDa kinase is SIPK, rather than wounding-induced protein kinase, as reported [Seo, S., Okamoto, M., Seto, H., Ishizuka, K., Sano, H. & Ohashi, Y. (1995) Science 270, 1988–1992]. Activation of SIPK after wounding was associated with tyrosine phosphorylation but not with increases in SIPK mRNA or protein levels. Thus, the same mitogen-activated protein kinase, SIPK, appears to facilitate signaling for two distinct pathways that lead to disease resistance responses and wounding responses.
Atualmente, o Brasil é o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum ssp.), no qual o estado de São Paulo é responsável por mais de 50% da produção. Esta cultura é hospedeira de diversos patógenos que podem limitar sua produção, dentre os quais se destaca a bactéria Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), agente causal do raquitismo da soqueira (ratoon stunting disease - RSD). Pouco se sabe sobre a fisiologia deste organismo e quais as estratégias utilizadas por este para colonizar seu hospedeiro. No entanto, sabemos que para infectar e colonizar seus hospedeiros, é necessário que bactérias parasíticas superem estresses de diversas naturezas impostas durante estes processos, como os estresses oxidativo e o osmótico. Neste contexto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar in silico e analisar a expressão in vitro, por qPCR, de genes relacionados a estes dois estresses. Uma análise da sequência do genoma de Lxx identificou 35 genes, sendo 8 relacionados ao estresse oxidativo, 9 relacionados ao estresse osmótico e 11 relacionados a estresse gerais, incluindo um cluster de 6 genes envolvidos na síntese de carotenoides. A expressão destes foi avaliada 60 minutos após exposição a 30mM de H2O2 ou 7% (p/v) de polietilenoglicol 6000 (PEG 6000). Sete genes foram avaliados como normalizadores das reações de qPCR. A quantificação do grau de peroxidação lipídica indicou que ambos os tratamentos resultaram em sensível peroxidação, muito embora o efeito do tratamento com PEG 6000 tenha sido maior do que o tratamento com H2O2. A exposição ao H2O2 aumentou a expressão dos genes katA (catalase), sodA (superóxido dismutase), msrA (Sulfóxido de metionina redutase) e msrB (Sulfóxido de metionina redutase) bem como de todos os genes responsáveis pela síntese de carotenoides. Por outro lado, todos os genes relacionados ao estresse osmótico foram menos expressos na presença deste composto. Já quando a bactéria foi exposta a PEG 6000, o oposto ocorreu, ou seja, os genes relacionados ao estresse osmótico, que são otsA (Trealose-6-fosfato sintase), otsB (Trealose fosfatase), treY (Malto-oligosil trealose sintase), treZ (Malto-oligosil trealose trealoidrolase), treS (Trealose sintase), proX (Proteína de ligamento em substrato, tipo ABC glicina betaína transportadora), proW (Proteína permease, tipo ABC glicina betaína transportadora), proZ (Proteína permease, tipo ABC glicina betaína transportadora) e Naggn (Amidotransferase), além dos genes do cluster carotenoide, foram mais expressos, ao passo que alguns dos genes ligados à resposta ao estresse oxidativo foram menos expressos. Verificou-se também, através de PCR convencional utilizando primers para amplificar as regiões entre os genes carotenoides, que estes são expressos como um RNA policistrônico, constituindo assim um operon. Estes resultados validam predições anteriores baseadas na análise in silico da sequência do genoma de Lxx, confirmando que Lxx possui mecanismos responsivos aos estresses osmótico e oxidativo aos quais é submetida durante o processo de infecção de seu hospedeiro.
O operon groESL de C. crescentus apresenta dupla regulação. A indução deste operon por choque térmico é dependente do fator sigma de choque térmico σ32. A temperaturas fisiológicas, a expressão de groESL apresenta regulação temporal durante o ciclo celular da bactéria e o controle envolve a proteína repressora HrcA e o elemento CIRCE (controlling inverted repeat of chaperonin expression). Para estudar a atividade da proteína repressora in vitro, produzimos e purificamos de E. coli a HrcA de C. creseentus contendo uma cauda de histidinas e a ligação especifica ao elemento CIRCE foi analisada em ensaios de migração retardada em gel de poliacrilamida (EMRGP). A quantidade de DNA retardada pela ligação a HrcA aumentou significativamente na presença de GroES/GroEL, sugerindo que estas proteínas modulam a atividade de HrcA. Corroboração desta modulação foi obtida analisando fusões de transcrição da região regulatória de groESL com o gene lacZ, em células de C. crescentus produzindo diferentes quantidades de GroES/EL. HrcA contendo as substituições Pro81 AJa e Arg87Ala, aminoácidos que se localizam no domínio putativo de ligação ao DNA da proteína, mostraram ser deficientes na ligação a CIRCE, tanto in vitro como in vivo. Em adição, HrcA Ser56Ala expressa na mesma célula juntamente com a proteína selvagem produziu um fenótipo dominante-negativo, indicando que a HrcA de C. crescentus liga-se a CIRCE como um oligômero, provavelmente um dímero. As tentativas de obtenção de mutantes nulos para os genes groESL ou dnaKJ falharam, indicando que as proteínas GroES/GroEL e DnaK/DnaJ são essenciais em C. crescentus, mesmo a temperaturas normais. Foram então construídas no laboratório as linhagens mutantes condicionais SG300 e SG400 de C. crescentus, onde a expressão de groESL e de dnaKJ, respectivamente, está sob controle de um promotor induzido por xilose (PxyIX). Estas linhagens foram caracterizadas quanto á sua morfologia em condições permissivas ou restritivas, assim como quanto à capacidade de sobrevivência frente a vários tipos de estresse. As células da linhagem SG300, exauridas de GroES/GroEL, são resistentes ao choque térmico a 42°C e são capazes de adquirir alguma termotolerância. Entretanto, estas células são sensíveis aos estresses oxidativo, salino e osmótico. As células da linhagem SG400, exauridas de DnaKlJ, são sensíveis ao choque térmico, à exposição a etanol e ao congelamento, e são incapazes de adquirir termotolerância. Além disso, tanto as células exauridas de GroES/GroEL quanto as exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ apresentam problemas na sua morfologia. As células de SG300 exauridas de GroES/GroEL formam filamentos longos que possuem constrições fundas e irregulares. As células de SG400 exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ são apenas um pouco mais alongadas que as células pré-divisionais selvagens e a maioria das células não possuem septo. Estas observações indicam bloqueio da divisão celular, que deve ocorrer em diferentes estágios em cada linhagem.
Although mutations in intermediate filament proteins cause many human disorders, the detailed pathogenic mechanisms and the way these mutations affect cell metabolism are unclear. In this study, selected keratin mutations were analysed for their effect on the epidermal stress response. Expression profiles of two keratin-mutant cell lines from epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients (one severe and one mild) were compared to a control keratinocyte line before and after challenge with hypo-osmotic shock, a common physiological stress that transiently distorts cell shape. Fewer changes in gene expression were found in cells with the severely disruptive mutation (55 genes altered) than with the mild mutation (174 genes) or the wild type cells (261 genes) possibly due to stress response pre-activation in these cells. We identified 16 immediate-early genes contributing to a general cell response to hypo-osmotic shock, and 20 genes with an altered expression pattern in the mutant keratin lines only. A number of dual-specificity phosphatases (MKP-1, MKP-2, MKP-3, MKP-5 and hVH3) are differentially regulated in these cells, and their downstream targets p-ERK and p-p38 are significantly up-regulated in the mutant keratin lines. Our findings strengthen the case for the expression of mutant keratin proteins inducing physiological stress, and this intrinsic stress may affect the cell responses to secondary stresses in patients' skin.
In this paper, the hypothesis was that different environmental stresses may show similar responses in a biological system, as exemplified by the kinetic of germination of Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden seeds. It was observed that the kinetic of germination depends on environmental factors, and different treatments induced similar germination responses. The treatments with PEG 6000 and NaCl suggest that germination depends on solute used, since NaCl exhibit both ionic and osmotic effects. The analysis of the results showed that different external disturbances may lead, perhaps through different physiological ways, to similar responses related to the germination process.
The impact of simultaneous environmental stresses on plants and how they respond to combined stresses compared with single stresses is largely unclear. By using a transgene (RD29A-LUC) consisting of the firefly luciferase coding sequence (LUC) driven by the stress-responsive RD29A promoter, we investigated the interactive effects of temperature, osmotic stress, and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of gene expression in Arabidopsis seedlings. Results indicated that both positive and negative interactions exist among the studied stress factors in regulating gene expression. At a normal growth temperature (22°C), osmotic stress and ABA act synergistically to induce the transgene expression. Low temperature inhibits the response to osmotic stress or to combined treatment of osmotic stress and ABA, whereas low temperature and ABA treatments are additive in inducing transgene expression. Although high temperature alone does not activate the transgene, it significantly amplifies the effects of ABA and osmotic stress. The effect of multiple stresses in the regulation of RD29A-LUC expression in signal transduction mutants was also studied. The results are discussed in the context of cold and osmotic stress signal transduction pathways.
Choline monooxygenase (CMO) catalyzes the committing step in the synthesis of glycine betaine, an osmoprotectant accumulated by many plants in response to salinity and drought. To investigate how these stresses affect CMO expression, a spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., Chenopodiaceae) probe was used to isolate CMO cDNAs from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., Chenopodiaceae), a salt- and drought-tolerant crop. The deduced beet CMO amino acid sequence comprised a transit peptide and a 381-residue mature peptide that was 84% identical (97% similar) to that of spinach and that showed the same consensus motif for coordinating a Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] cluster. A mononuclear Fe-binding motif was also present. When water was withheld, leaf relative water content declined to 59% and the levels of CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity rose 3- to 5-fold; rewatering reversed these changes. After gradual salinization (NaCl:CaCl2 = 5.7:1, mol/mol), CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme levels in leaves increased 3- to 7-fold at 400 mm salt, and returned to uninduced levels when salt was removed. Beet roots also expressed CMO, most strongly when salinized. Salt-inducible CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity were readily detected in leaves of Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae). These data show that CMO most probably has a mononuclear Fe center, is inducibly expressed in roots as well as in leaves of Chenopodiaceae, and is not unique to this family.
The aim of the present study was to compare cryopreservation, osmotic tolerance and glycerol toxicity between mature and immature epididymal kangaroo spermatozoa to investigate whether the lack of cryopreservation success of cauda epididymidal spermatozoa may be related to the increased complexity of the sperm ultrastructure acquired during epididymal transit. Caput and cauda epididymidal spermatozoa were recovered from red-necked wallabies (RNW; Macropus rufogriseus) and eastern grey kangaroos (EGK; M. giganteus). In Experiment 1, caput and cauda epididymidal spermatozoa were frozen and thawed using a standard cryopreservation procedure in Triscitrate buffer with or without 20% glycerol. Although cryopreservation of caput epididymidal spermatozoa resulted in a significant increase in sperm plasma membrane damage, they were more tolerant of the procedure than spermatozoa recovered from the cauda epididymidis (P< 0.05). In Experiment 2, caput and cauda epididymidal EGK spermatozoa were diluted into phosphate-buffered saline media of varying osmolarity and their osmotic tolerance determined. Plasma membranes of caput epididymidal spermatozoa were more tolerant of hypo-osmotic media than were cauda epididymidal spermatozoa ( P< 0.05). In Experiment 3, caput and cauda epididymidal RNW spermatozoa were incubated in Tris-citrate buffer with and without 20% glycerol at 35 and 4 degrees C to examine the cytotoxic effects of glycerol. At both temperatures, caput epididymidal spermatozoa showed less plasma membrane damage compared with cauda epididymidal spermatozoa when exposed to 20% glycerol ( P< 0.05). These experiments clearly indicate that epididymal maturation of kangaroo spermatozoa results in a decreased ability to withstand the physiological stresses associated with cryopreservation.