73 resultados para Ornithologists


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Australian delegates at the Australasian Ornithological Conference (2007) were surveyed by questionnaire to determine their perceived research and conservation priorities for Australian birds (n = 134). Respondents were honours or postgraduate students (37.4%), academics (26.2%), wildlife managers (6.5%), land managers (6.5%), environmental consultants (5.6%), independent wildlife researchers (5.6%) or had ‘other’ occupations not relevant to birds or their management (12.1%). Respondents rated their priorities on a predetermined set of issues, and were invited to add additional priorities. ‘Conservation of threatened species’ was considered the highest priority, followed by ‘Conservation of birds and biodiversity in general’, ‘Monitoring’, ‘Management’ and ‘Working with communities’. ‘Animal welfare/rights’ was regarded as comparatively less important. Eight of 11 conservation strategies were regarded as of high importance, these included habitat protection and rehabilitation, threat abatement, research, advocacy and education. This study documents the view of the ornithological community with respect to priority issues facing birds and could potentially feed into government and other policies aimed at conserving and understanding Australia’s birds.


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Published also as no. 15 of the Reports of the expedition.


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Vol. 1-67 also called no. 1-474.


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Vol. 1-67 also called no. 1-474.


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The impact of urban development and climate change has created the impetus to monitor changes in the environment, particularly, the behaviour, habitat and movement of fauna species. The aim of this chapter is to present the design and development of a sensor network based on smart phones to automatically collect and analyse acoustic and visual data for environmental monitoring purposes. Due to the communication and sophisticated programming facilities offered by smart phones, software tools can be developed to allow data to be collected, partially processed and sent to a remote server over the network for storage and further processing. This sensor network which employs a client-server architecture has been deployed in three applications: monitoring a rare bird species near Brisbane Airport, study of koalas behaviour at St Bees Island, and detection of fruit flies. The users of this system include scientists (e.g. ecologists, ornithologists, computer scientists) and community groups participating in data collection or reporting on the environment (e.g. students, bird watchers). The chapter focuses on the following aspects of our research: issues involved in using smart phones as sensors; the overall framework for data acquisition, data quality control, data management and analysis; current and future applications of the smart phone-based sensor network, and our future research directions.


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Few studies have investigated the vocal communication of ratites, and none has investigated the spectral and temporal structure of vocalizations of Apteryx, the only extant ratite genus in New Zealand. We describe the long-range vocalization (whistle call) and vocal behavior of male and female North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli). Spontaneous calling by seven pairs was recorded in the field over a one-year period. Call notes produced by males were tonal in nature; the fundamental frequency was ~1.5 kHz, with overtones reaching up to ~13.0 kHz. Call notes produced by females contained a series of tightly packed, poorly defined harmonics and consisted of a fundamental frequency of ~0.1 kHz, with overtones reaching ~7.0 kHz. The amplitude within notes of females was concentrated into two prominent formants. Some individuals of pairs exhibited duetting behavior that resulted in alteration of the inter-note interval after the onset of the call of their mate. Our findings draw attention to the uniqueness of the North Island Brown Kiwi's vocalizations, and we uncovered some unexpected structural features that call for further investigation.


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Ornithologists have been exploring the possibilities and the methodology of recording and archiving animal sounds for many decades. Primatologists, however, have only relatively recently become aware that recordings of primate sound may be just as valuable as traditional scientific specimens such as skins or skeletons, and should be preserved for posterity (Fig. 16.1). Audio recordings should be fully documented, archived and curated to ensure proper care and accessibility. As natural populations disappear, sound archives will become increasingly important (Bradbury et al., 1999). Studying animal vocal communication is also relevant from the perspective of behavioural ecology. Vocal communication plays a central role in animal societies. Calls are believed to provide various types and amounts of information. These may include, among other things: (1) information about the sender's identity (e.g. species, sex, age class, group membership or individual identity); (2) information about the sender's status andmood (e.g. dominance, fear or aggressive motivation, fitness); and (3) information about relevant events or discoveries in the sender's environment (e.g. predators, food location). When studying acoustic communication, sound recordings are usually required to analyse the spectral and temporal structure of vocalizations or to perform playback experiments (Chapter 11)...


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Approximately 90% of the original woodlands of the Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia has been cleared, modified or fragmented, most severely in the last 60 years, and affecting the avifauna dependent on native vegetation. This study identifies which woodland-dependent species are still declining in two different habitats, Pink GumBlue Gum woodland and Stringybark woodland. We analyse the Mount Lofty Ranges Woodland Bird Long-Term Monitoring Dataset for 1999-2007, to look for changes in abundance of 59 species. We use logistic regression of prevalence on lists in a Bayesian framework, and List Length Analysis to control for variation in detectability. Compared with Reporting Rate Analysis, a more traditional approach, List Length Analysis provides tighter confidence intervals by accounting for changing detectability. Several common species were declining significantly. Increasers were generally large-bodied generalists. Many birds have already disappeared from this modified and naturally isolated woodland island, and our results suggest that more specialist insectivores are likely to follow. The Mount Lofty Ranges can be regarded as a 'canary landscape' for temperate woodlands elsewhere in Australia without immediate action their bird communities are likely to follow the trajectory of the Mount Lofty Ranges avifauna. Alternatively, with extensive habitat restoration and management, we could avoid paying the extinction debt. © Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 2011.


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This unique book is the first of its kind to explore the diversity of interactions between insects and birds. A group of international experts enthusiastically agreed to contribute to the four sections of the book following the success of an Entomological Club Conference on Insect and Bird Interactions. The first section covers population management issues, discussing effects on birds highly relevant to the planting of large areas of GM crops, new opportunities for increasing biodiversity in farming landscapes, and the novel aspect of managing insects by exploiting birds as biological control agents. This is followed by a section discussing the effects of insecticides on bird populations, and includes a contribution from the RSPB, as well as a re-appraisal of the effects of DDT on raptors. Next, the foraging behaviour of birds on insects is discussed, with chapters also on 'warning' coloration in insects and learning by birds. The first chapter in this section is unusual in having been written by an ophthalmologist and covers colour vision in birds, more specifically ultraviolet vision in relation to insect coloration. Finally, the authors look at insects that are parasites of birds or feed on the detritus in nests, and review the ecology and evolution of the co-adaptation of insect ectoparasites with birds. Insect and Bird Interactions is unparalleled in scope and coverage and will be of interest to entomologists, ornithologists, and ecologists alike.


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A study to assess distribution, numbers and habitat of the Rufous Bristlebird was conducted during 1997 and 1998 along the coast at Aireys Inlet, Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted along selected pathways for 1 h at sunrise, noon and late afternoon. Birds were recorded on the basis of sightings and calls; 75% of records were from calls. The number of records of birds for April–June was significantly lower than for January–March, July–September and October–December. There was no difference in frequency of records due to weather conditions (clear, overcast or rain), presence of wind or difference in temperature. The Rufous Bristlebird inhabited remnant coastal vegetation, but also utilised nearby house gardens and road verges. Birds appeared to occupy distinct territories, with each separate territory occuring along a narrow strip of land on the coastal cliffs. The number of territories identified ranged from 14 to 33. Territories were occupied predominantly by pairs of birds. The minimum number of birds present was estimated for each survey session and ranged from 2 to 34. A conservative estimate of the bristlebird population in the area, based on the assumption that a territory was occupied by a pair, was thus between 28 and 66. A number of threats to the Rufous Bristlebird were identified in the study area including loss and fragmentation of habitat from housing developments and walking tracks. Introduced predators including foxes, cats and rats have been recorded, but their impact is unknown. The effect of people walking along the tracks and the presence of dogs is unclear.


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The White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. Numbers of these storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands have declined considerably since early last century. White-faced Storm Petrels were recorded on Mud Islands from early September 2002 until mid-March 2003 when the last chicks fledged. Eggs were laid from late October to early December, with chicks hatching in the later half of December. The mean incubation period was 51.7 days (± 3.2 days (s.d.), range = 38–53, n = 13), and may have been extended by periods of egg neglect. The mean nestling period was 54.8 days (± 4.4 days (s.d.), range 50–70, n = 21). Chick growth is described. Hatching success was 54% and fledging success was 77.8%, with overall breeding success being 42%. Burrow densities were found to be influenced by plant species, vegetation height and soil moisture. The position of the burrow within the colony was shown to influence breeding success, with those nearer the edge of the storm petrel colony, closer to the marsh, and further from a colony of Australian White (Threskiornis molucca) and Straw-necked (T. spinicollis) Ibis recording higher success.