1000 resultados para Orthodontics Stability


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O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a estabilidade das alteraes oclusais em 18 pacientes com m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, idade mdia inicial de 10,77 anos, tratados com o aparelho regulador de funo RF-2 durante 18 meses e reavaliados num perodo de ps-tratamento 7,16 anos, em mdia. Os 54 modelos de gesso foram avaliados no incio do tratamento (T1), no final do tratamento (T2) e decorridos 7,16 anos ps-tratamento (T3). Foram analisadas as alteraes transversais e sagitais; o ndice de irregularidade de Little e o ndice de Prioridade de Tratamento (IPT). As alteraes ocorridas nos perodos analisados foram verificadas por meio da anlise de Varincia- ANOVA e, em seguida, pelo teste de comparaes mltiplas de Bonferroni, com o valor crtico adotado de 0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com o RF-2 promoveu um aumento transversal estatisticamente significante, tanto no arco dentrio superior quanto no inferior, porm, no perodo ps-tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou mesmo total deste aumento na maioria das dimenses analisadas. J o comprimento dos arcos dentrios superior e inferior diminuiu durante todo o perodo avaliado. O ndice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou-se estvel durante o tratamento, entretanto aumentou no perodo ps-tratamento. Alm disso, o tratamento com o RF-2 proporcionou uma diminuio estatisticamente significante do IPT, refletindo a eficcia do tratamento realizado uma vez que esta diminuio permaneceu estvel no perodo ps-tratamento. Portanto, o aparelho RF-2 demonstrou ser eficaz na correo dentria da m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, com estabilidade dos resultados decorridos 7,16 anos aps o tratamento. Porm, em relao ao ganho transversal nos arcos dentrios obtido durante o tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou total de todas as variveis analisadas.(AU)


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O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a estabilidade das alteraes oclusais em 18 pacientes com m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, idade mdia inicial de 10,77 anos, tratados com o aparelho regulador de funo RF-2 durante 18 meses e reavaliados num perodo de ps-tratamento 7,16 anos, em mdia. Os 54 modelos de gesso foram avaliados no incio do tratamento (T1), no final do tratamento (T2) e decorridos 7,16 anos ps-tratamento (T3). Foram analisadas as alteraes transversais e sagitais; o ndice de irregularidade de Little e o ndice de Prioridade de Tratamento (IPT). As alteraes ocorridas nos perodos analisados foram verificadas por meio da anlise de Varincia- ANOVA e, em seguida, pelo teste de comparaes mltiplas de Bonferroni, com o valor crtico adotado de 0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com o RF-2 promoveu um aumento transversal estatisticamente significante, tanto no arco dentrio superior quanto no inferior, porm, no perodo ps-tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou mesmo total deste aumento na maioria das dimenses analisadas. J o comprimento dos arcos dentrios superior e inferior diminuiu durante todo o perodo avaliado. O ndice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou-se estvel durante o tratamento, entretanto aumentou no perodo ps-tratamento. Alm disso, o tratamento com o RF-2 proporcionou uma diminuio estatisticamente significante do IPT, refletindo a eficcia do tratamento realizado uma vez que esta diminuio permaneceu estvel no perodo ps-tratamento. Portanto, o aparelho RF-2 demonstrou ser eficaz na correo dentria da m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, com estabilidade dos resultados decorridos 7,16 anos aps o tratamento. Porm, em relao ao ganho transversal nos arcos dentrios obtido durante o tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou total de todas as variveis analisadas.(AU)


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alteraes dentrias, esquelticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Frnkel-2 com um grupo controle, alm de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num perodo mdio de 7,11 anos ps-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em trs fases (T1:incio de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: ps-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparao entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student no pareado. J para a anlise dos valores do grupo tratado nos trs tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Anlise de Varincia (ANOVA) a um critrio e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alteraes proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparao do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protruso e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotao horria, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ntero-inferior (AFAI), alm de suave rotao anti-horria do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalizao relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuio do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No perodo ps-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandbula (SNB), das variveis do padro facial, da inclinao do incisivo superior, do ngulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve tambm a extruso de incisivos e molares. J o plano oclusal e o ngulo gonaco diminuram na fase ps-tratamento.(AU)


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alteraes dentrias, esquelticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Frnkel-2 com um grupo controle, alm de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num perodo mdio de 7,11 anos ps-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em trs fases (T1:incio de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: ps-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparao entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student no pareado. J para a anlise dos valores do grupo tratado nos trs tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Anlise de Varincia (ANOVA) a um critrio e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alteraes proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparao do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protruso e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotao horria, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ntero-inferior (AFAI), alm de suave rotao anti-horria do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalizao relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuio do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No perodo ps-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandbula (SNB), das variveis do padro facial, da inclinao do incisivo superior, do ngulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve tambm a extruso de incisivos e molares. J o plano oclusal e o ngulo gonaco diminuram na fase ps-tratamento.(AU)


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O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a estabilidade das alteraes oclusais em 18 pacientes com m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, idade mdia inicial de 10,77 anos, tratados com o aparelho regulador de funo RF-2 durante 18 meses e reavaliados num perodo de ps-tratamento 7,16 anos, em mdia. Os 54 modelos de gesso foram avaliados no incio do tratamento (T1), no final do tratamento (T2) e decorridos 7,16 anos ps-tratamento (T3). Foram analisadas as alteraes transversais e sagitais; o ndice de irregularidade de Little e o ndice de Prioridade de Tratamento (IPT). As alteraes ocorridas nos perodos analisados foram verificadas por meio da anlise de Varincia- ANOVA e, em seguida, pelo teste de comparaes mltiplas de Bonferroni, com o valor crtico adotado de 0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com o RF-2 promoveu um aumento transversal estatisticamente significante, tanto no arco dentrio superior quanto no inferior, porm, no perodo ps-tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou mesmo total deste aumento na maioria das dimenses analisadas. J o comprimento dos arcos dentrios superior e inferior diminuiu durante todo o perodo avaliado. O ndice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou-se estvel durante o tratamento, entretanto aumentou no perodo ps-tratamento. Alm disso, o tratamento com o RF-2 proporcionou uma diminuio estatisticamente significante do IPT, refletindo a eficcia do tratamento realizado uma vez que esta diminuio permaneceu estvel no perodo ps-tratamento. Portanto, o aparelho RF-2 demonstrou ser eficaz na correo dentria da m ocluso de Classe II, diviso 1, com estabilidade dos resultados decorridos 7,16 anos aps o tratamento. Porm, em relao ao ganho transversal nos arcos dentrios obtido durante o tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou total de todas as variveis analisadas.(AU)


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O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar as alteraes dentrias, esquelticas e tegumentares promovidas pelo aparelho de Frnkel-2 com um grupo controle, alm de observar a estabilidade desses efeitos promovidos pelo tratamento, num perodo mdio de 7,11 anos ps-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 90 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 54 telerradiografias provenientes de 18 pacientes tratados com o RF-2 avaliados em trs fases (T1:incio de tratamento;T2: final de tratamento e T3: ps-tratamento) e 36 telerradiografias de 18 pacientes-controle, observados em dois tempos. Para comparao entre os grupos tratado e controle foi utilizado o teste t de Student no pareado. J para a anlise dos valores do grupo tratado nos trs tempos (T1, T2 e T3) foi utilizada a Anlise de Varincia (ANOVA) a um critrio e o teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As principais alteraes proporcionadas pelo aparelho RF-2 observadas a partir da comparao do grupo tratado com o controle envolveram efeitos mandibulares, principalmente a protruso e aumento do comprimento mandibular associado com uma rotao horria, que resultou em uma maior altura facial total (N-Me) e ntero-inferior (AFAI), alm de suave rotao anti-horria do plano palatino (SN.PP). Os incisivos superiores retruram e o inferior vestibularizou. Houve uma distalizao relativa dos molares superiores juntamente com a diminuio do overjet , desta forma a convexidade do perfil facial tegumentar melhorou. No perodo ps-tratamento (T3) observou-se uma estabilidade sagital de maxila (SNA) e mandbula (SNB), das variveis do padro facial, da inclinao do incisivo superior, do ngulo nasolabial e do overjet . A mandbula e a maxila continuaram a crescer no sentido antero-posterior, juntamente com as alturas faciais Houve tambm a extruso de incisivos e molares. J o plano oclusal e o ngulo gonaco diminuram na fase ps-tratamento.(AU)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Objective: To evaluate healing time before loading, areas compression and tension and location of insertion on mini-implant stability. Design: Six minipigs were used. Each animal received 3 mini-implants in each quadrant: 1 mini-implant was used as an unloaded control (G1, n = 24); the other 2 were loaded with 150 g-force at three time intervals (G2: immediate loading, G3: after 15 days and G4: after 30 days), with 16 mini-implant in each experimental group. After 120 days, tissue blocks of the areas of interest were harvested. Clinical analysis (exact Fisher test) determined the survival rate. Histological analysis (Kontron KS 300TM, Zeiss) quantified the fractional bone-toimplant contact (%BIC) and bone area (%BA) at each healing time point, areas of interest, and insertion site (ANOVA and t tests for dependent and independent samples). Results: The mini-implant survival rates were G1: 71%, G2: 50%, G3: 75% and G4: 63%, with no statistical differences between them. The groups presented similar %BIC and %BA. There were no differences between the compression and tension sides or maxillary and mandibular insertion sites. Conclusions: These results suggest that low-intensity immediate or early orthodontic loading does not affect mini-implant stability, because similar histomorphometric results were observed for all the groups, with partial osseointegration of the mini-implants present.


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Open bite has fascinated Orthodontics due to the difficulties regarding its treatment and maintenance of results. This anomaly has distinct characteristics that, in addition to the complexity of multiple etiological factors, have aesthetic and functional consequences. Within this etiological context, several types of mechanics have been used in open bite treatment, such as palatal crib, orthopedic forces, occlusal adjustment, orthodontic camouflage with or without extraction, orthodontic intervention using mini-implants or mini-plates, and even orthognathic surgery. An accurate diagnosis and etiological determination are always the best guides to establish the objectives and the ideal treatment plan for such a malocclusion. This report describes two cases of open bite. At the end of the treatment, both patients had their canines and molars in Class I occlusion, normal overjet and overbite, and stability during the posttreatment period.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the stability and the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding treatment on cases with premolar extraction and evaluate the tendency of the teeth to return to their pretreatment position. METHODS: The experimental sample consisted of 70 patients of both sex with an initial Class I and Class II maloclusion and treated with first premolar extractions. The initial mean age was 13,08 years. Dental casts' measurements were obtained at three stages (pretreatment, posttreatment and posttreatment of 9 years on average) and the variables assessed were Little Irregularity Index, maxillary arch length and intercanine. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to know if some studied variable would have influence on the crowding in the three stages (LII1, LII2, LII3) and in each linear displacement of the Little irregularity index (A, B, C, D, E) in the initial and post-retention phases. RESULTS: The maxillary crowding relapse ( LII3-2) is influenced by the initial ( LII1), and the teeth tend to return to their pretreatment position. CONCLUSION: The results underline the attention that the orthodontist should be given to the maxillary anterior relapse, primarily on those teeth that are crowded before the treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the stability of dentoalveolar and skeletal changes produced by a removable appliance with palatal crib associated to high-pull chincup in individuals with anterior open bite treated for 12 months, and compare them to individuals with similar malocclusion and age, not submitted to orthodontic treatment, also followed for the same period. METHODS: Nineteen children with a mean age of 9.78 years old treated for 12 months with a removable appliance with palatal crib associated with chincup therapy were evaluated after 15 months (post-treatment period) and compared with a control group of 19 subjects with mean age of 9.10 years with the same malocclusion that was followed-up for the same period. Seventy-six lateral cephalograms were evaluated at T1 (after correction) and T2 (follow-up) and cephalometric variables were analyzed by statistical tests. RESULTS: The results did not show significant skeletal, soft tissue or maxillary dentoalveolar changes. Overall, treatment effects on the experimental group were maintained at T2 evaluation with an increase of 0.56 mm in overbite. Overjet and maxillary incisors/molars position (vertical and sagittal) remained essentially unchanged during the study period. Only mandibular incisors showed significant changes (labial inclination and protrusion) compared to control group. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, it can be concluded that the early open bite treatment with a removable appliance and palatal crib associated with high-pull chincup therapy provided stability of 95%.


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The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up investigation of the stability of hard and soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal (RIF) fixation to advance the mandible. Sixteen consecutive patients (12 females and 4 males, mean age 21.4 years) were available for re-examination 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The preceding follow-ups were before (T1), and 5 days (T2), 7.3 months (T3), and 13.9 months (T4) after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line NSL -7 degrees. Thus, the program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. Statistical analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed-ranks test with Bonferroni adjustments. The relationships between the examined variables were analysed by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. The backward relapse at point B (T5) was 2.42 mm, or 50 per cent, and at pogonion 3.21 mm, or 60 per cent of the initial advancement. The mean net effect at T5 on the labial fold (soft tissue point B) was 94 per cent of the advancement at point B. For the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion), it was 119 per cent of the advancement at pogonion. The net effect on the lower lip (labrale inferior) was 55 per cent of the advancement at incision inferior. The amount of the surgical advancement of the mandible was correlated with the long-term relapse in point B. Among possible reasons for this relapse are the initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissue.


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The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up on the stability of the hard tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF)to set back the mandible and to compare it with that of mandibular advancement performed by the same team of surgeons and with the same examination protocol. Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females and 11 males) could be re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The previous examinations were before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2), and 6.6 (T3) and 14.4 (T4) months after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner software program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line nasion-sella-line minus 7 degrees. The program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. The effects of treatment were determined with Wilcoxon matched pairs, signed ranks test, with Bonferroni adjustment, and the relationship between variables with Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Relapse at point B was 0.94 mm or 15 per cent and at pogonion 1.46 mm or 21 per cent of the initial setback at T5. Relapse was mainly short-term (T4-T2), 13 per cent for point B and 17 per cent for pogonion. Gender correlated significantly with relapse (T5-T2) at point B (P = 0.002) and pogonion (P = 0.021), i.e. females in contrast to males showed further distalization of the mandible instead of relapse. No correlations were seen for age or the amount of surgical setback. The long-term results in mandibular setback patients were more stable when compared with the mandibular advancement patients examined previously. The initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissues must be considered as reasons for long-term relapse. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term results in females: further distalization of the mandible occurred.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature research was done in databases such as PubMed, Ovid, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 488 articles identified, 14 articles were finally included. Only 5 studies were prospective and 9 retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was from 6 weeks to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The horizontal short-term relapse was between 9.9% and 62.1% at point B and between 15.7% and 91.3% at pogonion. Long-term relapse was between 14.9% and 28.0% at point B and between 11.5% and 25.4% at pogonion. CONCLUSIONS: Neither large increase nor decrease of relapse was seen when short-term values were compared with long-term. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular setback in combination with orthodontics is an effective treatment of skeletal Class III and a stable procedure in the short- and long-term. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial: the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of setback, the soft tissue and muscles, remaining growth and remodeling, and gender were identified. Age did not show any correlations. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short- and long-term research of bilateral sagittal split osteotomy setback with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include correlation statistics.


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The purpose of this long-term follow-up study was twofold-firstly, to assess prevalence of relapse after treatment of deep bite malocclusion and secondly, to identify risk factors that predispose patients with deep bite malocclusion to relapse. Sixty-one former patients with overbite more than 50% incisor overlap before treatment were successfully recalled. Clinical data, morphometrical measurements on plaster casts before treatment, after treatment and at long-term follow-up, as well as cephalometric measurements before and after treatment were collected. The median follow-up period was 11.9 years. Patients were treated by various treatment modalities, and the majority of patients received at least a lower fixed retainer and an upper removable bite plate during retention. Relapse was defined as increase in incisor overlap from below 50% after treatment to equal or more than 50% incisor overlap at long-term follow-up. Ten per cent of the patients showed relapse to equal or larger than 50% incisor overlap, and their amount of overbite increase was low. Among all cases with deep bite at follow-up, gingival contact and palatal impingement were more prevalent in partially corrected noncompliant cases than in relapse cases. In this sample, prevalence and amount of relapse were too low to identify risk factors of relapse.