987 resultados para Original genius
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Signatures: pi⁴ a⁴ B-2X⁴. Last leaf blank.
O estilo de época Sturm und Drang, o primeiro movimento literário genuinamente alemão, surgido na segunda metade do século XVIII, possibilitou a emancipação literária da Alemanha e introduziu naquele país o conceito de gênio original. A partir da descoberta da obra do gênio inglês Shakespeare (possibilitada pelas traduções de Christoph Martin Wieland), os alemães se depararam com o modelo de revolução literária que necessitavam para instituir as bases da originalidade literária alemã. Pautando-se na estrutura dramática shakespeariana, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe e Friedrich Schiller elaboraram seus dramas de estreia, obras foco da presente pesquisa: Götz von Berlichingen e Os bandoleiros, respectivamente. O presente estudo propõe-se, por conseguinte, a analisar as obras supracitadas à luz da temática do gênio original. Mas, primeiramente, são observados os fatores (como a ascenção do romance inglês) e escritores (como Gothold Ephraim Lessing, Johann Jakob Bodmer, Johann Jakob Breitinger, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Wieland e Johann Gottfried von Herder) que colaboraram para a instituição da era genial na Alemanha
Mode of access: Internet.
In MS on t-p & elsewhere: Willm Pawley 1758[?]; Judith Buch 1735; fore edge label: New state of Engl.
Publisher's advertisement (12 p.) at beginning of v. 2.
The Genius of Erasmus Darwin provides insight into the full extent of Erasmus Darwin's exceptional intellect. He is shown to be a major creative thinker and innovator, one of the minds behind the late eighteenth-century industrial revolution, and one of the first, if not the first, to perceive the living world (including humans) as part of a unified evolutionary scenario. The contributions here provide contextual understandings of Erasmus Darwin's thought, as well as studies of particular works and accounts of the later reception of his writings. In this way it is possible to see why the young Samuel Taylor Coleridge was moved to describe Darwin as 'the first literary character in Europe, and the most original-minded man'. Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather, was one of the leading intellectuals of eighteenth-century England. He was a man with an extraordinary range of interests and activities: he was a doctor, biologist, inventor, poet, linguist, and botanist. He was also a founding member of the Lunar Society, an intellectual community that included such eminent men as James Watt and Josiah Wedgwood. Contents: Introduction; Setting the scene, Jonathan Powers; Prologue 'Catching up with Erasmus Darwin in the New Century', Desmond King-Hele. Section 1: Medicine: Physicians and physic in 17th and 18th century Lichfield, Dennis Gibbs; Dr Erasmus Darwin MD FRS (1731–1802): England's greatest physician?, Gordon Cook; William Pale (1743–1805) and James Parkinson (1755–1824): two peri-Erasmatic thinkers (and several others), Christopher Gardner-Thorpe; The vertiginous philosophers: Erasmus Darwin and William Charles Wells on vertigo, Nicholas Wade. Section 2: Biology: The Antipodes and Erasmus Darwin: the place of Erasmus Darwin in the heritage of Australian literature and biology, John Pearn; Erasmus Darwin on human reproductive generation: placing heredity within historical and Zoonomian contexts, Philip Wilson; All from fibres: Erasmus Darwin's evolutionary psychobiology, C.U.M. Smith; Two special doctors: Erasmus Darwin and Luigi Galvani, Rafaella Simili. Section 3: Education: But what about the women? The lunar society's attitude to women and science and to the education of girls, Jenny Uglow; The Derbyshire 'Darwinians': the persistence of Erasmus Darwin's influence on a British provincial literary and scientific community, c.1780–1850, Paul Elliot. Section 4: Technology: Designing better steering for carriages (and cars); with a glance at other inventions, Desmond King-Hele; Mama and papa: the ancestors of modern-day speech science, Philip Jackson; Negative and positive images: Erasmus Darwin, Tom Wedgwood and the origins of photography, Alan Barnes; Section 5: Environment: Erasmus Darwin's contributions to the geological sciences, Hugh Torrens; The air man, Desmond King-Hele; Erasmus Darwin, work and health, Tim Carter; Section 6: Literature: The progress of society: Darwin's early drafts for the temple of nature, Martin Priestman; The poet as pathologist: myth and medicine in Erasmus Darwin's epic poetry, Stuart Harris; 'Another and the same': nature and human beings in Erasmus Darwin's doctrines of love and imagination, Maurizio Valsania. Epilogue: 'One great slaughter-house the warring world': living in revolutionary times, David Knight; Coda: Midlands memorabilia, Nick Redman; Appendix: The Creation of the Erasmus Darwin Foundation and Erasmus Darwin House, Tony Barnard; Index.
This article discusses the interaction between original and adaptation in the fashion system; the study also analyses, at a micro level, practices of adaptation adopted by consumers when making and re-making fashionable clothes. The article shows that the distinction between original and copy is historically determined as it grew out of the romantic notion of the authentic work of art. This article suggests that, in the impossibility to determine copyright in fashion, adaptation is a better descriptor of practices that transform garments; the concept of adaptation also abolishes trite notions of fashion as pastiche or bricolage, arguing for as a way to look at the many variations and re-contextualisations of garments historically and cross-culturally.
This article looks at a Chinese Web 2.0 original literature site, Qidian, in order to show the coevolution of market and non-market initiatives. The analytic framework of social network markets (Potts et al., 2008) is employed to analyse the motivations of publishing original literature works online and to understand the support mechanisms of the site, which encourage readers’ willingness to pay for user-generated content. The co-existence of socio-cultural and commercial economies and their impact on the successful business model of the site are illustrated in this case. This article extends the concept of social network markets by proposing the existence of a ripple effect of social network markets through convergence between PC and mobile internet, traditional and internet publishing, and between publishing and other cultural industries. It also examines the side effects of social network markets, and the role of market and non-market strategies in addressing the issues.
A critical account of Manchester's 'organising concept' - original Modern.
Partington notes that clothing produced by individual consumers through adaptation of patterns is contextualised as a watered down version of original couture. In its most reductive form, this notion characterises fashion as commercial and exploitative. Descriptors such as appropriation, imitation, copy and so forth have restricted the opportunity to understand fashion as a major global cultural form and institution. Therefore exploring and understanding the concept of adaptation will shift the attention from a superficial assessment of original versus imitation or copy to adaptation as a practice that provides a better framework for the understanding of designers’ and couturiers’ innovative practices and creativity, describing also the active engagement of consumers with fashion at the micro level. Adaptation can also provide a way to understand different historical shifts in the fashion system, from individual creative agency with home dressmaking and re-making to the explosion of the mass market and the consequent abandonment of such practices. Home dressmaking has been replaced by fashion remix of mass produced garments, a practice that thrives in our environment of globalised fast fashion. Thus this chapter suggests the need for a contextual requalification of concepts such as original, copy, imitation and copyright, and argues that these categories have been played against each other, but they are in fact interdependent. Today, big labels and conglomerates try to control knowledge and innovation through copyright, but, fashion escapes copyright because, in fashion, creativity is contextual. The institutionalisation of couture from 1868 served as a way to control knowledge about production processes in fashion; on the other hand, adaptation practices, often subversive, have been fundamental to the democratisation of fashion.
Part of a special issue on childhood and cultural studies. The writer provides a genealogy of genius that interrupt the child/adult dichotomy and disrupts the notion of child as subject. Tracing the evolution of the notion of “genius,” she notes that although conceptualizations of genius have changed considerably over the years, it has continually been a concept that distinguishes the haves from the have-nots. The writer maintains that the idea of genius consistently invokes images of both maleness and whiteness and marginalizes the experiences of women and other groups.
In Part One of ʻFrom the Genius of the Man to the Man of Geniusʼ I argued that classical and medieval inscriptions of genius figures suggest a coevalence between characters in their respective cosmologies, making it relatively more difficult to delineate Man from “spirits” and “other organisms”. The labour that genii performed flowed around two significant tropes of production and reproduction whose specificities were inflected in and across sources. In medieval poetry, for instance, genius figures took up a new role in regard to the reproduction trope, as promoter of virtue (in the form of censuring the seven deadly sins) and condemner of vice (in the form of prohibition against same sex intercourse). The sedimentation (complex processes of character-formation), directionality (patterns of descent) and sexual ecology (emergence of a field of ethics) that the medieval literature embodies also indexes an opening disarticulation of Man from universe and the possibility of grounding “morality” in and as His love choices. Through a series of narrative structures, binary concepts and new sources of authority under Christianity the figure now referred to in philosophy as “the subject” is given early grounds upon which to form in the medieval poems.
The two articles that comprise this analysis springboard from the availability and increased popularity of the term genius to nineteenth and twentieth century educational scholars and its (temporary) location along a continuum of mindedness that was relatively new (i.e., as opposite to insanity). Three generations of analysis playfully structure the argument, taking form around the gen‐ root’s historical association with tropes of production and reproduction. Of particular interest in the analysis is how subject‐formation, including perceptions of non‐formation and elusivity, occurs. I examine this process of (non)formation within and across key texts on genius, especially in relation to their narrative structures, key binaries and sources of authority that collectively produce and embed specific cosmologies and their moral boundaries. The argument is staged across two articles that embody the three generations of analysis.
Tutkielma käsittelee suomentamani Vampiraatit: Kirottujen laiva -nuortenromaanin käännösprosessia. Materiaalina on kustantajalle toimittamani näytekäännös, joka käsittää yhden kokonaisen luvun ja lisäksi kirjan tapahtumiin keskeisesti liittyvän runon. Molemmista tarkastellaan sekä lopullisia, julkaistuja versioita että ensimmäisiä raakaversioita. Julkaistut versiot ovat osa varsinaista tutkielmaa, raakaversiot ja lähtötekstit puolestaan on sisällytetty mukaan liitteinä. Tarkastelunäkökulmani on pääosin deskriptiivinen ja kontrastiivinen. Proosa-analyysi jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkin tapoja, joilla käännökseni vastustaa ns. lisääntyvän standardisoitumisen lakia (the law of growing standardization), jota Gideon Toury on ehdottanut yleispäteväksi käännöslaiksi. Touryn laki ennustaa, että käännökset ovat useimmiten tyylillisesti alkuteoksiaan latteampia. Esimerkkini kuitenkin osoittavat, että kääntäjän on mahdollista valita ratkaisunsa niin, että latistumiselta vältytään, ainakin silloin, kun lähtöteksti on melko suoraviivaista. Proosa-analyysin jälkimmäinen osa keskittyy käännöksen muokkaamiseen. Vertaan siinä näytekäännös-luvun ensimmäistä versiota julkaistuun versioon ja tutkin muun muassa sitä, missä määrin ensimmäinen versio sisältää lähtökielen interferenssiä, ts. missä määrin englannille tyypilliset rakenteet paistavat siitä läpi. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat myös kohdekieliset kömpelyydet ja niiden poistaminen sekä pienet mutta kokonaisuuden kannalta tärkeät tyylilliset muutokset. Esimerkeistä käy selvästi ilmi kääntämisen prosessimainen luonne. Käännösnäytteeseen sisältyneen runon suomentaminen oli oma erillinen kokonaisuutensa. Tässä osiossa vertailen lähtötekstiä, raakaversiota ja julkaistua käännöstä rinnakkain säkeistö säkeistöltä. Tarkastelussa painottuvat edelleen tekstin muokkaaminen ja hiominen. Analyysien taustaksi esittelen lyhyesti alkuteoksen ja sen kirjoittajan Justin Somperin. Kuvailen myös omaa käännösfilosofiaani ja esittelen kaksi siihen voimakkaasti vaikuttanutta suomentajaa.