990 resultados para Original
This article discusses the interaction between original and adaptation in the fashion system; the study also analyses, at a micro level, practices of adaptation adopted by consumers when making and re-making fashionable clothes. The article shows that the distinction between original and copy is historically determined as it grew out of the romantic notion of the authentic work of art. This article suggests that, in the impossibility to determine copyright in fashion, adaptation is a better descriptor of practices that transform garments; the concept of adaptation also abolishes trite notions of fashion as pastiche or bricolage, arguing for as a way to look at the many variations and re-contextualisations of garments historically and cross-culturally.
This article looks at a Chinese Web 2.0 original literature site, Qidian, in order to show the coevolution of market and non-market initiatives. The analytic framework of social network markets (Potts et al., 2008) is employed to analyse the motivations of publishing original literature works online and to understand the support mechanisms of the site, which encourage readers’ willingness to pay for user-generated content. The co-existence of socio-cultural and commercial economies and their impact on the successful business model of the site are illustrated in this case. This article extends the concept of social network markets by proposing the existence of a ripple effect of social network markets through convergence between PC and mobile internet, traditional and internet publishing, and between publishing and other cultural industries. It also examines the side effects of social network markets, and the role of market and non-market strategies in addressing the issues.
A critical account of Manchester's 'organising concept' - original Modern.
Partington notes that clothing produced by individual consumers through adaptation of patterns is contextualised as a watered down version of original couture. In its most reductive form, this notion characterises fashion as commercial and exploitative. Descriptors such as appropriation, imitation, copy and so forth have restricted the opportunity to understand fashion as a major global cultural form and institution. Therefore exploring and understanding the concept of adaptation will shift the attention from a superficial assessment of original versus imitation or copy to adaptation as a practice that provides a better framework for the understanding of designers’ and couturiers’ innovative practices and creativity, describing also the active engagement of consumers with fashion at the micro level. Adaptation can also provide a way to understand different historical shifts in the fashion system, from individual creative agency with home dressmaking and re-making to the explosion of the mass market and the consequent abandonment of such practices. Home dressmaking has been replaced by fashion remix of mass produced garments, a practice that thrives in our environment of globalised fast fashion. Thus this chapter suggests the need for a contextual requalification of concepts such as original, copy, imitation and copyright, and argues that these categories have been played against each other, but they are in fact interdependent. Today, big labels and conglomerates try to control knowledge and innovation through copyright, but, fashion escapes copyright because, in fashion, creativity is contextual. The institutionalisation of couture from 1868 served as a way to control knowledge about production processes in fashion; on the other hand, adaptation practices, often subversive, have been fundamental to the democratisation of fashion.
Tutkielma käsittelee suomentamani Vampiraatit: Kirottujen laiva -nuortenromaanin käännösprosessia. Materiaalina on kustantajalle toimittamani näytekäännös, joka käsittää yhden kokonaisen luvun ja lisäksi kirjan tapahtumiin keskeisesti liittyvän runon. Molemmista tarkastellaan sekä lopullisia, julkaistuja versioita että ensimmäisiä raakaversioita. Julkaistut versiot ovat osa varsinaista tutkielmaa, raakaversiot ja lähtötekstit puolestaan on sisällytetty mukaan liitteinä. Tarkastelunäkökulmani on pääosin deskriptiivinen ja kontrastiivinen. Proosa-analyysi jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkin tapoja, joilla käännökseni vastustaa ns. lisääntyvän standardisoitumisen lakia (the law of growing standardization), jota Gideon Toury on ehdottanut yleispäteväksi käännöslaiksi. Touryn laki ennustaa, että käännökset ovat useimmiten tyylillisesti alkuteoksiaan latteampia. Esimerkkini kuitenkin osoittavat, että kääntäjän on mahdollista valita ratkaisunsa niin, että latistumiselta vältytään, ainakin silloin, kun lähtöteksti on melko suoraviivaista. Proosa-analyysin jälkimmäinen osa keskittyy käännöksen muokkaamiseen. Vertaan siinä näytekäännös-luvun ensimmäistä versiota julkaistuun versioon ja tutkin muun muassa sitä, missä määrin ensimmäinen versio sisältää lähtökielen interferenssiä, ts. missä määrin englannille tyypilliset rakenteet paistavat siitä läpi. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat myös kohdekieliset kömpelyydet ja niiden poistaminen sekä pienet mutta kokonaisuuden kannalta tärkeät tyylilliset muutokset. Esimerkeistä käy selvästi ilmi kääntämisen prosessimainen luonne. Käännösnäytteeseen sisältyneen runon suomentaminen oli oma erillinen kokonaisuutensa. Tässä osiossa vertailen lähtötekstiä, raakaversiota ja julkaistua käännöstä rinnakkain säkeistö säkeistöltä. Tarkastelussa painottuvat edelleen tekstin muokkaaminen ja hiominen. Analyysien taustaksi esittelen lyhyesti alkuteoksen ja sen kirjoittajan Justin Somperin. Kuvailen myös omaa käännösfilosofiaani ja esittelen kaksi siihen voimakkaasti vaikuttanutta suomentajaa.
The original pasture ecosystems of southern inland Queensland ranged from treeless grasslands on cracking clays through grassy woodlands of varying density on a great range of soil types to those competing at the dynamic edges of forests and scrubs. Fire, both wild and aboriginal-managed, was a major factor, along with rainfall extremes, in shaping the pastures and tree:grass balance. Seedling recruitment was driven by rainfall extremes, availability of germinable seed and growing space, with seed availability and space being linked to the timing and intensity of recent fires and rain. The impact of insects, diseases, severe wind and hailstorms on recruitment should not be underestimated. The more fertile soils had denser grass growth, greater fire frequency and thinner tree cover than infertile soils, except where trees were so dense that grass growth was almost eliminated. The pastures were dominated by perennial tussock grasses of mid-height but included a wide array of minor herbaceous species whose abundance was linked to soil type and recent seasonal conditions. Many were strongly perennial with Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Cyperaceae and Goodeniaceae most common in an environment, which can experience effective rainfall at any time of year. The former grassland communities that are now productive farming lands are not easily returned to their original composition. However, conservation of remnant examples of original pasture types is very achievable provided tree density is controlled, prescribed burning and grazing are used and rigorous control of invasive, exotic species is undertaken. This should be done with a clear understanding that significant short-and medium-term fluctuations in botanical composition are normal.
Fecha: >1970 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 7-20-1 / Nº de pág.: 6 (3 mecanografiadas, 3 manuscritas)
Bartholomeu de Salucio nasceu na Itália em 1558, não se sabe exatamente onde. Viveu em Roma, onde morreu em 1617. Frei franciscano foi orador e místico. Escreveu muitas obras espirituais tais como, As Sete Trombetas, As Invenções do Amor Divino, e O Namorado de Jesus, que foram traduzidas para o francês pelo Padre Carlos Jouya e impressas em Rouen, no ano de 1623. O Paraiso dos Contemplativos... é um dialogo entre um filho espiritual e o seu Diretor, com perguntas e respostas, orações e exclamações. É como uma história de peregrinação do espírito em busca da perfeição. As doutrinas são mostradas nas figuras do diálogo. O tradutor Manuel Bernardes fez anotações para ilustrar as metáforas que pudessem parecer obscuras e para confirmar' as doutrinas que pudessem parecer novas. Segundo Inocêncio, "parece que o coletor do pseudo-catálogo da Academia ignorou a existência da edição de 1739, aliás, não deixaria de citá-la de preferência à de 1761, que é a indicada no catálogo.
Rui de Pina nasceu na cidade de Guarda, provavelmente em 1440, e morreu em Lisboa, por volta de 1522. Ocupou vários cargos de importância e destaque, entre eles os de cronista-mor do reino e de guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo. Como cronista-mor de Portugal, escreveu as biografias de Sancho I, Afonso II, Sancho II, Afonso II, D. Dinis, Afonso IV, Afonso V e D. João II. A descoberta , recentemente, de duas cópias de uma obra quatrocentista contendo as histórias dos sete primeiros reis de Portugal, isto é, de Sancho I a Afonso IV, indica que as Chronicas destes reis escritas por Rui de Pina não passavam de uma refundição daquelas. Como historiador, o autor tem despertado opiniões polêmicas: uns o acusam de mal-informado e desonesto ; outros valorizam a sua capacidade de compreender os eventos de seu tempo, ainda que sob uma visão absolutista. Trata-se de uma “esplêndida edição , adornada de escudos alegóricos com armas reais portuguesas no centro – que encabeçam as dedicatórias -, de artísticas letras iniciais, vinhetas, cabeções e florões decorativos, tudo aberto em chapa de madeira. Os frontispícios das crônicas são impressos em linhas alternadas, em preto e vermelho, e ornados de escudos das armas de Portugal”, conforme esclarece o Catálogo da livraria do Conde Ameal.
Duarte Galvão nasceu em Évora, por volta de 1445, e morreu na Ilha de Camarão, em 1517. Alguns biógrafos atribuem-lhe o cargo de cronista-mor do reino, nomeado por D. Afonso V. Foi secretário de D. João II e embaixador de D. Manuel I junto ao Papa Alexandre VI, ao Imperador Maximiliano I, e ao Rei Luís XII, de França. Embora preparada na segunda metade do século XV, Chronica del muito alto... conservou-se em forma de manuscrito até 1726, quando foi impressa pela primeira vez. Pertence à Chronica geral del reyno e foi elaborada por ordem de D. Manuel, para completar a sequencia das crônicas reais. O exemplar que a Biblioteca da Câmara possui traz os capítulos XXI e XXII, XXIII e XXIV, cortados pela Inquisição, na edição de 1726. É considerado, por isso, não só um exemplar raro, mas raríssimo, a julgar pelo testemunho do Cavalheiro Francisco Xavier de Oliveira, que afirma, em artigo publicado no “Popular”, impresso em Londres, no ano de 1825, haver apenas dois exemplares desta edição em que figuram os citados capítulos.
Referência: Bibliografia da Impressão Regia do Rio de Janeiro / Ana Maria de Almeida Camargo, Rubens Borba de Moraes, 1993. v. 1, p. 220
A indicação de responsabilidade aparece abreviada no v.1, mas por extenso nos demais vs.
It was on July 1960 when 10 algal balls were acquired for exhibition at Suma Aquarium, Kobe. Permission to remove the specimens from the Lake Akan Reserve was given by the National Nature Reserve Committee. Algal balls, as a rule, lose their natural beauty when they are kept in an ordinary tank for a certain length of time. In an effort to retain the natural beauty it was decided to exhibit them in culture. This paper summarises the findings of this experiments with Cladophora sauteri. The author concludes that serious consideration has to be given as to the intensity of light, the sunlight, the water temperature and the nutrition for algal balls in culture in order to retain the natural beauty and shape.