945 resultados para Organizações não-governamentais - Administração


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Essa tese tem como objetivo contribuir para a compreensão da ocorrência de práticas associadas ao intra-empreendedorismo em organizações não-governamentais (ONGs). Elaborou-se um referencial de análise preliminar a partir da revisão bibliográfica sobre os conceitos de intra-empreendedorismo, organizações não-governamentais e teoria institucional. Esse arcabouço teórico orientou a realização de pesquisa empírica, qualitativa e de natureza exploratória, empreendida por meio de estudo de caso, tendo como objeto de estudo organizações não-governamentais. Foram realizados dois estudos de casos. O primeiro analisou uma ONG localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, cujo foco principal de atuação é a área da saúde, e que emprega o trabalho voluntário de forma intensiva. O segundo estudo de caso foi voltado à análise de uma ONG localizada na cidade de São Paulo, cujo foco principal de atuação é a educação, que desenvolve suas atividades valendo-se basicamente de trabalho remunerado, e que se enquadra na categoria de Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público - OSCIP. Com os estudos de casos, foi possível obter subsídios para analisar e refinar o referencial previamente elaborado. São levantadas, também, considerações referentes à adoção de práticas associadas ao intra-empreendedorismo e ao discurso empreendedor legitimador das organizações não-governamentais.


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The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies


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This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies


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This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style


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The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies


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This study aimed to analyze the leadership style adopted by managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem on the theory of Hersey and Blanchard. This theory is called situational leadership ranks E1, E2, E3, E4 and the styles of leadership and maturity in parallel classes M1, M2, M3 and M4. This study examined the relationship of leadership styles with the maturity of work, identified the relationship of leadership styles as related to psychological maturity and job maturity and psychological maturity. The main objectives were to analyze and relate leadership styles with the maturity of the leaders and understand the phenomenon of leadership from the self-perception of those who lead the organizations studied. To achieve the objectives we used a questionnaire already validated the theory of situational leadership and applied in 320 non-governmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem The methodology was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The analysis was by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for univariate and bivariate form, applying the chi-square, the V Crammer and Spearman correlation. The data analysis shows safety, attested to the frequencies, and average margin of error and after application of the tests it was found that a relationship between the leadership style of work with the maturity and psychological maturity. The managers of nongovernmental organizations practicing various styles of leadership and focus on the quadrant of high maturity. It was diagnosed when the manager uses only one style of leadership was the predominance of E3 "share or support", which represents 24% of the sample. As uses two styles of leadership is the predominance of E3 and E2, which represents 76%. So the managers of nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan region of Belem, practicing a style of leadership support, sharing ideas for decision making using a democratic style


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IV - Finanças Públicas.


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Este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar se as ONGs constituem-se um desdobramento do mercado de trabalho para o Serviço Social e quais as implicações diante da reforma neoliberal do Estado brasileiro. Nossa análise parte da compreensão de que o reordenamento do Estado, as dinâmicas que determinam o enxugamento e o desmantelamento das políticas sociais públicas num contexto de reestruturação produtiva, recaem sobre a profissão, refletindo-se nas condições e relações de trabalho do assistente social em suas diversas áreas de atuação. Frente a essas alterações no campo do trabalho, nas últimas décadas, é necessário um debate aprofundado sobre as possibilidades de novos campos de trabalho para o Serviço Social. Partindo dessas considerações, indagamos: as Organizações Não-Governamentais podem representar um possível mercado em expansão para os assistentes sociais? Visando contribuir com o debate junto aos profissionais de Serviço Social e com pesquisadores dessa temática, realizamos uma pesquisa empírica junto as ONGs na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, coletando dados junto aos gestores e assistentes sociais inseridos nas organizações, para verificarmos as perspectivas de mercado de trabalho para o Serviço Social, tendo como foco as ONGs.


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer e avaliar a contribuição do profissional contábil nas organizações do Terceiro Setor, para transparência e accountability. Para verificar se a gestão da organização pertencente ao Terceiro Setor desempenha suas atividades de forma transparente e accountable, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratóriodescritiva em uma organização pertencente a esse setor denominada Viva Rio, que encontra-se sediada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a Contabilidade pode contribuir muito para essas organizações, principalmente pelo fato de essas entidades, diferentemente das demais organizações do primeiro e segundo setores, precisarem prestar contas aos mais diversos públicos. A organização pesquisada utiliza informações não financeiras e financeiras como ferramenta de auxílio à transparência e accountability, e ainda, os registros contábeis são contabilizados por projetos e por financiadores, o que gera acurácia e tempestividade na disponibilidade dessas informações aos seus interessados.


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2014


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A presente dissertação trata do trabalho voluntário nas instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos de pequeno porte. O estudo tem como principal objetivo a investigação a respeito do impacto do trabalho voluntário na sustentabilidade dessas instituições por meio do estudo de caso da organização não-governamental Colcha de Retalhos. Como objetivo secundário buscou-se analisar as motivações, significados e benefícios do trabalho voluntário para o voluntariado. O estudo se caracteriza como descritivo-interpretativo, por uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas estruturadas e pesquisa documental. Os dados revelam aspectos importantes para a pesquisa e fomentou o estudo de assuntos vinculados ao voluntariado trazido pelos próprios entrevistados, tais como: cidadania, tensões nas relações entre voluntários e famílias atendidas, voluntários e escolas e voluntários e voluntários. Questões próprias do voluntariado e do Terceiro Setor são abordadas com o intuito de embasar as análises e conclusões do estudo. Os resultados apontam para um impacto positivo do trabalho voluntário na sustentabilidade das instituições sem fins lucrativos de pequeno porte.


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One of the main features of Brazilian civil society in the nineties is the widespread presence of nongovernamental organizations, religious and secular associations, and the emergence of private foundations as a social mediator midway state and market institutions. This research is a bibliographical discussion of the Social Sciences literature about these organizations, pertinent with their quantitative and qualitative profiles and scope of actions, identities and future role in the construction of the active citizenship in Brasil.


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Trata de apresentar a gestão para resultados como ferramenta administrativa na aplicação do planejamento estratégico na organização do terceiro setor. Parte da premissa que o desempenho de uma organização que não visa o lucro s6 poderá ser otimizado e apresentado corretamente através de objetivos claros vinculados à missão e com a elaboração e o monitoramento de metas e indicadores de desempenho quantificáveis que levantem informações que sirvam de referência para planos de ação.