1000 resultados para Orius sp.
O desenvolvimento e a fecundidade das espécies de Orius são bastante influenciados por uma série de fatores, como as condições ambientais, e em particular, pela temperatura. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a reprodução e a longevidade de Orius thyestes Herring 1966 em diferentes temperaturas, tendo como alimento, ovos de Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879). O experimento foi conduzido em câmaras climatizadas com temperaturas de 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31 ± 1ºC, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12horas. Efeito deletério da temperatura em O. thyestes foi obtido a 16ºC, na qual apenas 40% das ninfas atingiram a fase adulta, e destes apenas 19% não apresentaram deformações morfológicas. O maior perÃodo de pré-oviposição foi observado a 19ºC (17,8 dias). Os maiores valores para a fecundidade média total foram registrados a 25 e 28ºC, com 109,2 e 128,2 ovos/fêmea, respectivamente, e o menor a 19ºC, com 22,8 ovos/fêmea. A 22 e 31ºC as fêmeas viveram mais que os machos, sendo que a 19ºC a longevidade foi maior, independente do sexo. As baixas temperaturas influenciaram a reprodução e longevidade de O. thyestes sugerindo que esta espécie poderá ter melhor performance reprodutiva em temperaturas mais elevadas, como aquelas de regiões tropicais e ou subtropicais.
Procurou-se avaliar os efeitos do plantio direto e da consorciação soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) e milho (Zea mays L.) sobre pragas e inimigos naturais. Os tratamentos constituÃram um fatorial 3 x 2 (monocultura de soja, monocultura de milho, consorciação soja-milho x plantio direto, plantio convencional), em blocos casualizados. Os insetos foram amostrados pelo método do pano, rede entomológica, procura visual e armadilha de sucção. Entre os insetos-pragas do milho, Maecolaspis assimilis ocorreu em maior número no sistema de plantio convencional; o mesmo ocorreu com os predadores Cycloneda sanguinea e Doru sp. Por outro lado, M. assimilis e o predador Toxomerus sp. foram mais numerosos na monocultura de milho em relação à cultura do milho consorciado com soja. Dos insetos-pragas da soja, destacaram-se pelo maior número Anticarsia gemmatalis e Diabrotica gracilenta, no sistema de plantio convencional, e o mesmo aconteceu com a espécie da famÃlia Trichogrammatidae, enquanto as espécies da famÃlia Eulophidae foram mais numerosas na soja sob sistema de plantio direto. Na soja consorciada com milho foi maior o número de insetos-pragas Megalotomus sp. e Maecolaspis sp. e dos inimigos naturais Geocoris sp., Lebia concina, Orius sp., Braconidae e Scelionidae.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Espécies de artrópodos entomófagos foram coletadas e identificadas nos genótipos sorgo AF-28, IAC-83/75-5-1-6, TX-2536, BR-300, IPA-201 e SAR, no MunicÃpio de SelvÃria, MS. Foram conduzidos três experimentos em campo, com os genótipos sendo semeados em 03/1988, 10/1988 e 02/1989, respectivamente. Para contagem dos artrópodos entomófagos, no inÃcio do florescimento foram marcadas 560 panÃculas por genótipo. Após esse momento, diariamente e durante 14 dias seguidos, foram coletadas 40 panÃculas por genótipo (10 por parcela). Nas coletas foram utilizados sacos plásticos com 10 litros de capacidade para envolver as panÃculas e capturar os artrópodos presentes. As panÃculas coletadas foram levadas para o Laboratório de Entomologia da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira, SP, para separação, contagem e identificação dos artrópodos. Nas panÃculas provenientes da semeadura da seca coletou-se, em média, maior número de artrópodos entomófagos em relação à semeadura das águas. Dos artrópodos entomófagos coletados, as aranhas apresentaram maior número de espécies e, desses, a tecelã Alpaida veniliae (Keys.), a aranha corredora noturna Cheiracanthium inclusum (Blackwall), e a caçadora de emboscada, Misumenops pallidus (Keys.), foram as mais abundantes. O genótipo de sorgo IPA-201 comportou-se como o mais atrativo ao percevejo Orius sp. e à tesourinha Doru lineare (Eschs.), enquanto que o IAC-83/75-5-1-6 foi medianamente atrativo a D. lineare. As aranhas foram coletadas em maior número nos genótipos BR-300 e SART.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a diversidade de pulgões, seus predadores e parasitóides, e a influência de fatores climáticos nas suas populações. Foram realizadas coletas semanais no perÃodo de abril/1995 a março/1996, no campo de alfafa da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), em Lavras, MG. As espécies de pulgões coletadas foram Therioaphis trifolii (Monel) f. maculata, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), A. kondoi Shinji e Aphis craccivora Kock, presentes na cultura durante todo o perÃodo de estudo, com picos populacionais em novembro/1995, julho/1995, dezembro/1995 e abril/1996, respectivamente. Foram amostrados insetos predadores das famÃlias Coccinellidae, Syrphidae, Anthocoridae, Geocoridae e Chrysopidae, tendo as duas últimas ocorrência esporádica. Espécies da famÃlia Coccinellidae ocorreram durante todo o perÃodo amostral, apresentando o pico populacional no final de dezembro/1995, com precipitação de 20 mm e temperatura de 22,6ºC. A famÃlia Syrphidae alcançou maiores números em abril, à precipitação de 53 mm e temperatura de 21ºC. A famÃlia Anthocoridae não se manteve por todo o perÃodo amostral, porém um pico populacional ocorreu no final de dezembro nas mesmas condições que aquele apresentado pela famÃlia Coccinellidae. Os parasitóides da famÃlia Aphididae alcançaram pico em junho/1995, à temperatura de 16ºC.
The genus Orius Wolff, 1811 comprises predatory species, with approximately 70 known species. Informations about the genus in Brazil are scarce. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to identify Orius species present in four localities in the southeastern Brazil. Samples were taken from several plants, and the material screened in laboratory. The genitalia of both sexes were studied and illustrated. Two species were identified, Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) and Orius thyestes Herring, 1966. O. insidiosus, the most common species, was collected in all of the localities sampled [Lavras (MG), Holambra, Pindorama and Campinas (SP)]. O. thyestes, registered for the first time in Brazil, occurred only in Lavras (MG) and Pindorama (SP). Some morphologic aspects of these two species are also presented.
O gênero Orius Wolff é composto por espécies de percevejos predadores, principalmente de tripes, encontradas em muitos ecossistemas naturais e manejados. Entretanto, as interações que podem ocorrer entre esses predadores e suas presas no mesmo "habitat" não são bem conhecidas entre as espécies das regiões tropicais. Este estudo teve como objetivo registrar a interação de espécies de Orius e de tripes coletadas na mesma planta, ou seja, presentes no mesmo "habitat". As coletas foram feitas em várias plantas cultivadas, no campo e em casas de vegetação e em plantas invasoras. A forma e o grau de associação entre as espécies foram determinados, utilizando-se o coeficiente de Spearman (R), calculado com dados de presença/ausência das espécies (Orius e tripes) no mesmo "habitat". Orius insidiosus (Say) foi encontrado associado positivamente aos tripes Frankliniella sp., Neohydatothrips sp. e Haplothrips gowdeyi (Franklin) e negativamente associado a Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) e Caliothrips phaseoli (Hood). Orius thyestes Herring e Orius sp1 ocorreram simultaneamente em 10 espécies de tripes sem, contudo, apresentar associação significativa, enquanto Orius perpunctatus (Reuter) esteve associado positivamente às espécies Frankliniella sp. e Neohydatothrips sp. e, negativamente, a Frankliniella gemina (Moulton).
The objective of this research was to determine the survival, reproduction and predaceous capacity of Orius insidiosus on cotton aphid Aphis gossypii. Cotton plants of Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density) were individualized and infested with 15 third/fourth instar nymphs of A. gossypii, and then first-instar nymphs of O. insidiosus were released on the plants. The evaluations were made daily, quantifying survival and nymphal development; the number of cotton aphids A. gossypii per day and total; the number of eggs and the population of the predator (number of insects by female); and the conversion efficiency of A. gossypii predaceous. The nymphal development did not differ according to the cotton cultivars. The Antares cultivar favored a higher daily predation rate for the 1st, 2nd and 4th instars and adults of O. insidiosus. The number of eggs and nymphs was smaller when O. insidiosus females were confined on the Acala 90 cultivar. According to the predation rate of O. insidiosus, the efficiency of alimentary conversion was determined for the Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars, being respectively, 4.28, 3.00 and 2.75 cotton aphid predation for each egg of the predator.
The life table parameters were studied for Orius insidiosus on the three cotton plant cultivars Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density). This study showed that the type of cultivar can strongly influence the life-table parameters. The intrinsic rate (rm) was 0.088 (on Antares), 0.081 (CNPA7H) and 0.079 (on Acala 90), which was expected as these differences were also observed for development time, survival, fecundity and longevity on the cultivars. The reproductive rate (Ro) was 18.53 on the Antares cultivar, but showed less difference for CNPA7H (12.26) and Acala 90 (12.95). The development time was 33.9, 30.62 and 32.13 days for Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90, respectively. The age-specific survival was similar until the 12th day. Maximum survival was 60 days on the Antares cultivar. Females usually began to oviposit after 16 days on the Antares cultivar and the after 19 days day on CNPA7H and Acala 90.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the biology of Orius insidiosus fed on eggs of Plutella xylostella and Anagasta kuehniella. The eggs used were obtained from the Laboratorio de Biologia e Criacao de Insetos, Departamento de Fitossanidade, FCAV/UNESP. The experiment was carried out with a total of 50 12-to-24-hour-old O. insidiosus nymphs, 1 per Petri dish (50 replications). P. xylostella or A. kuehniella eggs were places into each Petri dish daily, along with a small cotton pad moistened with distilled water. The evaluations were carried out daily. The adults were separated in couples, and placed in Petri dishes. The following biological aspects were evaluated: duration, survival rate and consumption of the nymph instars and of the nymph period; longevity of males and females; consumption per day and adult longevity; eggs per day; female fecundity; egg viability; embryonic period; preoviposition period, oviposition period, post-oviposition period. The fertility life table parameters were also evaluated. The predator O. insidiosus did not present significant differences for its biological characteristics, when feeding on P. xylostella and A. kuehniella eggs, however it showed improved fertility life table parameters when fedo n eggs of P. xylostella, suggesting the possibility of using these eggs in the mass rearing of this insect.
Balsamic vinegar (BV) is a typical and valuable Italian product, worldwide appreciated thanks to its characteristic flavors and potential health benefits. Several studies have been conducted to assess physicochemical and microbial compositions of BV, as well as its beneficial properties. Due to highly-disseminated claims of antioxidant, antihypertensive and antiglycemic properties, BV is a known target for frauds and adulterations. For that matter, product authentication, certifying its origin (region or country) and thus the processing conditions, is becoming a growing concern. Striving for fraud reduction as well as quality and safety assurance, reliable analytical strategies to rapidly evaluate BV quality are very interesting, also from an economical point of view. This work employs silica plate laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SP-LDI-MS) for fast chemical profiling of commercial BV samples with protected geographical indication (PGI) and identification of its adulterated samples with low-priced vinegars, namely apple, alcohol and red/white wines.
The taxonomic position of a bacterium isolated from water samples from the Rio Negro, in Amazon, Brazil, was determined by using a polyphasic approach. The organism formed a distinct phyletic line in the Chromobacterium 16S rRNA gene tree and had chemotaxonomic and morphological properties consistent with its classification in this genus. It was found to be closely related to Chromobacterium vaccinii DSM 25150(T) (98.6Â % 16S rRNA gene similarity) and shared 98.5Â % 16S rRNA gene similarity with Chromobacterium piscinae LGM 3947(T). DNA-DNA relatedness studies showed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) belongs to distinct genomic species. The isolate was readily distinguished from the type strain of these species using a combination of phenotypic and chemotaxonomic properties. Thus, based on genotypic and phenotypic data, it is proposed that isolate CBMAI 310(T) (=DSM 26508(T)) be classified in the genus Chromobacterium as the type strain of a novel species, namely, Chromobacterium amazonense sp. nov.
Recently, to obtain lipids from microalgae has been the object of extensive research, since it is viewed as a promising feedstock for biodiesel production, especially when compared with crops such as soybean and sunflower, in terms of theoretical performance. The reduction of nutrient availability in culture media, especially nitrogen, stresses the microorganisms and affects cell growth, thus inducing lipid accumulation. This is an interesting step in biodiesel feedstock obtention from microalgae and should be better understood. In this study, four levels of nitrogen concentration in the BG-11 culture medium were evaluated in the growth of the chlorophycean microalga Desmodesmus sp. Both cell growth and lipid content were monitored over 7 days of cultivation, which yielded a final cell density of 33 × 10(6) cells mL(-1) with an initial NaNO3 concentration of 750 mg L(-1) in the medium and a maximum lipid content of 23 % with total nitrogen starvation. It was observed that the microalgae presented high lipid accumulation in the fourth day of cultivation with nitrogen starvation, although with moderate cell growth.
Multi-element analyses of sediment samples from the Santos-Cubatão Estuarine System were carried out to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability of trace-element concentrations. The study area contains a rich mangrove ecosystem that is a habitat for tens of thousands of resident and migratory birds, some of them endangered globally. Enrichments of metals in fine-grained surface sediments are, in decreasing order, Hg, Mn, La, Ca, Sr, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ba, Cu, Cr, Fe, Nb, Y, Ni and Ga, relative to pre-industrial background levels. The maximum enrichment ranged from 49 (Hg) to 3.1 (Ga). Mercury concentrations were greater in the Cubatão river than in other sites, while the other elements showed greater concentrations in the Morrão river. Concentrations of Mn were significantly greater in winter and autumn than in summer and spring. However, other elements (e.g. Cd and Pb) showed the opposite, with greater concentrations in summer and spring. This study suggests that seasonal changes in physical and chemical conditions may affect the degree of sediment enrichment and therefore make the assessment of contamination difficult. Consequently, these processes need to be considered when assessing water quality and the potential contamination of biota.
In this paper a water quality index is developed to subsidize management actions in the Atibaia River for upon protection of aquatic organisms. This index is composed of two measurable environmental parameters normaly, ammonia and dissolved oxygen, the latter representing the contribution of organic matter. Concentrations of these two variables were normalized on a scale from 0 to 100 and translated into statements of quality (excellent, good, regular, bad and very bad). The index was applied to three monitoring points in the Atibaia River and compared to other indices used by the State of São Paulo Environmental Agency (CETESB). The results showed that the degradation in this watershed follows the urban population density. The developed index is more restricted than the other ones routinely used to infer water quality.