998 resultados para Oscillatory activity


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Modern urban lifestyle encourages the prolongation of wakefulness, leaving less and less time for sleep. Although the exact functions of sleep remain one of the biggest mysteries in neuroscience, the society is well aware of the negative consequences of sleep loss on human physical and mental health and performance. Enhancing sleep's recuperative functions might allow shortening sleep duration while preserving the beneficial effects of sleep. During sleep, brain activity oscillates across a continuum of frequencies. Individual oscillations have been suggested to underlie distinct functions for sleep and cognition. Gaining control about individual oscillations might allow boosting their specific functions. Sleep spindles are 11 - 15 Hz oscillations characteristic for light non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) and have been proposed to play a role in memory consolidation and sleep protection against environmental stimuli. The reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt) has been identified as the major pacemaker of spindles. Intrinsic oscillatory burst discharge in nRt neurons, arising from the interplay of low-threshold (T-type) Ca2+ channels (T channels) and small conductance type 2 (SK2) K+ channels (SK2 channels), underlies this pacemaking function. In the present work we investigated the impact of altered nRt bursting on spindle generation during sleep by studying mutant mice for SK2 channels and for CaV3.3 channels, a subtype of T channels. Using in vitro electrophysiology I showed that nRt bursting was abolished in CaV3.3 knock out (CaV3.3 KO) mice. In contrast, in SK2 channel over-expressing (SK2-OE) nRt cells, intrinsic repetitive bursting was prolonged. Compared to wildtype (WT) littermates, altered nRt burst discharge lead to weakened thalamic network oscillations in vitro in CaV3.3 KO mice, while oscillatory activity was prolonged in SK2-OE mice. Sleep electroencephalographic recordings in CaV3.3 KO and SK2-OE mice revealed that reduced or potentiated nRt bursting respectively weakened or prolonged sleep spindle activity at the NREMS - REMS transition. Furthermore, SK2-OE mice showed more consolidated NREMS and increased arousal thresholds, two correlates of good sleep quality. This thesis work suggests that CaV3.3 and SK2 channels may be targeted in order to modulate sleep spindle activity. Furthermore, it proposes a novel function for spindles in NREMS consolidation. Finally, it provides evidence that sleep quality may be improved by promoting spindle activity, thereby supporting the hypothesis that sleep quality can be enhanced by modulating oscillatory activity in the brain. Le style de vie moderne favorise la prolongation de l'éveil, laissant de moins en moins de temps pour le sommeil. Même si le rôle exact du sommeil reste un des plus grands mystères des neurosciences, la société est bien consciente des conséquences négatives que provoque un manque de sommeil, à la fois sur le plan de la santé physique et mentale ainsi qu'au niveau des performances cognitives. Augmenter les fonctions récupératrices du sommeil pourrait permettre de raccourcir la durée du sommeil tout en en conservant les effets bénéfiques. Durant le sommeil, on observe des oscillations à travers un continuum de fréquences. Il a été proposé que chaque oscillation pourrait être à l'origine de fonctions spécifiques pour le sommeil et la cognition. Pouvoir de contrôler les oscillations individuelles permettrait d'augmenter leurs fonctions respectives. Les fuseaux sont des oscillations de 11 à 15 Hz caractéristiques du sommeil à ondes lentes léger et il a été suggéré qu'elles jouent un rôle majeur pour la consolidation de la mémoire ainsi que dans la protection du sommeil contre les stimuli environnementaux. Le nucleus réticulaire du thalamus (nRt) a été identifié en tant que générateur de rythme des fuseaux. Les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques des neurones du nRt, provenant de l'interaction de canaux calciques à bas seuil de type T (canaux T) et de canaux potassiques à faible conductance de type 2 (canaux SK2), sont à l'origine de la fonction de générateur de rythme. Dans ce travail, j'ai étudié l'impact de la modulation de bouffées de nRT sur la génération des fuseaux pendant le sommeil en investiguant des souris génétiquement modifiées pour les canaux SK2 et les canaux CaV3.3, un sous-type de canaux T. En utilisant l'électrophysiologie in vitro j'ai démontré que les bouffées du nRT étaient abolies dans les souris knock-out du type CaV3.3 (CaV3.3 KO). D'autre part, dans les cellules nRT sur-exprimant les canaux SK2 (SK2-OE), les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques étaient prolongées. Par rapport aux souris wild type, les souris CaV3.3 KO ont montré un affaiblissement des oscillations thalamiques en réponse à un changement des bouffées de nRT, alors que l'activité oscillatoire était prolongée dans les souris SK2-OE. Des enregistrements EEG du sommeil dans des souris de type CaV3.3 KO et SK2-OE ont révélé qu'une réduction ou augmentation des bouffées nRT ont respectivement affaibli ou prolongé l'activité des fuseaux durant les transitions du sommeil à ondes lentes au sommeil paradoxal. De plus, les souris SK2-OE ont montré des signes de consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes et un seuil augmenté pour le réveil, deux mesures qui corrèlent avec une bonne qualité du sommeil. Le travail de cette thèse propose que les canaux CaV3.3 et SK2 pourrait être ciblés pour moduler l'activité des fuseaux. De plus, je propose une fonction nouvelle pour les fuseaux dans la consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes. Finalement je suggère que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en promouvant l'activité des fuseaux, soutenant ainsi l'idée que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en modulant l'activité oscillatoire dans le cerveau.


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Deficits in the processing of sensory reafferences have been suggested as accounting for age-related decline in motor coordination. Whether sensory reafferences are accurately processed can be assessed based on the bimanual advantage in tapping: because of tapping with an additional hand increases kinesthetic reafferences, bimanual tapping is characterized by a reduced inter-tap interval variability than unimanual tapping. A suppression of the bimanual advantage would thus indicate a deficit in sensory reafference. We tested whether elderly indeed show a reduced bimanual advantage by measuring unimanual (UM) and bimanual (BM) self-paced tapping performance in groups of young (n = 29) and old (n = 27) healthy adults. Electroencephalogram was recorded to assess the underlying patterns of oscillatory activity, a neurophysiological mechanism advanced to support the integration of sensory reafferences. Behaviorally, there was a significant interaction between the factors tapping condition and age group at the level of the inter-tap interval variability, driven by a lower variability in BM than UM tapping in the young, but not in the elderly group. This result indicates that in self-paced tapping, the bimanual advantage is absent in elderly. Electrophysiological results revealed an interaction between tapping condition and age group on low beta band (14âeuro"20 Hz) activity. Beta activity varied depending on the tapping condition in the elderly but not in the young group. Source estimations localized this effect within left superior parietal and left occipital areas. We interpret our results in terms of engagement of different mechanisms in the elderly depending on the tapping mode: a âeuro~kinestheticâeuro? mechanism for UM and a âeuro~visual imageryâeuro? mechanism for BM tapping movement.


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Short-term synaptic depression (STD) is a form of synaptic plasticity that has a large impact on network computations. Experimental results suggest that STD is modulated by cortical activity, decreasing with activity in the network and increasing during silent states. Here, we explored different activity-modulation protocols in a biophysical network model for which the model displayed less STD when the network was active than when it was silent, in agreement with experimental results. Furthermore, we studied how trains of synaptic potentials had lesser decay during periods of activity (UP states) than during silent periods (DOWN states), providing new experimental predictions. We next tackled the inverse question of what is the impact of modifying STD parameters on the emergent activity of the network, a question difficult to answer experimentally. We found that synaptic depression of cortical connections had a critical role to determine the regime of rhythmic cortical activity. While low STD resulted in an emergent rhythmic activity with short UP states and long DOWN states, increasing STD resulted in longer and more frequent UP states interleaved with short silent periods. A still higher synaptic depression set the network into a non-oscillatory firing regime where DOWN states no longer occurred. The speed of propagation of UP states along the network was not found to be modulated by STD during the oscillatory regime; it remained relatively stable over a range of values of STD. Overall, we found that the mutual interactions between synaptic depression and ongoing network activity are critical to determine the mechanisms that modulate cortical emergent patterns.


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Dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in cognitive function such as working memory, attention and planning. Dopamine exerts complex modulation on excitability of pyramidal neurons and interneurons, and regulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. Because of the complexity of this modulation, it is difficult to fully comprehend the effect of dopamine on neuronal network activity. In this study, we investigated the effect of dopamine on local high-frequency oscillatory neuronal activity (in β band) in slices of the mouse anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). We found that dopamine enhanced the power of these oscillations induced by kainate and carbachol, but did not affect their peak frequency. Activation of D2R and in a lesser degree D1R increased the oscillation power, while activation of D4R had no effect. These high-frequency oscillations in the ACC relied on both phasic inhibitory and excitatory transmission and functional gap junctions. Thus, dopamine released in the ACC promotes high-frequency synchronized local cortical activity which is known to favor information transfer, fast selection and binding of distributed neuronal responses. Finally, the power of these oscillations was significantly enhanced after degradation of the perineuronal nets (PNNs) enwrapping most parvalbumin interneurons. This study provides new insights for a better understanding of the abnormal prefrontal gamma activity in schizophrenia (SZ) patients who display prefrontal anomalies of both the dopaminergic system and the PNNs.


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The mismatch negativity is an electrophysiological marker of auditory change detection in the event-related brain potential and has been proposed to reflect an automatic comparison process between an incoming stimulus and the representation of prior items in a sequence. There is evidence for two main functional subcomponents comprising the MMN, generated by temporal and frontal brain areas, respectively. Using data obtained in an MMN paradigm, we performed time-frequency analysis to reveal the changes in oscillatory neural activity in the theta band. The results suggest that the frontal component of the MMN is brought about by an increase in theta power for the deviant trials and, possibly, by an additional contribution of theta phase alignment. By contrast, the temporal component of the MMN, best seen in recordings from mastoid electrodes, is generated by phase resetting of theta rhythm with no concomitant power modulation. Thus, frontal and temporal MMN components do not only differ with regard to their functional significance but also appear to be generated by distinct neurophysiological mechanisms.


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Oscillatory contractile activity is an inherent property of blood vessels. Various cellular mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to oscillatory activity. Mouse small mesenteric arteries display a unique low frequency contractile oscillatory activity (1 cycle every 10-12 min) upon phenylephrine stimulation. Our objective was to identify mechanisms involved in this peculiar oscillatory activity. First-order mesenteric arteries were mounted in tissue baths for isometric force measurement. The oscillatory activity was observed only in vessels with endothelium, but it was not blocked by L-NAME (100 µM) or indomethacin (10 µM), ruling out the participation of nitric oxide and prostacyclin, respectively, in this phenomenon. Oscillatory activity was not observed in vessels contracted with K+ (90 mM) or after stimulation with phenylephrine plus 10 mM K+. Ouabain (1 to 10 µM, an Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor), but not K+ channel antagonists [tetraethylammonium (100 µM, a nonselective K+ channel blocker), Tram-34 (10 µM, blocker of intermediate conductance K+ channels) or UCL-1684 (0.1 µM, a small conductance K+ channel blocker)], inhibited the oscillatory activity. The contractile activity was also abolished when experiments were performed at 20°C or in K+-free medium. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Na+/K+-ATPase is a potential source of these oscillations. The presence of α-1 and α-2 Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms was confirmed in murine mesenteric arteries by Western blot. Chronic infusion of mice with ouabain did not abolish oscillatory contraction, but up-regulated vascular Na+/K+-ATPase expression and increased blood pressure. Together, these observations suggest that the Na+/K+ pump plays a major role in the oscillatory activity of murine small mesenteric arteries.


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Physiological and neuroimaging studies provide evidence to suggest that attentional mechanisms operating within the fronto-parietal network may exert top–down control on early visual areas, priming them for forthcoming sensory events. The believed consequence of such priming is enhanced task performance. Using the technique of magnetoencephalography (MEG), we investigated this possibility by examining whether attention-driven changes in cortical activity are correlated with performance on a line-orientation judgment task. We observed that, approximately 200 ms after a covert attentional shift towards the impending visual stimulus, the level of phase-resetting (transient neural coherence) within the calcarine significantly increased for 2–10 Hz activity. This was followed by a suppression of alpha activity (near 10 Hz) which persisted until the onset of the stimulus. The levels of phase-resetting, alpha suppression and subsequent behavioral performance varied between subjects in a systematic fashion. The magnitudes of phase-resetting and alpha-band power were negatively correlated, with high levels of coherence associated with high levels of performance. We propose that top–down attentional control mechanisms exert their initial effects within the calcarine through a phase-resetting within the 2–10 Hz band, which in turn triggers a suppression of alpha activity, priming early visual areas for incoming information and enhancing behavioral performance.


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We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the nature of oscillatory brain rhythms when passively viewing both illusory and real visual contours. Three stimuli were employed: a Kanizsa triangle; a Kanizsa triangle with a real triangular contour superimposed; and a control figure in which the corner elements used to form the Kanizsa triangle were rotated to negate the formation of illusory contours. The MEG data were analysed using synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) to enable the spatial localisation of task-related oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands, and the time-course of activity within given locations-of-interest was determined by calculating time-frequency plots using a Morlet wavelet transform. In contrast to earlier studies, we did not find increases in gamma activity (> 30 Hz) to illusory shapes, but instead a decrease in 10–30 Hz activity approximately 200 ms after stimulus presentation. The reduction in oscillatory activity was primarily evident within extrastriate areas, including the lateral occipital complex (LOC). Importantly, this same pattern of results was evident for each stimulus type. Our results further highlight the importance of the LOC and a network of posterior brain regions in processing visual contours, be they illusory or real in nature. The similarity of the results for both real and illusory contours, however, leads us to conclude that the broadband (< 30 Hz) decrease in power we observed is more likely to reflect general changes in visual attention than neural computations specific to processing visual contours.


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Neuronal operations associated with the top-down control process of shifting attention from one locus to another involve a network of cortical regions, and their influence is deemed fundamental to visual perception. However, the extent and nature of these operations within primary visual areas are unknown. In this paper, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine whether, prior to the onset of a visual stimulus, neuronal activity within early visual cortex is affected by covert attentional shifts. Time/frequency analyses were used to identify the nature of this activity. Our results show that shifting attention towards an expected visual target results in a late-onset (600 ms postcue onset) depression of alpha activity which persists until the appearance of the target. Independent component analysis (ICA) and dipolar source modeling confirmed that the neuronal changes we observed originated from within the calcarine cortex. Our results further show that the amplitude changes in alpha activity were induced not evoked (i.e., not phase-locked to the cued attentional task). We argue that the decrease in alpha prior to the onset of the target may serve to prime the early visual cortex for incoming sensory information. We conclude that attentional shifts affect activity within the human calcarine cortex by altering the amplitude of spontaneous alpha rhythms and that subsequent modulation of visual input with attentional engagement follows as a consequence of these localized changes in oscillatory activity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of attentional modulation on activity within the human visual cortex were investigated using magnetoencephalography. Chromatic sinusoidal stimuli were used to evoke activity from the occipital cortex, with attention directed either toward or away from the stimulus using a bar-orientation judgment task. For five observers, global magnetic field power was plotted as a function of time from stimulus onset. The major peak of each function occurred at about 120 ms latency and was well modeled by a current dipole near the calcarine sulcus. Independent component analysis (ICA) on the non-averaged data for each observer also revealed one component of calcarine origin, the location of which matched that of the dipolar source determined from the averaged data. For two observers, ICA revealed a second component near the parieto-occipital sulcus. Although no effects of attention were evident using standard averaging procedures, time-varying spectral analyses of single trials revealed that the main effect of attention was to alter the level of oscillatory activity. Most notably, a sustained increase in alpha-band (7-12 Hz) activity of both calcarine and parieto-occipital origin was evident. In addition, calcarine activity in the range of 13-21 Hz was enhanced, while calcarine activity in the range of 5-6 Hz was reduced. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that attentional modulation affects neural processing within the calcarine and parieto-occipital cortex by altering the amplitude of alpha-band activity and other natural brain rhythms. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with enhanced synchronization of neuronal network activity in the beta (15-30 Hz) frequency band across several nuclei of the basal ganglia (BG). Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) appears to reduce this pathological oscillation, thereby alleviating PD symptoms. However, direct stimulation of primary motor cortex (M1) has recently been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms in PD, suggesting a role for cortex in patterning pathological rhythms. Here, we examine the properties of M1 network oscillations in coronal slices taken from rat brain. Oscillations in the high beta frequency range (layer 5, 27.8 +/- 1.1 Hz, n=6) were elicited by co-application of the glutamate receptor agonist kainic acid (400 nM) and muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol (50 mu M). Dual extracellular recordings, local application of tetrodotoxin and recordings in M1 micro-sections indicate that the activity originates within deep layers V/VI. Beta oscillations were unaffected by specific AMPA receptor blockade, abolished by the GABA type A receptor (GABAAR) antagonist picrotoxin and the gap-junction blocker carbenoxolone, and modulated by pentobarbital and zolpidem indicating dependence on networks of GABAergic interneurons and electrical coupling. High frequency stimulation (HFS) at 125 Hz in superficial layers, designed to mimic transdural/transcranial stimulation, generated gamma oscillations in layers 11 and V (incidence 95%, 69.2 +/- 7.3 Hz, n=17) with very fast oscillatory components (VFO; 100-250 Hz). Stimulation at 4 Hz, however, preferentially promoted theta activity (incidence 62.5%, 5.1 +/- 0.6 Hz, n=15) that effected strong amplitude modulation of ongoing beta activity. Stimulation at 20 Hz evoked mixed theta and gamma responses. These data suggest that within M1, evoked theta, gamma and fast oscillations may coexist with and in some cases modulate pharmacologically induced beta oscillations.


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Cannabinoids modulate inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission in many brain regions. Within the temporal lobe, cannabinoid receptors are highly expressed, and are located presynaptically at inhibitory terminals. Here, we have explored the role of type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1Rs) at the level of inhibitory synaptic currents and field-recorded network oscillations. We report that arachidonylcyclopropylamide, an agonist at CB1R, inhibits GABAergic synaptic transmission onto both superficial and deep medial entorhinal (mEC) neurones, but this has little effect on network oscillations in beta/gamma frequency bands. By contrast, the CB1R antagonist/inverse agonist LY320135 (500?nM), increased GABAergic synaptic activity and beta/gamma oscillatory activity in superficial mEC, was suppressed, whilst that in deep mEC was enhanced. These data indicate that cannabinoid-mediated effects on inhibitory synaptic activity may be constitutively active in vitro, and that modulation of CB1R activation using inverse agonists unmasks complex effects of CBR function on network activity.


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The perception of an object as a single entity within a visual scene requires that its features are bound together and segregated from the background and/or other objects. Here, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to assess the hypothesis that coherent percepts may arise from the synchronized high frequency (gamma) activity between neurons that code features of the same object. We also assessed the role of low frequency (alpha, beta) activity in object processing. The target stimulus (i.e. object) was a small patch of a concentric grating of 3c/°, viewed eccentrically. The background stimulus was either a blank field or a concentric grating of 3c/° periodicity, viewed centrally. With patterned backgrounds, the target stimulus emerged--through rotation about its own centre--as a circular subsection of the background. Data were acquired using a 275-channel whole-head MEG system and analyzed using Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM), which allows one to generate images of task-related cortical oscillatory power changes within specific frequency bands. Significant oscillatory activity across a broad range of frequencies was evident at the V1/V2 border, and subsequent analyses were based on a virtual electrode at this location. When the target was presented in isolation, we observed that: (i) contralateral stimulation yielded a sustained power increase in gamma activity; and (ii) both contra- and ipsilateral stimulation yielded near identical transient power changes in alpha (and beta) activity. When the target was presented against a patterned background, we observed that: (i) contralateral stimulation yielded an increase in high-gamma (>55 Hz) power together with a decrease in low-gamma (40-55 Hz) power; and (ii) both contra- and ipsilateral stimulation yielded a transient decrease in alpha (and beta) activity, though the reduction tended to be greatest for contralateral stimulation. The opposing power changes across different regions of the gamma spectrum with 'figure/ground' stimulation suggest a possible dual role for gamma rhythms in visual object coding, and provide general support of the binding-by-synchronization hypothesis. As the power changes in alpha and beta activity were largely independent of the spatial location of the target, however, we conclude that their role in object processing may relate principally to changes in visual attention.