999 resultados para Organoleptic analysis
Cultured Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Scampi, about 30 g each) in headless shell-on form was individually quick frozen in a spiral freezer. The frozen samples were glazed and packed in polythene bags, which were further packed in master carton and stored at -18°C. Samples were drawn at regular intervals and subjected to biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic analysis to study its storage characteristics. The data on the above parameters showed that the samples were in prime acceptable condition when stored up to 23 weeks. No appreciable change in colour and odour was noticed in the raw muscle. Afterwards, organoleptic evaluation of the cooked muscle revealed slight change in the flavour. Texture also appeared little tougher. These changes in organoleptic characters were well supported by the biochemical bacteriological changes in the muscle.
This study evaluated the effect of an industrial scale continuous flow microwave volumetric heating system in comparison to conventional commercial scale pasteurisation for the processing of tomato juice in terms of physicochemical properties, microbial characteristics and antioxidant capacity. The effect against oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells, after in vitro digestion was also investigated. Physicochemical and colour characteristics of juices were very similar between technologies and during storage. Both conventional and microwave pasteurisation inactivated microorganisms and kept them in low levels throughout storage. ABTS+ values, but not ORAC, were higher for the microwave pasteurised juice at day 0 however no significant differences between juices were observed during storage. Juice processed with the microwave system showed an increased cytoprotective effect against H2O2 induced oxidation in Caco-2 cells. Organoleptic analysis revealed that the two tomato juices were very similar. The continuous microwave volumetric heating system appears to be a viable alternative to conventional pasteurisation.
As algas do género Nannochloropsis são microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioquímico único, principalmente no que é respeitante a lípidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em várias áreas biotecnológicas, destacando-se a alimentação e nutrição humana, indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, produção de biocombustíveis e a sua utilização em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, são usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produção representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservação e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influência da refrigeração, congelação e adição de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula®, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variação de parâmetros bioquímicos e organoléticos com a exposição do concentrado aos diferentes métodos de conservação. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em três pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: perfil de ácidos gordos, quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos, quantificação espectrofotométrica de clorofila a e carotenóides, bem como parâmetros organoléticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliação de diferentes parâmetros organoléticos, não se observando variações relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condições. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliação bioquímica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificação de ácidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais não se observou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais. Foi também efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidação lipídica de cada amostra por quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adição de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidropéroxidos lipídicos, permitindo inferir que a ação dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservação da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentração de clorofila a e de carotenóides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelação conduziu a uma estabilização da concentração destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinação de congelação com adição de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmação por um novo estudo, completando com análises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o método mais vantajoso para a extensão do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula®.
As algas do género Nannochloropsis são microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioquímico único, principalmente no que é respeitante a lípidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em várias áreas biotecnológicas, destacando-se a alimentação e nutrição humana, indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, produção de biocombustíveis e a sua utilização em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, são usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produção representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservação e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influência da refrigeração, congelação e adição de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula®, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variação de parâmetros bioquímicos e organoléticos com a exposição do concentrado aos diferentes métodos de conservação. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em três pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: perfil de ácidos gordos, quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos, quantificação espectrofotométrica de clorofila a e carotenóides, bem como parâmetros organoléticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliação de diferentes parâmetros organoléticos, não se observando variações relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condições. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliação bioquímica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificação de ácidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais não se observou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais. Foi também efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidação lipídica de cada amostra por quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adição de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidropéroxidos lipídicos, permitindo inferir que a ação dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservação da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentração de clorofila a e de carotenóides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelação conduziu a uma estabilização da concentração destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinação de congelação com adição de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmação por um novo estudo, completando com análises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o método mais vantajoso para a extensão do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula®.
Resumo: A procura por carne de qualidade tem proporcionado ao setor de ovinocultura a adoção por técnicas de produção que possam contribuir para disponibilizar ao mercado produtos que atendam as necessidades dos consumidores, que se tornam cada vez mais exigentes quanto à aquisição de produtos que possam trazer benefícios a saúde. Assim, objetivou-se determinar a qualidade da carne de ovinos puros e cruzados criados no semiárido Nordestino. Utilizaram-se 30 cordeiros machos e fêmeas, oriundos dos cruzamentos Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova e Santa Inês x Morada Nova, alojados em baias e alimentados com dieta a base de capim Canarana, milho farelo de soja e calcário. Os animais foram abatidos com peso médio de 24 kg de peso vivo e as carcaças mantidas em câmara frigorífica a 4?C, por 24 horas. Após esse período, foi seccionado o músculo Longissimus dorsi que foi embalado, identificado e armazenado a 20?C. Foram determinados os atributos físicos de capacidade de retenção de água, perda de peso por cocção e força de cisalhamento; os atributos químicos como umidade, proteína, cinza, lipídios e colesterol; avaliações subjetivas da carcaça como cor, marmoreio, textura da carne, distribuição da gordura, espessura da gordura e área de olho de lombo; os sensoriais de dureza, suculência, sabor, aroma e aceitação global e o perfil de ácidos graxos. O delineamento utilizado foi em esquema fatorial 3x2 (três grupos genéticos e dois sexos) e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan a 5%. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre os genótipos para a composição química da carne, exceto para a variável lipídio (p<0,05). Para as características subjetivas da carcaça o genótipo influenciou (p<0,05) nas variáveis cor, marmoreio e textura da carne. O genótipo promoveu efeito (p<0,05) para as características físicas de capacidade de retenção de água e perda de peso por cocção. Os atributos sensoriais não sofreram efeitos (p>0,05) dos genótipos avaliados. Os genótipos influenciaram (p<0,05) as concentrações dos ácidos graxos saturados, monoinsaturados e poli-insaturados assim como, nas relações ?3:?6 e AGM:AGS. O fator sexo influenciou (p<0,05) nas variáveis umidade, força de cisalhamento, dureza, ácidos graxos desejáveis e relação ?3:?6. O cruzamento entre raças nativas mostrou-se com potencial para a produção de carne de qualidade, a raça Morada Nova melhorou os atributos físico-químicos da carne e em seu perfil lipídico e, o fator sexo melhorou o atributo maciez dando destaque a carne das fêmeas. Abstract: The demand for quality meat products has given the sheep industry sector productions techniques that can contribute providing the market with products that supply the needs of consumers require, who are becoming more demanding as the acquisition of differentiated and bring health benefits. The objective was to evaluate the quality of the pure sheep meat and cross bred in the semiarid Northeast of Brazil. It was used 30 male lambs and female, that came from crosses Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova and Santa Ines x Morada Nova, housed in pens and fed a diet of grass Canarana, corn soybean meal and limestone. The animals were slaughtered at average weight of 24 kg, live weight, and carcasses kept in refrigeration chamber at 4 ° C for 24 hours. After this period the Longissimus dorsi muscle was selected, packaged, labeled and stored at 20˚C. The physical attributes were determined such as water holding capacity, cooking weight loss and shear force; the chemical attributes such as moisture, protein, ash, lipids and cholesterol; Subjective evaluations such as color, marbling, meat texture, fat distribution, fat thickness and loin eye area; the hardness sensory, juiciness, flavor, aroma and global acceptance and fatty acid profile. The design was a 3x2 factorial arrangement (three genetic groups and two genders) and the measures compared by Duncan test at 5%. There was no difference (p> 0.05) between genotypes for the chemical composition of meat, except for the lipid variable (p <0.05). To the subjective characteristics of the carcass, the genotype influenced (p <0.05) in the variables color, marbling and meat texture. The genotype promoted significant effect (p <0.05) for the physical characteristics, water retention capacity and weight loss on cooking. The sensory attributes did not suffer significant effects (p> 0.05) of the evaluated genotypes. The genotypes influenced (p <0.05) in the concentrations of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated as well as in the relations ω3: ω6 and AGM:AGS. The gender factor influenced (P <0.05) in the variables moisture, shear strength, hardness, desirable fatty acids and relation ω3: ω6. The cross between native breeds showed up with potential for quality meat production, the Morada Nova improved the physical and chemical attributes of the flesh and in their lipid profiles and sex factor improved softness attribute highlighting the meat of females.
Investigation were carried out on the effect of some locally available species in the enhancement of the organoleptic quality and the storage periods of smoked Heterotis niloticus using Pprosopis africana as common smoke sources. Samples of fresh H. niloticus were bought, cut into chunks while extract juice from pepper, ginger rhizomes, garlic, onion bulb were used as sources of spices. Samples of fish were divided randomly into five (5) batches dipped into spice extract juices for 10 minutes drained and smoked with common firewood. Treatment without spice extract juice served as control. Each batch of fish was smoked for 7 hours on a drum-made smoking kiln products were individually packaged in polythene bag stored at room temperature and used for sensory evaluation and microbial analysis. Results of the sensory evaluation indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.005) for taste, appearance, colour and overall acceptance for the treatments. Ginger juice extract had the best overall acceptance. Similarly there was significant difference (P>0.05) in the microbial analysis. The garlic juice extract had the longest storage period with minimum total plate and mould count after 8 weeks
Shark livers are considered as an important raw material providing a quality fish oil. It has been reported to aid white — blood-cell production and act as an active ingredient in hemorrhoid treatments. It is also reported that liver oil as a good supplement of vitamin A and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are important to the development of brain cells in human. Freshness of livers is very important to extract better quality oil. In Sri Lanka, the annual shark production amounts to 8000t, however the quality of livers collected from landing sites has not being measured yet. Present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of silky (Charcarninus fakiformis) shark livers available in Negombo and Beruwala landing sites in the West Coast of Sri Lanka and also to study the relationship between organoleptic and bio-chemical correlation on freshness of shark livers. Liver samples which were collected from landing sites in the West coast of Sri Lanka, were evaluated for external and internal colour, texture and odour. Total volatile nitrogen (TVN), pH value, free fatty acid (FFA%) and peroxide (PV) values of livers were also determined to assess quality. According to the organoleptic scoring system 4.3% of liver samples were categorized as best in quality while 30.4%, 56.5% and 8.7% rated as good, medium and poor in quality respectively at the Negombo and Beruwala landing sites. Bio-chemical analysis showed that the better quality livers had the highest score for sensory evaluation and low values for TVN, FFA and peroxide value while low quality livers gave low score for sensory evaluation and high TVN, FFA, peroxide values. Correlation coefficient of organoleptic scores against total volatile nitrogen value, pH value, free fatty acid % and peroxide value of shark livers were determined by statistical analysis. Organoleptic score of shark livers was found to be highly.
Changes in the quality of intermediate moisture (IM) fish during storage at 38°C were monitored by assessing the moisture content, pH, acid value, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value periodically. Results adequately portrayed the hydrolysis and peroxidation of fats and the concomitant protein degradation and crosslinking reactions that have been shown by more sophisticated methods to occur in intermediate moisture fish. Since these changes markedly affect the organoleptic quality, acceptability/shelf-life and nutritive value of IM flesh-foods their predictability by simple fat analytical techniques is of practical value where/when the more sophisticated monitoring techniques are not feasible.
The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) liquor has been produced for several centuries in the south of Portugal, mainly in the mountain areas. The “Assaria” variety is the preferred cultivar due to its organoleptic properties and high arils to peel ratio. Wild pomegranates are also widely distributed but, despite the health benefits that have been associated to the fruits, they continue to be unappreciated for consumption. Liquor preparation is a very good alternative for wild pomegranate fruits. We prepared pomegranate liquors by following a maceration procedure using the arils or juice of Assaria and wild pomegranate fruits. Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit spirits were used to prepare the liquors. At the end of the maceration time 5 day as minimum sugar syrup was added. The maturation period was three months or longer. The obtained liquors showed a very attractive pink colour. The colour and the total polyphenol, as well as the anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles, were measured at the end of the maceration and maturation times. Wild pomegranates gave rise liquors with more intense pink colour and higher polyphenol contents than the prepared using Assaria fruits. The anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles also indicated higher contents of polyphenols for liquors prepared using wild pomegranate fruits. When juice is used instead of complete arils during the maceration period punicalin is not present and the consequently total polyphenols is low. The main anthocyanins identified in the liquors were delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyaniding-3,5-diglucoside, delphinidin–3-glucoside, cyaniding–3-glucoside, pelargonidin–3–glucoside; the main ellagitannins were punicalagin and punicalin.
The flavour profiles of two genotypes of Charentais cantaloupe melons (medium shelf-life and long shelf-life), harvested at two distinct maturities (immature and mature fruit), were investigated. Dynamic headspace extraction (DHE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography–olfactometry/mass spectrometry (GC-O/MS) were used to determine volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA) was used to assess the organoleptic impact of the different melons and the sensory data were correlated with the chemical analysis. There were significant, consistent and substantial differences between the mature and immature fruit for the medium shelf-life genotype, the less mature giving a green, cucumber character and lacking the sweet, fruity character of the mature fruit. However, maturity at harvest had a much smaller impact on the long shelf-life melons and fewer differences were detected. These long shelf-life melons tasted sweet, but lacked fruity flavours, instead exhibiting a musty, earthy character.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is the berry fruit most consumed worldwide and is well-known for its delicate flavour and nutritional properties. However, fruit quality attributes have been lost or reduced after years of traditional breeding focusing mainly on agronomical traits. To face the obstacles encountered in the improvement of cultivated crops, new technological tools, such as genomics and high throughput metabolomics, are becoming essential for the identification of genetic factors responsible of organoleptic and nutritive traits. Integration of “omics” data will allow a better understanding of the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the accumulation of metabolites involved in the flavour and nutritional value of the fruit. To identify genetic components affecting/controlling? fruit metabolic composition, here we present a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using a 95 F1 segregating population derived from genotypes ‘1392’, selected for its superior flavour, and ‘232’ selected based in high yield (Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2011; Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2012). Metabolite profiling was performed on red stage strawberry fruits using gas chromatography hyphenated to time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which is a rapid and highly sensitive approach, allowing a good coverage of the central pathways of primary metabolism. Around 50 primary metabolites, including sugars, sugars derivatives, amino and organic acids, were detected and quantified after analysis in each individual of the population. QTL mapping was performed on the ‘232’ x ‘1392’ population separately over two successive years, based on the integrated linkage map (Sánchez-Sevilla et al., 2015). First, significant associations between metabolite content and molecular markers were identified by the non-parametric test of Kruskal-Wallis. Then, interval mapping (IM), as well as the multiple QTL method (MQM) allowed the identification of QTLs in octoploid strawberry. A permutation test established LOD thresholds for each metabolite and year. A total of 132 QTLs were detected in all the linkage groups over the two years for 42 metabolites out of 50. Among them, 4 (9.8%) QTLs for sugars, 9 (25%) for acids and 7 (12.7%) for amino acids were stable and detected in the two successive years. We are now studying the QTLs regions in order to find candidate genes to explain differences in metabolite content in the different individuals of the population, and we expect to identify associations between genes and metabolites which will help us to understand their role in quality traits of strawberry fruit.
Raman spectroscopy of formamide-intercalated kaolinites treated using controlled-rate thermal analysis technology (CRTA), allowing the separation of adsorbed formamide from intercalated formamide in formamide-intercalated kaolinites, is reported. The Raman spectra of the CRTA-treated formamide-intercalated kaolinites are significantly different from those of the intercalated kaolinites, which display a combination of both intercalated and adsorbed formamide. An intense band is observed at 3629 cm-1, attributed to the inner surface hydroxyls hydrogen bonded to the formamide. Broad bands are observed at 3600 and 3639 cm-1, assigned to the inner surface hydroxyls, which are hydrogen bonded to the adsorbed water molecules. The hydroxyl-stretching band of the inner hydroxyl is observed at 3621 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of the CRTA-treated formamide-intercalated kaolinites. The results of thermal analysis show that the amount of intercalated formamide between the kaolinite layers is independent of the presence of water. Significant differences are observed in the CO stretching region between the adsorbed and intercalated formamide.
Diffusion equations that use time fractional derivatives are attractive because they describe a wealth of problems involving non-Markovian Random walks. The time fractional diffusion equation (TFDE) is obtained from the standard diffusion equation by replacing the first-order time derivative with a fractional derivative of order α ∈ (0, 1). Developing numerical methods for solving fractional partial differential equations is a new research field and the theoretical analysis of the numerical methods associated with them is not fully developed. In this paper an explicit conservative difference approximation (ECDA) for TFDE is proposed. We give a detailed analysis for this ECDA and generate discrete models of random walk suitable for simulating random variables whose spatial probability density evolves in time according to this fractional diffusion equation. The stability and convergence of the ECDA for TFDE in a bounded domain are discussed. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to show the application of the present technique.