993 resultados para Ordination Analysis
We compared the artisanal fisheries, in terms of catch strategies, productivity, and gross per capita income, at two reservoirs: The Barra Bonita (an eutrophic reservoir with some introduced species), and the Jurumirim (an oligotrophic reservoir, with no introduced species). Published data and structured interviews with fishers were used to evaluate fishing activity, fish biomass, and the financial performance of the fisheries. In the Barra Bonita Reservoir we analysed data from 745 fishing trips, from which 86,691.9 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 62.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was tilapia (71,513.5 kg; CPUE of 51.5 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 82.5% of the biomass caught. In the Jurumirim Reservoir, we analysed data from 2,401 fishing trips, from which 25,093.6 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 10.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was traíra (6,158.6 kg; CPUE of 2.6 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 24.5% of the biomass caught. Ordination analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a difference in composition between the fishing reservoirs and ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in fish production between the reservoirs. A Student's t-test showed that fishers in the Barra Bonita Reservoir had a significantly higher gross per capita income than those from the Jurumirim Reservoir. Although the Barra Bonita Reservoir has a higher fish production and the fishers earn a higher gross per capita income, we recommend the Jurumirim Reservoir as a model for artisanal fishery management because fishing activity in this reservoir is viable in the long term and such a model would promote conservation and sustainability. This contrasts with the Barra Bonita Reservoir, in which the fishery is not viable in the long term, due to environmental problems caused by artificial eutrophication and the introduction of alien species. It is also noted that in many countries, management of fisheries based on exotic species has not been viable in the long term. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia.
Assemblages of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) from 116 marine surface samples have been analysed to assess the relationship between the spatial distribution of dinocysts and modern local environmental conditions [e.g. sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), productivity] in the eastern Indian Ocean. Results from the percentage analysis and statistical methods such as multivariate ordination analysis and end-member modelling, indicate the existence of three distinct environmental and oceanographic regions in the study area. Region 1 is located in western and eastern Indonesia and controlled by high SSTs and a low nutrient content of the surface waters. The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region (Region 2) is dominated by heterotrophic dinocyst species reflecting the region's high productivity. Region 3 is encompassing the area offshore north-west and west Australia which is characterised by the water masses of the Leeuwin Current, a saline and nutrient depleted southward current featuring energetic eddies.
Seven years of multi-environment yield trials of navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in Queensland were examined. As is common with plant breeding evaluation trials, test entries and locations varied between years. Grain yield data were analysed for each year using cluster and ordination analyses (pattern analyses). These methods facilitate descriptions of genotype performance across environments and the discrimination among genotypes provided by the environments. The observed trends for genotypic yield performance across environments were partly consistent with agronomic and disease reactions at specific environments and also partly explainable by breeding and selection history. In some cases, similarities in discrimination among environments were related to geographic proximity, in others management practices, and in others similarities occurred between geographically widely separated environments which differed in management practices. One location was identified as having atypical line discrimination. The analysis indicated that the number of test locations was below requirements for adequate representation of line x environment interaction. The pattern analyses methods used were an effective aid in describing the patterns in data for each year and illustrated the variations in adaptive patterns from year to year. The study has implications for assessing the number and location of test sites for plant breeding multi-environment trials, and for the understanding of genetic traits contributing to line x environment interactions.
This study attempts to identify the habitat requirements of the pearl mussel Margaritifea margaritifera in County Donegal, in north west Ireland, an area with little urban, industrial or intensive agricultural development. No mussels occur in rivers where calcium and conductivity levels are high or where the substratum is predominantly bedrock or fine sediment but it was not possible to distinguish clearly between mussel and non-mussel sites on the basis of ordination analysis. However, rivers which still support mussels and rivers with historical records of mussels are loosely grouped. Rivers which formerly supported mussels but lack living M. margaritifera appear to have suitable habitat for mussels; pearl fishing is the most likely reason for the extinction of these mussel populations. Where population densities are high, for example in locations on the rivers Eske, Clady and Owenea, conservation may necessitate the establishment of reserves. The prospect for the successful reintroduction of mussels into former mussel rivers such as the Finn and Eany Water, where suitable habitat exists and water quality is high, is very good.
Arcellacea (testate lobose amoebae) communities were assessed from 73 sediment-water interface samples collected from 33 lakes in urban and rural settings within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Ontario, Canada, as well as from forested control areas in the Lake Simcoe area, Algonquin Park and eastern Ontario. The results were used to: (1) develop a statistically rigorous arcellacean-based training set for sedimentary phosphorus (Olsen P (OP)) loading; and (2) derive a transfer function to reconstruct OP levels during the post-European settlement era (AD1870s onward) using a chronologically well-constrained core from Haynes Lake on the environmentally sensitive Oak Ridges Moraine, within the GTA. Ordination analysis indicated that OP most influenced arcellacean assemblages, explaining 6.5% (p < 0.005) of total variance. An improved training set where the influence of other important environmental variables (e.g. total organic carbon, total nitrogen, Mg) was reduced, comprised 40 samples from 31 lakes, and was used to construct a transfer function for lacustrine arcellaceans for sedimentary phosphorus (Olsen P) using tolerance downweighted weighted averaging (WA-Tol) with inverse deshrinking (RMSEPjack-77pp; r2jack = 0.68). The inferred reconstruction indicates that OP levels remained near pre-settlement background levels from settlement in the late AD 1970s through to the early AD 1970s. Since OP runoff from both forests and pasture is minimal, early agricultural land use within the lake catchment was as most likely pasture and/or was used to grow perennial crops such as Timothy-grass for hay. A significant increase in inferred OP concentration beginning ~ AD 1972 may have been related to a change in crops (e.g. corn production) in the catchment resulting in more runoff, and the introduction of chemical fertilizers. A dramatic decline in OP after ~ AD 1985 probably corresponds to a reduction in chemical fertilizer use related to advances in agronomy, which permitted a more precise control over required fertilizer application. Another significant increase in OP levels after ~ AD 1995 may have been related to the construction of a large golf course upslope and immediately to the north of Haynes Lake in AD 1993, where significant fertilizer use is required to maintain the fairways. These results demonstrate that arcellaceans have great potential for reconstructing lake water geochemistry and will complement other proxies (e.g. diatoms) in paleolimnological research.
Vam monitoritzar paràmetres físics i químics, macroinvertebrats bentònics, clorofil·la a, productors primaris i matèria orgànica durant un any (2001-2002) per examinar els efectes d'una font puntual sobre la composició taxonòmica, la estructura de la comunitat, l'organització funcional, la utilització de l'habitat i la estoquiometria al riu la Tordera (Catalunya). Aigües avall de la font puntual, concentració de nutrients, cabal i conductivitat eren majors que al tram d'aigües amunt, mentre que oxigen dissolt era menor. La densitat de macroinvertebrats era més elevada al tram d'aigües avall però la biomassa era similar als dos trams. La riquesa taxonòmica al tram de dalt era un 20% més alt que al tram de baix. Els anàlisis d'ordenació separen clarament els dos trams en el primer eix, mentre que els dos trams presentaven una pauta temporal similar en el segon eix. La similaritat entre els dos trams en composició taxonòmica, densitats i biomasses després de les crescudes d'abril i maig de 2002, indiquen que les pertorbacions del cabal poden actuar com a un mecanisme de reinici de la comunitat bentònica i jugar un paper important per a la restauració d'ecosistemes fluvials. Els dos trams presentaven una biomassa de perifiton, plantes vasculars, CPOM i FPOM similars, mentre que clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses, molses i SPOM eren majors al tram d'aigües avall. La densitat relativa de trituradors era menor sota la font puntual mentre que col·lectors i filtradors van ser afavorits. La biomassa relativa de trituradors també era menor sota la font puntual, però la biomassa de col·lectors i depredadors va augmentar. Les relacions entre densitat de grups tròfics i els seus recursos eren rarament significatives. La relació s'explicava millor amb la biomassa de macroinvertebrats. Els dos trams compartien la mateixa relació per raspadors, col·lectors i filtradors però no per trituradors i depredadors. La densitat i la biomassa de macroinvertebrats es trobaven positivament correlacionades amb la quantitat de recursos tròfics i la complexitat d'habitat, mentre que la riquesa taxonòmica es trobava negativament relacionada amb paràmetres hidràulics. La influència dels substrats inorgànics prenia menor rellevància per a la distribució dels macroinvertebrats. Els anàlisis d'ordenació mostren com les variables del microhabitat de major rellevància eren CPOM, clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses i velocitat. La cobertura de sorra només era significativa per al tram d'aigües amunt i les molses, al d'aigües avall. El número de correlacions significatives entre macroinvertebrats i les variables del microhabitat era més elevat per al tram de dalt que per al de baix, bàsicament per diferències en composició taxonòmica. La biomassa de macroinvertebrats va aportar una informació semblant a la obtinguda per la densitat. Perifiton i molses tenien uns continguts de nutrients similars en els dos trams. Els %C i %N d'algues filamentoses també eren similars en els dos trams però el %P sota la font puntual era el doble que al tram de dalt. Les relacions estoquiomètriques en CPOM, FPOM i SPOM eren considerablement menors sota la font puntual. Els continguts elementals i relacions van ser molt variables entre taxons de macroinvertebrats però no van resultar significativament diferents entre els dos trams. Dípters, tricòpters i efemeròpters presentaven una estoquiometria similar, mentre que el C i el N eren inferiors en moluscs i el P en coleòpters. Els depredadors presentaven un contingut en C i N més elevat que la resta de grups tròfics, mentre que el P era major en els filtradors. Els desequilibris elementals entre consumidors i recursos eren menors en el tram d'aigües avall. A la tardor i l'hivern la major font de nutrients va ser la BOM mentre que a la primavera i a l'estiu va ser el perifiton.
A variety of human-induced disturbances such as forest fragmentation and recovery after deforestation for pasture or agricultural activities have resulted in a complex landscape mosaic in the Una region of northeastern Brazil. Using a set of vegetation descriptors, we investigated the main structural changes observed in forest categories that comprise the major components of the regional landscape and searched for potential key descriptors that could be used to discriminate among different forest categories. We assessed the forest structure of five habitat categories defined as (I) interiors and (2) edges of large fragments of old-growth forest (>1000 ha), (3) interiors and (4) edges of small forest fragments (<100 ha), and (5) early secondary forests. Forest descriptors used here were: frequency of herbaceous lianas and woody climbers, number of standing dead trees, number of fallen trunks, litter depth, number of pioneer plants (early secondary and shade-intolerant species), vertical foliage stratification profile and distribution Of trees in different diameter classes. Edges and interiors of forest fragments were significantly different only in the number of standing dead trees. Secondary forests and edges of fragments showed differences in litter depth, fallen trunks and number of pioneer trees, and secondary forests were significantly different from fragment interiors in the number of standing dead trees and the number of pioneer trees. Horizontal and vertical structure evaluated via ordination analysis showed that fragment interiors, compared to secondary forests, were characterized by a greater number of medium (25-35 cm) and large (35-50 cm) trees and smaller numbers of thin trees (5-10 cm). There was great heterogeneity at the edges of small and large fragments, as these sites were distributed along almost the entire gradient. Most interiors of large and small fragments presented higher values of foliage densities at higher strata ( 15-20 m and at 20-25 m height), and lower densities at 1-5 m. All secondary forests and some fragment edge sites showed an opposite tendency. A discriminant function highlighted differences among forest categories, with transects of large fragment interiors and secondary forests representing two extremes along a disturbance gradient determined by foliage structure (densities at 15-20 m and 20-25 m), with the edges of both large and small fragments and the interiors of small fragments scattered across the gradient. The major underlying processes determining patterns of forest disturbance in the study region are discussed, highlighting the importance of forest fragments, independently of its size, as forests recovery after clear cut show a greatly distinct structure, with profound implications on fauna movements. (C) 2009 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Este trabalho foi realizado na base de extração petrolífera, bacia do rio Urucu, Coari, Amazonas, nos meses de abril, junho e outubro de 2007, em 16 áreas, sendo 12 de clareiras e quatro de matas, categorizadas em quatro ambientes (C1,C2,C3 e MT) conforme o tipo de cobertura vegetal. O objetivo do mesmo foi estudar a composição, abundância, riqueza e diversidade de Calliphoridae e Sarcophagidae (Insecta, Diptera) como também avaliar a possibilidade destes táxons serem utilizados como parâmetros para avaliação do estado de recuperação vegetal das áreas de clareiras. Foram coletados 7.215 califorídeos (três subfamílias, oito gêneros e 16 espécies), sendo que as espécies Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy,1830) (88,06%) e Paralucilia adespota Dear,1985 (4,35%) foram as mais abundantes. Os padrões de abundância de califorídeos não diferiram entre os ambientes, porém os ambientes foram distintos em relação a riqueza estimada e diversidade, formando dois grupos (C1-C2) e (C3-MT). A análise de ordenação (escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico) demonstrou que os ambientes diferiram entre si, como também uma maior semelhança entre C1-C2 e entre C3-MT, em relação à estrutura de comunidades de califorídeos. Na família Sarcophagidae foram coletados 3.547 espécimes, distribuídos em 10 gêneros, 6 subgêneros e 23 espécies, sendo que as espécies Sarcodexia lambens (Wiedemann,1830) (47,05%) e Peckia (Peckia) chrysostoma (Wiedemann,1830) (19,11%) foram as mais abundantes. Nesta família os padrões de abundância, riqueza estimada e diversidade diferiram entre os ambientes e separaram os mesmos em dois grupos, um de clareiras (C1,C2 e C3) e o outro de mata (MT). A análise de ordenação (escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico) demonstrou uma separação entre a fauna de sarcofagideos das clareiras e das matas. A cobertura de dossel influenciou nos padrões de abundância da espécie Eumesembrinella randa (Walker, 1849) e de riqueza estimada de califorídeos. Na família Sarcophagidae apenas a abundância da espécie Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker,1861) foi maior nos ambientes com maiores porcentagens de coberturas de dossel. A abundância das espécies Oxysarcodexia amorosa (Schiner,1868), O. fringidea (Curran & Walley,1934), O. thornax (Walker,1849), P. (P.) chrysostoma e S. lambens apresentaram uma relação linear negativa com a cobertura de dossel. Estes resultados indicam a possibilidade do uso destes padrões como parâmetros na avaliação de mudança na estrutura da vegetação.
The composition of the ant fauna was examined in public squares of three municipalities that compose the hydrographic basin of the Upper Tiete River: Biritiba Mirim, Salesopolis, and Mogi das Cruzes. Richness, frequency of occurrence, similarity, and influence of seasons on the species composition were examined. The method was standardized as sampling units consisted of a set of three baits arranged in a triangle with vertices two meters apart. Sardines in oil were used as attractant. A total of 86 species was collected. Myrmicinae and Pheidole were the richest subfamily and genus, respectively. Eighty species were collected in Mogi das Cruzes, 49 in Salesopolis, and 45 in Biritiba Mirim, with 34 species common to the three areas. The ordination analysis (NMDS) revealed the presence of two distinct communities: one in Mogi das Cruzes and another in Biritiba Mirim-Salesopolis. These data were supported by the dendogram based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index. This result might be associated with the distinct geographic and demographic characteristics of the areas. Regarding seasonality, the composition of the fauna of Mogi das Cruzes is independent of the season of the year, unlike the observed in Biritiba Mirim and Salesopolis.
Abstract.- The effect of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum density over the diversity and composition of the mobile megainvertebrate community (> 2 cm) inhabiting shallow rocky reefs off the Canary Archipelago (eastern Atlantic) is described. Specifically, it was predicted that (1) high densities of D. antillarum produce a low diversity of the mobile megainvertebrate community, and (2) the composition of this community changes between rocky bottoms (= reefs) under different densities of D. antillarum. The presence of megainvertebrate taxa, and the density of D. antillarum individuals were recorded visually using 2 x 2 m quadrats (n = 16 replicates) in each of 24 locations (three locations in each of the eight main islands of the archipelago), which were visited in four occasions between February-2003 and October-2004. Thritythree taxa of mobile mega-invertebrates were observed. We registered a decline in the richness of such assemblages with increasing densities of D. antillarum (rs = -0.20; P<0.001). Species richness fluctuated considerably (0-16 species) in those locations with low densities of D. antillarum (< 2 ind. m-2). However, species richness was always low (< 9 species) in those locations with high densities of D. antillarum (> 8 ind. m-2). A CAP ordination analysis showed significant differences in the composition of the mega-invertebrate community between rocky bottoms under different densities of D. antillarum, and we registered a negative correlation between the presence of some taxa and the densities of sea urchin. Consequently, the sea urchin D. antillarum influences the diversity and composition of the mobile mega-invertebrate community on rocky bottoms off the Canary Archipelago. Resumen.- Se describe el efecto de la densidad del erizo Diadema antillarum sobre la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles (> 2 cm) que habita fondos rocosos del Archipiélago Canario (Atlántico oriental). Específicamente, se predijo que (1) las altas densidades de D. antillarum producen una baja diversidad de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles, y (2) la composición de las comunidades de mega-invertebrados varía entre fondos con diferentes densidades de D. antillarum. La presencia de especies mega-invertebradas, y la densidad de individuos de D. antillarum, se registraron visualmente en cuadrados de 2 x 2 m (n = 16 réplicas) en un total de 24 localidades (tres localidades en cada una de las ocho islas principales del archipiélago), visitadas en cuatro ocasiones entre febrero-2003 y octubre-2004. Se observaron 33 taxones de mega-invertebrados vágiles. Se registró una relación inversa entre la riqueza específica y la densidad de D. antillarum (rs = -0,20; P<0,001). En localidades con bajas densidades de D. antillarum (< 2 ind. m-2), la riqueza de especies fluctuó considerablemente, entre 0-16 especies. Sin embargo, en localidades con altas densidades de D. antillarum (> 8 ind. m-2), la riqueza de especies fue siempre baja (< 9 especies). Un análisis de correspondencia canónicas (CAP) mostró diferencias significativas en la composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados entre fondos sometidos a diferentes densidades de D. antillarum, y se detectó una correlación negativa entre la presencia de ciertas taxa y las densidades de D. antillarum. Consecuentemente, el erizo D. antillarum influye sobre la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de mega-invertebrados vágiles en fondos rocosos del Archipiélago Canario.
The experiments described in this thesis compared conventional methods of screening for neurotoxins with potential electrophysiological and pharmacological tests in an attempt to improve the sensitivity of detection of progressive distal neuropathy. Adult male albino mice were dosed orally with the neurotoxicant acylamide and subjected to a test of limb strength and co-ordination and a functional observational battery. These methods established a no observable effect level of 10 mg/kg. A dose of 200 mg/kg resulted in abnormalities of gait and reduced limb strength and/or co-ordination. Analysis of the in vitro 'jitter' of the latency of trains of action potentials evoked at a frequency of 30 Hz in the mouse phrenic nerve/hemidiaphragm preparation showed this technique to be unsuitable for detection of the early phases of acrylamide induced peripheral neuropathy (l00 mg/kg). The evoked and spontaneous twitch responses of the hemidiaphragm preparation following in vitro exposure to the organophosphorous anticholinesterase compound ecothiopate were altered by in vivo pre treatment with acrylamide. Acrylamide caused an increase in the time course of the potentiation of stimulated twitches and a decrease in the maximum potentiation. Spontaneous twitches were reduced in amplitude and frequency. These effects occurred at an acrylamide dose level insufficient to cause clinical signs of neuropathy. Investigations into the mechanisms underlying these observations yielded the following observations. Analysis of miniature endplate potentials at this dose level indicated prolongation of the life of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft but the implied decrease in cholinesterase activity could not be demonstrated biochemically or histologically. The electrical excitability of the nerve terminal region of phrenic motor nerves was reduced following acrylamide although a possible compromise of antidromic action potential conduction could not be confirmed. There was no histopathological evidence of neuropathy at this dose level. Further exploration of this phenomenon is desirable in order to ascertain whether the effect is specific to acrylamide and/or ecothiopate and to elucidate the mechanisms behind these novel observations.